Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

Rage! (Pre-mission 1.0)


The Gunman
Interrogation room 2 aboard the NSS Thanatos
As Nero sat in the room alone again, he grew extremely irritated. He could see that he team was being played. They were to be thrown under the bus and left for dead. He couldn't stand the thought. He took off his beret and ran a hand through his long hair. As he did the door opened again, execpt instead of the perivous intel officer it was the Rear Admiral. Instinctively Nero stood and saluted. Orion waved him off.

"Captain." Orion said with disdain oozing from his voice.

"Sir." Nero stated calmly. 'This won't be good.' He thought.

"You are some piece of work aren't you." The Vice Admiral started. "I gave you command of the best cadets the NSN has to offier, yet you lost Fort Sentinel. You let two of them die in that shuttle crash, and your reckless actions nearly got everyone else killed. I don't know how we ever called you an ace." He said, enuciating the last word.

"Sir, wth all do respect..." Nero tried to start but was cut off by the Warhawk's stare.

"Captian Vega, we also know that you contacted your father over an unsecured channel and dicussed classified material." Orion gave the slightest glint of satification. "We have already dealt wit
h your father, but you..."

Nero slammed his fist into the table. "What did you do you son of a..." Nero said as two armed guards entered the room. They trained there rifles on Nero's head and fliped off the safties. Nero through gritted teeth rasied his hands above his head.

At this Orion hid a smirk. "Thank you boys, I think the Captain has learned his place." He said walking closer to Nero. "I could have you tried, court marshaled, and hung for what 'you did." he sneered. "But, I can't afford the headache you would cause if I tried that so I am giving you and your flight a second chance."

Nero stared through the man, hatred evident on his face. "How gracious of you 'Sir." He said spitting out the last word.

"Oh, don't thank me yet Captain." He said walking up to Nero and grabbing ahold of his captians bars and pulled them off. "As of this moment, you are relived of command and are demoted 'Commander." He smiled.
If looks could kill, Orion would be a bloody pulp on the floor. "Yes Sir. Who will be the new leader of the flight?" He growled.

A figure sat to one side locked eyes with Orion, gaze meeting his at a distance. Apparently she'd ben there the entire time. Slowly, she rose to her feet. She was tall. Dark skin. Muscle. Shortish hair, never covering her neck but long enough to cover an eye. Scars down one side. A Lorath dress uniform. Lips firm, eyes a dark green tight.

"I will." she said. Her voice was deep. "Acting Captain My'ean Idoku Fyunnen, callsign blackwolf" she said stiffly. She dripped of discipline.

Nero gave a half hearted salute. "Commander Nero Vega, callsign Crux. At your service Ma'am." He said almost oozing venom, pointed at Orion.

Orion smirked. "Captain, I assume you can handle things from here?" He asked moving to leave.

"Outside of the cockpit, I prefer to do things at a distance. Outside of mission planning and such, I'd prefer you liaison for me with Aquila Flight, given you already have a rapport, though the first word of trouble and I'll have to fill in myself, further demoting you. I trust I make myself perfectly clear?"

Nero scowled. "Of course Captain..." He said trying and failing to hide his anger.

"Good. I'd like to further aquaint myself with you, if you don't mind."

"Not at all Captain." He said watching the Lorath's every move.

"Mind if we drop the formalities. When its just you and me, My'ean is fine. Amongst the others, I would prefer captain though, for the sake of respectability until we get along better. Do you drink... Nero was it?"

"Yes, I do." He said dropping the formalities. Still he answered with caution.

"Would you can show me where I can find one?" she loosened her jacket, rolling it under her arm with a slow stretch, her shoulders slumping. Though she held that bored expression, it was less her trying to be standoffish and more her natural disposition from the sounds of things. "I've been dry since I got here."

From one room to another it seemed, and everything was real hush hush. First a consultant, next an escort to an interrogation? What else could possibly go wrong? Jayden had been brought to an already ongoing meeting between Nero and Orion, which looked a lot more like the beginnings of a trial. Having entered the room, Jayden saluted his superior officers and saw the pure hatred on Nero's face, followed by the smug look on Orion's, and lastly a face he'd not seen before.

