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SACN Red Phone Issues


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RP Date
YE 44.5.12
RP Location
Star Army Communications Network

To: Taisho Ketsurui Yui
CC: Chujo Iemochi Feyani
From: Taisho Kessaku Irim

1. Mistress Taisho, The new "red phone" system is complete garbage. First of all, it apparently lets random fleets eavesdrop on the call instead of being a real secure line like any other SACN communication. This is unacceptable that they are able to connect to the line without permission.

2. Second, it triggers alerts in unrelated fleets. It's an embarrassment to the Star Army. It is ridiculous that my fleet's posture should affect any other fleets. I did not contact any other fleets whatsoever, and those fleets need to stay out of my business.

3. Until these abysmal failures in the system are addressed, I am ordering my fleet's personnel not to use the red phone under any circumstances except a confirmed attack by hostile enemy ships.

4. This system is another in a long pattern of broken clutter-trash pushed on the Star Army by the Iemochi clan. We did fine for 20 years without it and when we tried it, it caused an unnecessary cluster. I urge you to order its replacement or modification as soon as possible.


Taisho Kessaku Irim
Commander, Star Army First Fleet

Yeoman's note: In the interest of decorum, I removed at least ten "F-bombs" from this while transcribing this message for Taisho Irim.

OOC: @Ethereal
TO: Taisho Kessaku Irim
CC: Taisho Ketsurui Yui
FROM: Chujo Iemochi Feyani

Taisho Kessaku,

Forgive me for speaking plainly, but we did ensure that the necessary documentation and instructions were freely available to all Fleet Admirals. From your complaints I can only surmise that you never read them, or otherwise do not understand the system.

From my copy of the report from the event in question, your Fleet received a standard request for assistance due to an issue onboard one of your ships that may have compromised its Captain. This falls squarely onto your duties as Fleet Admiral to resolve, given the individual requesting your aid felt so strongly that the issue could not be resolved inside the ship as to petition your Fleet's staff directly.

Instead of your Fleet's staff first ascertaining the situation, they inexplicably escalated it to yourself without further inquiry. At this point you then proceeded to call the entire of the largest Fleet in the Star Army of Yamatai to battle stations without proper information or inquiry as to whether that was the correct response.

The correct procedure would have been for a lower officer inside First Fleet to field the call and provide some advice to the caller over the phone. That is it. If they then decided to send some MPs, dispatching one ship with some would have been an appropriate response.

What is evidently not an appropriate response is to send a squadron (which would be done by a lower officer than a Taisho by declaring a GUARD II, notifying only local ships from other fleets in that system) or an entire fleet (ATTACK III, which states the issue requires the entire fleet at least) - to someone asking for a minute or two of verbal advice.

In terms of allowing "random fleets to eavesdrop", calling your entire Fleet to battle readiness implies that the issue requires your entire Fleet at least to solve. If you weren't going to notify your colleagues at least as a heads up, I'm unsure if that would be a sound command decision. It's self evident that the fleet posture of one fleet should be the concern of the others when it is drawing every possible fighting ship it can to combat stations and putting every non-combat crewmember on damage control readiness.

I would highly advise against not using the YEAL line. Before its adoption, the fastest conventional way to call for assistance of any kind was by SYNC or SACN message, which is archaic at best and introduced massive lag times in responsiveness. The Red Phone allows real-time contact and connection with appropriate resources as well as off-ship redundancy of information in the case a ship is lost soon after contact with a hostile presence.

Finally, I have no idea why my family is called into question here. I am the only member of my family in any position of authority in the Star Army, which is actually a rarity given how many people sharing the same name are in command positions. I'm not sure what "long line of clutter trash" is being referred to, but I'm certain they've helped improve your overall strategic and tactical capabilities, unless you can point to any specific examples with specific issues so that they may be properly addressed?

Chujo Iemochi Feyani
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TO: Chujo Iemochi Feyani
CC: Taisho Kessaku Irim
FROM: Taisho Ketsurui Yui

Chujo Iemochi Feyani,

1. You are ordered to report to me directly. In person. Immediately.


Taisho Ketsurui Yui
Commander, Star Army of Yamatai

- - -


To: Chujo Iemochi Feyani
CC: Taisho Ketsurui Yui
From: Taisho Kessaku Irim

Chujo Iemochi,

1. It is only the introduction of the new red phone system that is causing problems here. I can, I should, and I do call my entire fleet to battlestations on a routine basis whether or not there is an emerging situation, and at the slightest possibility of enemy action, for any reason or no reason, because it enhances my fleet's readiness to have them practice going on alert, and because it lets my fleet respond faster in the event of an attack. It's important training. I know this, Yui knows this, and my fleet knows this, and my captains know this, and every soldier down to the First Fleet's Santo Hei cooks and caretakers knows this and knows what to do during battle stations, because we do it constantly. If you're trying to insinuate that calling my fleet to combat readiness was somehow wrong you know nothing about how Star Army fleets work. What is wrong is that, solely due to the introduction of this "red phone," other fleets were involved, causing confusion in their fleets over something that has nothing to do with them.


Taisho Kessaku Irim
Commander, Star Army First Fleet
TO: Taisho Ketsurui Yui
CC: Taisho Kessaku Irim
FROM: Chujo Iemochi Feyani


Absolutely, Commander. I will come with all haste from Valentine. I am always happy to serve.

Do note that I believe the Taisho of Seventh Fleet may also be reporting to you for an audience based on this event, from what I've heard. May I suggest we merge those meetings?

Chujo Iemochi Feyani

- - -

TO: Taisho Kessaku
CC: Taisho Ketsurui Yui
FROM: Chujo Iemochi Feyani

Taisho Kessaku,

In terms of determining whether the reactive alerts are useful, it may be worth talking to some of your colleagues such as Seventh Fleet directly about what they thought, as ultimately the system is for advising what may be necessary reinforcements on a developing situation.

The Seventh are, of course, the Fleet that would come first to reinforce First Fleet if a situation required a response greater than that of every ship in a single Fleet being sent to resolve an issue.

Finally, all I will say is that all Red Phone calls are recorded and it appears "this is not a drill" was enunciated and relayed down the line by your own assessment, as well as sent as such to the various First Fleet Captains. If this was a readiness condition test as I don't doubt you often perform, I'm unsure why you'd declare it wasn't a test or drill.

Chujo Iemochi Feyani

TO: Chujo Iemochi Feyani
FROM: Taisho Ketsurui Yui

Chujo Iemochi Feyani,

You don't get to invite people to my office. I didn't call for them, I called for you. I expect you here within the hour. I'll be waiting.


Taisho Ketsurui Yui
Commander, Star Army of Yamatai
YE 44.5.12

TO: Taisho William Fletcher

FROM: Taisho Ketsurui Yui

Can you come to my office as soon as possible on Ketsurui Star Fortress? I am going to talk to Feyani first but you'll have a chance to come in and join us shortly thereafter.


Taisho Ketsurui Yui
Commander, Star Army of Yamatai
YE 44.5.12

TO: Taisho Ketsurui Yui

FROM: Taisho William Fletcher
CC: Taisho Shinja Rika

Certainly, I am available whenever I am needed. May I bring Taisho Rika along? I believe they may also have some insight on the topic of our discussion.

Taisho William Fletcher
Commander, Seventh Fleet