Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP: 188604 Really, this was your plan?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
  • Start date Start date


ON> Section 6 HQ, Meeting room.

"OK EVERYONE, FILE IN, WE'RE ON THE CLOCK HERE!" Uso shouted out, taking her place at the podium in the front of the auditorium. She had left the responsibility of calling everyone together to Jack... so Uso herself had no idea exactly who would be showing up.

The aspiring ruler of the planet had switched to wearing something a little more professional. Her usual dark blue bodysuit had panels on the outer arms and legs to help with cooling, as her NH-7 series body had built in radiator slits to help exchange heat. A datapad was clipped to the belt around her waist, and one of Jack's awesome pistols was holstered on the other side.

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Jack sat just off to to Uso's right dressed in his usual muscle shirt, jeans, and leather jacket. All of which was the standard black, but the look he wore made it clear this was an important gathering. Having put out an all personnel alert, jack made sure everyone was coming.

Mark sat between Kryss and Chlorate's, while wearing his white tank top, black jeans, and dark blue button up dress shirt which hung open. He rested both hands on the grip of his plasma katana as Uso spoke, and knew of the meeting's general topic. "So, you guys doing okay? This meeting was rather urgently called." Mark asked both women.

Neera had been trying to enjoying her off day, and now sat alone sad and missing Beaumont. She wore a t-shirt, and denim shorts today. The sudden calling worried her, but she was too depressed to care.
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Aster filed into the meeting room, unsure of what exactly was happening today. She was working on a project but since it was a non-class day she was dressed in her usual Yamataian style of a short black skirt with black thigh high socks, ankle boots and deep purple sleeveless blouse instead of her S6 or University uniform. She settled down in an empty seat and looked up at her bosses with deepening curiosity in her violet eyes. She smoothed her skirt into place as she crossed her legs at the ankles and looked up at Jack and Uso. "We've been having a lot of meetings lately, is everything okay?"
Sitting at Uso's left, Jay wore a functional combat uniform - desert camouflage, with traces of S6 red for identification. He already had some idea what was coming beyond Uso's initial statement, though was not quite as informed as he would have liked.

'Come on people, move it' he thought. "Can we get this moving? Like Uso said, we're on the clock."

Despite his usual calm facade, his face showed a hint of discomfort. Aster's entry into the room was greeted with only a slight nod.
The Everything is not OK room

"GOOD QUESTION!" Uso said, pointing at Aster, "No everything is not ok. If you haven't noticed we've been nearly wiped out by Elysians, Yamatains, NMX, and 3 or 4 different corporations. We've lost a number of people, and we're all still stuck in a Nepleslian Standoff."

"... you know... enemies all around us, everyone pointing guns at eachother...."

Uso waited for a moment, before she decided she didn't care if people got the reference,

"We have an opportunity to take one of our opponents off the board today. Some of you are already quite familiar with PsychoPomp. Their people were responsible for a lot of deaths on our side. The reason doesn't really matter, all that matters is that they will keep attacking us if we don't put a stop to them.

We have been laying low and looking passive during the last few attacks from PP. No retaliation means they are feeling pretty secure right now and aren't on the defensive.

We will be striking all of their facilities TODAY in one co-ordinated strike. At the same time we will be making a decapitation strike against their leadership.

At the end of the day PP will be under new leadership and will be unable to attack anyone. The Skyguard, Alex, Vier, The FSC, and S-6 are all participating in the attacks.

JACK! Do you have your targets picked out?"
"All right ladies and gents, our Target is going to be harder to get to, but that's why this one falls to us. We're assaulting an artic base that is split into two major sections, and has a small orbital defense platform in orbit above. Now that will be the easy part knocking the orbital out. Mark you want the other half of this?" Jack said before motioning for Mark to finish.

"Got it.", Mark said standing up, "The major problem is that despite that, this place is dug in and uses the environment to full effect. As far as we can tell from initial scans, the base itself is two parts. One half is on the icy surface, while the second half sits at the bottom of a below level body of water. They are connected by a grouped mass lift system not unlike a orbital elevator. On top of this, that section can be disconnected to isolate the lower base half. Majority of opposition will be ground forces in the base, with whatever defenses are stationed around the area and on base. One we begin our assault, that lift system will disconnect, meaning we'll have to swim down. Which is riskier due to possible defensive measures, but less noticeable. Or we blow a few holes in the ice and drop craft into the water."

