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This looks good to me. Because this is a Freespacer I would like for @Lamb to take a look before I approve it. I think it looks great, and as long as Lamb gives a green light I will approve this.
She looks like a pretty typical post-Hassan hateSpacer. And I can see you read a lot more of the fluff than the usual new Freespacer player. That's simply wonderful. If I could just make one minor request: You may want to specify (because of her job) whether she's a Type II or a Type III. A Type III would be unusual for this profession, but certainly more fitting for a follow up to the noble (if unheard of) Arccos Two-Two. And the reason why I ask you to specify is that a Type II would be more efficient as a worker but less capable of learning and developing their trade. The Type III would be more likely to come up with new and interesting things to do with their work. I guess the real question is whether you want to play a character who's still learning or who might have some built-in competence.
Either way, think about it or don't-- if you want to just close your eyes and stab out your finger then update the wiki page, I'll leave off and approve.
I wrote with a Type III in mind, since it seemed that they would be the ones most likely to actively set out on their own and take up a role outside of freespacer communal society and pre-assigned place within it. I also didn't intend for their predecessor to be particularly noble, just well liked within their own small fleet. I'll update it to the wiki.
Well, there's no such thing as Freespacer nobility really-- Prince Hassan only has his title because of his criminal ventures, though his patriotism makes him seem like a leader. When I call Arcoss Two-Two noble, I just mean to say the individual was (speculatively) noble-minded and kind so as to explain why everybody liked them enough to stick their entire genetic code into the genebank as a pre-set... or maybe s/he was just a hilarious Polysentience troll and the fleet just decided to preserve that wit for the ages.
Whatever the case, thanks for updating the character, I'm in complete approval-- @Gunhand4171 , take Dumont on a magical space journey.