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RP: United Outer Colonies Rebirth of a Martyr

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Inactive Member
The doctors in the room moved about nervously in preparation for the process, as Kiyoko's ST data was checked and double checked. Her body was pretty far along in the formation process...her mind would soon be ready for loading.

Grand Peacekeeper Motoyoshi Saito waited for Caine, before she would give the order to restore the UOC's symbol.

Your sacrifice was not in vain...and before long, you'll see that, Kiyoko-chan...
Caine had received Saito's communication about reviving Kiyoko and got the first transport shuttle down to Jiyuu with a few civilians. He felt his heart tapping out a new staccato in his unexpressed excitment as they touched down in the shuttleport. After thanking the shuttle pilot, he practically ran off down the street to the hospital Saito had told him they were doing the procedure.

After giving the receptionist his name, she directed him promptly to the appropriate room. Calmly, he headed there and walked in soon enough and looked over at the Grand Peacekeeper. "Thank you for informing me of this." he said to her politely, offering a relieved smile, looking like it was the first time in days he'd done that.
Saito smiled, as Kiyoko's body finished was a Yamataian body, however, as per the demands of Empress Himiko. Caine would see two sets of clothing -- a civilian outfit, as well as the UOC uniform of a full Admiral...

"You're welcome, Commander Motoyoshi. Care to do the honors?"

She asked, stepping aside to reveal a large green button, which said 'APPLY DATA'.
Caine blushed, looking over at Kiyoko as she finished forming in her new Yamataian body. "I would but I have a little data to upload to it so her memories are current." He said and went over to the appropriate device to have the doctor add the additional information to Kiyoko's memory. "..." He seemed speechless as he looked at her, a characteristic soft, happy look in his eyes that saito could probably see too.

"A full Admiral. That makes me proud." Caine said and went over to the big green button once the doctor gave the thumbs up. In a moment, he'd push the button to apply the data. He looked embarrassedly looked at the Grand Peacekeeper. "I feel underdressed for the occassion." he said, wearing the new commander uniform.
Caine wouldn't realize it, but the data in the laptop was a full backup of the most current, and automatically superseded Katsuko's copy. The data began to load into Kiyoko's new body, rebuilding her mind.

"YOU feel under dressed? Don't worry about it. How do you think SHE'LL feel, waking up nude in that tank?" Saito giggled...
Caine was flushed a bright red, his side turned to the tank out of respect for her. "True true." he said, remembering the last time he'd seen Kiyoko nude like that. "Well it'll be good in that case that it's just you and I here." he said to her. "Miss Saito...thank you for getting Kiyoko's backup.." Caine said to her glancing to Kiyoko in the tank. "I was really just lost when she died, it felt like another Namiko because I was on the Akuro III then it destroyed her ship and I still couldn't do anything to help her..." he said.
" DID help her...according to this data, that information you loaded was a more recent complete preserved quite possibly the most important memories in the formation of this nation...she entrusted them to you, and you managed to get them into her new did everything she hoped you would."

Saito said, smiling at the Commander.
Caine smiled slowly, looking relieved to hear that and looked at Kiyoko again. "If things had been different it'd be me in that tank. Because I think I would've done exactly the same thing she did if I knew what she knew." he said, his voice filled with reverence for the woman in the hemo tank. "I Love Kiyoko with my heart and soul and I'd do anything for her." He admitted.
"Today, thanks to the dedication of the fleet; the soliders to which many of us here on Jiyuu and the other colonies are related to either by genetic or associative line, we have created a group of colonies: The United Outer Colonies."

Awareness of self, it is faced by all beings willing to seek some kind of meaning in life. In the tank, behind the closed eyelids it sparked once more. She could feel herself, she knew herself; overcame lifelessness for the second time. Unlike the first, her wakening was not scary, she felt as the hemosynthetic fluids swirled around her as the tank began to drop the fluid level.

She coughed as the air replaced fluid, the liquid draining from her mouth an nose. Her eyes opened, reborn, but not child-like; she was not a child anymore, a woman and one who unknowingly had the hearts of billions --enough so for them to do as she, to have sacrificed comfort for belief, for truth.

"We have come a long way from those cramped halls on Pisces, and it was because of our own resourcefulness..."

"Distance, has created a divide. During the war goods rarely flowed our way, so we had to build mines, we used what we had and we made something of ourselves."

Her sapphire orbs revealed, her eyelids trembling to clear the cloudiness from her eyes. Naked, vulnerable, she looked up from the tank towards Caine, towards Saito. She whispered, "I failed, didn't I?" she looked around, it did not make sense, her mind fresh from the point she had finished planning. There were no guards there to take her, and criminals were not reborn, what had happened? Had she given in?

