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RP: YSS Resurgence Refueling

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Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
RP Date
RP Location
Pisces Station
Pisces Station

Yamataian seats, despite the longstanding presence of Kodians in the Empire, were not designed for people the size of the imposing woman with long, silver hair, who was nose and eyes above even many of the Nepleslian men around the port. She sat, pale and silent, hunched over with her knees up uncomfortably from the low height of the port terminal's rows of seating, supporting herself with elbows on the dufflebag held upright between her feet. The Type 37 field jacket with Shoi rank on it was worn mostly closed, but exposed some of the Infantry Blue peeking out of the collar.

Emiko Freyjasdóttir, the near-giantess, was in some sort of reverie, enabling her to ignore the going-ons around her for the most part. Even when port personnel spoke to her, she gave little more than single-syllable answers, and didn't speak at all if a nod or headshake sufficed. Emiko seemed as unapproachable as she was conspicuous.

Slightly dwarfed under the black duffel slung over her own Type 37 jacket, Mineko made her way to the same slim seats as Emiko was lost in thought within. Though she had been marching towards them as if it was a part of her training, the sight of the silvery haired woman enlivened her pace. With a quick shift of her bag from her back to between her knees, she took a seat next to the Lily-type Shoi.

"Resurgence?" Mineko moved her head to the side while looking straight forward, as if sharing a secret with Emiko.

Raising her head somewhat ponderously, Emiko slowly looked in Mineko's direction. "Mmm. Un." Other than a nod, the casual Yamataian yes of "un" was her only word for quite a while as she looked Mineko up and down. Mostly down. "This is the correct boarding area for it." Shifting her duffel a bit with a hand that seemed to be able to reach halfway round it, not that it actually could, Emiko further expounded, "Freyjasdóttir. From Fujiko. Posting was for an infantry officer." Emiko's low voice had a bit of a rough purr to it, softening the clipped-short manner of the reply. "It's my first posting."

"Same as me. This will be my first posting, too. I'm Mineko. From..." With a squint of her reddish blue eyes Mineko said in a more strained tone, "Yamatai. But I have a feeling well beyond Fujiko and the twin moons of Yamatai aboard the Resurgence." With a look to some of the news feeds in the boarding area that were coming from the nearby Gashmere, Mineko asked, "Have you been following the news? It feels like she's leaving right when things are heating up; it must be for good reason."

"I'm not much for speculation." Emiko followed Mineko's eyes to the screen. "But there will always be another mission," she said, as if that were the lesson to glean from the situation. "I did have Fort Nozomi on my list, but they put me on shipboard instead." Emiko's sentences lengthened along with the conversation. Glances at the screen, focusing on the time display in the corner, at first may have made it seem as if she were timing the talk, but soon she reached into the smaller bag on her lap and pulled out a sealed-top travel cup with an integral straw. Inside was a beige-silver, thick, semi-liquid that had a bit of metallic glitter throught he transparent polymer of the cup.

"Excuse me." Emiko shook the container before drinking the viscous, smoothie-like substance deeply from it, and drained it in a single go. "Supplements."

"Mmmm," Mineko sounded as if in agreement. Speculation was a big hurdle in her job, but she understood it didn't cross into the field of other positions so easily. She asked as her eyes peeked at the cornflower blue peeking through Emiko's jacket, "What are you one for?"

But when she started at her meal, Mineko back-tracked. "Oh, right. Go ahead." Her mouth slackened a bit as she watched Emiko drain it and nodded, "Right. I'm like the opposite of you, I can skip a few meals and be just fine. But you've got to take supplements or eat a lot more than three times a day, right? I, uh, looked into who all I'd be working with and your body type really drew my attention." The analyst looked about, deciding to hold her tongue in saying it was a lot more interesting to research a Lily-type than a Kodian, considering the current state of Gashmere and their proximity to it.

"Two-hundred fifty grams of powdered durandium alloy, four times a day, among other supplements. Do you want the technical manual From RyuK/Advancer?" A file transfer request came across wirelessly, as smoothly as from any Nekovalkyrja or other Yamataian-type, as Emiko popped the lid of the cylinder back into place and slid it back into her backpack beside its still-full fellows.

"Of course, yes! By the way, me friends call me Mine, pronounced like Mi-neh." Mineko said with enthusiasm. She accepted, then slid her duffel up so that it laid across her lap and she sat back in the chair. Without making eye contact but with a wide smile she said, "So what are you one for? What do you get up to outside of eating strong alloys for breakfast?"

