Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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Inactive Member
I think I'm getting on the bandwagon and making my own species. Due to my schedule, though, it's not going to be ready for a while. (I know it's a lot of work.) I'll probably be finalizing the species data over winter break.

So Wes, should I reserve a star system (just one will do) now or should we wait until later? I'm asking because I'd prefer a location reasonably close to the Empire. (Also, all the nice colors are getting snapped up. ^_^;; )

New idea: I'd like to reserve a location and a color, but leave the system unlabeled until the species data is ready, or an XF come across it ICly. (In which case, we'll just have to play it fast and loose, as my professors would say.)
Sure. Pick one out.

Suggestion: there's a star system about equal distance from Mirada, Xylar, and the Fenyar Cloud. It's about 8 o'clock from Xylar and 4.5 o'clock from Mirada.
Hmm. Too close. ^_^;;

Here's why: I'm giving the species about the equivalent of 1960s era Earth technology. So they've been broadcasting radio, TV and other EM signals for at least 20 years now. If the planet is less than 20 lightyears away from any Imperial planets, they would've been detected already.

How about the one about 1:30 off of Scorpio? It's second from bottom of that 4-in-a-row chain.
Alright. ( Note that the chain is in the Star Army's intended area of expansion, so there definitely will be contact eventually, but not in the immediate future. )
Since we are keeping the system un-labeled until the last minute, I'll refrain from choosing a color. The system will be green (independent) when first discovered.

Also, Wes, I'm just curious. Are there settlements on planets other than Yamatai and Nepleslia in their respective systems? There seems to be a one-system-one-planet-one-name rule in effect. I was just wondering if there's any benefit to this loss-of-realism.
There just aren't any other habitable planets in any of the systems detailed so far. Generally, the system shares the name of the star and planets are referred to as (Star Name) (Number from Star), for example, Earth would be Sol III. In the case of planets without other habitable worlds, the number is usually dropped in normal speech and writing.

Yamatai was once the 1st planet of 3 in the Yamatai System (Also known as the Kikyoo System), but is it now the only planet because the others were consumed by the war effort's need for resources.