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RP [Ravenaca's Watch] And the wind began to howl, hey (Pt 1)


Retired Staff
Inactive Member
RP Date
Late YE 42
RP Location
Gawain Station, Sanctum System
Gawain Station
Port Green

Dock 15

The dock had been surprisingly hushed in the hours leading up to the ship's christening ceremony. Decorations had been placed the day before that prominently displayed the New Dusk Conclave's flag and the Pine family's livery. The audio and visual systems that would carry the speakers' words across the audience and to anyone who was tuning in from the Conclave's slowly growing territories had been checked and rechecked.

It went without saying that after the last public address that security would be higher than ever. Invisible shields would be in place to protect the speakers from the audience. The dock's air filtration systems were newly installed and triple checked. There would not be a repeat of what happened to Jack Pine. Not today.

EVE6 drifted over the empty seats, considering the stage and the ceremony grounds. In an hour, some of the most important people in her nation would be on that stage. Digital butterflies filled her stomach. It would be the last time that the sensation would be entirely simulated.

She drifted down and walked - a somewhat awkward scene for someone barely 12 inches tall - so that she could appreciate the gravity of it all. Her destination was a room not far behind the stage.


A handful of techs sat in the room that EVE6 walked into, arranged around a still figure on a table. A black box hummed quietly near by, a single red light burning brightly on its front face.

She looked to one of the techs. "Alright, I'm ready. Make the switch."

The tech nodded and tapped the air in front of them. She experienced a moment of nothingness, where it felt like her conscience was unmoored, and then..

The little drone that had been projecting her clattered to the ground unceremoniously.


Waylan arrived just a little before the room was open to the larger crowd, mentally reviewing the maintenance logs for the first production model of the new Spectre-class. Dozens of others were being built or planned, but this was the one that got all the fireworks.

All the reports were coming back green. They had been for days, but it didn't preclude a little extra checking.

One item stood out among the others as an oddity in the ship's manifest. He quirked an eyebrow.

"Yamatai sent one of their own frames? Interesting," he muttered to himself, checking a few of the available notes. It seemed like the ship's deck crew was confident in their ability to keep it maintained, so that's all that really mattered to him. Yamatai's tech littered enough battlefields that he didn't need to try anything compromising if he wanted to get a closer look.

The engineer focused his attention back to the path ahead of him and started to look for the chair with his name on it. He passed rows of similarly labeled chairs for the ship's crew, other engineers, dignitaries, reporters, and more.

Waylan settled into his seat.

OOC: This is the thread for the launch ceremony. Show up in your dress uniforms if you want to, otherwise you can assume you're in the crowd of you're part of the plot. Jack and others who are intending to say a few words on stage can do so at your leisure.

I don't intend for this to be a long running thread so that we can get into the action! Ideally I'll close it out next weekend.
V115 stared at the massive, relative to herself, ship that was docked behind the assembled stage and gathering of seats. It was impressive to say the least, or maybe it was just impressive to her because it was her first real ship. The one upon which she would be serving the greater NDC. Either way she found the sight of it to enrapture her consciousness. Eventually she broke her gaze to search for an open seat. Still dressed in her dress uniform, she found herself a seat somewhere in the fourth row as the first three all seemed to be reserved for special guests and higher ranks than herself.
Arye looked at the sight before her, and the ship, she’ll be serving on and the young Operator couldn’t help but be in awe of what she saw. “Beautiful,” she mumbled to herself at the sight of the Spectre class ship. Though she was still a fan of the Starbreakers, but he couldn’t help but admire the Spectre class ship. It was well made, and that she could see someone had spent time working on it. She felt honored to be on board that ship. Arye moved to find her seat, and as she did so she spotted V115 sitting there, causing her to smile as she snuck onto a seat beside her.
Waylan would find a pair of arms drape over his shoulders in a hug before receiving a kiss on the cheek. "You know, you work too much. Spend more time in that pad then enjoying the sights of the world around you. Live it up hon, several of your big projects are making waves today.", Ceilia said energetically as she gave the scientist a squeeze. Letting go, she began to saunter off, "Enjoy the praise, you've earned it." She called back as she did so.