"To what do I owe the honor, Admiral?" Jayden asked, calm and collected, kept together.

"Ah, Lt. Commander Solaris. A pleasuer to see you again. Commander Vega was just getting aquanted with
the new CO of Aquila Flight. I must leave, but you all get to know each other." He said walking out. "Always a pleasure Commander." He pointed at Nero.

"Commander?" A momentary pause from Jayden as his gaze shifted to the... wait another Lorath? "I take it you are the other part of the consulting party?" He asked My'ean.

"The better half, I should hope" she tried to smile, stretching her shoulders some. "The two of us work together a lot. Professionally, I'm a test-pilot by trade and a tactical instructor second. I also specialize in dissimilar training, so if I seem a bit out of spec with what's in use here, I'll find my way pretty quickly since its what I do for a living." she rambled some before spotting he was looking for a much simpler answer.

"Oh, right. Captain My'ean Idoku, Fyunnen. Back home I'm a first lieutenant. Callsign Blackwolf. I take it you're ..." she lowered her head slightly trying to get it. "Jayden...?"

"Lt. Commander Jayden Solaris. If my assumptions are correct, former XO of Aquila Flight. I wish we were meeting on better terms... My'ean." He looked to Nero, then back to her, his next words in Ly'thir. "Things aren't what they appear to be."

My'ean held up her index finger.

"Ah, ah, ah. I'm on a trade ship, so strict trade we speak: I'm not removing anyone from the conversation. Now, Mr. Solaris, what was that?"

Nero watched as Jayden introduced himself. He saw the side long glance he shot Nero and he returned it.
"Captain, I understand Ly'thir quite fine." He said; in Ly'thir, naturally. Trying to get her to listen.
She eyed the guards briefly, knowing they wouldn't speak the language. The penny dropped. Then she looked to Jayden.

"Go on, then..."

"Does the saying 'out of the pan and into the fire' mean anything to you?" He asked casually, keeping his body language drastically different from the conversation.

"It does. I take it you're not referring to our meeting" she said, shrugging.

"Things are going to get considerably worse in the near future. I'd bet a years worth of pay on it." Looking to
Nero, he followed up with a question.

"What happened beyond getting busted down?"

Nero looked to the guards then to My'ean. "The Cluster fuck at Fort Sentinel is being placed on me, and he has taken my father because we spoke after the battle." He spoke looking much calmer than the words he spoke betrayed.

"Well then..." Jayden spoke, very obviously in trade, "I guess we have things we need to go over with you,
Captain. Where would you like to go so we can discuss things further?" He knew too much speaking in another language would draw more attention than it was worth.

"Somewhere I can find a bottle and a bed, ideally in close proximity. I have something of a tradition of passing out amongst friends, usually in somebody elses bed, on my first day at any new deployment" she eyed her watch, then the guards. "Though, usually not men," she pointed from one to the other then back again waiting for someone to make a suggestion.

Nero walked forward to the door. "If you will follow me Ma'am." He said, also throwing a look to Jayden for him to follow.

Jayden shook his head. "Why don't I grab us a couple of bottles and we have a nice little getting to know you party in my room. That'll save face with the rest of the 78th for the time being. Any objections Nero?" He could see the defeat in the former Captain's demeanor.

"Sounds good," My'ean held up the gym bag on her shoulder, glass clinking from within. "I've already got mine. Its Lorath though. I was hoping to try something a bit more local."

"Sure Jayden, that sounds like a great idea." He said opening the door. "I will grab my bottle of Brandy on the way." Nero said ushering them out.

It wasn't long before they found their way stood in the doorway of Jayden's own personal space. My'ean whistled, being the first to step into the room regardless of what permission she sould be granted as she glanced about.

