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Raft and Raft Storage

What powers the raft motor?
Uso's Ego.


It appears to be battery powered, since it has a range limit and there are obviously no fuel tanks.
Hey Uso Could this have a price prehaps so it can be a civilian tech submission? that way the Yamatains and independent plots could use this too ^^
45 DA?

that's nothing, it's the equivalent of about 20 bucks. Modern day inflatable rafts with engines like these go for between 1,000 and 5,000 dollars, depending on if you want crap or a decent boat.

or you can go the surplus rout and get the boat for 200 and the motor for 200, but that's still considerable more than 20 bucks.
The raft needs its manufacturer listed.

There's a lot of terms that should be linked in the first section of the boat.

Are all the subarticles already approved?
Eat your heart out Energizer bunny. This sucker can run for 24 hours on a single charge.
I added the manufacturer for the raft, and I went through the K8 article to add in links where appropriate.

All of the sub articles are already approved. There are things like the 'ducted propeller' listed under engines which aren't actually links because I felt the name was self descriptive enough.
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