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Yamatai News (YINN) Recovery Trust Granted, Tariffs Reduced on Recovery Earmarked Materials

YINN News​

Reporter Miura Ayame

In a press release today, the Yugumo Corporation and the Motoyoshi Clan placed $1.2 Trillion KS into a Recovery Trust. The funds were originally set aside to be devoted to further expansion of transportation systems in the Motoyoshi Colonial Sector, which is still said to be going forward but with a project date in late YE 45. The money in the trust is set aside for use of any contract, both government and corporate in origin to contribute to rebuilding the worlds affected by the Kuvexian War. Disbursements of the funds can be triggered by the Empress or the Imperial Senate.

"The Motoyoshi Colonial Sector suffered considerably less damage in this war, it is time we did our part. The Empire was there for us when we needed to recover from the Second Mishhuvurthyar War and the fall of our previously failed government. Profits from Port Siren's process of materials for Ketsurui Fleet Yards, other government agencies, and even our own projects were considerably higher in the war with even more prospects for margin increases with the Colonial Initiative. One of the goals I sought when I ran for Imperial Premier was to help encourage the Senate to focus on the recovery of the Empire's territories. I consider this trust, a second chance to still deliver on that promise," the recorded interview with Ketsurui Motoyoshi Katsuko played.

The image briefly switched to economic forecasts for the Colonial Sector, "Even with the planned departure of Port Siren our many mining and processing facilities within the sector promise to continue to yield vital materials. The Colonial Sector will reduce local merchant tariffs on materials earmarked for recovery efforts. It is the wish of the Motoyoshi Clan and the Yugumo Corporation that the Empire emerges from the other side of this war stronger than before it occurred. Opportunities may arise in the future where we can do more, and we will rise to the occasion. Any minor shortfalls in our local economy are but minor sacrifices for a stronger Yamatai," Katsuko smiled for a moment at the flashes of the media's cameras and then left the podium.

We here at YINN will continue to provide coverage on this story and more.
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