Soon she found a seat by V and Arye, dressed in her own dress uniform. Straightening her skirt, Ceilia took a seat, a smile beaming. "You gals excited? It's been years since we launched a new ship class. The last one to get this much of an unveiling, was the first Albion carrier back in 39. Plus the first deployment of Operators too. You girls are now apart of our history, isn't that awesome?"


There certainly was a number of important figures there to give a few words to the occasion. Both Lady Neera and Lord Mark were there, as well as the Vic Admiral herself. Casdan stood to the side of the stage as the mass of her subordinates poored in, ready for the launch of their new posted ship. The amazonian woman, couldn't help but to give a bit of a smile at it all.

Meanwhile, the rulers went over their parts of the address, Mark's being the large of the two parts. They wore their royal attire, hoping to keep a strong image, even in the events of the last such address that had bumped Neera onto her father's throne.
Looking through his own Data pad, the diagnostics from yesterday's system checks shone nothing out of the Normal. It almost felt as though Alphaeus was preparing for another Airbikes race on his home planet. Shaking the feeling, the younger Warrant Officer, adjusted his cap.

Looking for his seat Among the rows assigned to the soon to be Christened Spectre class. Quickly sitting down and stowing the pad, Alphaeus lifted his cap, slicking back his crimson hair, ensuring a clean uniformed look despite his apathy towards certain military rulings. He was thankful to find a home, a place that would take him in without questioning his past. Seeing so many important people was something that always left the young man at a loss for words. Attempting to relax he stayed in his row, designated for Frame pilots.
Mizumitsu Sara was no stranger to ship launching ceremonies, dressed in her dress uniform. Her father would occasionally take her to her clan's shipyards when their shipbuilding corporation was launching important ships for clients. But that was back in the old heydays before their decline. Not wanting to think about the times after that, she decided to stop thinking about home and sit in her seat in silence.
V115 smiled back as Arye snuck into the seat beside her. She had her legs crossed for the moment, other wise she'd be tapping one of her feet to help deal with her her impatience over wanting the ceremony to be over so she could get on the ship, her first real ship. It was beyond exciting but cool woman wasn't wont to show it. So she sat there in silence for a time until Ceilia broke it.

"I suppose it is, though I doubt we'll be mentioned by name." she smiled, knowing full well that there were probably hundreds if not thousands of her kind already.
Steiner was currently looking lost towards the back of the crowd, far enough away that wasn't in danger of stepping on anyone-a massive, twenty-foot tall mecha that seemed so out of place it was ridiculous. The troop transport he had managed to cram himself into hadn't been blasted out of the sky once he'd gotten the IFF system changed-so there was that. He'd spiffed up the paint on his exterior-a fresh coat never hurt anything, greens and greys catching the sun, though his best attempts at buffing our the nicks and rents had been...less than successful. Still, he'd devested himself of his plasma cannon and had replaced it with a second battlefist, and the chainguns were unloaded. He ensured that power levels were well below combat norms, arms at his sides and making little in the way of sudden moves. It'd looked bad to make scene for a-who was kidding? He was stuck-at least for now-in a giant machine that had served as his home for over half a century-so drawing attention was almost a guarantee-and he did not like the way the guards were looking at him-not one bit...

It was not like he was an assassin looking to pick off a VIP, though in hindsight...he probably should've thought this out better.

He just hoped he didn't have a repeat of what happened the last time he showed in a city-though he'd gotten a ground guide this time, so there was that. Though the launch should be interesting to watch...
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This was probably one of the few times that Gale actually felt disappointed by her chosen role. It meant that she didn't get to actually sit in the whole ceremony. But she had to be on the ship itself during the ceremony for the most important part of the whole affair. After all, as she mentally flexed her limbs, and felt the parts of the ship that reflected those limbs shifted in perfect sync. Feet and leg movements shifted the engine directions as though she was preparing to walk, while her hands and arms were firmly her ability to fight, feeling the weapon mounts dry-cycle their armaments. Her eyes and ears were the ship's sensors, shifting and moving to be able to see so much space, or narrow to focus on a small thing. And the hull itself was her skin, the ship's insides her own. She could see the tugs preparing to assist her in sliding out of the dock the Ravenaca's Watch was in, feel their clamps firmly on her body.

