Star Army

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Implemented Raise the Minimum Age of the Nepleslian Military to 21


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In my capacity as wiki admin and assistant FM of Nepleslia I was updating character creation guides to see if any "the current year is" lines needed updating when I came across this:

The minimum age for a naturally-born person to join the Nepleslian military is 16. HOWEVER; these members of the Nepleslian military are generally put into early enrollment units and programs, such as technology divisions. No one under the age of 18 is allowed to serve in active field duty and/or operations.
I propose we update this section to discontinue Nepleslia's use of child soldiers. I know that Nepleslia is now in the Third Mishhu War but we have ID-SOLs and clones, we don't need naturally-born kids. This gets weird when you consider that since this part of the guide was written we've fleshed out the IC calendar, and, due to the IC year being 315 days, the years line up a little different, and the IC ages are 16 and 18 could be roughly equivalent to 13.8 and 16.4 Earth years. The easy solution is to just edit this so that Nepleslian ships stop having cabin boys or fighting lads or whatever they're called and just raise the minimum age to 21 IC years which is 18.1 Earth/OOC years. This seems straightforward to me but I figured I'd run this idea by everyone before making a change, and I'd like to hear from the other Nep FMs.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Honestly I wouldn’t personally have even had the time and effort to figure out 16 meant 13 ooc and i doubt many others would of, i can understand wanting to prevent openings for creeps and keep the site looking good from the outside so doesn’t bother me as a nep player, i think most people would be making chars above that age anyway
Problem with non-standard calenders. Nepleslia is most likely worse since they have a 220 day year, I am not going to attempt to try to calculate an 18 year old equivalent. Considering the influence Yamatai has, they can always temporarily annex Himiko's Gift and give it back on condition that they change to 21 years equivalent.
I always just assumed Neps were born old enough to drink liquor and smoke cigars, tbh
Chronometry deep lore for Star Army.

I kinda always thought that Nepleslia used the operational (365 day) Calendar. (The change was right around when I joined the site.) There is a lot of shrapnel from us having lots of calendars in use and not being clear about which one we are using. Having two (The IRL one and Yamatai's) is hard enough. Enough to where it's tempting to have some giant space negative space wedgie disaster come along and knock Yamatai's orbit around a bit so it uses the IRL one (arranging such a disaster for Earth so it uses the Yamataian one is somewhat more difficult). That said, it is one of the distinctives of Star Army. That said, I'm very glad that I've never had the bright idea to have a different calendar for Separa'Shan.

Without such a drastic move, I think that shrapnel such as this should just be fixed when it's noticed.
21 ic would be like 18, right? Why not just write Biologically 18 so nobody really gets confused imo.

As for if they should? Probably. I wouldnt if I were a nep senator because it would get my lynched trying to propose after back to back sector superwars and now on the eve of a new one cutting down any recruitment whatsoever. But neps military OOC is so outdated in its numbers or never really defined anyhow I could add three or four zeroes to any estimates of what it really is on the wiki and it would still likely be near the tens or more million mark if every planet of billions could only somehow raise only a million marines despite neps patriotism.

But im no senator so I say go for it~
(Also my Grand Admiral already drafted in several hundred thousand more troops and personnel months ago so it wont affect his numbers!)
Biologically 18
I think that "biologically an adult" might be better wording and consistent with the fact that I think almost every species in the setting matures at different rates.