Star Army

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP Raising Kaine


Inactive Member
RP Date
RP Location
Obsidian City
40 YE Year’s End Obsidian City, Haven Park

The Sanctuary Festival has drawn to a close and everyone is returning home for the night. Elisys has decided to stay for a little longer until she has to return the barracks.

As she looks up towards the night sky, she notices what looks like a shooting star seeming to grow larger as it passes overhead. It’s only until it’s streaks past her that she realizes it’s not a meteor and goes to see what it is after it lands.

Her trail would lead her far outside the city limits, out into the jungle. The wild lands had grown silent with the sudden thunder of a powerful impact, but soon resumed it's chorus. Following the column of smoke, the engineer would find what looked like a crashed small craft of some sort. its hull was shattered and scorched from re-entry. There was a massive tear in the sad remains of what possibly could have been a very pretty ship.

Elisys had some slight difficulty moving through the jungle, but she managed only a few scratches for her troubles. As she came upon the wreckage, her first thought was to call someone for help. ‘Not very likely‘ she reminded herself ‘I was following this for god knows how far, and any help I’ll get might be too late for anyone inside.’ Elisys looked around the ruined ship to see if she could find some sort of enterance.

The ship she was currently presented with was only the front half of the craft itself. Where the other half was, was anybody's guess. The furrow in the earth it's impact dug, made it so that all Elisys had to do was walk around to where the interior of the ship blossomed out from the craft ripping in half. It would give her access to the inside of the wreck, or what was left of it anyways. When she neared this opening, a slow and low chime could be heard, most likely signalling distress. She could follow it in as a guide, the sound emenating from only one area of the ship.

Elisys goes inside the destroyed spaceship to see what’s inside. As she wandered inside, she used the chime as a guide to help her navigate through the interior. If the sound was getting quieter, she would go back the way she came and try a different path until she eventually arrived at the source of the noise. ‘Usually if there’s noise, that means something is still around, right?’

One might think this, but this was electronic, like a fire detector alarm. it grew louder and louder as she sought it out, until she isolated it behind a door that was off it's track. It was opened enough to allow her to peek inside, and tell what was inside.

It was a space that looked like a medical lab, equipment scattered and smashed, any furnishings utterly ruined. One thing that stood out the most and looked almost completely intact, was a pod of some sort. It had a smooth glossy grey surface, and was shaped like a upside tear drop laid on it's back. If she listened for a moment, it would become clear that the pod was the source of the chime.

Elisys peered inside and took stock of what was inside. It was obvious that something went down inside the ship. The lab inside looked like it also seen better days, but what captivated her interest was the machine inside making the chime. ‘So That is what is making the noise! Now to get inside and open the pod...’ she attempts to force the door open, then will try to find something to help her open it if force doesn’t work.

At first, it only budged a few inches open, but there was a bar on the deck by her feet. Using it, the door would pry open a few more inches at a time until it was most of the way open. With the way clear, she had a path to the pod, and it's very appearance beckoned at the young woman's curiousity. The pod was familiar to maybe someone more versed on modern technologies across the sector, but as a Dovanian, the tech would seem utterly alien to her.

Elisys made her way to the pod, planning to look at the other stuff later. She looked around to see if there was any way to use it. ‘When all else fails, touch it I guess.’ Elisys reached out and laid her hand on the surface of the pod.

The surface warmed, a light tracing over her hand for a moment which caused vibrations in the pod itself. The chime suddenly stopped and a low hum could be heard from within, like that of a internal system running. suddenly there was a click, and a flashing green circle appeared for a moment then disappeared again.

A seam could now be seen slowly forming in the surface, which traced the shape of a large hatch that was the front of the rounded area facing the young woman. Once it had been completed, there was a hiss as the hatch popped open, releasing a wave of blue fluid which ran over her boots. A thud was heard as a body in a suit washed out onto the deck.

Elisys stood frozen as the pod did.... whatever under her hand. She was a little scared to move it if she was being honest here. Elisys went into action rather quickly once the body came out.

She immediately cleared the cleanest looking area of rubble and debri. After that, she picked the body up and laid it down on the cleared area. ‘Is this guy still alive?’ She wondered to herself as she looked over his body, trying to see if he was in fact alive. ‘I wonder how they got themselves
into this in the first place?’ She wondered as she poked his cheek.

The man had part of the suit over his face, appearing to be some sort of mask with a hose attached. He jerked when she touched him and scrambled to get the mask off. A coughing sound could be heard muffled under it. He was getting frantic and clearly was panicking.

Elisys, noticing his panicking movements, tries to detach the hose at the very least, or get him out of the suit. “I’m sorry about making you panic! Can you help me get is off of you?” Elisys makes an attempt to speak with him while fiddling around with the suit.

When she pulled on the hose, it pulled the mask with it, and the legth of hose that was inside the man's throat. As it was yanked free, he rolled over coughing up blue fluids onto the deck. Wheezing, he sucked in a lung full of air as he sat up. His hair was a dark brown, his skin somewhat tanned, and when she saw his eyes they were a silver.

