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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP [Reds] Welcome Back to Fujiko


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RP Date
YE 46.4
RP Location
FDC HQ, Fujiko IV
YE 46.4.21
Fujiko Development Corporation HQ Tower

Shenhong City, Fujiko IV

The Executive Board of the Fujiko Development Corporation was hastily assembled for an impromptu meeting called by Sun Horatio. As the members of the board and their assistants shuffled into the room to take their seats, they were greeted with Horatio already sitting at the head of the table in the middle of writing something. On the table, there was a volumetric display the displayed the follow items on the agenda of the meeting:

- Report on Jun and Nellrun Development Initiative
- YE 47 Fujiko Development Corporation Preliminary Budget
- Territorial Administration Services Membership Reforms
- Establishment of the Fujiko Underwater Polo League
- YE 46 International Relations Conference Review and Assessment
- Post Osman Assessment

There was heated discussion about the Jun and Nellrun Development Initiative. Infrastructure development and economic growth targets were highlighted, but there were disagreements of for the reasons of experienced logistical issues. The political fighting only got worse when it was time to address and adjust the preliminary budget for YE 47, addressing funding allocations for key projects and operational costs. Emphasis was placed on ensuring financial stability, supporting critical initiatives, and attempts to direct funding to their each Director-General's personal projects.

The tension among the Executive Board lessened when they finally moved on to the Territorial Administration Services Membership Reforms. Now that they had several years of data and feedback, it was time for begin adjusting how membership fees were collected, consequences for those that didn't pay them, getting ways for more Reds and non-Reds to pay them, and what services were actually used and how for each tier.

The vote for the establishment of the Fujiko Underwater Polo League was a curveball no one expected. Underwater polo with environmental suits was popular on Rufusland and Ukmirt, but the proposal to use a derivative of AquaGenesis Fluid to eliminate the need for it by Director-General García quickly got the initiative the greenlight. Anything that promoted and got more sales of the fluid was always a good thing for all involved. The board afterwards got more serious as they assessed the outcomes of the recent International Relations Conference. Key takeaways were identifying potential areas for collaboration with other factions inside and outside of the Yamatai Star Empire. But added caution was required should they operate anywhere near the Democratic Imperium such as Nellrun.

With the discussion on the IRC 46 over, there was only one item left to discuss: Osman. For the last ten minutes, the board viewed battle cam and augmented reality recordings of the various operations the 1st Fujiko Expeditionary Unit had undergone while on Osman. They witnessed the opening combat of Alpha Company, 1st Battalion at Jacobstown, where mercenary light infantry charged recklessly at a well-fortified hillock, forcing the events that would later unfold and data related to the aether rupture storm of the crashed NMX ship. They saw the valiant efforts of the Combat Logistics Battalion, whose dedication under fire ensured what supply lines were established were maintained despite overwhelming odds. But the truly harrowing events were saved for the last, as if to make a point for all involved.

"Not like this! NOT LIKE THISSSSSSS!!!!!" the screams could be heard from the paralyzed Nepleslian Red scout identified as Serviceman Apprentice Karl Rudd according to the recorded augmented vision of a scout captured by a NMX Nightmare Type Mishhu. Streaks of purple particle beams screamed from Type 45 Particle Beam Rifles could be seen, unable to get a proper angle on the woman with the corner of the building now providing cover.

The predatory grin on her face as she dragged the poor man along the ground cemented the dread of the scene playing out as she knew there was nothing they could do to save him now. Perhaps also there was a more sinister reason for the grin made aware to the viewers as they aware they watched the flashing warning within his sight of his Phoenix Preservation Protocol (PPP) was malfunctioning, the very thing designed to spare them the horrors that would await them facing the NMX and defeated. The recording freezes right as the Nightmare Type is in the middle of delivering a punch into Rudd's visored face.

"What are the statistics of the PPP's during the campaign?" Sun Horatio asked as he looked over towards a tall silver haired woman sitting behind the Nepleslian Research and Manufacturing representative, Michael Brown. Wearing a crisp militaristic uniform and with an air of efficiency, she responded promptly.

"Most most data comes from Charlie's battle at Dawnton, sir. Among those that were confirmed to be killed, there was a 55% failure rate in the nanites activating or fully burning the body and equipment. NRM's Engineering Division is in the process of determining what had gone wrong. As there are signs of tampering in recovered nanite samples, we are suspecting that the Nightmare Mishhu might have detected the minute signals from the captured scout, discovered their purpose, and managed to suppress their activation in an attempt to prematurely activate them. If Charlie Company had organic signal intelligence capability, we might have been able to give you a much clearer hypothesis to present." the woman said, looking Horatio right in the eye.

