Star Army

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP Reactivated M2: Reconnoiter

Commissar Farzi

🎖️ Game Master
RP Date
YE 44.2
RP Location
The aftermath of the battle had been...less than pleasant; six cohorts had been involved; a third of them dead or wounded-and no less than 10 tanks destroyed from the defensive unit sent out to engage what was turning out to be a bare handful of enemy combat units-but whether that spoke to their training or lack their of or the nature of their enemy Steiner didn't know. The Chirugeons were currently in the laboratories attempting to make some sense of the creature. So far their autopsy had yielded few if any results, save for the fact it's anatomy was from standard. One of the ever-increasing number of concerns that continued to plague them. Still, they were Iron Company, and they had a job to do.

His meeting with Pasacal had been, informative...but it would at least ensure preparations were underway should the worst come to pass. They need to get some information, and start taking the offensive as reacting was doing little save for causing the casualties to pile up. Toggling his comms, he spoke. "Yeomans Andrake and Morris, Rabbit Actual, and Tacho-report to me immediately in the central gantry." The mechanoid looked at one of the gantries; and what was contained within, as much as it pained him to say it they were likely going to have to escalate sooner rather than later. And risk losing hardware they wouldn't be able to replace easily.

When Morris heard the transmission, he sighed, getting up from beside his wife-a fair skinned, well built woman with greying aburn hair. ("Duty calls.") He said in valhallan as she clung to him. ("Can't it wait? We hardly see you these days.") She responded-giving him pause before he sighed. ("Not with those things out there.") Rising, he opened up the armoire that contained his hardsuit. As he dressed, he fiddled with the straps to his armor. With a final, longing look to his wife, who had donned her own dress; a plain thing. Giving her a kiss before donning his helmet, he left his quarters and made his way down to the central gantry. Given a share salute, he stated sharply: "Yeoman Sergeant Jacob Morris reporting."
("Yeoman Andrake reporting,") The mentioned tiny Valhallan appeared in the Central gantry in a mechanic;'s jumpsuit, having been spending time working on various maintenance tasks that needed done after the battle, She had barely had time to sleep, and in stead spent her time honing her craft by maintaining and repairing damaged equipment to give herself a better understanding of how the equipment worked. Not that she needed it for Valhallan gear. No, her time had been spent on gear captured during the last few engagements.

As she swigged on her flagon of sweet caffeinated nectar of whichever god created caffeine, she offered a grin.
Auli’I hadnt heard her name being called, so she decided to report in. “I wasn’t called, but Technician Auli’I reporting in!” She said before glancing to Michelle, and remembered she’d tried to flirt on open coms. “By the way, Flirty sis, here was a big help, in making repairs” She said trying to keep her face straight and serious as possible. The Fox knew that it wouldn’t do her any good not to piss off her Papa/the Grandmaster of the Iron Company afterall. But the fox still had a bit of dust on her outfit, and her fur, which she was ignoring at that moment.
Tacho was on her knees, not that it was in the way most of the Knuckleheads wanted her there though. She had a plasma cutter in her hand, and a make-shift mask down over her face. One of the boys had taken a Mule Exosuit out into the storm, got hit by a bit of the ionization they had witnessed earlier, and had somehow escaped with only the stand in the damned machine's knee joints fused into glass. "Fuck," she cursed as she put the plasma tool down. She reached for the helmet of her Krysis Power Armor which she had taken off to get some work done, and placed it back on, ("On my way, Grandmaster") she reported back over the comm channel. This was going to be something, another mission, hopefully not another round of the Sentinel shutting down Mike's attempts to flirt with her - it was interesting that Steiner had bothered. She could handle herself, handle whatever the universe had to throw at her. She had become like a rock, stubborn and more Vahallan than Norian now.

Secrets were interesting things, the one she had up on the Grandmaster was a mechanized miracle of her own making, just the rest of the company didn't know what Steiner could now do that they all believed to be impossible. She wondered when that grand reveal would come. It probably was not the time for that anyway. best some Knuckleheads pooped their pants when it did finally go down.