He was the spitting image of Mark, but....younger, and with no visible scars. "Oh fuck, wh-where am I?", Kaine asked aloud as his eyes finally saw the inside of the lab, before they settled on Elisys, "Wait who are you?"

As Elisys got a better look at the man, she nearly mistaken him for Mark. ‘He looks exactly like Dad! But hopefully he doesn’t have his wish for death.’ Elisys was shaken out of her thoughts when the young man spoke.

“If you’re asking about the ship, my guess is as good as yours,” Elisys responded “uhh planet wise, then your on Sirris VI, if that helps. Obsidian, a huge city, isn’t that far from here!” Elisys stood up proceeds to offer the man her hand.

”Elisys Amare! You can call me Eli if you want!”

He looked at her warily at first, but slowly took her hand, "Kaine 3487....I don't know what happened....I was with a unit I had been transfered into, then we were doing an invasion of a Kuvexian occupied world. Last thing I remember is we were under heavy fire and cornered in of the capital city." He tried to recall how he had ended up like this, but he couldn't remember anything about it at all, and looking down at himself....all his gear was gone, as well as personal effects. "If they can help me, can you please take me there miss Am-..Eli?", Kain said before correcting himself, thinking to 'to hell with formality, I need help here'.

“Kuvexian?” Elisys asked, seeming very puzzled as she helped him up ”There somewhere near the center right? Can’t say I’ve heard of them really.” As the man got onto his feet she added “You ready to go or should we try to search for some clothes?”

"They're in a completely different sector of space, and were gearing for war with the empire last I checked.", He said looking down at the rather glove like suit he was in. To be honest it didn't leave much to the imagination of his toned and lean body. This was quite embarassing, but looking around at the design of the ship, it was clearly not human and therefore highly unlikely to find anything here. "Uh, I don't think I'm going to find any here. This is not a human ship.....sadly, so I'm stuck in this thing until we can get to the city I guess."

“Alright, let’s go!” Elisys says as she gestures Kaine to follow her out of the ship. As they get to the ‘enterance‘ of the ship she gesture to the jungle. ”The jungle is a little thick, but it‘s fairly easy to navigate.”

"Da hell? All the plants are orange.......This is already a weird planet. What government did you say controls this system?", Kaine commented as he followed her out, the sounds of nature a comfort to him. He had always liked secluded areas away from other people, the darker the better. Maybe he could find a cave nearby if the worst was to come, or he just needed a place to hide every once in a while.

”New Dusk Conclave, Jack Pine and Mark Oaklen are the founders. As for the plants, I believe the reason is that the chlorophyll is an orange pigment instead of green.” As they walk a little further towards the city, Elisys adds in “You kind of look like my dad, if I have to be honest.”

"Don't get me wrong, but kind of an odd thing to point out.......So who is your dad?", he said, finding the comment weird, but figured asking couldn't hurt. Besides, what were the chances it was that man anyways. Given only void knew how long he had been slumbering, the suicidal asshole probably got himself killed by now.

“Mark Tazar is my dad, but not my biological dad.” Elisys explains “To make a long story short, he was kinda the reason why I realized my bio parents were assholes and I wanted and I respected how hard he pushed us and the other recruits so that we could survive.” She turns to Kaine “Does that answer your question?”

Kaine stopped and began to laugh, "Wait he's still alive? Man I thought my progenitor would have gotten himself killed on one of his suicide ops. That man is one tough son of a bitch, probably why I've lived this long." He finally stopped laughing and caught his breath, "Yes it does, and you might find it a surprise that I am his clone. When he left the military, they didn't want to give him up. So three weeks later, I was flushed from the tube, and sent on every high risk op possible. Intended to run every suicide mission I was given......what year is it?"

“I have to agree on the hard to kill part, he saved me from getting blasted by a Tank Killer and Void knows what else. I...owe him big time.” Elisys looks a little sad after saying that.

Elisys gives Kaine a gentle look “40YE is just ending, guessing you wanted to know how long were out then?”

He was quiet for a long moment before he answered quietly, "At least you survived, most people end up dead around us..........So I've been in that pod for a whole year. I guess the invasion was a failure, not surprised, we were outmatched from the start. The war must be well underway already, and most likely,....I'm listed as KIA and already replaced."

“Well, I guess am really lucky to meet him. If I hadn’t... I would have still though I needed to be some kind of...perfect soldier for anyone to care about me. Maybe I would realize it later, but I... don’t know if it would have too late for me.” Elisys looks a little somber, yet smiles at Kaine “But.. maybe this can be a new start for you. Not completely over, but you can have people who would have your back no matter what.”

"Who wants a throw away. I was only made as fodder to die on a battlefield because a government made me and put a rifle in my hands. Governments are abusive, controlling, greedy, and hungry for power.", Kaine with his head hung low, "They told me day one out of the tube. Took me into the cloning plant and point at each of the other me's and said, "As first of the batch, you pick the name, but you'll never have a last name. You'll have a serial code and that's it. And once you die, then he will take your place, then when he dies the next one is are only here to die so others can have the freedom they deserve.""