Neera had barely paid attention, but remembered a question she had, "Isn't this where Amit is being held?"

"Yes, an anonymous tip was sent to us saying this location is where Amit is being held." Jack answered.

"So standing orders. Capture the base for the most part intact, eliminate all opposition, and evac any prisoners they may be holding in addition. Is that understood?" Mark asked finishing their outline.

"Yes sirs!", Came a chorus of replies from the SABER personnel.
"Wait a minute." Aras spoke as she walked through the doors, her blue hair tied in a braid draped around the back of her business attire.

"So if this base is separated into two halves, and one half is able to separate, would it not make sense to send the team on strike crafts to bore into the bottom half and work their way up? That way if done fast enough the lift would never disconnect in the first place."

She had heard most of the two's talk from outside the room, and decided to put her two cents in about the plan.
Section 6 HQ
Meeting Room

"Affirmative father," the robotic one of the two women next to Mark said, "The urgency of this meeting does not affect my performance."

"Ugh, it's gonna be cold? I hate the cold!" the grouchy butterfly complained. Adria went on to say "And I hate water too! It makes my wings all soggy."

"Ar-are we gonna get Amit back?" Adilis asked quietly.
Striding down the hall and through the door entered the Princess of Ice herself, armed only with a Datapad and her trademark half grin, half scowl, Kryss took one of the few remaining chairs at the table with her attention fixed on the trio of leaders Uso, Jack and Mark. "Pardon my tardiness, it's been one of those mornings so far. Hope you guys didn't already do all the fun stuff without me."

Coming down the hall she had managed to catch the end half the plan posed by Jack and Mark along with the suggestion to instead go from below, Kryss was acting on orders from the company and knew she wouldn't be joining the combat. Instead her role, assuming she wasn't kicked out was to field test the Dawn AI on a live combat environment to see how it responded and what it could do.
Mark and Jack answered Adilis in unison, "Hell yes, we're bring Amit home."

"These monster have had him long enough, now we get to show them what happens when you mess with our family. One way, or another, Psychopomp will remember this event." Jack said with a conviction.

"As for your idea Aras, it's a good one, but most likely hitting the orbital will be enough to hit the alarm. Plus we don't have the equipment to do such a dig quiet enough to be stealthy, or quick enough not to worry about our machines freezing up. We wish we had the time to have a better breach plan, but time and the elements are against us here.", Mark answered Aras before turning to Kryss, "Welcome, we've given the outline of our plan, now we're going over ideas for improvements, or ideas to help increase our chances."

Kessler leaned against the back wall listening. No one would recognize him, or even know his job specifically, but he seemed to be everywhere around the facility. "Let me know if I can help boss."
A tall blonde elf woman wearing jeans and a long sleeve blouse had slid into the conference room as the meeting progressed. She had settled in a chair behind Aster, watching and listening silently. Saesal had heard some of this already. She folded her arms and watched Jack and the others on the podium.

Aster seemed concerned by the plan but unsure of what this meant for her. Amit was her friend and he was gone. She hadn't been able to protect him when he was taken but she wasn't a soldier. She knew Jay would be going because, he was one. She hadn't had the conversation yet with Jay or her mother about the possibility of joining Saber. It was weighing heavily in her thoughts as her birthday drew closer.
"If I may" Jay said to Jack, finally deciding to give his two cents on the matter.

"I have seen setups like this before. Not on this scale, but the idea is the same."

Looking out at the personnel, he continued.

"It's quite simple, really. Shock and awe. Had we any substantial recon on the site - and a bit more notice - I would have created a far more tailored plan, but this will have to suffice. We have overwhelming force, so let's use it. Split the force into two groups - send both Albions and a little over half the fleet onto the planet, then have the rest work on the orbital component. Start off by jumping the fleet in a little beyond sensor range. Deploy specialized electronic countermeasures to blow all their systems temporarily. In the resulting confusion, the fleet moves in with assault squadrons leading and landing craft close behind. Those landing on the planet will be accompanied by several decoy drones to cause the illusion of a much larger force. Once within targeting range of the base, we deploy a secondary ECM package on the surface component of the base. That will keep the lift offline long enough for the teams to secure it."