She had to grab a little something, that promised bottle for the help on the way back from the first shit show. She joined the others in the central gantry and reported, "Tacho here, reporting as requested," she said as she walked past Steiner and set the bottle of mead down beside Mike, "Enjoy the sweet!" she said, she then walked back over, the thrusters and gravity drive on her armor activated and she hovered there, about level with the boss with the glistening feather-like features on her armor glistening like some kind of ornament. A recent addition, the logo she had picked for her little hyperspace show was now a decal stuck onto the armor, plastered over the old MERN symbol to cover it up like it all had never happened. "Hey, little fox, " when she noticed Auli.

One of the feather drones from her wing structures seemed to shiver like a leaf and then broke off, the bright shiny little drone zipped around Morris' head like a mosquito, or well a mosquito the size of a fist - not that it seemed far fetched, plenty of that on Njord. She actually had started to miss the uncomfortable hot hell hole of a home they picked, anything was better than this sand-covered squid nest.
"As though I'd let you mar that perfect coat? Please. I work hard to maintain my image of piety and chastity!" Or... lack thereof. "I promise I didn't do anything untoward."

But as Tacho passed by and set the bottle of mead next to her, Michelle visibly brightened, trading her flagon for the bottle. "Sobriety's so overrated... Your armor looks nice today, Tacho. The love you put into it certainly shows."

The work was delicate, the glass not just smooth and polished, but almost appearing soft in its curves, like the details were some sheet cloth carved on a marble statue. Almost as much a work of art as the bluish golden liquid contained within, and she almost regretted pulling the cork. Almost. That satisfying pop and the smell that filled her nose like some ambrosia, some artful melody of flavors could only be matched by the first swig from the bottle. The alien stonefruits, plums, she had been told they were called, here, complimented the honey perfectly. The viscosity and sweet flooding her senses before fading to the dancing alien spices caused her to melt and sink to a sitting position that let her make soft happy noises. ("I have got to get this recipe...")
Steiner ignored Mike's prattling, that and Tacho's usual flippant attitude and general lack of protocol-not to mention the antics with the drone were expected. The Beastkin making herself known wasn't exactly welcome, but at the moment he had other things to worry about. Morris while initially appearing with a high degree of professionalism-that had all evaporated the moment Tacho had unleashed her drone, swatting at it with an annoyed growl as it buzzed around his head. If he was capable of it, he'd have an eyebrow twitch. Instead, he settled for the slight acceleration of his reactor; the noise drawing Morris's attention; he immediately stopped what he was doing. "If the three of you-"He said indicating the norian and two humans-"would be so kind as to behave in a professional manner-we may begin."

Steiner indicated a crude projector sitting just above, which flared to life, a fuzzy image that slowly clarified on screen-it depicted a crude map of the surrounding area. "As you are all well aware," He began as crude markers formed, indicating unit position and strength as well as points of interest, "Yesterday's engagement was nothing short of a disaster; two-hundred-and-eighty-eight casualties; with the majority of them coming from Sapphire, Cobalt and Thunder Cohorts, along with lost equipment-including several tanks." That had been a failure on his part-while reliable, it was becoming increasingly clear that the Defenders and Universals were becoming wholly insufficient to combat the threat at hand effectively. "And given recent intelligence; it is past time we started to hit back." The next slide zoomed in, with a red square indicating a strange blur. "These photos were taken with aerial reconnaissance drones roughly six hours ago and while we were not able to get a clear picture due to interference and worsening weather conditions"-It shifted again, this time to the black and white of an infrared cam-"there is some indication that there may be some possible enemy activity-this was located roughly seven kilometers north-I want you four to help conduct a recon in force." He finished, before cutting the projection.

"You will be supported by three squads of mechanized yeomen under the command of Squire Revjak-" Morris let out a quiet curse "-and a pair of Myrmidons. Artillery will also be on standby as needed."

