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[Race Submission] Chelti


Lover of Purple
Inactive Member
Submission Type: Race Submission
Submission URL:/s

General Information:


Species Page:

Species History:

Homeworld Link:

Native System Link:

Faction: Chelti
FM Approved Yet? Yes.

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No. All links in the sandbox have been removed. They will be re-entered as those articles are filtered in (to prevent the reviewers going insane trying to read through twenty pages).
Previously Submitted? No.


This has been a long time coming, but changes can still be made to parts of these articles. I was hoping to get in contact with Wes before this was put up but was simply told to put it on the NTSE and see what would happen. Quite a daunting prospect as some of the History stuff is kinda controversial and kinda "super secret" within the setting. <,<;

So, after two years or so of skittery development, months of worried worrying, a small crisis, and four semesters it's finally open for public abuse...

Be gentle... :'(
Comments on General Info:

I think the psychic part needs to be clarified and references to mind reading removed, since that's not permitted by the ESP rules.

I'm not sure how tilting the planet a would make seasons more mild (it should do the opposite). The reason we have seasons is because the tilt stays the same direction as the planet orbits. See this article.

Chelti themselves have very low genetic diversity between sub-species, a defence mechanism against some predators.
How would that be a defense? And how does this make sense as the next section of the article is about their genetic diversity?
I've removed the ambiguous mention of their astrological situation. The planet is tidally locked, rather than tilted. Meaning that one side is always facing the sun, rather than the planet going through seasonal extremes.

May add more emphasis on "mild seasonal variance" in the future as well, not to be confused with mild seasons. On that note, I'll start moving the chelti homeworld and its system into the main wiki area and add the links to the opening post if requested.

I'm afraid I don't have the right words to really explain their empathy precisely in one word. However, rather than read minds, imagine that chelti broadcast their feelings to other chelti. This basically fills the role of something between tone of voice and body language, as chelti have very little facial muscles compared to humans.

This ability has also evolved defenses from creatures on their own planet that use psychic abilities to aid hunting. Mostly relating to "white noise" and other such distractions.It also has unique social implications that will be expanded on later, imagine being able to make everyone else in the room depressed simply by standing in it.

On the topic of genetic diversity, these are mostly sub-species that evolved largely in isolation of each other. However, when among their actual tribes or packs and such, they would have a similar effect as a herd of zebra's.

While the zebra's are able to recognize each other and communicate, to outside predators they appear as one group of the same animal and it becomes more difficult to pick out a target from this mass of very similar individuals.

So, unlike you and me, who may have different hair colour, face shape, eye colour as we have evolved to recognize others through these traits. Chelti biology originally evolved from this principle that to be picked out of the crowd by sight was death.

Reading that back I realize it's a little confused and garbled, but it's probably the best explanation I can tell you right at this moment.

Oh, yes. Before I end this, some people in the IRC have asked me some questions that I should probably also answer here.

Q: Will the chelti be an NPC race, or PC?

I will not be supporting any racial RP plots for the chelti (at least, not within the foreseeable future), as I don't have the GM skill or confidence yet to manage such. I will, however, not bar any one interested in creating one for their own amusement. Also, chelti are open to be used as Independent characters or similar, and these options will be expanded on as time and OOC agreements with other FM's allow.

Q: Are they baddies?

There's no straight answer to this, as they are deeply politically divided and chaotic by nature. Essentially plot GM's are more than welcome to use chelti as potential bad guys, even to an institutional level. The longer answer is that chelti are likely more attracted to the more illicit side of human societies.

Q: But don't they eat kittens or something? Are you sure they're not really Baddies?

Chelti society places a lot on reputation and ego, especially in the case of the highly competitive males. Many chelti play up to their species bad rap, but only a minority will reach it.

Many chelti are, in fact, pacifists to other sapient life. It's usually the warrior class or rogues who give rest a bad rep.

Q: It says they own a lot of territory, isn't this too much to start with?

Hmm, the wide reach is mostly for story reasons. Although in actual fact a vast majority of the systems you could define as their territory are completely uninhabited, and many others simply have small mining bases and other industrial infrastructure. Very few have actually had settlements established.

Think of it less of a consolidated block, and more like a patch work of small colonies, mining bases, and the occasional hub with multiple holes in where where either no one has been interested, or they just haven't exploited it yet.

Q: Some of these pictures and ideas you constantly ramble on about seem very high tech for what's meant to be a Standard tech-level species.

Many projects that have been linked in IRC are actually long term projects worked on expressly for personal recreation. Many of them won't see the light of RP for at least one OOC year, likely more.

Chelti technology will largely evolve in generational phases as they learn and adapt to the abilities and actions of other species.

Q: Why is there so many references to dirty bombs when chelti come up?

