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RP Red Storm Rising: A Year End Gift fit for an Empress


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RP Date
YE 44.9
RP Location
ISS Ketsurui-no-Arashi, Yamatai Orbit
Yamatai Orbit
ISS Ketsurui-no-Arashi: "The Storm of the Ketsurui"
YE 44.9.20

The enormous Tanya-Class Expeditionary Heavy Cruiser, a little over an entire kilometer in length, and nearly as wide, with its also-enormous docking ring laden with four glistening Misha-Class Explorers, came out of hyperspace fold in the reaches of the system, and a long, bright trail of plasma extended from its rear, tracing the path it wove from the farthest reaches of the Yamatai system to its eponymous planet, capital world of the also-eponymous Yamatai Star Empire. The mothership, and its daughters clinging to its ring like kittens at suck on a queen, were a brilliant silver-white with red accents, and bore the emblem of the ruling Ketsurui Clan. At more than a quarter the speed of light, their journey took them scarcely hours, though it felt like a bit less to its dilation-affected passengers who were anxiously awaiting turning over the ship to the Clan's representative– quite possibly the Empress herself.

This ship, the Ketsurui-no-Arashi, in the Trade tongue the "Storm of the Ketsurui," and its companion frigates, were artisanal masterpieces, the pinnacle of the shipbuilder's craft. Not only the finest ships that Yugumo Fleetworks, already known for their high-end hulls, could build, with every option and accessory they offered, but each one also handcrafted, bespoke works of art by Noval Luxury Engineering. Even the shuttles and transports in the Arashi's copious hangar bays bore the hallmarks and fingerprints of the luxury upfitter's finest. The hold was stocked with gifts, including rare vintages from the Motoyoshi Clan's orchards. No expense was spared, to the tune of a nine-figure-KS price tag and months of labor by elite craftspeople, and the best engineers Yugumo, Osman, and Noval could muster. Inspected twice, and a third time to ensure adherence to, and excess of, the strictest of standards, the Arashi and its complement, the Yui, the Yuumi, the Himiko and the Chiharu, were, after all, intended to be a present for the Empire's founding, and ruling, dynasty.

Maneuvering gently and deftly into orbit after the seemingly-sudden deceleration from relativistic speeds made feasible by advanced inertial-gravitational dampeners, the Arashi's great bulk was as graceful as an orca playing beneath the waves. It rolled so that its "down" aligned with the ground far below, and settled into a parking orbit until given approach clearance to the station.

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Yamatai Orbit
ISS Ketsurui-no-Arashi: "The Storm of the Ketsurui"

The command center of the massive and finely outfitted vessel was abuzz with crew from Takeda Fleet to deliver the magnificent gifts to the ruling clan. Filling the role of the ceremonial gift-giver was a faintly familiar figure to Ketsurui functions, though her outfit was not.

"And we're sure they're going to like this?" Miu asked as she tugged the bottom hem of her dress down a little more. The whole thing was a tight on her. The middle child of the triplets was wearing an extremely soft and fluffy dress of snowy white faux fur. It was made with durability and appearance in mind, despite the snug fit. The top and bottom both had even bigger bands of fur, and up over her chest is where she wore her Yugumo rank pin. She had gone the extra mile to dye most of her hair white as well to match, with her soft blue ears poking out from the top of her head like some ice breakers. Even her fuzzy tail got a coat for the occasion, and her makeup was carefully applied by an artist before they left dock for Yamatai.

It was obvious she was supposed to be a polar bear...polar Kodian? Well, a big winter bear, at any rate. She had custom boots and gloves fitted that were just essentially big, fluffy paws with articulated stubby digits that made it possible (with practice) to manipulate things if not hooked into a system electronically. Her hair was up in a large bun with a plait surrounding it. Woven into the plaiting were tsubaki blossoms, to add a touch of color and tie things in with the Winter.

"Hai, Shimizu-hime." Replied the company supervisor, filling the role of the XO on board as well, though his uniform was corporate issue. It was decided that she would make the best of the available people to deliver, if not for eagerness alone. The reservist Taisa has been recently in command of a ship during Operation: Fireplace, and was chief engineer aboard the Yugumo's Bastion of Winter. What helped the most was her relation to the Ketsurui Clan, given she was technically one through adoption of her very busy mother. Mothers? Mothers. If it meant showing up with four amazing ships and the opportunity to take a Tanya out, that was too much to resist for the space-for-brains Nekovalkyrja.