There was the plunk of dirt as he dropped to his knees, "I have nothing.....He got to come here and live the fairy tale, and I was shipped to a grave yard. Who wants the back of a puppet?"

Elisys felt tears come to her eyes as she kneeled down next to him “Kaine, you are your own person, not a puppet. I can guarantee you that people here are amazing and good! I—“ She pauses for a moment.

“I was left to fend for myself when I was young. A lot. My father would put just enough money for food then he and other genetic donor would leave for days, months even, at a time. My dad tried to be kind to me, teaching how to shoot and racing me around the scrap yard. But at some point one of us built a wall that he adds onto every day now. My other genetic donor acts like I never existed. Every time I tried to talk to her, she just ignored me. At some point, when I was about 8, I got this idea that if I succeeded in the military as a engineer, they would, I don’t remember exactly what—an equal? Fat chance of that. Mark always works until he looks like he is going to drop and comes back from missions with more shrapnel than I want to know about! I know someone who’s life got destroyed by pirates and another wh—I shouldn’t say, it’s their story to tell.” She shakes her head

“The point I want to make is that this isn‘t a fairy tale ending. No one comes riding in with a cure to all our troubles. But we can at least help each other out.” Elisy wipes her eyes and pulls herself up, offer Kaine a hand once she is standing. “C’mon, we aren’t that far away from the city now.”

He look hesitant at first, but took the offered hand to rise off the dirt. "Guess I'm in the right place then.....So I don't suppose you know anyplace I can stay once we get there...I mean like a home, or where ever for me, not to make- yeah I'm just gonna cut myself off there.", Kaine said before stopping as he realized how bad that sounded. Void, he made it sound awkward, and last thing he wanted to do was piss off the nice girl because he accidently made it sound like he was coming on to her.

"I think the first stop though will to be buying some clothes so I can get out of....whatever the hell this is. It's not modest by any means, and I'm sorry you have to be around me like this.", he added, apologizing for his current state of dress. It really didn't leave anything to the imagination and suddenly that made him conscious in the presence of a woman. Especially since she had been so nice to him so far.

Elisys laughs as he stumbles with his wording “No worries! There are some Dovanian barracks here, so I might be able to get you a bunk bed there. As for the clothes I know there are some fatigues you can wear temporarily until you can buy some casual clothes. However...” She gives him a mischievou smile. “I think you should keep what you’re wearing. It looks good on you.”

A deep blush came over his face at that, "Well um, that's nice of you to say, but it's kinda cold out and-and it isn't the warmest thing t-to wear." He consciously held his arm by the wrist keeping them in front of himself. "Don't get me wrong, but barracks and fatigues? I would rather avoid anything military if at all possible. S-surely there is someone we can go to, so I can find aid?"

“Ah, I see!” Elisys scratches her head “I.. don’t really know a lot of people who are both on planet and non-military who could help us. Hopefully, Orias is still on the planet, it would help immensely in that case.”

As she moved through one last set of bushes, she pops out onto a main road about 1 mile away from the city. “Sweet! We aren’t too far away now! Just a little more until we reach Obsidian!”

"I've never heard of this place, or the government, are they new?", Kaine asked.

“You’re right about them being new. Section 6, that’s another name for them, separated just this year from OSO. The main reason was because Jack Pine was sick and tired of sending people to their deaths. That’s as much as I know though. I actually have met him before too!” Elisys responds.

Kaine recognised the name, a little surprised to hear that he was running a government. It was strange, almost made him feel as if he really had been asleep for years, and not just one. Though logically, given it had only been one year, this government couldn't be very large at all. "So the famed lieutenant went from leather neck to lord.....what a strange turn, almost as if I woke up in another reality. I know your father probably still has the memorial lighter for that unit. I remember it from the one day I had met him in person, had crimson sword with black wings, and enscribed below was "In memory of the Angels of Retribution -YE39". He always kept it close, so I'm guessing he works for this Jack now correct?"

As they walked, the dirt gave way to metal road as they began to cross the bridge, the sounds of what must have been a FOB behind them. The metal was damp and cool, almost uncomfortably so through the suit, "Goddess, why does a jungle have to be so cold. I thought they were supposed to be tropical or somethin. Freezing my ass off in this damn plastic wrap jumpsuit, or whatever the hell it is." he said rubbing his arms as he tried to bring warmth back to his body.

”No idea about the temp, but we should be near the city soon.” Elisys said as they made their way over the bridge “As for your other question, yes. Mark was also the man who made my first day of boot camp hell. Shock rounds hurt like no tomorrow, you know?” She smiles as she reminisces over her first few days. The highs, lows, and everything in between.