Inside the ship, one would have to go to the bridge to find the Operator herself. The tank which housed her physical body as it floated in the fluids which filled it there. Her job, once the ship was 'launched' was to bring the vessel around to the correct dock to finish preparing the ship. For that, she needed to be present for the launching itself, to make sure the vessel didn't bump into anything it wasn't supposed to, as well as perform all the normal system handshakes that were needed while it was moving within the proximity of the station. Which meant that she was unable to physically be present in the room with the rest of her crew for the launching ceremony.

Because of this, she was left with watching a video feed of the ceremony, which she had in her mind's eye as a pop-up window in a corner of her vision, even as she was finalizing all her own checks of the various systems she'd need.
(Thank you all for your patience!)

Waylan smiled as he watched Ceilia go. He wasn't sure what the woman saw in him, but he cherished her all the same. She was his muse in many ways, both for the way he felt when she gave him praise and also for what her own existence represented. And, while it wasn't something he'd ever really noticed in anyone else before her, he found her to be quite beautiful. An odd thing for someone who saw the world as blueprints and technical details, and yet there she was.

He rubbed at his beard scruff, trying to think of some way that he could show her how much he appreciated her. Maybe she'd like a new ship? He could build one from scratch and -

The engineer shook his head. His new role didn't give him as much time to be hands on as he used to be, but it kept his mind occupied. That would have to be enough. Still, there might be time.

Turning his attention to the stage, he settled in and tried to quiet his thoughts.


EVE6 walked - with actual legs! - out of the side room that had housed her current body. Finalizing the transfer of her mind hadn't taken long. The process had been started weeks before. Her new mind was expansive in ways she could have never predicted, her body strong and capable. It would be some time before she got used to not being able to fly. At least, she thought as she looked at the looming ship nearby, on my own.

She strode forward towards the stage, projecting confidence. What she said next and how she said it would be broadcast for anyone in the NDC to see; a slip up at this point would be an embarrassment that would stay with her for a long, long time. The other AIs in the EVE bank would surely have a field day. So, much like her role as a new Captain - she couldn't make a mistake.

Step by step she rose up the stairs. Her face was as unfamiliar to the crowd as it had been to herself; save for the uniform there was little to tell who she was. And even her clothes were a new uniform, with a tall collar and long coat. Her platinum hair, pulled back into a ponytail but draping midway down her back, trailed behind her.

EVE6 stood in front of the podium and looked out over the crowd.

"Hello, Duskers," she began in a strong tone. She addressed not just the assembled crowd but everyone throughout the faction's worlds. "Ours is a history of conflict. From the day that our founders left their old homes for the world below us, we have been besieged by forces who would see us and our way of life destroyed. At each step, they have been pushed back. Now, we reach out for the stars. To make our mark on this universe in a way that cannot be erased by some shady military corporation or some angry tyrant."

The android paused. She had worked on this speech for days. She hoped it was going well.

"Enshrined, deep in each and every one of us, is the value of our sentience and our right to exist.

When I look at the vessel behind me, I don't see a simple ship of war. I see a shield against those who would try to snuff out the lives of those I hold dear. A sword against those who would deny us of that simple, crucial right to existence. And, hopefully, a hand held out to those who we might yet call friends.

My name is EVE6 and I have the honor of calling myself the Captain of this vessel, the NDS Ravenaca's Watch. She's the first of her kind, just like many of those who will be serving aboard her. Together, I believe that we will do the Conclave proud.

I have another honor today. A rather significant one, at that. I get to introduce our next speakers."

She smiled lightly, not wanting to appear over eager, but still wanting to show how much it meant to her. With one hand, she motioned to the side of the stage. "I give you our Lords, Neera Pine and Mark Oaklen!"

With that, she backed away from the podium and began to clap, willing the crowd to do the same. It was a huge risk that the two of them were taking, so shortly after Jack's death, and she wanted them to have an appropriate welcome.

Nyx had remained silent as she watched her sister and uncle work through their speeches. The Gynoid Princess couldn’t help but feel proud of her sister, and her uncle as she did so. She knew she wouldn’t be making an address, but she will be there, watching over things and making sure her family was safe. Her glowing red eyes in the shadows might intimidate some people, sure, but as long as her family was safe it would be fine with her.


V got a smile in response to her smile before Celia’s arrival. The young Operator turned her head to Celia, who had arrived, and her ears picked up on her words. She knew from education that this indeed would be a new class, which hadn’t been done in a while. The young one felt excited that she got to serve on her. “Yeah, it feels great, though I am concerned that not everyone feels the same way,” she said, having remembered the incident at the bar.