'That was some serious support for a recon in force, some of the best hardware they could offer,' Morris mused, "Once you have located the facility," Steiner continued, as a pair of gantries opened revealing a pair of large, bulky forms-in spite of the industrial appearance they had a certain sleekness to them, and in someway resembled a UMT, thought it had a much narrower front and what seemed to be a cockpit of some sort-a pair of massive cannons sitting to either side of the turret, and wicked dozer blades that could easily push aside wreckage and fortifications. The tanks' fusion engines purred to life, "You will signal Revjak and his men, and they will commence probing; if the the RIF should achieve some sort of breakthrough-you are to retrieve whatever information you can and render in operable. Understood or are there any questions?"

Morris nodded and saluted as Steiner waited for the others' response...
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The Apprentice Smith stood at attention for what might actually be a meeting that her rank shouldn’t be allowed in. Fortunately, for her, Steiner was a bit distracted to admonish the clueless apprentice. But that may come, a little later. Instead, the little Fox girl, focused on those around her, who had arrived and so on. Tacho’s presence was noticed immediately when she arrived, her presence had always amused her, the things she might say and her antics. “Hey mama Tacho” she replied to Tacho’s greeting. She watched her give mead to Mike, making her think how lucky Mike was. She thought about Mike’s comment, and it made her wonder if Mike was talking about her, when referring to the coat comment, but she chose not to ask, mostly due to her distractions, as she watched.

A part of her wanted to comment, and to ask for mead too but Auli’i had some sense to remain silent as she watched, and fought so hard not to laugh as one of Tacho’s feathers, came loose and started bothering Morris, or as Auli referred to him as, Papa. The shorty fox listened as Steiner gave them (and the unexpected extra) a debriefing meeting. Everything that the Grandmaster(Grampa Steiner) of the Iron Company was saying was horrible, and a part of her was glad, she hadn’t been out there, but been stuck in base, making sure the life support systems were functioning well.

Though she paused her thoughts when he mentioned four of them, was he letting her in on the mission? She was certain she could do recon. Auli’i snapped to attention as Steiner finished his briefing, her focus returning to the task at hand. She had a feeling that this reconnaissance mission would be no walk in the park, but she was determined to contribute whatever skills she could to the Iron Company's efforts.

"No questions, Grandmaster," Auli’i replied with a salute. "I'm ready to carry out the mission as ordered. I'll do my best to support the team and gather any valuable information." She glanced at her fellow comrades, curious to see how they would respond to the mission and if anyone had any questions or comments to add.
"No questions for you, Grandmaster," Michelle took another sip of the glorious blue-gold liquid as she considered the briefing.

She could hang back on overwatch again, the bark of her rifle signalling death for armor and equipment alike. She was too small to be much use aside bait, or an infiltrator.

Or the deadly ghost in the sand. "Hey, pup," she held up the bottle towards Auli'i. "You want some? you're gonna need it."

Turning her head to Morris and Tacho, her other question came up. "Morris, you want me hanging back with a rifle and a comm relay or you want me hips deep in it with you?"
Tacho stood resolute amidst her fellow soldiers, her v.9 Krysis Crixa armor bearing the marks of sand and grit from their recent battle. The weight of casualties and losses lingered heavily in her mind as she absorbed Steiner's debriefing. This mission represented a significant shift, transitioning from a defensive stance to an offensive thrust against their relentless adversary. Steiner's words, while critical, didn't faze her much; he knew her and her ways too well.

"Aye," Tacho responded to the part about their behavior. With her boots firmly planted on the battlefield, trivial matters like protocol held little significance.

"Understood, Grandmaster," Tacho replied her tone now serious, her demeanor reflecting the gravity of their situation. "We'll establish eyes on that facility and gather any intel we can. There's no room for error this time." A palpable unease accompanied her words, evident in the clearing of her throat.