"Yeeaaahh, mine was less then tame like that. The unit I was sent into of another government, handled our rounds were used. 3 out of 10 died, with more of us frequently getting injured. When you're trying to make the passing grade and the lizard man next you get's his brains blown out, then you know you really are in hell.", Kaine admitted somberly, having a far less fond feeling for his training. Everything abut that deployment had been hell, and how he managed to live was utter mystery. This place sounded like heaven, maybe he really was dead?

Elisys looks at Kaine with concern, “Mech too? Void, having to deal with one of those was an absolute nightmare, I’m terrified to think of if it had live rounds.” Elisys shudders at the thought. “Speaking of shuddering...” Elisys takes off her Jacket and puts it around Kaine’s shoulders. “You look like you need it more than me right now...” She adds with a slight blush.

"Thank you, I was very cold. But yeah, it was a cruelty and unfair treatment of anyone involved. I quite frankly don't want to ever have to ever pick up a rifle again unless in self defense. If that what a military is like, then I don't want to be some government's throw away. I hope this place we're going actually offers a choice to it's people.........also I've probably said this already, but thank you.....I owe you a lot.", Kaine went on as he elaborated on the horrors of his last "enlistment".

"Section 6, as far as I'm aware of, doesn't make it mandatory for enlistment. So you don't have to worry about that. Dovania does require all citizens to serve in the military for five years, but then we can go into a different field once we're done. After I finish my time, I'm planning to go into R&D to help make safer ways of traveling." She smiles as she looks up into the sky. "And hopefully see more of the galaxy."

"Sounds nice, maybe I'll join you in that journey somehow, don't know anyone else I'd hang with. Also, is this Dovania place where you're from?", Kaine asked as they walked along the path. He was curious about this woman, wanting to know more about this person who had been so kind and caring. He never had the luxury of having a crush before, but this certainly felt like one.

”Born, raised, and working for! If you compared space to roads, then we’d be a back road’s back road.” She replies back. She isn’t sure why she is feeling like her heart is feeling as if it was free falling, but she wants to find out. “So, what places have you seen!”

"I...don't know their names....I would just be put on a transport...and go do whatever operation they needed me to slog through. Only two I can name, are Nepleslia, and this place you called Sirris VI. And...back road's back road, sounds kinda nice, like someplace quiet and out of the way.", he answered, unable to remember a name, nor even a detail of all the hells he was shoved into. There was never time to take things in, only survive. This woman was being so friendly to him, it caused unfamiliar feelings in the clones heart, so something new to explore.

Elisys nods, “Although Dovania still has some problems, it has them relatively under control. I like to think it’s going to get better from here on out.” She smiles as she puts her hands behind her head, “I’ve only been to two planets my entire life, but I want to at least see the surface ‘closer’ to the galaxy’s center, you know?”

"That's very ill advised. The center of a galaxy is nothing but black holes and exploding stars, the radiation alone would kill you before you got close. Don't worry, I'm sure you will see many worlds, the universe is vast and infinite, endless in wonder.", Kaine said with a slightly worried tone, his worry for her showing in how he cautioned her. A feint smile though came to his lips as he continued, but something in his mind wondered where the last words had come from. They were uncharacteristic for him, yet they felt familiar.

Elisys couldn’t help but start laughing. “I-I didn’t mean like that! I meant it as closer to where everyone else is. The galactic ‘center’ where everything is happening!” She finishes her laughing as she says “I guess I should have been more clear then...” a small blush escapes to her cheeks. ‘Oh god I hope he doesn’t think I was laughing at him.’ she thinks to herself. There wasn’t really anyone she could think of that made her feel this way, and she didn’t want to ruin it.

"That basically would be Yamatai and Nepleslia. I am from Nepleslia, and trust me, it's not all it's cracked up to be. To be honest, the true place to look is the nations out here, away from the empire and imperium. No oppressive governments, no constant war, just people trying to make it. Besides, yamatai is nothing but waring culture that is over sexualized." Kaine said rubbing his neck a little, finding the idea that someone actually wanted to visit such corrupt places. Well it was just weird and made no sense to him.

“I know that not everything would be sunshine and rainbows out there, besides I am more interested in the tech anyways.” Elisys admits. “We had a huge jump in technological science recently, and the stuff so far is amazing! At the time, I hardly knew anyone who thought we could go into space. Now we that and so much more! Not to mention advancements in other fields! Even if some of this has been around for decades, it was basically science fiction to us! Is it true that-“ Elisys stops herself and a soft blush forms on her face, if Kaine looked close enough, he can see the blush touches the tips of her ears. “Sorry about the rambling, I just get really excited about tech.” Her heart felt like it was trying to burst out her chest, ‘get a hold of yourself Amare! This isn’t the place for puppy crushes!’

