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Race Submission: Tarkarians

You know, I think it says something that one of the first things I noticed is the boobs.
FiveMarks said:
You know, I think it says something that one of the first things I noticed is the boobs.

Not too surprising, after you noticed immediately when I changed Boots' cup size from what was on the template.
FiveMarks said:
You know, I think it says something that one of the first things I noticed is the boobs.

Ya think?

and if you really want to make a deal about it...

"The ratio of glands to adipose tissues rises from 1:1 in nonlactating women to 2:1 in lactating women." source

The glands produce the milk, while adipose tissue is essentially the fat of the breast.

and a diagram (PG-13, kids. Don't click if you're prepubescent.) just to further point out how much of a breast these take up. Here they refer to them as 'lobes,' however. boob diagram

And Five, congratulations. You just got me to make a post that I never would have conceived in my wildest dreams. Breast anatomy? Srsly.
So for total clarification, Tarkarian women have substantial busts because they are ALWAYS lactating. (In addition to hyper-empathy, they're hyper-fertile... ) Given the fact that this is an evolutionary offshoot of homo sapiens, it is quite plausible to say that the biology of their breasts have altered to further support my D-cup theory (lol).

Is this thing ready for approval yet? It's getting a bit awkward.
Teddo said:
(PG-13, kids. Don't click if you're prepubescent.)
You can't even join this site if you're that young, dear. Don't have to worry about it.

EDIT: And this study wasn't even done by Japan. I'm amazed.
What, they can't perform questionable boob-related studies outside of Japan? I find that racist. Racist against the sexual perversion of the rest of the world. Shame on you.
You don't know me, dear. (And I was kidding anyways. I'm chinese so I'm allowed to make fun of them. )
Blegh, this computer doesn't have Japanese on it. I had to use the special characters menu, so you only get a polite, 7 character insult. -_-

Anyway, I rarely speak in anything but jest. I know you were kidding, but I'm not sure you knew I was kidding, and you definitely seem not to have known I knew you were kidding.

-> -> But could someone, for the love of God, review this? Someone who can approve it?
*Gasp* Revolver! You insult me! What kind of woman do you think I am?

(Ninja Edit: Actually, don't answer that. -_-)
Alright, I finally got some time to look these over. Everything seems pretty decent. I have a few final questions:

* What are their military capabilities?
* Who is your backup faction manager in case you disappear?
Do you mean military capabilities of the Tarkarian fleet? If that's the case it would be:

* Military capabilities = nil.

Do I need a faction manager if I don't intend to make a 'faction?' Just to make clear, I do not intend to make a RP plot, my race is made with the intent of being a third-party species to be integrated into the ranks of the *somewhat* non-diverse main factions. They are meant to provide a bit more variety for character creation, as well as providing more depth for experienced players who want to explore a more psychological perspective of the RP.

->edit: I've been considering the subject of playability, and it does seem a bit rigid that the Tarkarians are hardly involved in the military. Perhaps I should make some of these changes?

-Given the general naivete of their species, most Tarkarians don't know the implications of the term 'military.' Some Tarkarians, primarily the more adventurous of the men, thought it would be interesting to join. After signing commitments, however, they found they were getting much more than they bargained for. Few were willing to give up their pacifistic ways, and those that didn't gained the ire of their superiors. Most of those who refused to fight were given safe, menial, boring assignments as a result.
-While Tarkarians largely abstain from violence, they are more than willing to establish relief efforts in areas of conflict. Groups of Tarkarians will pool together their resources to provide what aid they can to those in need. Others affiliate themselves with established relief groups, and a large number find a good cause behind the banner of the UOC; a cause that quite a few think is worth fighting for.
Submission Approved.

Congratulations--this is certainly an exceptional accomplishment.
And great job on getting the submission passed within your first few months of registered membership, too! HI-FIVE, and look forward to seeing you in Nepleslia!
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