"Action." Emiko was back to single-word responses. "Doing." She zipped up the backpack with an authoritative sweep of her great arm, and tucked it neatly in her lap, ensuring the straps were all squared away and nothing hung out and over the side. "Thinking is something you do in the moment with the facts at hand, not beforehand when you don't know what they are." Her musing brought back complete sentences, that rolled out with a sultry, velvet growl, as one might expect a tiger to sound like if it could talk, "I suppose my only hobbies outside the martial arts was that I was a Pathfinder in the Kikyō Scouts before university."

Zanven was finally on approach to the terminal, ever since he returned to the Resurgence he has been busy as the Keiko armor needed to be dialed in and the engineers and technicians needed to be brought up to speed in what to do. Today he was out to pick up two new faces for the ship and the T11 Tanuki was doing as it should, he started his approach as he began to transmit his docking codes along with I.D.

"Attention Terminal, Heisho Zanven Brax of YSS Ressurgence requesting clearance for refuel and to pickup two new faces for the ship." He said as he was bringing his speed down. Soon there was confirmation as he was given clearance to dock at bay 4A. He gave a quick thank you and finished his approach. As he docked to the terminal, he waited till the locks were secured to the Tanuki before finally unbuckling and heading to the door. He gave the door a quick exit code and as it opened he straightened his uniform as he retreived the datapad from the wall as he walked out, heading towards the main terminal.

The usual sounds of work and radio network news was being streamed throught the overhead speakers as Zanven looked at the profiles of the ones he was to pick up. "Freyjasdóttir and Mineko...short and sweet to the point."

Mineko had been about to excitedly reply to Emiko, her mouth was a big o shape while her red irises were fully shown as her eyes went wide. But when she realized they were being picked up, she simply put her hands on Emiko's forearm and nodded emphatically with her mouth a trembling line. It would seem something the Lily-type had said had touched on one of Mineko's interests, but she held her tongue between quivering lips.

"That's for us!" With a hop up and a wave of her hand, Mineko called to the pilot as she slung her hulking bag back over her slight frame.

Zanven heard the call as he was walking towards the reception desk and he turned to see the petite Neko woman waving him over. He thanked the receptionist before moving towards the seating area. He was wearing the standard uniform, his red chevron on his shoulder signifying his rank as he came up and gave the two a salute.

Looking at his datapad one last time he spoke with a casual tone, showing he was at least comfortable with the task. "Hei Mineko right? A pleasure to meet you, and I am happy to hear you will be joining us on the ship, it is always good to have more analytics available when we are out in the field." He began as he would reach out with his right hand to shake hers, one done he would turn to the other as he was ready to exchange a greeting with her.

After tilting her head in a bit of confusion at Mineko, who looked like a child by comparison while leaning on her rather massive forearm, Emiko just blinked a few times, then snapped her head towards Zanven. She stood, ponderously, revealing the full extent of her well-over two-meters height, casting a shadow over both. "Freyjasdóttir, Emiko. Assigned to lead infantry contingent. I was assigned after being recommended by Suzuki Akira Taii, who I believe you know?"

Emiko's hand was massive enough to engulf Zanven's entire palm and fingers so they didn't even emerge from the other side, and she gave a simple, solid, one-two shake while bowing her head. Though her grip was firm, it was gentle and precise, not crushing as one might be afraid it would be from the sheer size of Emiko's hands. Promptly releasing him, she shouldered the almost-comically-small-by comparison duffel bag, and the actually-comically small backpack over the other shoulder.

"Let's move out."

Zanven was cut off and as Emiko introduced herself and her assignment he gave a warm smile and listened as she revealed she was assigned to infantry and recommended by another member of the crew, in which he gave a nod as he noticed her hand already being put before her.

"It is a pleasure to meet you too Emiko, and before I begin, might I say you...must get a lot of remarks regarding your height, and I think you will fit in well with the other members of the crew, especially if you are coming in on recommendation." He bowed his head slightly as they exhanged pleasantries. He noticed her strength and he chuckled lightly as he pulled his hand back.

"Well we are getting a quick refuel for the T-11 Tanuki transport before we depart, are either of you hungry or thirsty. If you would like we can grab something before we depart?" He asked them both as he marked both of them on his datapad as having made contact with them.

Looking between the pilot and Emiko, Mineko had stayed quiet. But when it came down to straying from their destination and arriving as soon as possible, she was sure.

"Let's move out," Minkeo said, choosing Emiko's to-the-point words. "I don't want the Resurgence to leave us behind in its whirlwind tour!"

"I did say we should move out, but if anyone is hungry," Of course the giant was hungry. The giant was always hungry. "I think we might be able to grab something quick. Quick." Emiko repeated it for emphasis. She swiveled her head, to peer around the terminal, easily above the crowd with her elevated view. "The seating here was inadequate, yes. I have not yet been aboard a T-11. I went straight from school to training, and this is my first posting."