Jayden's room was not as spartan as was the rumor going around all of the 78th, in fact, it seemed like a home away from home. Highly organized, almost obsessively so with all his books, personal effects, and clothes. Two different computers, along with his DataJockey and personal watch type computer, strangely none of which on his person. Pictures of his parents and of his home back at Roger Wilco City.
"Its smaller than I expected" she glanced back, wanting to elbow him in the ribs over it. "So much stuff... You know, they don't let us keep this much unless we're further up the ranks? I didn't get this much until maybe two years ago" she whistled. "So Neppers are kalleptomaniacs..."

"I'm never here, and I'm never home either. This is more like a storage space than somewhere I try to spend a great deal of time." Jayden's eyebrow raised at her generalization about Nepleslians. "There's a good deal you have to learn about us, especially which are the kleptos and which are the honest ones. Nero... total klepto."

Nero glared at his former XO "Shut up Jayden." He said pouring himself a triple finger of Brandy and tossing it back. He pulled out his E-cig and took a long drag and let it out through his nose.

She sat on the bed almost immediately, lips forming not a frown but a look that brought her chin up in appreciation as she bounced some on the bunk, getting an idea for the feel of it before letting her bottles slump at her side: fishing into the bag.

"Jayden, music" she said, a bottle's backside going up into the air then back down, the neck leaving her lips as she started early. "Glasses wouldn't go amiss. What do you actually do when you're on downtime?"

"Good question." Nero replied dryly. " I haven't had down time in a while. I have been putting out fires day and night. I get enough time to smoke and sleep, but that is it." He said taking another drag.

"I'm a workaholic. If I'm not working on the betterment of the Nepleslian Star Navy's fielded equipment or fighters, I'm usually assisting in other active manners. Only recently was I reassigned to serve within an actual squadron after almost two years of working in R&D. The last time I took off, I went to Yamatai with my mother."

Jayden held a bottle of whiskey in one hand and vodka in the other, both prized for their quality. "Which would you like to try first?"

"I like to start out on the tastier stuff, then work my way onto the stronger stuff as I'm really out of it," My'ean shrugged, loosening the shirt of her uniform, undoing a few more buttons than she should have - the kinds of expectations and rules Nepleslians had about modesty with women apparently not applying on Lor. "You pick."

Nero rolled his eyes. "Go with the vodka then." He said pouring another glass of Brandy. It was obvious that he was lost in thought, and very angry. His rage almost bubbling to the surface, taking everything he had to stay calm.

Jayden raised the bottle of vodka, as if to examine it there before My'ean. "This is a personal favorite of mine, though it's a bit stronger than most." His eyes moved from the bottle to the new Captain, noting how comfortable she was getting.

The Fyunnen reached with both hands, taking the bottle in just one as she set her had on his wrist to keep it there long enough, reading before releasing both with a nod of appreciation, soon offering her glass to whichever filled it first.

"I don't imagine you like me very much, Mr. Vega"

"No Capetian, what ever gave you that idea?" He asked sarcastically. "I have lost my command, my father, and much more in only a few minutes." He said anger starting to bubble over. " And now, I am just a..." He
slammed his fist into the bulkhead.

"A VALUED MEMBER OF A TEAM IN SHAMBLES WHO LOST HIS POSITION PURELY AS A FORMALITY TO GET THAT PALE BITCH OFF MY BACK" My'ean barked in response, eyes firm, steely, determined to be heard. Her posture had shifted: Upright, gaze sharp. Even the muscles in her arm looked larger, some instinctive response to hostility in her bones. "Until you can at least prove you don't need babysitting..."

She glanced at her glass, filled during her outburst, downing the vodka slowly, steadily, eyes never leaving his as if she had him at gunpoint.

"All he needs is one more good public outburst so he can drop you from Aquila. Don't rise to it, you fucking idiot."

"AND HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO ACT WHEN HE THREATENED MY FATHER? THE ONLY ACTUAL FAMILY I HAVE. HE IS LOCKED UP SOMEWHERE FOR NO DAMN REASON." He shot back through gritted teeth. He dropped his glass of brandy on Jayden's desk. He turned and moved to leave. "I have other things to do." He said moving to open the door.

