Star Army

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP [Ravenaca's Watch] Fly By Night

Alex Hart

🎖️ Game Master
RP Date
YE 45.8
RP Location
Near the Newhaven System
After crew of the Ravenaca’s Watch had come upon the revelation that Newhaven’s pirates had somehow gotten access to newly manufactured U-1 fighters, high command had been quick to re-assign the ship from general anti-piracy duties to a dedicated mission to hunt down the line of supplies that the Pirates had been utilizing to gain access to new hardware.

It had been emphasized to the crew that the mission was of critical importance, that the conclave could ill-afford a pirate presence with advanced hardware disrupting trade to and from its frontier systems, but some amongst the crew were beginning to grumble that this was just another in a line of backwater assignments keeping the crew from duty inside a more prestigious fleet.

This sentiment was aided by news from the Conclave’s neighbors to the south and west, news of a new war with the Mishhuvurthyar. It was not yet confirmed whether or not the Conclave would commit forces to this new war, but many amongst the Conclave’s armed forces itched for a chance to prove the prowess of their nation’s military.

Still, even for those highly dedicated to their mission to eliminate the pirate threat in Newhaven, time was beginning to drag on. Weeks had gone by without significant action as the ship coasted, enclosed within its Gravitic Shroud, observing the comings and goings of ships within the system as it attempted to locate the shipping routes used by the pirates and their suppliers.

There was only so long one could fill the days with simulated exercises, cleaning, and maintenance, and many had begun to find other ways to fill the time, including the pilots of Alpha Lance.
Downtime was always a period of intensity for V115, while true that her life was in less danger she often lacked the instinct for socialization that many others seemed to have. So it was that a typical period of downtime for V115 included her morning stress test routine, self care in the form of diagnostics, simulation hours, and studying. However after a few weeks of this a nagging feeling, which felt like a mismatched file type irritating the normally pristine space of her digital brain had begun bothering her. Finally, after several days, she stopped to interrogate herself. 'What is the malfunction. All systems are green and its not the deja vu phenomenon.... so what exactly is the problem?' Her synthetic eyes drifted over to the other desk within her shared quarters. A soft sigh escaped her lips as heat was exchanged with her breath. 'Perhaps I have been neglecting my social...' What was the proper word? He brain split as into two threads. Obligations was one the other being needs.

V115 had never considered herself to be a social creature, she was often focused consciously on the self, the way she framed her almost every thought was centered around what she was doing, how she could improve, how she could contribute. The sound of a fellow pilot taking a serious hit played back in her mind, he'd survived but she'd promised herself to get better at being a leader, to prevent someone else from being her hurt by her own indecisiveness and adherence to protocol. Still as she thought about Alpha lance and their time together she began to realize that perhaps there was more to being a leader than just combat expertise and skill...

Though she settled upon obligations being the word, it was a lot more harsh than she actually felt about the situation. Of all the pilots that had come and gone between the shakedown run and the present, there was one who been with her since even their time in the digital space as newborns. Images of that particular woman flashed through her mind. Arguments, friendship, support, fun... they'd been together for a while now and through so much it felt like as of late. Maybe it was time to try going outside her own comfort zone and being a little social for the sake of friendship?

V115 opened her desk and pulled out a small hand filling ball made from some synthetic material. She gripped it and though it flexed slightly there really wasn't much give. Setting it down upon her desk she began to undress and neatly put away her uniform in order to get changed into her standard issue athletic gear. With a flick of her eyes the HUD within her vision changed as she began writing a text with her brain. Arye, please meet me on deck five within the multipurpose room in an hour. Oh and come ready for physical activity. -V115

With a blink her HUD returned to its normal default state. Was that too sharp? Why am I second guessing myself... its just Arye, we've known each other for forever... why'd I have to be so formal about it.... I hope it doesn't irritate her. The normally placid V115 was a little mentally off kilter this day it seemed.

Making her way down the hall the to the room in question, V115 began to rearrange some things to clear one end of the room. Her intentions were simple enough. A game of handball, something most operators enjoyed as it wasn't so much a game of raw ability since they all shared the same general capabilities physically, but rather one of wits. Rather deceptive given the physical nature of the game but in essence to score points you had to make your fellow operator miss the ball or hold it too long, both without physically interfering with them and while keeping the ball within certain height limitations. This had to be done by getting creative with your angles and bounces, and being deceptive with your physical movements while the one who was receiving the throw had to perform quick calculations to determine where it was best to receive the ball without dropping it and then execute a return plan without stalling for too long. Without an official court it would be a little more casual but the game should still be rather enjoyable and provide a space for some socializing, or at least that's what V115 seemed to think at any rate.
As Arye felt the water falling off of her face, her eyes opened and stepped back from the sink. Her systems detected a message, so she turned off the water and activated her HUD. Her eyes adjusted to to the digital overlay as her heads-up display (HUD) came to life. The message from V115, her friend and fellow pilot, seemed oddly formal, sparking her curiosity. She quickly read through the message and noticed that V115 had some free time. A smile formed on her lips as she realized that they could hang out.

