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RP: 188604 Raphael and Uso have a chat.

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ON> Queen's Slave

Uso flopped down on Raphael's bed, still clad in her usual bodysuit. The neko stretching out and wiggling around to get comfortable on the recently-broken bed. "So now that you're feeling better... What all did I miss while I was gone?" She asked, without actually bothering to check out how Raphael felt, "... Cyrus hired a new guy, and I hear he's gunning for your spot as 'best grilled cheese sandwhich maker' on the crew. Might give you a run for your money if you aren't careful."

Raphael had been nodding off till Uso stirred him awake. He looked over at her and smirked. "Yeah, well Cyrus can probably cook circle around any of us here so I will settle." He said as he streched his limbs he sat up for a second to strecth his wings, then laid back down. "Well, not a whole lot. Cyrus has been with his guys and I have been training my new officers. I haven't had any trouble from the locals, which worries me somewhat." He said turning to look at her again. "Not even a stone thrown at the palace... Something big is coming and I need to figure out what it is... and now be a dad..." He muttred the last part under his breath.

"I suppose you aren't taking my advice regarding leaving that kid with someone here?" Uso asked, her eyes closed, her face just sorta pointed up at the ceiling as if Raph wasn't there, "... Though I suppose you do make an adorable dad. Julie seems to like you and she barely knows you... Maybe the locals got the same idea? They saw Raphael willing to work with them and gave up on trying to fight us?"

His mind flashed back to the scouting mission with Errowyn. He shuddered a bit. "Probably the opposite actually. Errowyn and I ran into some of the servants that worked here. They weren't to thrilled that I had adopted Julie at all. Like wanted to kill me... in front of Julie..." He said attempting to not let his emotion get the better of him. He sighed. "They must see me as the alien who took their beloved prince for his own sick purposes. They have no idea that I just love children... and this one didn't have anyone left. Her brother hasn't even visited her." He stated matter of factly. "I don't know..."

"When I say 'What all did I miss', that is exactly the kind of thing I'm asking about," Uso replied, turning her head finally to look at him. She paused for a moment, and then looked away again, "... What about the rest of the crew? We need to fill some crates full of that algae stuff for the spacers... it'll get us some funding and we can get started on building up this place."

He smirked. "Well you were still here for that. I just failed to mention it..." He replied smartly. "Why not try and get the people out doing it? Pay them for their services and sell it. They are happy because we are making jobs and we are happy because we don't have to pick algae." he suggested.

"Yeah, I suppose... That also means I actually have to go out there and do that.... Maybe I could just order one of the Ragna-doods to do it? Quite a few of them seem to be eyeing leadership positions." Uso thought outloud.

"That is a thought..." Raphael mused. "They have been chomping at the bit, we can see if they can handle a meanial task such as filling crates with algae and documenting how much they packed." He added.

"We really might pull this off..." She'd roll over onto her side, facing Raphael, "You decided on your title yet? Lord-Emperor Raphael? King perhaps? Spymaster Supreme?"

"Good question." He said running a hand through his messy hair. "I can't decide. What would you say was my title?" He asked smiling

"Empress' personal servant maybe? Favored of the Empress' court?" Uso snickered.

"And here I thought you were going to say the Empress's pet or something." the teased back. "Not sure I should hold a title. Fairly certian that I am pretty hated around here." He said only half joking.

"Well, you'd look cute in a collar," Uso said, letting Raph wonder just how much joking she was doing, "Course, it don't matter what the people think about us, so long as they do as we ask."

Raph raised an eyebrow. " Well I wasn't expecting that." He laughed, feeling slightly out of his comfort zone. Though he hid it well.

"You probably expected something with flowers and candles Hmm?" She asked, pressing one of her fingers up against Raph's shoulder.

"Call me a romantic." he said poking Uso back. "That a crime?" He asked with a smirk.

"We could make it a crime!" Uso said, practically giddy, her eyes wide with excitement, ".... I mean... Not really... but we're going to get to make the law around here!... Holidays too... maybe make our subjects participate in Love Day?" "

Raphael smirked as he laid his head against her shoulder. "I great idea. What else are you going to make illegal?" He asked

"Probably murder and such... Stealing, doubly so for stealing from me." Uso thought outloud, "... May need to get a lawyer to come up with actual laws at some point. We can't just put up signs that say 'Don't be a dick'."

Raphael smiled. "What wrong with that? I think signs saying 'Don't be a dick.' send a strong message." He said grinning.

"Fine, the first offical law of Ragna-World is 'Don't be a Dick'." Uso put her hand ontop of Raph's head and rubbed the top of his head... just as her datapad beep'd.

"Hmn.... looks like Space-Empress-duties are going to get in the way of Raph-time. You be a good boy while I'm gone," Uso said, hopping up and heading toward the door.
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