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Approved Submission [Raiconian Alliance] Raiconian Alliance Communication and Tactical Advantage Gauntlet


Inactive Member
Submission Type: Communications Gauntlet
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=raiconian_alliance:protectors_of_the_alliance:ractag

Faction: Raiconian Alliance
FM Approved Yet? (Yes/No; Who, When) The Sham says it shall be so
Faction requires art? (Yes/No) Sure, why not

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? (Yes/No) No
Contains New art? (Yes/No) No, but has it (It is actually Siyo's gauntlet, cut off)
Previously Submitted? (Yes/No; explain reason if rejected) Nope

Notes: Isaac Goldhammer wrote most of it. He wanted me to submit it anyway.

Anyhow, gauntlet is an omni-tool sorta. Enjoy.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Cool art, good submission.

Few questions:

1. What are the RACTAGs made of?

2. How are they powered?

3. If the citizenry would be up in arms over being tracked, how have they not made the connection that this government-issued device tracks them? Have they figured it out already and just stopped caring?
1) If you'd like that listed, it'd be the unapproved material, A'unavaris'rhi. (Or however I spelt it)

2) Rechargable Battery/Charge packs thingy-ma-jigs. I figured it wasn't safe to put a fusion core in it.

3) Because it isn't obvious. The government already had a surveillance network prior to the RACTAG. They know it sends some information to the government, like vitals and stuff. They don't know it tracks where they are exactly, 24/7. That's when it was made.

Now, they've figured it out and Vero Emkal has disabled the tracking stuff. Normal Raiken citizens don't really care at this point. It keeps crime down, way down. Also, the Alliance wouldn't really tolerate anyone speaking out at this point, not with Vero Emkal lurking.
1. You can put the unapproved material down for now. If it needs to be changed, it can be.

2. Can the power source be listed?

3. That works.

4. Just to be sure, is there a control interface of any sort on this thing?
1) Did done it.

2) Listed.

4) Uh... the screen on it...? Think of it like a smartphone attached to your wrist. Or do you mean something else?
Added a sentence on functions for that.

"The RACTAG is controlled via the touchscreen display on the device."
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