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RP: 188604 Raphael and Errowyn's Scouting Mission

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Raphael smiled as he and Julie played. The pair sat on Raphael's bed. The little girl sat on Raph's lap as she doodled, while Raph brushed the hair out of her eyes. "I have to go run an errand. Okay? You will stay with my friend Mr.Cyrus. He will play with you too." He said smiling at the little Julie.

Julie paused in her drawing, she looked up at Raphael, "He scares me! I wanna go with you." Letting the pencil and the pad fall to the floor. Her voice soft, "When Mommy and daddy coming back?"

Raphael pulled Julie close. "Not for a while sweet pea. But, I will take good care of you okay?" He said softly patting her back. He twirled her currly hair around. "I'm not sure if it is safe for you..."

"Take me with yous please? I will be good!" Julie looked up at him with eyes wide with fear. "Just let me pack."

"Julie..." He said picking the little girl up. "I am not leaving you,but I need you to stay safe... I need you to stay and take care of Mr. Cyrus. He got hurt, and is lonely." He said tickling Julie to get a smile out of her.

Julie giggled at being tickled, "But he is with other lady with green eyes, I saw them fly away in that strange building off the bigger one on stilts." Julie pointed out out the window.

Raphael sighed. "Fine little girl... you can come BUT there are rules..." He said turning to face her. "You will do what ever I or Ms. Errowyn says. Understood little lady?" He said finally caving to the little one.

"Yay!" She hopped off Mr. Angel and danced. More like she twirled around fast, letting her long dress flare out. "Imma gonna pack bunny!, Dollie! Turtle. My tea set!...."

"Woah woah woah. Hold your horses baby." Raphael said kneeling down to Julie's level. "We are running a quick errand. All you need is the clothes on your body. We can leave all your toys here." He said with a smile.

"What will I change into? I gotta have my eatin clothes, sleepin clothes, playing clothes." pausing to take a breath and continued on, "specially my travelling clothes!"

Raphael sighed. "This trip will only be a few hours. We will be back here for supper." He said picking her up and setting out a pair of clothes for Julie to change into. "Here, put this on. I will be outside if you need me. Knock on the door when your done." He said standing and moving to the door.

"Send in the maid Anniebella, puleease?!" Julie called after him. Hoping that someone familiar to her was still around instead of those big monster-like men.

Raphael stopped dead in his tracks. "Umm Julie... we... we are still looking for your maids. Do you want me to help you?" He asked picking her up again.

"No! No! That aint proper! I gotta have Maids!" Julie shrieked out.

Errowyn snickered as she leaned against the doorframe. "We gotta get going? Sometime this Century.. Uso flpping out as to why we aint left yet."

Raphael sighed. "Julie, remember what I said? I will leave you here with Mr. Cyrus if you raise your voice again young lady..." He said with a stern look. He turned to Errowyn. "I'm sorry E. We get out of her soon as I can get this change of clothes on Julie." He said sitting Julie on the edge of his bed.

Julie sat there as she lifted her feet, pulling up her dress a bit to expose laced up boots. Then waited for him remove them.

Errowyn turned from the room, sniggering at the fate of Raphael.

Time Skip...

Raphael walked out of his room with Julie in his arms. She was dressed in a small tee shirt and shorts. She complained how it was un lady like but Raph convinced her to wear it. "Okay, we are ready. Let's go." He said looking at Errowyn.

The canopy on her Kawarime was open and she was leaning against the front landing leg. "Give the munckin to me and then climb up. Take back seat." Looking a bit stern at Julie and then to Raphael.

Raph passed Julie over to Errown then jumped up and into the copilots seat. He turned down and gave her a thumbs up as he got strapped in.

Errowyn with Julie in her grasp, floated up off the ground and hovered there as she passed the wide eyed Julie to Raphael. The little girl was speechless. Figuring Errowyn would have climb up like Mr. Angel she had nicked named him.

He smiled at the wide eyed Julie. "You okay sweet heart?" He asked pulling her in close. The staps came down over Raphael. He turned Julie around to face him. "Hold onto to me tight okay?"

Julie nodded as she was busy watching Errowyn settle in her seat. The canopy closed with a soft whine as the 5 powered up. "Can you fly like he..." Eye grew wide as she saw the palace began to shrink before her. She looked out the sides and saw a lot father away than what she could see from bedroom window..

~~Where to Raph?~~ Errowyn spoke via telepathy as she transitioned from vertical take off to horizontal flight.

~~The general told me that there is a goverment store house out in the mountains~~ Raphael replied as they began flying. He softly patted Julie on the back. "Like the view?" He asked kissing her on the forehead.

All Julie could do was nod as she hung to Raphael. She had never flown, much less anyone else. Eyes were wide as she took in the scenary.

Errowyn hit the after burners rocketing the Kawarime passed the barrier of sound as she flew towards the designated mountians. Julie was shoved against Raphael, causing her to give a squeak of surprise as the roar of escaping thrust gasses became quiet.

