Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP Reactivated M4: Firebase Assault

Commissar Farzi

🎖️ Game Master
RP Date
YE 44.3.2
RP Location
Steiner was pouring over the data feeds-areal drone reconnaissance had finally located where the tracker's signal was coming; while the intelligence that Morris's squad was currently being processed the gribbly vehicle had been recovered and according to the beacons placed had come to rest at what seemed to be some kind of facility; the facility reassembled a cross with a series of towers jutting from it. The feed showed what looked like convoys coming and going, but they hadn't dared loitered their drones any longer than they had to. Either a factory or firebase-and the brief active scans they'd risked had shown it to be only moderately fortified with few if any trenches; instead having bunkers and strongpoints with a few walls for cover-either that or much like Bifrost their defenses were buried in the toxic soil. Of course, static defense such as theirs meant little when even infantry could be airborne.

He found himself wishing not for the first time today that Tacho had recovered-she'd been in the isolation ward since her injury; her armor would have greatly contributed to reconnaissance. However, now was not the time to dwell on such matters, there were gribblies that needed killing. "Yeomen's Morris, Andrake, and Auli'i report to the main gantry." He called over the intercom, and set a transmission to Pascal as well...


Morris had just woken up and was currently settling down to a breakfast of bread and cheese when the call came through. His wife looked at him for a moment, and with a nod of understanding slathered some butter on a few slices before placing a large slice of cheese and salted thruok between them making a crude sandwhich. "Duty calls," he said, giving her an appreciative kiss on the cheek before collecting his helmet and meal, "See you when I get back.' If he came back-thought that went unsaid.

The big man had finished his meal by the time he'd arrived, brushing away the crumbs off his brigandine. "Yeomen Sergant Morris reporting." He said with a salute-though when he spotted Pascal a shiver went down his spine-The presence of a knight-captain either really good, or they were in for a rough time.
Yeoman Andrake, though her uniform clean and pressed, appeared at the Gantry as though walking out of the shadows clutching a cup of hot, caffeinated sludge. Based on the mat of hair and the brush in her back pocket, this was her first cup. And the ration bar in her other hand would have told Morris that Andrake was well and truly still half asleep and had not noticed Pascal just yet.

"Yeoman Andrake reporting..." Mike threw back a mouthful of the sludge, blearily looking to Morris as though hoping he could get her out of whatever mess the squad was going into so she could go back to sleeping in a hammock strung between hydroponic towers. "Sorry, my bunkmate had guests over."
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The short fox, Auli'i, stepped back from the machine she'd been fixing in the Iron Company's hangar bay, wiping a bit of grease from her hands onto her outfit. Her sensitive nose twitched at the familiar scent of metal, oil, and overheated circuits—a scent she had long grown used to, though she still disliked it. The technician stretched her arms, rotating her shoulders to ease the stiffness that had set in after hours of work.

"Okay... ship issue repaired," she muttered, glancing over her handiwork one last time. Her ears perked up slightly as if listening for any sounds of malfunction from the vessel, but it remained silent. Satisfied, she gave a small nod of approval.

"Time for this short fox to get cleaned up and grab something to eat," she mused aloud, already imagining the comforting scent of food replacing the harsh tang of the decontamination spray she'd soon have to endure. Before heading off, she checked her work tools and started putting them away in her pack, moving with the efficient precision that came from practice.

As she made her way toward the exit of the hangar, a soft chime sounded on the intercom. Auli'i frowned slightly, The words "Report to Main Gantry"came through. She sighed and signed in exasperation. "Looks like I gotta get back to the other work," she muttered, her tail swishing behind her in mild annoyance. There was always something more to fix, another task needing her attention.

With a practiced motion, she reached for her weapon, a compact but powerful piece of equipment that she had maintained and customized herself. Slinging it over her shoulder, Auli'i straightened her posture and began her walk toward the main gantry of the base on the planet Sandraker. As much as she grumbled, she knew the importance of her role, both as a Supply Smith and a technician. The machines and weapons wouldn't keep themselves in working order, after all.

Her steps were brisk, and despite the weight of the work ahead, she couldn't help but think about the meal waiting for her when she finally finished for the day. "Maybe I'll ask Mike or papa for a little extra training after," she thought, though the idea still made her hesitate. For now, though, duty called. "Apprentice Smith, Auli’I reporting for duty!” She said as she stepped beside Mike. ‘hey papa, sis, ready to destroy some gribblies?” She asked.