"Sadly it seems the rest of the Empire, feels like we are the misfits; not only were we neglected in the past, but our voices demanding peace have been drown by the war cries...It is for this, for peace, for the ability to determine our own destiny..."

"... it has come time for us to declare ourselves independent."
Caine smiled at her as she opened her eyes, his own blues locking with hers, a blush on his cheeks. "Kiyoko...." he said happily and shook his head, guessing what she was thinking. "I'm so happy... to see you again." He said. "You succeeded." He said, offering her a proud smile, proud of her. "We stand before you now as a Grand Peacekeeper." he said indicating Saito. "And a commander of the Peacekeeper forces of the UOC." He said to Kiyoko.
Saito nodded, walking over to Kiyoko...

"You perished, challenging Yui and defending the Freespacers, but you thrust the Empire's shortcomings and the emotions of these clonies to the forefront. Kiyoko...your sacrifice became a martyrdom, upon which the UOC was able to successfully, and peacefully, sue for independence. We are all free...and everyone in these colonies thanks you for the new era you've created."

Saito's eyes sparkled as she held out a new uniform, one Kiyoko would not recognize.

"...The former members of the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet are now the United Outer Colonies Peacekeeping Forces...this uniform is yours if you wish it...Admiral Motoyoshi."
Martyr! Freedom!

Her eyes narrowed slightly, as she attempted to take it all in. It was too much, nodding as she emerged fully from the tank, she did not reach for the uniform yet, her arms wrapping around Caine, her face coming nose to nose with his.

"Thank you..." she kissed him quickly, turning to Saito. "Admrial....I...Okay."
Caine smiled at her and embraced her close to him and kissed her back when she provoked the gesture. He held her almost like he didn't have any intention of ever letting her go again without him. "You're very welcome Kiyoko-chan." Caine said, his arms around her still. "It looks like we'll have a chance to serve together once again." He smiled at Kiyoko and nuzzled her quite affectionately and kissed her ear and along her jawline lightly.
"There have been a lot of changes...for example, you're a Yamataian now...anything KFY-made has been recalled, including all Neko bodies, ships, and power Armor...we're using out MFY connections to keep our resources up, however, and have managed to keep the Ascendancy..."

Saito said, updating her of the situation.
She smiled nodding, she reached for the clothing and began to put on the new UOCPF uniform. Lastly she put on the Peacekeeper Jacket;mostly black uniform with purple shoulders and gold trim, before zipping it up she put on her rank pin.

"Very nice." she commented, holstering her Xaser Pistol. "We will have to work hard, but how is that anything new?"
"Because Kiyoko my dear, now we are free to form our own nation, and culture. In a sense, we are free of Yamatai." Rina said from by the door, arms folded across her chest. She too wore the Peacekeeper uniform, everything was nice and neat, in order.
Caine smiled at Kiyoko's new digs and glanced to Rina then Saito, giving them both a nod. "Yes, it's all true. We're now a free nation, and yes we still have a bit of a hard road to travel realistically speaking but we're on a very good course already." he said.
"And Kiyoko-chan will be right there where she belongs, in the Admiralty of this new nation's defense...and Kiyoko, you are still considered a traitor to Yamatai, and your mother...well...your mother is estranged from you now to say the least, but Mayumi is with us, and it was Tio-sama who led the movement when you fell. He was unable to come, due to the duties of forging a new nation, but he said to give you this..."

With that, Saito gave Kiyoko a hug. Saito soon pulled back, smiling.

"He really missed you, Kiyoko-chan...but I guess it's the Motoyoshi way to do something about the wrongs done to you and others, rather than to merely grieve. I do not exaggerate when I said that this whole nation was able to be forged because of your sacrifice."
To hear she was considered a traitor to Yamatai was no real surprise. She said, "Guess it is good I sold my condo before I left..." Suddenly Saito was hugging her, she raised a brow but hugged back.

"Well lets try to focus on moving forwards..." she then asked, "I take it we have a few fence sitters, perhaps my unintended reputation can help us with that?"
Saito nodded, regrettably.

"There are several who do not know if they wish to give up their Nekovalkryja bodies, which they were born into, there are those who do not wish to be seperated from their families, and others...most of the higher-ranked officers are staying, though there are a select few holdouts there too...only 2-3% of the total populace have actually left for Yamatai, however.

Some simply find it difficult to decide between their home and the indoctrination of the Empire. Especially among those not originally from Taiie."
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