Sun Horatio frowned a bit at the explanation, but there was nothing that could be really done about it now. "Are there any bakenekos on the investigation team?" Horatio asked, using the nickname the Reds had assigned to the Nekos formerly of the NMX. Calling them NMX Cats all the time was tedious so one militia decided to name them after a Yamataian yokai as both a means of respect and disrespect depending on the tone and context used. The term quickly caught on afterwards.

"No." the assistant replied back quickly, already aware of the members of the team responsible for the nano augmentation's creation.

"Then find one familiar with the Mishhu's methods of using signals and telepathy yesterday." he said before he looked back at the last playback and stared right at the Nightmare Type Mishhu. With a flick of his wrist, the volumetric display showing the recording turned off. Monsters... the Kikyo Sector was full of them. While they were certainly happy to comply with Yamatai's wishes, he had no intention to remain passively underneath them. But they were going to need to figure how to adapt and fight said monsters beyond just cybernetics. That was too... Green.

Unseeable by the others, he looked over the salvage the 1st FEU was able to secure fighting with the NMX on Osman. Aether particle beam weaponry, more X Particle Beam Rifles, DNA of human thralls (along with just about any other Osman human they were able to recover), long dead battle pods, tiny amounts of Osmanium, etc; the expedition wasn't a complete failure. Though was quite certain he was going to have to please the Star Army of Yamatai somehow when their SAINT catches wind of aether and scalar based weaponry. One step at a time Horatio thought to him.

Closing the list on his augmented vision, he turned over towards the assembly individuals from the Fujiko Development Corporation's Executive Board representing all of the various parts of the corporation such as the Security Directorate, Terrestrial Administration Service, and Internal Security. It was hard to read their expressions, but it was clear enough all of them were on edge since being called to this impromptu meeting called after the return of the 1st Fujiko Expeditionary Unit from Osman eariler than expected.

He then shared a battle report compiled after the Battle of Dawnton to every Director-General's personal volumetric display or connected digital mind implant. A rather directed compared to other after action reports, it clearly captured the frustration and disdain members of the 1st FEU were feeling right after the battle that exposed a trend first set with the Battle of Jacobstown.

Classification: Crimson Alpha
To: Force Commander Stevenson
From: Lieutenant Commander Eric Smith

Operation Hard Hedoro After Action Report

YE 45.9


//For Reds Only// This campaign has been a complete shit show, sir. But regardless of the operational loss of Charlie Company, the Battle of Dawnton can still be a learning point for the 1st FEU and the Nepleslian Reds a whole. I am reminded of an old adage from the earliest days coming from the first re-capture of New Detroit: "If it's not Red, it's dead." We must mitigate the effects of our less then stellar allies by seizing leadership opportunities when they present themselves to us. At the moment, that only allies worth talking to are the NDC and SnS. Our fellow "Yamataians" are proving to be unreliable, which we might be able to mitigate in the future if we actively train together. But they have to be willing... //For Reds Only//

Charlie Company of the 1st Expeditionary Battalion's fate was already sealed in Operation Hard Hedero well into the operation thanks to the utter lack of coordination with our allied forces. Particularly without our own supposed allies within the Yamataian Star Empire: the Elysians and the Interstellar Patrol. Both possessed far superior equipment (namely power armor) than was fielded by Bravo and Charlie Companies. The final nail for Charlie company was put into place by the Elysians abandoning their push into the commercial district without contacting Charlie Company and the Interstellar Patrol elements remaining in place despite their advantageous position to act as a relief force.

Thanks to the efforts of Bravo Company (despite being under assault from parasite infested hosts) and the arrival of the 64th Combat Aviation Battalion's Bravo Company, Charlie Company was not a complete lost. From interrogation of prisoners (a lot of comfort foods were used) and debriefings of our personnel, I highlight the following points:

- Bravo and Charlie Companies should have stuck together. They instead opted to provide support to their allies instead of operating as a single unit.
- The scattering of 1st Expeditionary Battalion has had a massive net negative effect on our companies. Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie Mechanized Infantry Companies have been forced to push more aggressively than intended due to the lack of armor and artillery support needed to properly function. When Charlie encountered the NMX forces, they also lacked the number of infantry to counter attack. While the NMX are a battle hardened force, Charlie was denied the force multipliers of intel and heavy fire support that would have allowed them to properly hold their ground long enough for Bravo Company and anyone else acting as a quick reaction force to the NMX flank.
- The lost of Lt. Kimura's driver to their own stupidity divided Kimura's ability to properly lead. The platoon ensigns under her showed little initiative to pick up the slack or competency in their understanding of standardized battle drills, further worsening.