"Sir, if I may," she continued, addressing Steiner, "the pair of Myrmidons should hang back, even if things take a turn for the worse. Count on me to extract this little fox, Mike, and the rest of the team if needed. These creatures we're dealing with, they're more intelligent in their movements than your average beasts. To be blunt, I believe they might attempt to strike this complex while we're engrossed in the thick of it and unable to respond. That ion discharge yesterday, well, that was sheer luck, and luck is a fickle companion," she explained, stressing the importance of keeping the Myrmidons in reserve. "I can have my ship on standby, serving as our contingency ride back. I believe she's ready for the task," Tacho added, her eyes analyzing the barely legible aerial recon data.

Turning her attention to Auli'i, the young apprentice Smith who had joined the meeting, Tacho's tone shifted to a more reassuring one. "Hey there, Little Fox," she greeted Auli'i with a nod. "Mama Tacho's got your back. If you need a sip of mead to steady your nerves, just say the word."

When Mike raised the question of her role in the upcoming mission, Tacho considered their options. Morris and Mike, with their combat expertise, were invaluable assets on the front lines.

"Mike," she began, her voice measured and thoughtful. "You and Morris are our front-line muscle. We need that rifle barking and your swift reflexes in the thick of the action. While a comm relay has its merits, my gut tells me we'll need your firepower right up there with us this time."

With a final nod to Auli'i, Tacho's unwavering confidence shone through amidst the uncertainty. "Alright, Iron Company, let's prepare for sand, squids, and whatever else this mission throws our way. We've got a job to do, and I don't intend to return empty-handed." She paused briefly and waited to hear what Steiner had to say in response to her suggestion.
"A recon-in-force is made with the intention of gaging an enemy's strength, combat disposition, and reaction Tacho," Steiner responded, looking down at her, "And given their behavior, both during our initial landing here and the subsequent months is cause for concern-I wish to gage how they function on defense in addition to whatever other data you find." He desperately wished he could be in the thick of things, but alas the role of the grandmaster allowed for little room for such wants. "If it comes down to it-you may use your vessel for exfiltration-but regardless the myrmidons are coming with you, " He continued, knowing her thoughts on this, "I will assign an additional squad to support them as needed." His body language gave the indication that there was no room for argument on the matter. "One of the squads will be a few mules armed with a combat package as the Guardians are not ready to go yet."

"Dismissed." The mechanoid sent his orders for a squad of Mules and regulars to assist them as he left no doubt to attend to some other matter. He had a feeling Tacho would likely at some point end up rubbing it in his face should her own concerns prove valid. Nonetheless, he knew they'd follow his orders-at least to a point. The old sentinel wondered if he was making a mistake-but now was not the time for second-guessing.


Morris cursed as Steiner trundled off, loudly at that as the Myrmidons followed him, flanked by a few Mules-no doubt the same ones that'd be following them. "Love your optimism Tacho," The big man growled irritably as he went over to an armory to draw weapons-and returning shortly with a Thundererer and a large bore pistol-not the usual scythe and combat shield-and magazines for both, plus a couple of Doorknockers, "But we've got Revjack." And wasn't just dandy? Morris normally be a bit more professional about it, but the man in question was a sore spot for most. "Alright-you heard him-let's get on with this before that bastard blows a gasket. And Auli-" He addressed the fox morph directly, "Stay by us and don't go anywhere near the Squire-not alone anyways." He-hopefully-didn't need to explain why, but braced for the inevitable question of 'Why?'
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Auli'i listened attentively to the exchange between Steiner and Tacho, taking note of the grandmaster's decision to have the Myrmidons accompany them on the mission. She thought having trained guys fighting for them would be good, so she chose not to question it. Instead, the little fox turned her attention to the people that had given her some attention. namely Tacho and Mike, whom each received a gift of her smile as they spoke to her. “thanks Mama Tacho, your mead is the best!” she said before she turned her attention to Mike. “aww, thanks Flirty Sis!” she said before finally, Papa Morris spoke to her.

Her head nodded, as her ears showed how happy she was to get all this attention from them. “ah, I understand, He has guy cooties, doesn’t he? It's alright, I understand” she told Morris, with an innocent smile on her face. The Fox moved to follow Morris to grab what she’d need for the mission, ignoring the uncomfortable uniform that clearly wasn’t built for a Fox Anthro like her. Indeed, Auli’I was intelligent enough to realize sometimes she’d get odd looks, odd uncomfortable looks like they were afraid she’d blow up or something. But thus far since she joined she hadn't yet, but she knew it would take time, despite how stubborn some got.