She quickly whips her head around to look down the road, trying to see the city from here. ‘Oh god I hope my sense of direction didn’t send us going away from the city. Worse comes to worse, we can hitchhike out way back’

"No, it's fine. I like listening, nice to hear someone talk so passionately. It's a good change from the usual conversations and topics that I'm used to. It sounds like the world is finally catching up with this Dovania place. Question though, is thanks to who though? It sounds like this almost happened over night, or a couple at least, and that just isn't possible without help. Since we're here on this world, controlled by this "NDC", I'm assuming they are responsible?" Kaine said with a soft chuckle before reassuringly patting her shoulder, playing ignorant to the blushing. He figured they had to be getting close to somewhere, but to be honest, he was just enjoying the walk. As well as talking to this girl, she made him feel...good and wanted.

Elisys looks back to him before answering, “It was a joint operation if I remember correctly. NDC helped, but the man who led it was Kyro-vek Draguun. And it all happened over just a few months too...” She sighs before continuing, “While it may be united, I’ve heard that people want to back to the way things were. Guess everything isn’t perfect in ‘Paradise.’”

"So basically they won the war for you, but not everyone liked the change in management. Sounds like a recipe for civil war if I'm honest. Though, I'm surprised. Why didn't the NDC try to get land, territory, or power for doing that though? Didn't they ask for that as compensation?" he replied, finding the fact they hadn't very confusing. Any normal empire would have demanded as much.

"They have an agreement, resources in exchange for technology. It's been going well so far, so I can't really complain about that." Elisys explains. To be honest, she wasn't sure if it was just that simple. While it did seem like a simple exchange, she wondered if any other trades were happening.

"But that doesn't answer why they didn't claim what they had fought for, but instead handed it off to someone else. It sounds way to idealistic to be considered realistic, or believable. Any other empire would have claimed the planet as their own and kept the spoils. Certainly sounds like they had the means to during that time."

“Have to admit you’re right on that. Everything changed so quickly, it was hard to tell if something else was going on in the background. But, I trust that everything won’t turn sour in the end.” She gave a smile at that, but it was like there was not that much to back it up.

"Is everything okay? I didn't mean to upset you if I have. My head is just spinning, trying to make sense of where I even am. This is all so strange, wakign up after a year, in a new place, and all the things that have likely changed while I was out." Kaine said picking up on the mask of a smile, feeling like he said something wrong. "I just find the idea of such a selfless nation to be a dream, compared to the ones I've personally been around."

“It’s fine, you have the right to be suspicious. I think I would be unsure of ending up in a so called selfless nation without having anything to prove it.” Her mouth fumbles around with the next few words. “So... what was the strangest, non-lethal thing you saw before ending up here.”

"Well, I can tell ya "non-lethal" narrows it down to only a few items. Fashion catalogs probably, never understood the point. Only ever saw them because some of the other exchange soldiers had them, the ones who actually volunteered for the operations if you can believe it."

”Well, dare I ask what was inside? Possibly... risqué in nature?” She wiggles her eyebrows to attempt to lighten up the conversation. “I mean, do they even do clothing deliveries back there?”

"Considering a few were yamatain, risque doesn't even apply. Some of those models wore only, but a single strip of fabric, and for hundreds of KS. And not as far as I knew. To me, the whole idea of buying clothes was strange, much less ones that covered so little." Kaine answered with a chuckle, "Nepleslian magazines were gun belts, army style jackets, jeans, and sweaters. Actually wish I had one of those sweaters about now."

”You can take my Jacket then!” Elisys quickly takes it off before placing it on Kaine’s shoulders. She takes a quick second to admire her handiwork. “Looking good!” ‘He actually looks really beautiful like thi-hdhujfnejjdshjs UHHHH next train of thought please!’ Elisys’ face started to blush lightly.

"You okay? You're kinda red, are you cold now? If so, I can go a little longer without the jacket." Kaine asked, not realizing it was a blush as he slowly began to remove the jacket still confused. they were near a gravel road now. Off in the distane was the lights of the defense line, the sound of vehicles, machinery, and tromping of mechanized feet intermingled from afar.

”I-It’s fine Kaine. I can bear without a jacket for a little while,” she quickly tries to put it back on his shoulders, “ Besides, we are soon an-anyways.” ‘Thank whoever is watching out for me, I’ll repay you somehow!’ Elisys relaxes considerably at the seeing the lights.

"We can also huddle for warmth. Anyways, that sounds like a defense line, so I'm guessing we need to go the other way instead. Is there a city, or something that way?" Kaine asked, not aware how the first statement would probably fluster her.

”The city is the other way around, so we might want to turn back,” She pauses to think for a moment,”We could also go over there and see if we can hitch a ride back to Obsidian. I’m personally fine with either option, so I’ll leave it up to you.”

"A ride with heating sounds nice, and if they're friendly, and you trust them then I can as well. I'll let you do the talking, since I don't know anything about these people." Kaine said before taking her hand and heading towards the sounds of the defense line. He was eager not to be cold, and he didn't want to be slow, still thinking her blush had been because of the cold. The jacket flapped on his toned frame a bit as they went, the wind actually noticeable from the break in the tree canopy creating the road had caused. They were drawing near now, structures, sandbag boxes, and a plethora of vehicles and machine all standing vigil.