“Why is she so formal?” she asked herself, then sent a reply back “on my way” and turned to walk out of the bathroom, as she made her way to the room they were supposed to meet. As she did Arye's mind wandered back to their previous missions together. They had faced countless challenges and shared both triumphs and losses. Arye hoped to bond with V, but her friend’s behavior had made that difficult some times. Which made her happy now to get the message it meant V was maturing or evolving is the better word.
Arye soon arrived at the meet up point. “Hey V!” she said to her friend and made her approach.
V115 was just waiting patiently it seemed, though it was rather obvious that she had cleared space on about half of the room as whatever furniture or equipment that was in there had been haphazardly moved to the other half of the room. Much to the chagrin of some of the lower ranking personnel who were trying to use the exercise equipment. In response to the Hey V, Arye was given a simple wave. "I hope you're ready to play hard Arye," she smiled while revealing the hand sized rubber ball. Then she seemed to switch gears somewhat as the sternness or competitiveness of her voice softened and she added "I was thinking we could have some fun while chatting."

It was a bit odd, the way she spoke. Almost like someone who wasn't used to speaking that way. Arye however would probably be aware that V115 was not someone who often did things just for fun. She'd always been serious, studious, and committed to training. After all it had always been V115's goal to be one of the best, to push the edge, even as a first generation operator. But now she sounded more like the uneasy V115 who had bought a bathing suit and was being complimented.
Arye couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and curiosity as she arrived, and saw the cleared space, and the rubber ball. It was unusual to see V115 in such a lighthearted and playful mood, and it intrigued Arye even more. She approached V115 and took a moment to assess the situation. The scattered exercise equipment gave the impression of an impromptu game, which added to the sense of spontaneity and fun.

"I'm definitely ready to play hard," Arye responded with a mischievous grin, appreciating the change in tone of her friend. "And I'm all for having some fun and a good chat." She was eager to see this side of V115, to experience a different kind of connection with her. It was refreshing to think that they could unwind and enjoy each other's company outside the intensity of their missions. As Arye positioned herself on the makeshift playing area, she couldn't help but feel a glimmer of excitement and anticipation. This was a chance for them to bond, to deepen their friendship beyond their roles as pilots. "Alright, V, how do we play this?" Arye asked, her eyes bright with enthusiasm. She was ready to dive into this moment of camaraderie and fun with her friend. But she could tell how uneasy V was, and tried to think of a way she could make her comfortable.
V115 paused for a moment before replying, "It's simple enough based on what I'd read before we left the station, when you serve the ball you have to bounce it off the front wall at least once but can use the side walls or the ceiling in any order. The floor is special though, if you touch the floor before hitting the front wall your rival gets the point. If you make your rival miss the ball and it touches the floor you get a point." Another pause as she let her words sink in.

"There's two other rules though. The ball must travel to at least the halfway point before dropping below your rival's knees and since this isn't a regulation court with sound dampening and a rear wall we should probably limit our vertical jump height so as to reduce noise...." She took a look over her shoulder to look at the rest of the room. "On second thought maybe we should play at half ability so we don't miss..." Probably a good idea since the other soldiers more than likely wouldn't appreciate being hit by an operator thrown mostly solid rubber ball.

"Hmm yeah I think just a friendly chat and light activity might be for the best here... whenever we return to port though we could try to find an actual ball court?"
Arye listened attentively as V115 explained the rules of the game, nodding along to each point. She could tell that V115 was trying to find a balance between having fun and being considerate of the noise and potential disruption to others in the room.