Auli’I vowed she’d perform well, do the best she could, and prove herself to the others.
"Who the fuck is Revjak?" Close enough to a why, but given Michelle's decision that a bad omen beastman like Auli'i being on their side was somewhere between enemy of my enemy and can never have too many allies.

"Any time, floof." She stood, taking another swimig of the bottle before returning to her flagon and draining the coffee. Partly to clear her palette, more to finish her coffee. "Keep in mind, I'm from Waterfall. I was recruited pretty late."
Tacho watched her comrades' interactions with a blend of amusement and camaraderie. Mike's curiosity regarding Revjak piqued her interest, as the figure's reputation appeared to hold a certain mystique. Michelle's pragmatic comment, deeming Auli'i an ally in uncertain times, showcased her seasoned warrior mindset. Tacho acknowledged their banter with a nod, appreciating the bond that had formed among them.

With a light-hearted tone, she commented on Revjak's reputation, her words carrying a hint of playful skepticism. "Revjak's got a reputation, that's for sure," she quipped, ensuring that Revjak could hear her light jest.

Tacho also expressed her admiration for Auli'i's determination and couldn't help but smile at the endearing term "floof." Her encouraging words conveyed the sense of unity that had grown among their team.

As they prepared to embark on their upcoming mission, Tacho radiated a sense of purpose and readiness. She donned her power armor and addressed the group with a blend of urgency and humor. "Already suited up and ready to roll! If anyone's planning to mess things up, save it for your next date! Let's saddle up!" With the powerful thrusters of her armor engaged, she lifted off the ground slightly, hovering to gain the best vantage point. "Time to find out what those squids and their kittens are up to. Maybe we'll get lucky, Morris, and they'll just want a hug?" Her chuckle added a touch of levity to their impending mission.
"I don't think he can't hear you Tacho," Morris muttered as Tacho raised her voice as they headed out, trying his best to get the bulky rifle's weight distributed as they approached-he'd forgotten how heavy the damned things were, "And hopefully they'll give him a hug first." The venom in those words would be enough to stand the hairs on anyone's head-though at Ali's words he couldn't help but chuckle. "I wish that was the case." His tone was kind, before switching to a far graver note "Revjak's from the same planet I'm from Mike-a baron's son or something." Anyone with two marks to rub together would be able to put together exactly how that came to be, "Was recruited about the same time I was-son of the local baron; same guy who didn't do jack-shit when a plague broke out in the village near the quarry I worked at." Checking the safety on his rifle he continued, "Long story short, I guess the Grandmaster was two steps away from mixing it up with his pa's guys. Next thing I know I see Revjack joining me and a few others-and a novice at that." It went unsaid that he likely had to play politics to placate the fat slob, letting his son have a chance at glory "We also had to deal with a high population of beastkin-somtimes they'd kill or drag off people from our own or the surrounding villages." Getting mauled by one of the bastards was bad enough, but the latter...

"Word has it a few of his siblings got kidnapped during a raid-I wonder how they got past the walls?" He paused for a moment as they approached, before finishing. "Anyways, they were rescued, but I don't know the specifics, save for a month or so later there were some of the 'Kin's kits' pelts stretched across his family's gatehouse." He didn't need to know-nothing more had to be said. "After that, he began offering bounties for any pelts-good way to earn a few Marks." He spotted the defenders, arranged in a neat wedge with the tanks leading-by the book-armored fist formation. "Anyways-Revjak earned his spurs during the war-held the during the fall of one of the Norian's colonies-Aemparo I think it was? Got a lot of people out when the squire of his cohort fell. Long story short, he's a glory hound and insufferable as any other noble, but he does live up to his title." You'd think their training would've stamped that shit out of him-too much to hope for.