"Commander..." she said, her voice firm. Like a trainer with an animal, something in it telling him that if he took another step she'd beat him into a bloody pulp. That if he left the room, she'd put him down. He'd heard this tone before, usually drunken fathers dealing with unruly daughters out on Nepleslia's fringe worlds. Simmering, icy cold. "Sit. Down."

He turned flashing a look of pure hatred. "Yes Ma'am." He said droping down in the chair by the desk.
Settling her glass in Jayden's hand, My'ean discarded her jacket, moving over to him slowly: fingers wrapped about his collar as she dragged him effortlessly up onto his feet: Her own on the foot of the chair, sliding it
away before she released, giving him nowhere to hide. Was she going to pulp him anyway?

Jayden kept his mouth closed, watching the much needed clash of personalities to happen, with Nero getting served a healthy dose of humility. Sure he had his own issues, but he knew that there were bigger things that required

"Vega..." she said, cracking her knuckles. "have you ever struck a superior officer before?"

"No Ma'am" He stated

"You know how to throw a real punch?"

"Yes Ma'am" he stated again

While he stood 6'4, she towered over him. Beneath the uniform, she was muscle a Nepleslian couldn't hope to match without serious genetic therapy or drug use purely on the virtue of being Fyunnen; her chin level with his forehead. She took a simple step back, rolling her shoulders with a click.

"Show me."

With out warning or telegraphing the move, Nero tapped into his primal rage and threw a jab, straight for the Captains chin.

Her toes left the ground momentarily but her heel didn't. Balance perfect. Head still, only slightly turned neck stiff -- as a boxer would call it, 'eating the punch'.

"IS THAT IT?" she responded. A sharp inhale through her nostrils. "YOU CUT SHORT ON THE FOLLOW-THROUGH YOU'VE GOT MORE THAN THAT, YOU SACK OF SHIT" she took a step back, giving him the room he'd need for his fist to pik up speed. "THROW A STRAIGHT, LIKE YOU MEAN IT", she tapped her chin. "RIGHT HERE."

The sound of a freshly poured glass of vodka could be faintly heard in the background as Jayden continued watching the development between My'ean and Nero. Eyeing the clear liquid with forced interest before swallowing back the much appreciated liquor, he set the glass and bottle down and crossed his arms before him.

"I wonder if she's going to expect me to do the same..." He silently considered.

Nero roared as he cocked back and threw a straight, putting all of his strength into the punch. He didn't care any more. He let his rage fuel him.

My'ean's head twisted, pushed aside as her jaw sunk left -- in reflex, her shoulder dipping in what to Nero was slow motion. Something lifted him clean off his feet, doubling him over as his forehead met her's: his body knocked back across the wall. It was only when he felt the ache catch up with him, he realized she'd counter struck him square in the solar-plexus. She thumbed at her nose, eyeing blood before scenting again - perfectly calm: her breath slow: what would be considered comatose by Nepleslian standards. The difference was like that between an adult and a child.

"My mother taught me never to hit a man. Trust me, when I say its for your own good. One for one makes us even. Now your head should be a little clearer, you should get your position back within the month, sooner if you play ball with me. As for your old man, my associate is pretty good with that sort of thing. If I don't get results inside that month, you get another free shot. Now, are you going to be a little boy and cry about it, or are you going to come sit with us and act like an adult?" she said, taking her drink and settling back down where she began.

Nero looked up at her, defiance in his eyes. He was still beyond angry and that wouldn't change, even after trading blows. He spat blood into his glass as he leaned against the far wall. "Nice punch, for a stone cold bitch." He said.

"Thanks. At forty, I should be at my prime, shouldn't I?" her nose twitched, thumb regarding her chin now. "Are you going to sit with us or not?"

Though it pained him, he sat. His pride being wounded twice now. Being demoted and beaten by his new superior officer, in front of his XO. He stayed silent, grabbing his bottle of Brandy and taking a swig. 'Well fuck me.' He thought angrily.'

