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Rank/Positions for a Race Flagship Character?


Inactive Member
I've been wondering this for a while now...

In terms of the GM/Avatar/Flagship character of a race, what would be the ideal amount of power to give them? Should I start it out as the supreme commander of my race, or something more hands-on, that the leaders of the other factions will be more likely to meet?
Agreed with Wes. It depends on how you want to approach the RP with the race. If you're looking for players, it's probably best to do so with a captain or some such who has a realistic chance of encountering the other races in the RP.

If you're looking for politics, it's obvious that the 'supreme commander' should be the one to control, unless you're interested in not actually controlling your race. :D

I guess the big thing here is to remember not to overstep your bounds and work within the confines of the RP, especially with 'supreme commander' type characters, as they can damage the setting as a whole if used improperly.
Agreed with Wes. It depends on how you want to approach the RP with the race. If you're looking for players, it's probably best to do so with a captain or some such who has a realistic chance of encountering the other races in the RP.

If you're looking for politics, it's obvious that the 'supreme commander' should be the one to control, unless you're interested in not actually controlling your race. :D

I guess the big thing here is to remember not to overstep your bounds and work within the confines of the RP, especially with 'supreme commander' type characters, as they can damage the setting as a whole if used improperly.