"Telling stories about me already Morris?" A voice came from above them-standing on the lead vehicle was a wirey man-thin, with sharp-angled features, head shaved completely save for a bundle of hair done up in a top-knot-his helmet as his side as cold, slanted green eyes stared down at them. His thin lips and hawkish nose held a slight, disdainful grin, "And here I thought we'd settled our differences Yeoman Sergeant." He placed emphasis on the big man's rank as if though to remind him of his place-then looking to Tacho and Mike, "These are what the grandmaster has sent-a pair of maids better suited to the childbed than battle?" Good ol' Valhallan traditionalism right there, he looked at Auli'i, his grin turning into a sneer-"And what is that doing here?" His voiced dripped venom as he went for his pistol-right as Morris took two steps forward and planted himself squarely between the morph' and the dipshit. "Picked her up a couple months back," The big man explained-and enjoyed seeing the prick's face change from contempt to disgust, "Grandmaster didn't care and cleared her for the mission-we're all company here so let's just do our jobs and come home." Revjak's face changed rapidly, before sighing and removing his hand from his gun, "Very well, but I work with her under protest- ensure she remains muzzled and away from my men." Well guess that was as good as he was going to get.

"Righty o' Squire Revjak," Morris replied with a half-assed salute-normally he'd be more professional, but this asshole. The man's jaw tightened. "Don't worry, once we come up on the facility we'll give you the signal." The man nodded and walked away, clambering aboard one of the defenders as Morris gestured to the lead Myrmidon. "Come on-that's our ride-Tacho-do your thing." He clambered aboard and settled comfortably on the back of the tank.

1 hour later

The wind howled as sand raked against his armor-Morris could've sworn he felt some of it digging through his hardsuit-but he'd be damned if he rode in on-the vehicles churning up even more dust and adding to the near constant cloud that surrounded the planet. The big man shook off some of the dust as he toggled his comm. ("How far till we reach the base, over?") A sigh, followed by, ("At least another half-kilck; we told you that not less the ten minutes ago Yeoman Sergeant, over and out.") A click followed by his sighing. "Everone alright?" He called out in trade-hoping that no one had fallen off-or in Tacho's case, gotten tagged by another AA battery again.
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Michelle had been listening carefully until the man-- Revjak, she finally had a name to his face, called her a maid. And one more fit for making babies than fighting wars. In that breath, she vowed his gonads would be hung above her front door. But when moved to draw on Auli'i, she moved with an instinct and purpose that belied her tiny size as she whipped a pistol from her jumpsuit and levelled it at the noble.

"Threaten my battle-sister one more time and you will not live to regret it, you useless fucking Royal!" Her voice was fierce, commanding, powerful despite her miniscule stature among Valhallans. While still a tall and strongly built human, most Valhallans, even the women, tended to be a head or more over her. Not that she cared. She had never been one to pick on people her own size. She kept her pistol levelled to put three rounds between the man's eyes until Moris gave her the look to stop. She respected Morris. Had seen what he could do, and how good at his job he was. She liked having him around and envied his wife, but her honor could only make her give an unspoken promise to make sure he came back to her after every mission. So when his body language told her it was time to put the pistol away, she gave a snort and moved to the armory to gather her gear for the mission.


Michelle had curled up with her rifle in the shadow formed by the cab of the transport, her tiny stature making that easy. ("I'm good. Visibility's too bad for me to get any kind of range out here. I got... Well, I got my mighty shotgun with beastkiller slugs, I got my DMR for midrange, and a knife for close quarters. Not looking to get close enough to get dragged off by the squids. Why I got a hand grenade in my skivvies.")
Auli’I turned her head as Mike asked the question was wondering about, and Tacho mentioned he had a rep that bothered her. But she hoped because she was on the Iron Company’s side, things were okay, at least in terms of her presence, and her job on the mission. As she looked at Tacho, she noticed her facial expressions on her face, and smiled herself, pleased to see that she seemed happy. However, as Papa Morris started talking, she turned her focus to him and listened to his statement of wishing that was the case. It made her wonder was she wrong. Of course, she wasn’t dumb she’d seen how some had looked at her, which only made her want to prove herself more.