This stems from a terra-forming tool I formulated that, while harmless to creatures native to the chelti home planet, could be potentially devastating to other ecosystems if deployed on a habitable planet. This device, as well as my saying of never barring other players or plots from using chelti gear for their own uses, has basically created a running joke about chelti being as good at keeping their nuclear weapons to heart as immediate post-Soviet Russia.

Q: Did you just say NO weapons were barred from the hands of other players and GMs?

Yes, that's right. Although there are limits. If you want a character to somehow acquire a chelti nuclear warhead there had better be some darn good reasoning and backstory for it, other than that most other items are available if characters know the right people and have deep pockets.

This stance mostly lead from my own frustrations in similar issues, so while perhaps somewhat petty, I've decided to make chelti have extremely loose policies with their weapons stores. Have fun!

Q: Why do you never shut up about how "badass" they are?

Sorry, I just get excited and ramble. The "badass" theme stems from several inspirations for them, and so much work was made into making both chelti and their equipment intimidating without being over powered. Overall, it was designed to improve their worth as quality enemies in either action or dramatic roles.
It reads like the psychic part of the species is entirely self-contained โ€” i.e. it isn't useful for attacking/reading any other race but those native to their environment. As long as it can't be used against other races, i.e. PCs, it doesn't seem like a problem.

And they don't really seem OP, just different. Nepleslia or Yamatai could lay waste to the whole species in short order, as that's the balance of power we maintain.
I think Dosh meant that indivudual chelti might be more then a match for individual Yamataian or Nepleslian, but as nation, Yammies and Neps are not threatened by chelti at all.
Regarding the planet: If it's tidally locked, the North Pole (where axis of rotation meets its surface) must be perpendicular to the planet's location because the planet needs to rotate that way to keep its hot side facing the star. That side could still be your magnetic north pole AFAIK.

Re: Chelti vs Yamatai: This thread is no place for dong-waving contests. If the Chelti are approved as a background faction for GMs to NPC, we can scale the faction as needed for their plots. If they are a played faction, their size will depend on the amount of players they have. Which of the above we'll go with is something we should clarify.

Chelti Physiology: Needs text under the title header, which should include a link back to chelti main page. Note: Shouldn't we put a space at species:chelti? Wiki articles should never have an empty section between a header and an edit button and headers should always be followed by text.

Not sure what you're asking for with this one.

I always assumed magnetic North to be on the sunward pole, but it doesn't feature as strongly in chelti navigation as in humans because of the stability of their sun. It also means they have to use their moons to tell time.

I'm going to add the planet and system links in the OP post after this though for your viewing.

ShotJon and Ira are well aware that chelti were never intentioned to take on Yamatai, despite Doshii's rather blunt ego-stomp. They were aimed more towards being a competitor for medium-to-small level factions that couldn't/wouldn't deal with the usual mishu-zerg rush. The fact that chelti can also be reasoned with also sets them apart.

Does it look like I'm trying to make the new Mishu? Geez.

Done and done. Mostly the text under the header part was simply a question of moving the pictures around. Took a page from the Nepleslian book for this one.
I just realized I'd forgotten to update the Physiology link. Silly Jimmy. >,<;

Okay, that should work now.
Is this a background faction or a player faction?

See Factions for definitions.

The star system article looks good, but what color is the star?

Because of the constant exposure to sunlight much the Selocan upper canopy is actually designed to bounce sunlight rather than absorb it, giving the higher trees very dark foliage to help protect them from the constant bombardment.
Shouldn't they be chrome or lightly colored? Dark means it would be absorbent.
It's an NPC Faction Wes, I had a talk with Jimmy about that a little bit ago.
Kyle already answered about the faction thing.

Still trying to come up with a better answer for the black foliage other than "Because I wanted it to be alien" but I suppose we could also do something cool like have the foliage change colors between levels. Most of Seloca is not based on strict science.

The planet is further away from its star than Earth, so the star colour could probably be anywhere from yellow to orange. Certainly not a white or blue but warmer than a red. Didn't really get too imaginative with this one considering the planets are probably already colourful enough.
So, I've gone over my old material and, as well as finding some typos, I've come up with two ways we can tackle this.

I need to think on these a little more, I'll probably come to with one or the other, or perhaps a small mix of both over tomorrow. Anyone else is free to out-Spock me and give a reasonable third answer.
Okay, the Ecology section has been edited, but I'll probably keep adding information about some of the different regions to it as time goes on. These things never seem to reach a final version, somehow.
Your upper canopy could have leaves with a high silica content. The could have a thin crystal layer which would reflect a lot of the solar radition rather than sucking up heavy metals into the leaves which would probably make it hard for your foliage to get real tall. With a really high mineral content, your plants would probably grow with thick trunks and be rather squat.
The Chelti are now APPROVED.
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