"I think playing at half ability sounds like a good idea," Arye replied, understanding the need to be mindful of their surroundings. "And I'm definitely up for finding an actual ball court once we're back in port. It would be great to play the game with all the proper equipment and space." She moved closer to V115, taking a position on one side of the improvised playing area. "Alright, let's keep it friendly and enjoy the chat while we play," Arye suggested with a warm smile. "I'm looking forward to this. Ready to start?" With a slight bounce in her step, she took the ball from her friend and gripped the rubber ball firmly in her hand, her focus shifting from the technicalities of the game to the enjoyment of the moment.
V115 nodded softly in acknowledgement as her friend understood and agreed to the rules. It also brought her a small smile when Arye agreed to joining her on an outing to a proper ball court. She was prepared to serve first but when Arye took the lead she simply smiled, it was nice to not have to be the leader all the time after all. Taking up a position adjacent to Arye, V115 looked down court at the far wall and waited with ready eyes to see how Arye would start. "So um... what should we talk about," V115 asked rather awkwardly. She definitely wasn't putting out her usual icy business oriented persona this time.
Arye grinned as she took her starting position, bouncing the ball lightly in her hand. She appreciated V115's willingness to let her take the lead in the game, and it gave her a boost of confidence. "Let's start with something light," Arye suggested, preparing to serve. "How about we talk about our first impressions of each other when we first joined the Ravenaca's Watch? You know, before we became these amazing pilots fighting side by side."

With a flick of her wrist, Arye sent the ball sailing towards the front wall, making it bounce off before anticipating V115's return. As she tracked the ball's trajectory, she couldn't help but reminisce about their early days together, when they were still finding their feet in the NDC. "I remember thinking you were so serious and focused," Arye admitted, her voice filled with warmth. "I admired it, to be honest. As we went through our training and missions, I saw just how dedicated and skilled you were. And as time went on, I realized there was so much more to you than just your determination."

She waited for V115's return, her eyes following the ball's path, ready to respond and continue the conversation as they played. It felt good to reminisce and share these moments with her friend, even as they engaged in a playful game.
V115 gave a soft and brief almost laugh like scoff at the notion of being an amazing pilot, yet there was a smile on that normally placid face of hers. "Don't think I'd call myself amazing but sure, sounds like a good place to start..." she began while her eyes tracked the flight path of the ball. Though after a split second she realized that wasn't really necessary to the degree that she was utilizing her current amount of processing power.

As Arye remarked on her impressions of their reuniting for the launch of the Watch, V couldn't help but feel like she was receiving flattery. Serious, focused, dedicated? definitely something she felt about herself and easy assessment to make. "That's... really kind of you to say," V115 remarked. However, skilled and there being so much more to herself than dedication? V115 doubted that one. With a simple motion her hand snapped up to receive the ball. With a light lazy toss which was unlike her usual competitive self she tossed it back at the far wall such that it should return to Arye's hand relatively smoothly if she had done her calculations right. "Not sure if there's really more to me than a drive to be the best I can be at what I've been made for... but as your lance leader I'm glad I can make an impression that sounds positive."

As the ball lazily sailed to the far wall and ricocheted towards Arye, V115 continued speaking. "As for you, I noticed you before our reunion on the Watch. You've always known what you were made for and what you wanted. That kind of certainty of purpose and the spirit to make sure you achieved it was impressive back in the digital space, especially with how early it came to you. To be honest I wasn't sure for a long time what role I was meant for... Then on the Watch's shakedown run you ended up being someone I could rely on. You know your craft and its capabilities well and despite all the changes in personnel and the other pilots we've seen come and go you're still here."

She sounded simultaneously proud of Arye and also a tad introspective. Though Arye might not know it, the shakedown run was not V115's proudest moment. Far from it, she considered it one of her biggest failures.
Arye's eyes followed the trajectory of the ball as it came back towards her, catching it smoothly in her hand. She listened intently to V115's words, her heart warmed by the genuine compliment and praise. She had always admired V115, and to hear that her own determination and reliability had made an impact meant a lot to her.

Arye couldn't help but sense a hint of vulnerability in V115's voice as she mentioned her own uncertainty about her purpose. It reminded Arye that everyone had their own struggles and doubts, even someone as skilled and disciplined as V115. "I think what makes you exceptional, V, is not just the drive to be the best, but also your ability to adapt and learn," Arye replied, lobbing the ball back to V115 with a gentle flick of her wrist. "Your dedication to improvement and the way you lead us in combat, it inspires confidence in all of us. We may have different roles, but together, we make a great team."

As the ball sailed towards V115, Arye continued, her voice filled with warmth and sincerity. "And thank you for your kind words. I've always believed in pushing myself and my starbreaker to the limits, but it's the support and trust of my teammates, especially you, that have helped me become who I am today. You always challenge me to be better, and I'm grateful for that."

Arye couldn't help but wonder about V115's mention of the shakedown run, sensing a tinge of regret or disappointment. But for now, she decided to focus on the present, on the connection they were building through their conversation and game.
The soft smile which had briefly departed earlier returned as Arye spoke of being challenged and being grateful, it was nice to hear that she had inspired someone. As the ball returned to her, a hand went up into position to catch it again, which with a soft squish her fingers closed around the returning rubber toy as the ball made contact with her palm. "Even outside of the thick of it, I like having you around..."