The following should be implemented at the earliest moment:
- Develop and improve coordination with our allies.
- Our forces should fundamentally only concern themselves when operating together and our allies secondarily.
- Rally our forces back into a battalion sized element. Should that remain impossible, redistribute armor assets from Delta company into Alpha and Bravo Companies. Their leadership has shown competency in their tasks and drills.
- Establish our own surveillance operations and recon assets. We should not be reliant of days old information to dictate our movements.
- Vastly improve the driving competency of vehicle drivers and emphasize the importance of not turning out. Execution of repeat violators or the most rebellious among us might be required to make the point.
- Charlie's surviving ensigns should be removed from any leadership roles and regulated to positions better suited for their aptitudes. Their genetics have failed the crucible of combat.

May this be a learning point for our unit in this campaign. We can only rely on ourselves and we cannot use the incompetence of others to justify our own deficiencies. I have attached the operational plans and assessments you have requested. Much of the information is reliant on what has been proved by SnS. But we must verify this first hand and get a better grip of the NMX's movements to increase the odds in our favor.

For the Reds!

Lieutenant Commander Eric Smith

1st FEU S3

"The performance of the 1st Fujiko Expeditionary Unit has been less than stellar." Sun Horatio said out loud, largely to himself before he looked in the direction of the Security Directorate's Director-General, Alexander Cage. The, a tall and disciplined man with his hair done up in a high and tight fashion typical of Red officers, immediately stiffened up as the focus of everyone was now on him.

"And before you say it, the lack of coordination with the other factions seems to be only a portion to their deficiency. The Elysians' actions don't surprise me at all, they are a people completely full of themselves. But the Separa'phans do with their Interstellar Patrol."

"Sir, the Interstellar Patrol had shown unexpected deficiencies in their coordination with the rest of the coalition. Their lack of support not only at Dawnton but also their method of deploying their forces at Jacobstown has been a glaring issue. The Elysian forces' abandonment only compounded our difficulties. Moving forward, we must prioritize developing independent operational capabilities and reducing reliance on unreliable allies." Alexander replied back, clearly disagreeing with what Horatio was implying in his statement. In his opinion from the reports he had receive through out the operation, the deficiencies in everyone compounded with the FSDF's own deficiencies creating the situation they found themselves now.

"Are you really saying the fact that our field commanders made little attempts to organize the hot mess that was that coalition was solely the fault of the Interstellar Patrol?" Horatio replied with a raised eyebrow. Lt. Kimura struggled to lead due to her misplacement as a combat commander, Lt Daeng was forces on personal glory for himself and his charges, Lt. Harrison was killed in action, and countless other officers of the FSDF (in reality the Nepleslian Reds) repeatedly showed signs of thinking only for themselves and not taking the initiative to take charge. Even his battalion commanders such as Lt. Commander Srisai seemed to be way too willing to default to the decisions of their main benefactor with little objections.

"Not solely, sir, but their failures significantly contributed to our struggles. Our commanders faced immense challenges trying to coordinate with allies who either abandoned their posts or failed to provide the necessary support. However, I do acknowledge that our own command and control structures need improvement to better manage such coalition operations. The scattering of our assets across the planet did not help matters as well. The 1st FEU was trained to operate as a cohesive unit, not an unit of detachments sir."

Horatio nodded his head, liking what he was hearing. An officer/executive being loyal to those below them was a good thing, but so too was the ability to have accountability and reflect on past mistakes. Something the Reds around the YE 20s were severely lacking, focusing first on just results and then eventually just on surviving as they continually got blindsided and suffering from desertions.

"It's important to remember that while the lack of coordination from coalition members was a significant issue, our own command structure and asset distribution were also at fault. Strengthening our independent capabilities is crucial, we must also work on fostering better communication and trust with our allies. Joint training programs and advanced communication systems could be pivotal in preventing such issues in future operations." Matsumoto Kiyoshi, a middle-aged Yamataian man dressed in a sharp Yamataian fusion of a kimono and a business suit spoke. The various Director-Generals present nodded in agreement as it feel into the general strategic vision Horatio had already set for the FDC.

"Very well, let's compile all of this into a comprehensive improvement plan of the FSDF. Refine the FSDF's command and control procedures are of an utmost priority. Drill them hard if you have to. Let's ensure that our security profile and future operations avoid the pitfalls we faced on that patch of dirt Osman." Sun Horatio said looking at Alexander before he looked over towards the other side of the desk.

"Director-General Kiyoshi, develop a diplomatic outreach program with the SnS, New Dawn Conclave, and our fellow Yamataians. Let's see if our esteemed Senator of Fujiko is able to connect us with the Star Army of Yamatai. I have a feeling we are going to need to push the timetable of gaining some operational insight into their organizational experience. Waiting for those that enlisted to inevitably not renew their first enlistment contracts we can tap into is going to take too long." he said before he looked at the volumetric display in front of them to cross out the 1st FEU as the last item of their agenda.