Raphael laughed as Julie squeaked. He held her in close to him, softly comforting her. "How long till we arrive?" He asked Errowyn.

"20 minutes, unless I push escape velocity." Errowyn replied as she passed over a flock of bird. Once the pressure was off Julie, she had her face pressed against the canopy, as she watch the ground scroll behind at a high volume of speed. She gave soft sounds at when something catch her eyes, then widen again as they out flew even the birds.

Raphael gave a soft smile. "Let Julie take everything in E." He said looking out the canopy with Julie.

~~Hold her tightly to yourself. Gonna give her a view she will never forget~~ Errowyn sent via Telepathy.

Raph let out a mischevious grin. "Come here Julie." He said wrapping her up tightly. "Look up." He said nodding at Errowyn.

Errowyn rotated the Kawarime upside down so that when Julie looked up, she saw the ground flashing by above them, She let out a shriek of delight, surprise and fear. They passed over birds which were at much lower altitude than they were to give Julie a sence of how high she was. She had a death grip on Raphael sleeve in her small grasp.

After about five minutes of fling upside down, Errowyn rotated the craft again, rightside up.

Raphael smiled as he held Julie. He pointed to things as they flew for Julie to see. Raphael played with Julie while they flew until they reached the huge brick complex in the mountain. It seemed to be all but abandoned. The complex had a large square courtyard large enough for 5 to land. They touched down, letting the canopy slide open. He held Julie as he jumped down, momentarily opening his wings to slow their desent. "What did you think of that Julie?" He asked with a grin. He waited until Errowyn floated down to before he set down Julie, and scanned the area. It had been occupied recently, but the inhabatints were no where to be found. "We need to stay vigalent Errowyn." He said looking towards the entrance of the store house.

Errowyn wished she had her Daisy with her for this recon. But then if wishes were granted, She would be still aboard the YSS Heiten. probably leading her own wing within the 21st Fighting Diamonds by now. She nodded as she closed the canopy of the Kawarime, using a remore control. The Kawarime took off vertically till it cleared the tallest tower and flew forwards gaining altitude for the safety of the sky. It began to circle on a set course already programmed in it. She put the remote controller in a pouch at her belt. "Lets get this over with." Looking around once everything settled down.

Raph nodded as he took Julie's hand and they walked inside. As they entered the building they found huge stockpiles of food stacked everywhere. But, the thing tah concerened Raphael was the lit fire in the fire place. Raph drew his service pistol and scoped up Julie in one fell swope. "Julie, let's play a game. You have to be very quiet." He said as he scanned the area.

Errowyn had noticed the fire and none around to tend to it. She quickly zipped up to the top of the stacks of food to take the high ground and drew her more quieter energy service pistol. ~~High ground~~ Errowyn via telepathy to Him. She began to make her very stealthy across the crates of food and other stuff that was stockpiled.

Julia was scared and the Lady had disappeared someplace, she leaned against Raphaels leg. She nodded at her Mr. Angel words.

~~Low ground~~ Raphael replied telepathicly he softly cooed trying to keep Julie calm. He quickly moved through the stacks of food. After a few minutes of searching, he heard it... A small yelp from the adjecent room. He held his service pistol up in the direction of the noise. "Come out now and no harm will come to you." He said sternly.

Errowyn kept pace with him on top the crates and stacks of supplies as she moved.

Julie followed behind Mr. Angel. Keeping quiet.

"Please don't shoot!" A young woman said, slowly steppin out from the shadow. "Please, we just found this place and... wait. Princess Julie?" The woman said turning enraged. "What are you doing with the princess!" She said as several men ran out. Raphael didn't move keeping Julie behind him.

Several lances of energy hit the first guys leg, litery seperating it from his body. The wound was caterized by the heat of the energy shot.

Julia screamed, "BENDA!" recognizing the womans voice. "No! Joeya!" She began to cry at the ruthless in which Joeya was cut down.

His partner came to a stop and froze and raised his slowly, "Come out Brenda. Take care of Joeya." Eyes burned with hatred at Raphael.

Raphael frowned, picking up Julia and sheilding her view of the man. "Julia, do you know these people?" He asked gun drawn on the people. "I gave you a chance to leave in peace, yet you choose to pick a fight. Count yourself lucky my friend didn't kill him." He said with a growl opening his wings.

"How dare you touch the Princess. You flithy alien. You killed so many people and then you steal our princess from us? You heartless coward!" Benda yelled as Raphael held her at bay.

"Hes Mr. Angel! He has at his command flying building which flies faster than the birds and higher!" Julie spoke up.

"No your Highness! He is using you. Come here you will be safe..." Benda begged.