"Yes," Emiko brought one hand to her abdomen, just above her stomach. "I have a travel card for this transit. I will purchase the food. Is there Nepleslian at this terminal? Oh, yes! A Kagami's Burger."

"You guys are probably right," Mineko said. With a curt nod and a wane smile, the Santo Hei deferred to the two senior officers, knowing if they weren't worried about timing that she should't be either. But really, she was so nervous for her new posting that she wasn't sure she could eat anthing if she wanted to.

Hearing the two were in agreement to get something to eat quickly, he was ready to go to his favorite ramen bar chain, The Golden Yolk, and he was going to recommend it until Emiko looked around and spoke about the shuttle he was flying, the seating inadequeacy, saying she would buy the food, then finally finishing with a self imposed question of a particular style of food. Before he could speak up he just blinked as he looked over to the burger joint.

"Looks like Kagami's Burger it is, should be quick and easy to grab some grub. Also the meal is on me, thank you for offering Emiko, but whith what we are dealing with at the Resurgence...this is a welcoming gift from me to you both. Now..." He started walking as he made his way to the little burger joint. "Don't be nervous and eat your fill, the datapad says we have about fifteen minutes until refueling is done." He said as they were now in line.

Mineko pressed her lips together while studying the menu. Only the limeade really popped out to her as she looked it up and down several times before she leaned in to whisper to Emiko.

"What are you getting?" Mineko asked, then realized her mistake in trying to glean a good meal choice off of the hulking woman. Looking to the pilot she asked, "And you Mr. Brax? A burger of some sort?"

"I'll have three triple Funky City Classics, four sides of fries, and two large peach shakes," Emiko replied, instantly, with no hesitation. "And a small kvass." Even the largest of the burgers, like everything else she carried, would also be comically small seeming in her hand, surely. "I will try to restrain myself since you are buying, Brax-Heishō."

Zanven allowed the women to go first and he was listening to see exactly what they would choose. It was not to judge them, but to see how comfortable they were, he wished he had friends when he first joined the Resurgence but he could always help out fresh recruits now.

When Mineko asked what they were getting in turn, Emiko was quick to speak up and order enough food to feed...well Thad at least, so this was fun for him to see. Finally after Emiko was done ordering, Zanven spoke up. "I will have one Double Trouble, a parfait, and a bottle of water." He said as the server took their order, looking quite intimidated.

"Emiko, don't worry about the price, though I probably wouldn't binge on burgers before a flight, especially in a shuttle...feel free to get what you want." Looking back at Mineko who still has not ordered he smiled and ushered her to come forward. "Well, you are up...I hear the limeades are good, but really it's the burgers everyone kind of freak out for."

"The Tsu vegetarian and the salmon burgers are good if beef is not to your liking. I like to have both of those on one sandwich sometimes." Emiko kept glancing at the back of the restaurant, staring at the cooks as they worked, as if she could speed up time by glaring at them. She just shuffled her feet and shifted the weight of her duffel and backpack around as she waited with apparent impatience.

"Yeah I was looking at the limeade." Nodding to Zanven as he ushered Mineko forward, the analyst could only agree. "But being Star Army now and all I think I should live a little!" She thought of the life she had left behind, especially the traditional dance circuit and the sparse meals that went along with it. "I'll get a peach shake, too! A large one!"

Zanven listened as they seemed comfortable and once the orders were put in, he paid with his card...the total was a little larger than he expected, but hey...he got a tiny discount. With the receipt given and a number Zanven moved them to a table as he held his bottle of water and waited.

"So infantry for Emiko, and Mineko...you are bound for bridge crew or are you looking to be apart of the field crew when we go planetside?" He asked as he wanted to know a little about them.

It wasn't easy to usher Emiko to a seat. Her eyes remained fixed on the cooks in the back of Kagami's, head turning even as she was maneuvered into a seat. She sat down only with hesitation, and was once again hunched over the table with her knees to her elbows from the relatively short height of the chair. Still, her almost-unblinking watch never ceased.

"My job's purview is best done from the ship. But however the esteemed captain wants things or whatever the mission calls for, I'll be ready!" Mineko has said as much astutely before her eyes slid to watch Emiko. The analyst pushed her thick hair over one shoulder as she went asked, "Uhm, Emiko-san, do you think they're going to mess up our food or something?"