With a little flick and minimal arm movent the ball was sent back towards the wall. "You have a tendency to push me to see things I wouldn't normally bother to see, like leaving the watch to tour the station or going swimming. I... admittedly don't often do things for the sake of fun and often neglect socializing in favor of study. A bad habit of mine to be sure since I've been thrust into a role that requires me to look after three other beings. A habit I probably need to fix though if I ever want to achieve my next goal."
Arye's eyes sparkled with appreciation and a touch of amusement as V115 mentioned her tendency to push her out of her comfort zone. It was true, Arye had always had a knack for seeking out moments of joy and adventure, and she couldn't help but share those experiences with V115, hoping to bring a bit of lightness into their lives. "I'm really glad to hear that, and I feel the same way," Arye replied as she watched the ball return to her. She caught it easily, her reflexes sharp. "It's important to have moments of fun and relaxation in our lives. Even though your responsibilities are significant, taking breaks and enjoying the company of friends can be rejuvenating."

She bounced the ball lightly between her hands as she continued, "And if you have a next goal in mind, you should absolutely make time for those things that bring you joy and expand your horizons. Sometimes, the best way to achieve our goals is by finding the balance between work and play. Who knows, you might discover new insights and ideas while doing things just for the sake of fun." Arye tossed the ball back towards her friend, the gentle exchange of the rubber toy mirroring the warm bond between them.
"You make it sound so easy," she remarked with a soft chuckle. "The truth is, I have my eyes set on Knighthood and its gonna be a long road. Still so long as I have you by my side I think the journey will feel a lot shorter." V115 received the ball and held it for beyond the time limit. A soft smirk formed upon her lips as she looked at her friend, "I suppose that's a point for you then. Feel like joining me for a meal?" The question was perhaps a little out of the blue, but it was evident enough by her relaxed posture and small smile that she was having a good time.
Arye grinned at V115's comment about the journey feeling shorter with her by her side. The bond they shared was special, and they had grown closer through their experiences and conversations. "Of course, I'd love to join you for a meal," Arye replied without hesitation, feeling a surge of warmth in her heart. The invitation may have come out of the blue, but it was a welcome surprise. "It sounds like a perfect way to continue our chat and unwind after this game."

She couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment and satisfaction at the turn of events. Playing the game had allowed them to connect on a deeper level, and now the offer of sharing a meal together felt like a natural progression in their friendship. Arye waved to the rest of the personnel in the room, signaling that they would be leaving the playing area. As they made their way towards the exit, Arye turned to V115, a smile on her face. "You know, V, it's moments like these that make me grateful for the bonds we've forged here. We may be pilots, dedicated to our duty, but it's our connection as friends that truly makes this journey worthwhile." With that, she walked beside V115, ready to continue their conversation and enjoy a well-deserved meal together.
In response to Arye's statement about connection and friendship V115 simply added, "I'd never considered that before... the journey that is. I suppose I've always been more focused on the results than how one arrives at them." That much was certainly true, V115 since the time in the digital space had always focused more on her goal, making sure she reached it, and then surpassing it. She'd never given much thought to the idea of a journey, to paying attention to things and people around her along the way. Though in her time since training for her current position she'd experienced real loss and failure for the first time. It was different and by in large she'd ignored most of it outside of her immediate purview, save for one. Still Arye had always been someone to bring new perspectives before the more mechanical V115, that much was true.

Eventually they'd arrive at the chow hall. V115 was quick to line up and as they moved past rows of food she seemed to grab random bits from here and there until her tray looked more like a jumble than a meal. Arye would probably have seen this behavior before from her cohort. The real answer wasn't that V wanted a little of everything, it was that she'd already taken stock of her mineral and chemical deficiencies and figured out ahead of time what foods and what quantities of said food would efficiently restock her missing supplies.
As they moved through the chow hall, Arye couldn't help but chuckle softly at V115's seemingly haphazard selection of food. She knew that there was always a method to V115's actions, and this was no different. Arye had witnessed her friend's meticulous calculations and attention to detail before, and it was impressive to see how V115 approached even something as seemingly mundane as choosing a meal.

As they found a table and settled down, Arye arranged her own plate with a more casual selection of food, a mix of flavors and textures that appealed to her taste buds. She glanced at V115's tray, a mixture of different items that seemed to be specifically chosen for nutritional purposes. "Leave it to you to calculate the perfect combination of nutrients," Arye remarked with a playful smile. "Whereas I just go with what looks good."