Taking a deep breath, Jay concluded his plan. "This plan combined with the simultaneity of the other attacks will cause mass panic and confusion. The already formidable shock value of our fleet will be multiplied by the fact that none of them will know what in the fucking hell is going on."

Jay smiled to himself. This was already making B7R look like trench warfare.
Kessler cleared his throat, "Not to rain on your parade kid, but there are a couple squiggles outside the lines of that coloring. One, a single shot from a Albions main gun, or even a decent barrage from the indigoes will waste the orbital. When they said small, they meant small. This base is trying to be less noticeable, and they have done a marvelous job...til now. Two, the weather consist of blizzards, and Gale force winds. The moisture is too dense and fast moving for ECM units to be effective. Most likely it's a two way street though in the sensor department. Either they have a full sensor and optical array watching for new arrivals, or they have the base rigged that at the slightest touch of even a foreign rock will lock it down and still leave us with an all out assault."
"Directors, as I understand it PP was responsible for multiple attacks on home soil correct? I'm aware that Horizon is still new in town and we probably look just as suspicious getting involved in these affairs. However I'm here with one request from the CEO, if you allow us access to the war room this battle will be commanded from we would like to run the battle data through an isolated version of our analytical AI." Kryss hadn't broken her composure and spoke with the conviction expected from someone who deals with business affiliates and makes deals with nothing but her words and authority.

"This battle would serve as a way to collect real statistics and info without having to stage a war ourselves and is relatively small compared to the war fought by Yamatai meaning we can start small and work out any issues encountered." She stood up and looked across at Jack and Mark, "And the benefit is that with enough time and data we can adapt the AI to function as an advisor for such activities in the future." Kryss slowly sat back in her chair and waited to hear their response along with Uso's, on paper Horizon was posing no threat and didn't even want to take control of any assets however in war-time anything was possible.
"I say let the new company get involved in this. Maybe they can provide some insight."

Uso looked somewhat annoyed, a slight frown on her face,

"....Anyone mention how you should probably bring a suit for Amit so he doesn't drown?"

Uso also realized she certainly had more experience in underwater combat than the rest of the room combined.

Plus how come Wazu hadn't built them some kinda under-water version of the U-1? This kinda preparedness was supposed to be HIS thing.

"Also, remember that Water is an amazing blocker of energy. Directed Energy weapons and guns are going to have very limited range. Some of your plasma-thingies will also be too-hot, meaning the flash-vaporization of water will cause them to explode.

Missiles with a slower travel time, supercavitation weapons, and heavy, close range attacks like heavy shotgun rounds will be your best bet until you get inside of the facility....

.... ALSO be sure to have someone on the outside. You'll need to patch the place up when you get there. Maybe a U7 transport could be converted to an airlock... just have someone wield it in place."
Mark was the first to answer, "Sure, why not? We help them and that data can help them help us. It's a win win Jack."

Jack looked like he was going to protest but stopped as Mark and Uso spoke up, "Fine, permission granted, the war room will be the Hammer's bridge."
Kryss watched the three make their agreements on the participation of Horizon with a plain expression, she was glad that they were being given access to the war room and battle intelligence for the sake of development but also because it allowed her to see more of the inner workings of the organisations these people ran. "Well glad none of you mind us being there, we'll do as much as we can to help however the operational efficiency of Dawn with this kind of information, that will be all Horizon has to say on the matter and we shan't get involved in you're battle plans." The corporate blonde sat back in her chair and settled in to listen to the rest of the meeting.
Uso nodded,

"OK. Great. Get to it. Don't expect help from anyone else. All our other groups are being assigned different targets. Myself included. Wrap this up as fast as possible in case someone else needs your assistance with their part of the mission.

Any questions, ask Mark or Jack."