The Operator focused her mind on the positive, new friends she’d make on the ship, and the pilot would be the next target of her friendship. She blinked in surprise when EVE6 came to the stage, and a look of surprise when she realized who that was. “Oh...She’s got legs” she said at a quieter volume and listened as their Captain made her speech, which returned her excitement though she focused on things.
He perked up at the mention of the ship being a shield rather than just another warship-a sentiment he could agree with-protecting your people and such. Though that last a part was bit concerning. 'A Lord and Lady?' Nobles, while one of the main sources of income for a mercenary in the wider reaches of space, often could be troublesome; making unreasonable demands, general sense of entitlement, and the tendency to look towards securing and increasing their own personal power led towards the tendency of taking...questionable actions. Not to mention if a unit was a particularly well equipped fighting force they would often try to confiscate whatever kit they had in order to bolster their own fighting forces, stating some vague clause or issue in the contract.

Those were fun times; he had spent a week cleaning the fop's insides out of his battlefist.

Though, given how little he knew of the NDC, save for that they were a relative newcomer to the political arena they may not completely given over to the usual norms and excesses that the nobility were known for. He made sure to pay close attention to what was being said.
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The two royal figures in full garb of their station, came out onto the stage setup for the ceremony. Both had planned to say a few things respectively, with Neera being first up. The vulpine woman stepping up to the podium, her wolven appearance being a bit odd for those who were aware of her relation to the late king. It didn't faze her much at all though, after all, she was carrying on his work.

Clearing her throat quietly, she began in earnest. "Greeting to everyone, my fellow Duskerians, and comrades alike. Today is a milestone for our people, not only in a form of evolution of our society. But also, in the form of pushing forward despite a tragic loss of life. We went to Glimmergold and helped end the war with the Kuvexians, but not with out a heavy toll. So I, one of your rulers, humbly ask of you this."

There was a brief pause as Neera looked across the crowd, taking in as many faces as she could. "Please, keep them in your hearts, and carry their wills forward as you head out into space. Please carry their honor and love for their home, and keep our people safe. Even as we are joined by the newest to join our families, friends, and loved ones. I hope that you too will find these lands home, and am proud to call it such along side you."

"I wish my father could be here today to see just how far we've come. To see the bright faces, looking to brighter futures, that I see in all of you. It was a tragic loss, but I as your Archduchess, and my uncle Archduke Mark. We will do all in our power to carry his view into the future as well. This means our new titles, and a new system of nobility will be part of this. So please everyone, do your best, and we will to!"

Neera gave a bow of the head to the crowd as she had finished, before stepping back for Mark to take the podium. He stepped up, giving an appreciative nod to his niece and co-ruler. "Thank you all from me as well, I could not be more prouder of my people, as well as you my subordinates. Thanks to all of you, our fleets remain strong, and a pride of our people. I know you will continue to be shining examples of our representation out in space, and with a new ship entering no less. I wish you all the best on your voyages from this day forward."

His words having concluded, Mark gave a bow to the audience, before returning to Neera's side. There were those who began to clap at this conclusion, applauding the honest words of the rulers. Even Ceilia began to clap, not paying much attention to if she was the only one. She knew what kind of people they were, and owed them both a life debt.
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Away from the seats and from the crowd, a young snow white haired woman was staring intensely at a giant mech. The NDC mithril military bodysuit perfectly fitting the athletic curves of the attractive 5'9'' tall human, as she stayed in a straight posture next to the metallic being, an undeniable militaristic vibe reverberated from her. Resting her elbow on her right hand, with left on her chin in thought as her emerald eyes looked at the twenty foot frame. A glimmer of childish enthusiasm in her eyes betrayed her overall composed posture, together with that refrained smile.

Cassandra was keeping an ear on the speeches but that wasn't what she truly had on her mind. She arrived slightly late and the crowd was already to much dense to get passed through without making intrusions, and that is a thing she didn't liked. As she stumbled across Steiner her love for mechas surpassed everything else, but she couldn't understand the manufacturer. That truly made her thoughtful, not to count the strange ID results she was getting out from the Geist, *So an organic body wielded to a mecha? Cool as hell!* she thought to herself.