This was something she thought had occurred already, but perhaps it was only a small group to whom this had occurred. She chuckled at Tacho’s words, “Speaking of squids.. think they will be tasty? not sure about kittens though..” She said.

Morris talked about a previous mission, but she didn't feel any connection to the beastkin. She wondered if she was experiencing what had happened to Tacho. “Sounds like these…beastkin were more crazy fucking animals in the dimension where you all were. Which makes me feel unique” she tells them, before the man of the hour spoke and she found her eye twitching. “That, I think he’s blind, and doesn’t see the fact I have tits, wait that’s the correct term right?’ she asked those she actually respected. She disliked the muzzled term he used either.

As Auli’i, heard and witnessed Mike stepping up, to face Revjack, her respect for her battle sister grew immensely. Note to self, stop calling her Flirty sis, give her a better nickname She thought silently to herself. Indeed, more and more she liked Mike, as much as she liked Morris, and Tacho. Her tail began reacting to her mood, and began swaying happily behind her, despite the uniform’s constrictingness.
(“I currently have no issues, I’m so loving this armor keeping the sand off my poor furry butt”) she replied in Valhallan, and wondered if others other than the cool kids, were cursing knowing the furry girl knew their language. Though as time passed as she breathed in, the dust was starting to affect her. She was unaware that the dust is full of heavy metals and toxic minerals. which would soon very soon(by next post) be affecting her.
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Tacho couldn't help but chuckle at Auli's playful comment about squids and kittens, appreciating the attempt to lighten the mood. She understood the young fox morph's need to find her place within the Iron Company, having faced her own challenges when she first joined. Auli's uniqueness was something Tacho saw as a strength, and she believed the apprentice Smith had the potential to prove her worth to the team. "Tastes like chicken, they all do...even the frogs," Tacho commented with a laugh.

As Morris shared his insights into Squire Revjak's background, Tacho couldn't deny the validity of his words. Revjak's reputation as a glory hound and noble upbringing were evident in his behavior, but his ability to get the job done was undeniable. Tacho knew they had to work together, despite any personal differences.

However, when Revjak made derogatory comments about Auli, questioning her presence, Tacho's patience wore thin. She admired Michelle's fierce defense of their battle-sister and understood Auli's frustration. While Tacho recognized the necessity of maintaining cohesion within the team, she also believed in standing up against discrimination. Her gaze turned serious as she addressed the group. "Maid? You've been watching too much porn, Rev. The only thing I'll give birth to is rated in megatons and generates a nice mushroom in the sky. Perhaps you can be the first to hold it, fuckknuckle." She was livid.

"Listen up, everyone," Tacho began, her voice firm but measured. "We're a team, and we need to watch each other's backs out there. Auli is part of this mission, and we will respect her just like any other comrade. Revjak, you're gonna do your fucking job or I'm going to make sure your next milkmaid is six hundred pounds and has a full beard. Understood?" Tacho's words carried the weight of her authority as she emphasized the importance of unity within the Iron Company, while also giving Rev a taste of his own medicine.

Tacho zipped up a little further into position and scanned the area around them with her armor's scanners.
("Still gonna hang his gonads above my door. Only use his royal seed has. Fucking worthless royals like that are the reason my world burned.") Michelle lounged back against the back of the Myrmidon's turret.

("Auli'i,") her voice drew tight across the comms. ("Put your mask on. A Senti might be able to breathe this shit, but we can't. Those heavy metals and mineral dust'll give you miner's lung fast as I can take down a thurok.")
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1 Hour ago

"Then keep your pet on a leash, wench," Revjak responded before looking down from his position on the APC to Mike. "Be careful whom you call useless girl-one could say the same of you." followed. Morris sighed as the tank rolled forward, desperately wishing for a swing of the ole brandy. Either that or Revjak got a hug. "Easy you three." He said over a private channel, "I get it, he's a waste of a working asshole as a person," His voice explained tiredly as if though this was a well-worn explanation-and they all knew it was, "But that's no excuse for friendly fire-besides-" The big man's tone turned wry. "I'd hate to lose a good punching bag."