Julia looked at Mr. Angel and then to Benda. She was torn between her loyalties. Her eyes fell to Joeya who looked miserable at his stump and severed leg. "Hes not using me. He protects me from Uzo and the monster men." She whimpered softly. "Puleease Benda?! Hes really nice!"

"No, he is a demon! He killed people Princess. He is a spawn of Hell, he could never be kind!" She yelled seething with anger.

Raphael's head dropped, he hugged Julia tightly. "It appears you have a choice to make my little friend, stay with me or go with them? But know, no matter what you do that I will always be your guardian angel..." He said with a soft smile.

Errowyn watched from her perch from above.

Julie sighed softly for here were people she was familiar with. Not the big hulking monster men with glowing eyes. The rough way they handled everything and fought amongst themselves when they thought their superiors were not watching. She looked up at Raphael as he had been most kind to her. She paced a bit as she had seen her daddy do when in deep thought.or her mother when she was worried. "I wanna go home to momma!" She wailed suddenly as if all this became to unbearable for her youthful shoulders.

Raphael dropped, clutching her tightly. "Shhh. It's okay baby girl..." He said cooing.

"Get away from her!" Benda wailed.

Raphael's head rose, with a stare that could pierce a bulkhead. "Quiet yourself, haven't we done enough?" He said returning to Julie.

"No this is all your fault!" Benda snapped. A knife appeared in her hand. Before anyone was able to react, Raphael was up and with a burst from his wings was across the room in a flash. He grabbed the knife and threw it into a box of food.

"Do not tempt the woamn above you, she is not as leanent as I. Now, I have had enough of this. Julie is tramatized enough." Raphael said, his words oozing venom.

"And who's fault is that!" Benda said cocking her hand back and slapping Raphael across the face.

Raphael didn't flinch. He stepped back and picked up the crying Julie. At this the other men decided to try and step closer. Raphael's wing opened wide and he rose into the air. "NO MORE!" He yelled finally losing his patience. "Julie is under the protection of the Castiel clan, of the Elysian Emipre!" He boomed.

Benda and the two watched wide eye. One of the men came and grabbed Joeya and lifted him up in the over the shoulder carry and then disappeared into the room they came from. Benda glared at Raphael, then she turned to and disappeared into the room they had emerged from. "You havent heard from last of us!" She called back.

"I will be waiting." He countered as gracefully landed on the ground.

Julie cried softly, hugging Raphael as he was only one holding at the time, whimpering, "Momma.. momma..."

Errowyn floated down next to Raphael. "I think its time to leave." She spoke softly.

Raphael didn't speak. He just slummped against the warehouse wall. After several seconds he finally spoke. "Julie...I..." He had caused this girl so much pain. And, he knew exactly what she was feeling. He pulled her close into his body. "I am so sorry Julie." He said as his own tears began to streak down his face.

Errowyn moved with catlike grace away, leaving them two alone as she called her Kawarime down to the courtyard of the citadel like warehouse. She opened the canopy of her Kawarime as she awaited from them to follow.

Julie finaly got over her crying and just remained quiet, as she held Raphael. She whispered, "I wanna go home, please?"

Raphael did all he could to hold back a sob at hearing her words. "I'm sorry Julie. You can't..." He replied softly "But, you can come stay with me." He added

"Take me to Dollie and Bunny then." Julie spoke softly. "The palace."

"Okay. Lets go see Dollie and Bunny." He said as he stood carrying Julie. He walked out of the warehouse and across the courtyard. He silently entered the copilots seat and strapped in. ~~Let's go, please.~~ Raphael said telepathicly to Errowyn.

Errowyn closed the canopy of the Kawarime as it began to rise towards the sky. The return trip was a solomn affair. Julie just leaned against Raphael as if she was dead for the flight back to the palace.

Soon they was on the ground in the palace courtyard next to the F6 freighter. She opened the canopy and help Raphael with Julie who had fallen asleep in his arms.

"E..." Raphael finally spoke. "What have I done...?"

Errowyn looked at Raphael "We have destroyed her life." She spoke softly. "She will have to know for certian her parents are dead so she can began to recover."

He sat there in the copilot seat holding Julie. He finally released a stiffled sob he didn't know he was holding back. "Damn it... damn... it..."

Errowyn watched. "I need to do my checks." She spoke softly. "Get her to her room where she is comfortable." She gently took Julie from Raphael, then floated to the ground, holding Juliee. Julie gently hugged Errowyn as sh rested her head on her shoulders. Errowyn turned and moved through the palace grounds, carrying Juliee. The Merc stopped and did a double take at seeing Her carrying Raphaels charge into the palace. She glared at anyone getting ready to make a remark as she passed by them.

Raphael hopped down and ran to catch up with Errowyn. "I will take her. She is my resonsiblity now... Go see Cyrus." He said taking Julie from her arms as he began to walk away.

She watched him go with Julie. She turned had returned to her Kawarime and secured it for the night. She did her usual post flight checks.
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