She watched how far the bottle went, as she took a sip from her tumbler, reaching carefully into her bag. She produced three large bottles of Lorath wine, seating them on the bed-side table. The witing was a mess of modern Lorath and indecipherable orthodox that wasn't taught to foreigners: twisting the top off the dark blue of the three.

"Let's start from the top. Jayden, you've been quiet. Where did you grow up? Anywhere nice?" she offered to pour him some.

"Well that was... entertaining." Jayden thought before responding to My'ean's question. "I grew up in Upper Haven, where the social elite and most powerful figures tend to show off their wealth. Roger Wilco City is one of the better places to live on Planet Nepleslia, though it has its shady areas just like anywhere else I would have to say. Despite popular belief, I didn't have that rich family perfect life that tends to come with having money. In fact, if I could trade my family's wealth to have my sisters back... I probably would." He took a deep breath, feeling the tension still lingering within his room. It was thick enough to cut with a knife.
"What else would you like to know, My'ean?" Jayden asked before moving to pour himself a bit more vodka.
"Who was the first person you really liked? A teacher? Something like that?" she sipped, listening.

"As weird as it sounds, my only real friend for the longest time was my mother. I've had acquaintances when I was finally able to go to public schooling, and a few more in college, then a few less when I entered the service. I figured it pretty much comes with the territory." His response was matter of fact, as if it weren't a big deal sharing of himself.

"Mommy's boy, then?" she pat his back. "I can appreciate that. Nero, how about you?"

Nero took another swig. "Its a long story. Besides, it doesn't matter. She is dead anyway." He said, not wanting to relive the moment again.

"And your father?" My'ean continued.

Nero sighed. "I used to be an urchin." He started. "While begging one day, a man came up and cut this cross on my face. He then beat me half to death. A marine happened to pass by and find me. That marine took me and and cared for me like his own son. Thaddeus Vega is the greatest man I ever knew." He said taking a drag from his E-Cig.

"Heavy stuff. Any good memories?"

"Sure. After Thaddeus took me in, things were good. Spending time with my late girlfriend was even better." He said "Her name was Naomi Guardenia, used to be my wingmate years ago." He said, opting for the brief explanation.

My'ean was onto her own wine now, drinking from a crystal tumbler she'd brought herself, rectangular in shape with chamfered edges. She apparently had ice in the form of a large ball in a wooden box, the interior metal: opened, deposited in the tumbler to nearly fill it, the other two balls left behind as she sealed it shut again.

"And what were the good things you remember?"

Nero gave a small smile. Remembering what they did. "I took her out on a date after one of our sorties. We walked into town and had drinks. She thought it was a good idea to beat me at drinking. Needless to say, it was not. I had to carry her bridle style while she tried to form coherent sentiences." He laughed a bit. "If you knew her, you would know that she hated that kind of mushy stuff. But to see her like that was... well... it was great." He said taking another swig.

"More like she had to carry you, if I remember correctly." Jayden snickered a bit, eyeing My'ean and her Lorath wine along with the provisions she kept.

Without taking her eyes off Nero, she picked up the bottle, slowly handing it to Jayden, like a parent
pacifying a child as she listened to another adult.

"Sounds nice."

"It was. We completed each other perfectly. She was..." He stopped. He couldn't think about that. Not right now. He took a long drag and let it out slowly. "I wanted to marry her." He said taking off the engagment ring from his finger and tossed it at the Lorath. "I was to late." He finished.

Jayden poured himself some of the wine, taking in its scent and admiring its color. Hearing the pain in Nero's voice, it was similiar to his own whenever he allowed himself to consider how his sisters died. The biggest difference being that he wasn't in love like Nero was. "Well, let us drink to the good things we've all had and remember what we still have to lose." He raised his glass, then took a careful sip of the wine shared with him.

"Cheers" My'ean took a sip. She noticed, with her glass up that Nero hadn't, eyes frowning over the rim of her glass.

Nero silently grabbed his bottle and rasied it. "Cheers." He said taking a swig.