”Eh? Alright, I’ll get ass- Ask around to see if we can get a ride back to the city.” Her face went vivid red as walks flustered a few steps behind. “Maybe I ask for a favor or two when we get back to the city for some temporary housing, or I could ask a friend to see if they could lend a room...” She continues to ramble on in an attempt to move pass the slip and distract herself from staring at his... assets.

"Temporary housing is a maybe, but I'd prefer to stay with you, otherwise I'll stick to the streets. I don't trust anyone else here, at least not yet. Much less anything government, just....can't right now. I'm already going on a limb and hoping they don't deport me back to nepleslia, there I can only hope for a court marshal as the best scenario if that happens. My life is in your hands Miss Amari, so please Elisys, help me." Kaine said seriously, but with deep concern as they continued on. They were only 80 meters from the checkpoint now, a couple of those on watch having already had their attention caught. It was now or never, and everything rested on Elisys how this went.

Elisys took a deep breath in and gave him a smile, "I will, I promise you that." She straigtened her posture and moved in front of Kaine. As they got closer she tried to direct the watchmen's attention onto her. "Corporal Elisys Amare, sorry about the intrusion gentlemen."

"Report your intensions Corporal, Dovanian military personnel are not authorized in this area.....Who is the male behind you?" The trooper in full combat armor questioned, their visor turning from her to Kaine. His Sickle wasn't raised, but you could almost tell he was squinting at the clone. The helmet even dipped slightly to let her know they were looking him over. "This man is not dressed in any uniform. He looks familiar, is he civilian?"

"Understood. A few hours after the Sanctuary Festival in Obsidian City drew to a close, I noticed an unidentified object entering the atmosphere. I followed it's trajectory to where it crashed into the jungle, which the objecct in question turned out to be half of a spaceship. The man behind me is Kaine, the only survivor of the crash and a clone of Mark Tazar." She added on, hoping it would edge the converstation into Kaine's favor. "I figured it would be faster to head twoards the defense line to request a ride back to Obsidian, Sir."'Please let this work, Please let this work!!' She sliently pleaded with herself.

"I will have jeep pull around to take you back to the city, but he will have to be verified. I suggest taking him to the Warrant Officer, he is his clone after all. His fate will be his decision, not my rank to decide. I'll radio ahead, but he will be under watch as soon as he enters the city.' The trooper answered, his head movements a bit more wary now. Turning his helmeted head, a jeep with another soldier in the driver seat, this one in a normal uniform pulls up. "Ride's here. Get going you two, I need to get back to work."

"So, I get to see the old man, the one who sold me away in the first place....I hate this already." Kaine grumbled from behind Elysis before the two climbed into the jeep. The vehicle then sped down the road back the way they had come, the destination being the city.

"Relax, worse comes to worse and he hates you on site 'which he proably won't' I can talk to him and get you somewhere to stay." She squeezed his arm gently. "I did promised I'd help you, and I make sure I keep my promises." She turned her head to face the front to the jeep to keep an eye out for the skyline of Obsidian.

"Considering who gets to sign my death warrant, or chance to live as something other then fodder.....I hold little hope. If the man hasn't changed much in the last three years that is. For all I know, he's some mopey old, crotchety man who hates life and everyone else. I saw the way that man looked at me back there, as soon as you even mentioned his name. He wouldn't even utter it himself, "The Warrant Officer", I am fucking doomed." Kaine comiserated, thinking this was no different then walking straight to a firing squad.

The top of the wall soon loomed overhead as the jeep broke from the edge of the jungle, just approaching the end of the long bridge that lead to the floating fortress of a city. Defense turrets could be seen even from here, atop the wall, the lights of the city beyond only leaving a hint of the splendors beyond the armored front. Fireworks still detonated far above, two frigates even lazily flying overhead, launching more of the recreational pyrotechnics at one another in mock battle for a entertaining display.

"Relax, I got a few tricks up my sleeve you know? Plus, I have heard he's starting to hate everything a little less now!' She gave him a lazy smile and a wink. She was working on a few senarios in her head, prepping for anything that might occur. 'If all goes well, this is going to be the most fun I've had in a while!' Elisys lightly chuckles at what's going to happen soon enough.

The rest of the drive was silent, her words only having quieted his fears. They passed over the bridge and passed through the gate check point without stopping, before the car stopped at the government district. There, a man stood waiting, dressed casually still from the festivities as the jeep pulled up. It was Mark Tazar, the man looking rather bored despite the holiday. "So what's this about you finding some gu-.......Kaine? Well this is rather awkward."

Elisys smile turns rather mischevous as she hops out of the jeep and gives Mark a huge bear hug. She lets him go to say, "Well I figured you'd wouldn't want to be alone during the holidays, so I figure I'd bring in the familial calvary!" Her face was the same expression you'd expect from a cat that stole the main course.

She gave the most cheerfully unrepentant smile she could muster as she beckoned Kaine to come closer.