With their plates filled, they took their seats and Arye couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. The atmosphere was relaxed, and the clatter and chatter of others in the chow hall provided a comforting background noise. Taking a bite of her food, she turned to V115 and continued their earlier conversation. "You know, there's something to be said about focusing on results. It's what makes you so skillful and efficient. But at the same time, it's important to appreciate the journey, the experiences, and the connections we make along the way. They shape us just as much as the final outcome."
Some time after the two pilots had gotten their meals from one of the ship's galleys, both V115 and Arye received notifications alerting them to the fact that there was a new development in the ship's mission, one that warranted a briefing for the ship's pilots. They were to join the ship's other pilots in the meeting room on deck 4 for the briefing in twenty minutes.

A short time later, as the members of Alpha Lance assembled in the meeting room along with the pilots of the ship's other lances. Also present in the room were the ship's CAG and the captain. Clearly, whatever new developments they were gathered to discuss, they were significant. As the last personnel filtered into the room, the CAG raised his hand and waited for chatter to die down before the captain stepped forward.

EVE6 cleared her synthetic throat before beginning to speak, her familiar voice causing all in the room to pay attention, despite their restlessness from weeks of idleness. "Pilots, I know these last few weeks haven't been easy on you. Our mission has had us in stealth while we searched out the source of the hardware that the pirates have been bringing into Newhaven, and that hasn't been easy to bear while other parts of the navy mobilize around Osman and to prepare any threat from the resurgent Mishhuvurthyar. However, our wait ends now."

The operator gestured towards the screen at the front of the meeting room, bringing up a map of the Newhaven system, displaying the ship's past course through the system, as well as locations where the crew had engaged pirates previously.

"We've previously engaged the majority of our targets in the vicinity of the system's asteroid belts, but with our previous encounter with newly-built variable frames, we knew that the pirates had to be getting equipment from somewhere else, somewhere with enough industry to manufacture such equipment. So we began to investigate the course of vessels deviating from the normal shipping lanes in the system. Eventually, we found this."

The display zoomed out and shifted slightly, showing the course of several vessels making their way to the system's outer cloud, the normal distance from the star where could jump in and out of the system. However, the vessels didn't jump, continuing to navigate through the cloud towards a single point for several days, before disappearing. "We don't know exactly what's at this point, due to interference from the outer cloud, but there seems to be a mass that suggest something like a small planetoid. This could be a base that the pirates are using to manufacture new goods. As such, the Watch will be redirecting to investigate this area. Any questions?"
V115 just shrugged and smiled as Arye talked about food. "You're right I'm sure, just a little outside my ken. If command is going to keep shoving me into leadership roles I really do need to learn to enjoy people's company," V115 mused a bit more quietly and with a sense of being relaxed that was different from how she was on the makeshift ball court. As she ate she just chatted away with Arye in between mouthfuls. Most of it about mundane things which required no elucidation. Though a little after she had finished eating, V115 smiled at Arye and went to say something when the notification of a required briefing came in. "Looks like the wait is over," she remarked apologetically. Knowing that she need to swap to her actual uniform for the briefing there was a slight hustle to return her tray to the dish washing station and get back to her shared cabin to change.

* * * *
Roughly fifteen minutes later, and now in the briefing room V115 was sitting patiently as many of the others chatted away, though if Arye wished to continue their conversation she wouldn't mind. However not too much after the briefing began. It was rather surprising information and also somewhat disturbing. Visions of the alien station filled her thoughts and left her with a soured mood. Still that they might have found the source of the pirates was still good news.
Arye finished her meal, enjoying the casual conversation with V115 during their time together. However, as the notification of the briefing came in, she understood the need to transition to the serious matters at hand. She quickly cleared her tray and made her way to the briefing room, taking her seat next to V115.

As the briefing began and the captain explained the new developments, Arye's attention was rapt. The revelation of a potential base or manufacturing site for the pirates in the outer cloud of the Newhaven system was both intriguing and concerning. She couldn't help but think about the risks involved in investigating such an unknown and potentially dangerous location.

Arye glanced at V115, a mix of determination and concern in her eyes. It was clear that they were both ready for action, but the situation demanded caution and a strategic approach. When the captain asked if there were any questions, Arye raised her hand, her voice steady but resolute. "Have we gathered any further intelligence on the defenses or possible fleet presence around this potential base? And what is our objective in investigating this location? Are we aiming for reconnaissance or a direct assault if necessary?"
She knew that their approach would depend on the information they had gathered so far, but she wanted to make sure they were well-prepared for any possible scenario. Arye was always one to think ahead and anticipate potential challenges, and this situation was no different. As she waited for the captain's response, her gaze briefly met V115's, silently expressing their shared commitment