A message made its way through Steiner's communications, a digital message sent from her Geist into him:
{{"Sorry if I mind, Steiner right? What a badass name! (>‿◠)✌ Name's Cassandra. Can i get over your shoulders to see the celebration? I've arrived a bit late. (╥﹏╥) "}}

After sending the message she moved her hand away from her chin and waved at him.
'A new nobility huh?' Steiner shook his 'head' when the speech had concluded-typical noble speech-no typical politician's speech about keeping the fallen in your heart, good luck on voyages, etc. At least they meant it, for whatever that counted for.

'I would give them five, perhaps ten years before the usual decay sets in.' His musings, cynical as they were when his comms suddenly got a burst of static as his optics also glitched out, the colors becoming distorted for a moment. Wincing at the burst of static, his machine mimicking the motion, he ran a diagnostic-it looked like the receiver was in need of replacement-the part was around thirty years old so it didn't surprise him-nanotech could only do so much, but it would last perhaps another three months. His optics were fine, so perhaps something in the station interfered with them.

At least his machine hadn't fallen apart...yet. 'Another task for later then.' He went back watching the celebration, figuring they'd be launching soon.
A few more small speeches followed the ones given by the newly-dubbed Archduchess and Archduke, but they were of little consequence compared to the main event. The leader of the Port Authority, at least, kept theirs short.

The older man rubbed at his neck in a too-casual manner, looking over the crowd. "... and so, with all of our speeches out of the way, we've got one last tradition to fulfill before we can officially launch this fine vessel behind us.

In ages past, barely within our collective memory, it was customary to buy a very fine bottle of some spirit and smash it against the side of the ship's hull to bless it for safe journeys. Or something like that."

He shrugged a bit, peering back at the massive black hull. "Apparently, this caused more than a few cuts, damaged hulls, and so on, because they started to sell bottles specifically to be smashed against ships for just such a ceremony. No danger of getting cut up by the glass and the bottle's contents were considerably cheaper.

If you can't tell by now," he said, looking back to the crowd before letting a smile form on his face, "I'm not a big fan of the classic ceremony. If you'll all look under your chairs, you'll find a small commemorative bottle of white wine. Some of you, I noticed, have already found yours." The man lifted his own bottle from behind the podium and popped the top.

"I've already gotten all the necessary approvals for all of you," he said, lifting his bottle. "To the new crew of the NDS Ravenaca's Watch, good luck and safe hunting!"

With that, he downed the contents of his bottle, gave everyone a warm wave, and left the stage.

EVE6 walked up afterwards, empty bottle in hand and a smile on her face.

"Well," she said, looking thoughtfully over the crowd. "What're you waiting for? Get to work! We've got a ship to launch!"

Music began to play over the speakers as she left for the airlocks, ready and eager to set out.

It hadn't taken too long for the ship's crew to load up. The Watch's weapons, frame and power armor compliments, and other supplies had been double checked. Everything was where it needed to be.

Standing next to the Captain's chair on the bridge, EVE6 had watched all of the manifests and rosters fill up with satisfaction. She turned towards the back of the bridge with a light smile on her face. "Gale, take us out, please. Set a course for the nearest rock of the system's asteroid belt."

OOC: If you'd like to do something between the end of the speech and the launch itself, feel free to write it out!
Nyx Pine

From close by, metallic clapping could be heard as Nyx joined Celia in applauding her sister and Uncle’s speech. The Gynoid was proud of her family as she was proud of her nation and its accomplishments. Nyx herself was fine being where she was, and she didn’t think she was one to make speeches so she remained where she was. She thought she could support her sister and Uncle better this way. The Gynoid Royal knew about the new titles her Uncle and Sister had, and the reason for it.

Where she was, however, she didn’t find a bottle, mostly because she turned to follow her sister.


Arye sat by her fellow Operator and her creators as she listened to the speech, and gently she leaned over to pick up the small bottle of the drink. She remembered reading about the tradition of throwing the bottle at a ship. She thought it was to prove its durability, but since they won’t be throwing bottles, instead she turned to her companions and clanged her bottle against theirs” cheers” she said before he drank the contents of the bottle.