En-route to facility

Morris sighed as he heard Mike's comment-the big man understood where she was coming from. Was the whole reason he'd left Veirsa. ("Can it Mike.") He said, his voice slightly distorted by his helmet's speakers as he leaned back against the tank turret, ("You can fantasize about castrating the Squire later.") He paused for a moment, sipping his helmet's mouthpiece connected to his canteen before finishing. ("Last thing any of us need is you getting hurt or killed because you're more focused on him than the mission.") It was an easy enough trap to fall into, but being distracted on this job was a death sentence.

("You're glad for it now fuzzball,") Morris responded in Valhallan, peering over the turret of the tank-yep, more sand, ("But spend close to six months solid in it and you'll change yer tune.") Understatement of the year right there-the suit's interior tended to smell after a while, with filth and grime accumulating during a protracted engagement with few washing opportunities- And gods help you if you get bugs in it. ("Mike's right though-keep your helmet on and locked.") It went without saying-air wasn't breathable even without the grit. Watching as Tacho flew overhead, he did his best to take his mind off of the impending mission. Doing a quick check-air tank was good, the seals locked-left buckle on his chestpeice was a little loose-he tightened it only for it to come loose again. Great-while not serious, it did represent a weakness in his armor. He growled, gave it a sharp tug-and satisfied with it, went to toggle the comm before it chimed. ("We're coming up on the objective-it's all you now.") The formation ground to a halt, with some of the yeomen along with the Mules dismounting and taking up a loose formation to provide some screening to the vehicles. ("We'll be on standby when you call-over and out.")

"Alright, everyone make sure your oxygen's good and your suit doesn't have any holes in it," Morris dismounted before his comm chimed-a private channel, ("Morris here, over.") Revjak's harsh, high voice cam across the comm in Valhallan nonetheless. ("I trust you have a plan, over.") Morris rolled his eyes before responding, that habit of stating questions as statements made him sound like an idiot, ("Yea, get a look at the base, see what we're dealing with, and probe em', over.") A snort. ("Simple but effective-so much so that the whores and their pet can follow it-admirable.") Rolling his eyes, he cut Revjak's next comment off. He'd just LOVE to hear Tacho ream him out again-or maybe Mike would end up shooting him-he didn't care at this point save for the headache it'd cause them. ("Just make sure you're ready to go when we call, over and out.") He terminated the link before signaling to the rest of the squad. "Alright- let's move it our!" He ordered, before switching comms, his boots crunching in the dry, crumbling earth, "Tacho-you got anything on your scope-over?" Her gear was better than theirs and like would have little more luck penetrating the muck they were in.
As she heard Tacho’s response, Auli’I couldn’t help but smile “Oooh chicken! Excellent, been craving that, or that kind of taste, hehe.” she said in response, and then after Revjak, whom she decided would be called Lord Jerkalot, decided to say his peace, before she made her response. Her thoughts also made her wonder at his qualifications for being here, if he is indeed as blind as she was thinking he was. Though Pleasure filled her whole being at Mike, and Tacho’s words, as she heard them, but she wondered though somewhat at her limited education.

She sent Tacho a delayed message that would activate and alert her to it once the mission was done. Which were you sure he wouldn’t like that? From what studies in royal families I’ve read I heard they love them huge.”

Now that her delayed message was sent she could focus on the mission. But unfortunately, the unfriendly squire just had to open his mouth again. “the fuck” she said to herself at the pet comment, but she didn’t know what offended her more, being called a pet, or hearing him call the ladies she respected whores, which according to her studies was a bad word. She knew she really needed to focus on the mission, but had listened when Mike warned her to adjust her mask, which was a good idea.

As she looked up at Mama Tacho, an idea popped into her head of getting power armor, and she wondered if she could get one, and thought maybe Tacho and possibly Mike had ideas on what she could do.