Mark smirked at the bird immediately flipped his way, "Yeah I don't think he likes me very much. But that is his right, I deserve it. You definitely look like the same one I met when they were comparing you to me as the final product. But weren't you on some invasion? You were listed KIA after three months, so how are you here?" he questioned as he waved away the upset attitude.

"How should I know, I just woke up when she dragged me out of some pod. And why are you hugging him like some dad, or brother, or.......wait....are you two lovers?" Kaine remarked, still very much glaring at his progenitor.

Elisys starts laughing, doubling over clutching her stomach. "NO, no i-it's definatly not that Kai-ahahah- Kaine. I-I can assure you on that!" She takes a minute to recompose herself.

"For starters, he was the officer overseeing me at boot camp, and the guy who chased me around in the giant mech. After boot camp ended, I maaay or may not have called him a better Dad then my biological one ever was, and so we stayed in contact after everything was said and afterwards! So he's more of a parental figure than anything!" She explained to the still upset Kaine. Breifly she thought of saying how much he looked like an angry kitten, but refrained to keep herself from anymore giggling.

"You're shitting me right? Him!? A father figure?! He sold off his own clones." Kaine protested, still not convinced.

"Well you aren't dead are you? You are alive, free, and well here in the NDC. I'll have citizenry documentation completed in the morning. Until then, Elysis can buy you clothes, and give you a place to stay for the night. I also suppose I can't let you run around with a number as a last name, so tomorrow you will officially be listed as one Kaine, Tazar. Son to one Warrant Officer, Mark Tazar. Now if you were to do something crazy, like say....marry your rescuer on paper, you'd also be making an actual daughter out of Miss Amari." Mark suggested oh so not subtley with a smirk as he eyed the laughing girl.

"YEAh... wait, what about marrige?" She whips up as her face turns a cherry red reaching up all the way to the tips of her ears. "M-m-arry K-kaine? Well, I uh um... I mean I wouldn't... he does have a good ass- I MEAN astounding personality a-and he's a really hot- I mean sexy-FUCK- I MEAN.... CURSE YOU MARK!' She just resorts to slapping Mark's shoulder as she failed to get out her own demise and decided to drag him down as well.

Mark just laughed and laughed, "And the truth came on its own. Oh my, didn't realize my suggestion was right on. You get to be my daughter, get the boy who's ass you apparently like, and finally our boy gets both citizenship as well as a cute girl. What says you Kaine?"

"I have a-a nice ass?" Kaine just said utterly confused.

Elisys just buries her face into her hands, 'I just wanted to tease Mark and get a funny reaction from Kaine, how did it come to this!!!!' She gives Mark two more small hits before turning back to the object of her affection, "Y-yeah, andalsothoseotherpartsaboutyoubeinghotbutohgodIjustwantedareactionfromyourangrykittenfacebutthiswasnottheoutcomeIwasexpecting *Gasp* Oh sweet void I thought I wouldn't get that out in one go!" Her body was aching for sweet release of death right about now. She quickly turns to Mark, "And if you make any dad jokes, I'm going to scream!"

"Make sure to drink responsibily and bring him home by 11. Have fun at pre-wedding prom." Mark only laughed more, "Also I haven't heard a no, so I'm assuming I'm just going to go ahead with the paperwork." he added with one last chuckle. Meanwhile Kaine just sat confused, wondering what fucked up minds lead to this unexpected turn of fate. A son, and married?

Elisys can only glare at Mark as he laughs his ass off. "I swear you work with the most loved obsessed, void-crawling, tired of their lives, elusive and hard to kill bastad to twist fate in your favor. Seriously, even during boot camp this fantasy-novella fuckery happened constantly! Granted, the first time was partially my fault.. but that shit still kept happening! Even the whole crashed ship seems out of a cornorstore-original, dirt-cheap, romance novel!"

"Well at least you can be happy Eli. He can still be saved, there is a soul and a life still there for this man. You obviously like him, and I want you to be happy. It is the only thing I can do for you, the only thing I have left to offer. It's hard enough to stand here and smile, knowing the girl I loved, at least found it with the man who is what should have been me. Who did not have to suffer, and feel alone, who did not have to mourn everyone he knew. Go, be happy, there is nothing left to save of me. The last thing I can do for this world, is offer what life is left in this body, for these people who are all searching for the same. To start anew and find happiness in a new life, and watch there families flourish." Mark said as his smile left, and only hurt remained, before he turned to return to the district behind them. "Mark Tazar died long ago, his soul served with honor, the body that survives him will find use."

Elisys felt her heart break with each passing word as Mark spoke, and stood silent as walked away into the night. She fell to her knees as slowly realized her fuck up. Her attempts to play lively daughter in an attempt to give him some sense of joy were all for naught. She saw him as a pillar, someone she could lean on for support, yet she couldn’t even see the biggest crack right in front of her. He... had been through so much, so much hell that she didn’t think she could ever understand it all.

So her solution was to find someone who could. Someone who help him live a life she thought couldn’t help make with him. “Guess I put him on too high a throne...” She pulled her legs towards her chest.