Time saw her making her way onboard the ship, and dropping herself in her footlocker, picking her bunk before she moved to where she will be positioned on the ship as a Ghost. Though she would stop and greet her new fellow crew.
Mikael, along with the three technicians sent along for the M19 Ryoko (Homma-juni, Winters-Heisho, and X-Heisho) sat together in the crowd of "Duskers". Not only did they lack the protrusions of most of the operators, their Type 42 Class As clearly showed that they were outsiders. There wasn't much emotion coming from the 4 with the exception of Glimmergold, which caused Mikael's mouth to flinch a bit. Soul Transfer technology only works if your backup can be recovered and not corrupted.

He then glanced over to the giant Mecha in the back. It looked so much like Steiner. Thinking back on the event of his course and the lessons learned, he just accepted that it couldn't be him and then returned to looking at the rulers of the NDC. No way he was encountering him for the third time. Mikael was looking forward to applying those lessons with the Ryoko and seeing how the NDC Mecha were used. The Star Army of Yamatai intended it for only fire support, but he sensed it could be so much more than just that.

Homma- juni was a seasoned crew chief of Yamataian fighters and been in service as long as Mikael. Mikael was stuck in a stasis pod for 5 years and is the reason he isn't of a higher rank, but Mister X seemed to absolutely love remaining as a warrant officer. Couldn't blame him, NCOs can't touch you and Commissioned Officers don't want to deal with you so long as you don't act like an asshat and it got him cool gigs such as working with Star Army Research on the project as soon as they had gotten it away from Ryu Heavy Industries.

Winters-heisho and Yoshimoto-heisho were known to him though. Winters is a starship systems and power armor technician, while Yoshimoto is an information specialist. Both were pulled from G/75 mid-YE 42 for some additional training. Knowing Yoshimoto, he was going to be in heaven with all the AIs he gets to interact with. Winters, on the other hand, likely will spend all of her time with the Mecha.


Mizumitsu Sara kept her distance away from them. Especially from Mikael after she received a request to talk from him using her alias as the addressee. "How did he know that!?" she thought to herself as she listened to the words of Pines. She did glance over to them on occasion to make sure they were not sneaking up on her, she was certain they were not Mizumitsu Samurai seeking to erase the stain on their honor her defection would have caused. They would have been much more direct and demanded a duel to the death, something the NDC would never allow.

So in her paranoia, she finally decided they must be a SAINT hit squad looking to snuff out ex-peacekeepers to erase the dishonor on the Empire. With the ceremony over, she made a stealthy escape amongst the crowd, while the 4 Yamataians just sat there waiting for everyone to clear out first.
Gale's physical body, the one she used when not being the ship, floated in the sync tank in the back of the bridge, the metal bands shifting up and down in sequence to help keep her nude body 'decent'. It'd taken several more minutes after the end of the speech before the crew was all aboard, making it safe for her to launch the ship. Of course, while EVE6 hadn't need to speak to the tank for Gale to hear it, her mental ears twitching in amusement. "Aye aye. Disengaging airlock seals now. Seals disengaged. Applying thrust to starboard. We have moved away from station. Now applying forward thrust, 10%." She reported through the bridge speakers, adjusting her flight with minor tweaks via the engines, soon taking the ship out of the construction yards which had housed the ship while it was built.

Soon the ship had left it's 'cradle', and began to move through the designated lanes to it's berth for being prepared for it's shakedown cruise. "Captain, we've officially left dry dock. Setting course for pre-assigned berth to take on shakedown cruise supplies and staff." She reported, her 'eyes' shifting left and right as she panned the cameras to make sure she was flying straight and true on the course she'd been given, and watching for anyone being an idiot and ignoring dock control on where they could and couldn't be.
Unlike Mikael who had kept looking back at him, clearly confused and unsure of his presence, Steiner had recognized the Minkan(He still didn't know what that was, and hadn't thought to ask.), and decided that perhaps it was time teach his former student another lesson on mecha capabilities. As the crowd cleared, the mechanoid began to slowly creep forward-moving surprisingly quietly for his twenty five ton bulk, the footsteps muffled by the sound. The guards were watching as well, either confused, wary, or perhaps thinking he was trying to avoid crushing someone by accident.

As he got within range he debated on exactly what he was going to do, and settled for an admittedly childish antic; as he settled behind them, he brought his right leg up, far enough away to avoid crushing him, then brought it down. The resounding boom was comparable to dropping a heavy book, not particularly damaging to anything, but the noise should be enough to at least startle him...
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