She didn’t know what else to do...

Kaine climbed out of the jeep just before it drove off, and during the exchange, his hate for the old man waned. The pain, the hurting, the hiding of desires, could only remind the clone of why the man had been the way he had been. His existence was the product of the damage done to Mark, and here he was, fallen for when it was the man himself who wanted that love. But Kaine saw in her all that he loved, and could not sit by while she sat in emotional pain and shock. "Some times, men are blind to the thrones they build. Mark just wanted you to be happy, and saw this as the way. Please, you're a good woman, with a loving heart. You made him happy, being who you are, and that was enough to be content with himself for."

Elisys said nothing as she leaned into the clone, letting her tears do all the talking. She hugged him tightly as her cries became louder. Why? Why couldn’t she put it together? Why did he have to suffer so much to the point he saw himself as a throw away object? It wasn’t fair for life to screw people around this way right? Mark should, no deserve a happy ending!

Her crying soon dwindle into hiccups, then the occasional sniffle, until she cried herself to sleep.

Feeling her pass out, Kaine unsure what else to do, borrowed her phone and texted Mark. With the reply, he put the phone back and scooped her up into his arms. Princess style he carried her to the residential district, where he found Mark's apartment. Gently, laid her down in Mark's bed, and tucked her in. Being left to his own devices, he found a change of clothes and some food, as well as cash with a gun, just as the old man had directed. With nothing else to do, the clone kicked it back on the couch and quickly passed to sleep as well.

~~To the next morning~~

Elisys wakes up in the unfamiliar bed. Confused, she slowly gets out of bed and looks around. Upon seeing Kaine on the sofa, the memories of last night flood her mind once more. She silently sits next to his sleeping form and starts to wonder what would have happened if she was honest from the start. How different would she have reacted if things were different?

Of course, time travel isn’t a luxury she could ever have. Even if she did, she knows that she wouldn’t stop at just trying to help Mark. She would work herself into some unending spiral of time shenanigans that would ultimately lead to her forgetting why she even started in the first place. As horrible as this is... maybe this is one of the better scenarios that can happen? Even if the bridge between her and Mark has been relatively burnt, maybe there’s a way that they can act like emotional supports for on another rather a one way it was before...

She was so caught up in her head that she wouldn’t hear anyone coming.

She'd feel someone poke her lightly on the back of the head, Kaine having been surprised to initially find Elisys next him. "Hey, you okay? I can cook breakfast, you should be hungry after sleeping with no meal. Just.....take it easy today. Please?" he offered as he slid past to get up, before finding a few things in the fridge. "I think a few things were slid through the mail slot this morning, woke up last night to the thump. Was a phone, my papers, and the...other papers that there if you want to sign them."

”A-ah, I’ll take a look at them. Thank you.” She gave him a quick hug and moved over to the mail slot. She drops them onto the coffee table and left the job of sorting through it all out later. “So... about what happened last night... I.....” She took in a deep breath.

”I don’t know about you, but I’m going to try my damm hardest to make him see that there are people who don’t see him as just an object. No one should be stuck in that mindset and I want him to see that he matters to people...”

"Okay then. I will help as you need." Kaine answered before adjusting the new clothes her wore, "He let me have these clothes, a gun, and money. With my citizenship, I need to find work, a home, food, and clothes. It's a fresh start, a last name, and a chance no one else ever gave me. I owe him for that, and a Tazar doesn't leave a debt unpaid."

Elisys smiles before turning back to the papers. “I guess I also fall under the Tazar banner now...” She gets up and hugs Kaine. “And once the marriage papers get properly filled, we’ll technically be in the honeymoon period...” Elisys whispered softly.

"What's a honeymoon, and what do we do during this period? Isn't there also like a ceremony, or something, a wedding ya know? I'm gonna be real honest here, you know about way more of this then I do. Wait, married couples are where kids come from...." Kaine said as those words brought on a rush of thoughts. He truly knew so little in these matters, but he knew enough to know they were lovers now, the whisper only making his sudden blush worsen.

Elisys laughs as Kaine becomes a rambling mess. “A honeymoon is when the newly married couple spend time with each other, a vacation for the two of them. We can figure out the wedding details later. And yes, kids come from couples, maybe we can try l-later.” Elisys replies as she surpresses her own blush near the end.

Two more thoughts crossed the clone's mind as all this information was given to him, "Wait doesn't this mean we sleep together in the same bed now, and I can kiss you?"

"If you want to, yes, as for second thing..." She leans in and plants a kiss on his nose. "I think you can figure the rest out."

Kaine froze like a deer in headlights at that one, before he embraced her out of sudden instinct, this time giving her a full kiss. "I'm sure I've said it a few times already, but thank you. I'll try to be the best and most loving husband I can. You've made a clone feel like a real man today, and gave me the chance to live what seemed like an impossible dream."

"And I'll be sure to be the most caring wife possible." She closed her eyes and places her head next to his. She didn't want this feeling to end for a long while.