Shaking her mighty head, Emiko replied, simply, "I don't want there to be a delay in the order being finished and my retrieving it." With that, she stood up and waited by the pickup spot, looming somewhat ominously over the employees behind the counter and the other customers in queue. "I will get everyone's food when it arrives."

"So thoughtful," Mineko said quietly, almost to herself. Then, looking up to Zanven she asked, "Do you get involved in the field crew, too?"

Emiko's imposing personality was kind of funny, with her size and how she was acting...she will fit in just fine with the infantry. As Mineko spoke about her job and where she would be best suited he nodded before Emiko went to go stand ready to receive their order he was asked about his involvement in the field and he nodded.

"Honestly, no...I have barely engaged in infantry in my time with the Resurgence. I have been engaged in a dogfight, planetary bombardment, and only three excursions with regular field crew. Two of which have been laden with major injuries and casualties attached," He said as he drank his water with a solemn expression.

"I have been told that I am to provide more support as infantry, which has taken over my main job as a pilot which...is not ideal but I have received training for multiple Power Armors and working with a team. So, yeah...in my long winded answer...I am frequently involved with the field crew." He said as the speaker came to life as their number was called as the cooks looked intimidated with Emiko hanging around.

Those monstrous hands clamped down on the two trays before the hapless Kagami's employee could even release them. "Thank you," Emiko boomed, bowing her head and then pulling the trays away. She scanned the trays making sure the entire order was intact, then crossed the distance back to the table with barely a dozen strides of her nearly meter-and-a-half long legs. She excitedly slapped the trays down on the table, amazingly not spilling anything. "It's. Here." Up until this point, her tone had been flat, and emotionless. Now, she smiled widely, and true delight dripped from her words.

Emiko wasted no time in divvying up the food and drinks, and hunkered over her share. She quaffed an entire shake and two tubes of fries in the first moment, before unwrapping the first of three triple-patty burgers. "Ah, I will miss Kagami's when we're underway."

With a shot of her brows into her bangs, Mineko smiled at the shake meant for her. Though she looked excited to try it, she nodded to the pilot first.

"Well I look forward to working with you in whatever capacity that entails. Your experience speaks volumes and I have unwavering trust in what you'll provide to any team of the Resurgence, whether I'm on it or supporting from afar." With that said, the analyst sucked on the straw of the shake, then melted in her seat a little as her smile did the opposite and raised high on her face. With her mouth around the straw, she added, "Oh, same goes for you Emiko! Hope you're still in tip-top shape even without all these burgers at your disposal!"

The great triple-patty burgers were a mere three bites each for Emiko. And, at the military-cliché speed with which she ate, she was already two down and unwrapping the third, even with the third of four orders of fries disappearing in the mean time, punctuated with contrastingly dainty sips of kvass.

"Can I try one of your fries?" Mineko asked timidly, realizing she should have ordered her own while not knowing if she could eat a whole serving with her stomach in knots as it was.

Oh, yes. I never know if I will want the fourth one or not. It's fine, take as many as you like!" Emiko looked extraordinarily pleased to offer them, as if she was anticipating Mineko becoming a convert to the cult of Kagami's fries.

After setting the paper tube down in front of Mineko, Emiko's smile broadened into a grin. "And do not worry about Freyjasdóttir's shape!" She stood suddenly, sending her undersized chair backwards with a screech and unzipped her field jacket, casting it to the table. Assuming a bodybuilder's pose, the skintight bodysuit beneath bulged with the muscles of her nearly fat-free torso. Even the abdominals, serratus, teres below her hefty bosom stretched the fabric showing the relief of her musculature. "Freyjasdóttir is always in top condition!"

With a widening of her eyes, Mineko took in the giantess' form with a quiet awe. In her world, peak physical form was a more understated muculature. In her own right, she felt like she had an able core and strong legs that let her take on the difficult forms of the dances. But this was on a level she hadn't seen before. Without thinking, the small analyst had moved to grab at Emiko's biceps, trying to wrap her mind around them with a touch of her fingers.

"You may climb Freyjasdóttir," Emiko nodded down at Mineko as the latter explored the diameter of her bicep, which was likely greater than that of Mineko's thigh. She tensed her core even further, and her lats and deltoids bulged even more as she braced herself for the weight.

"I won't worry about your form ever again," Mineko murmured in astoundment. She laced her fingers to tighten her hold as she slowly lifted her feet off the ground to free dangle from Emiko. When she was off the ground she made an excited face at Zanven as if wondering if he was seeing this. Mineko was in a joyous place at that moment, realizing for the first time that the possibilities to joining the Star Army were well beyond her previous comprehension.

"I did not have a last name when I came from the vat. I was named 'Freyjasdóttir' when I wrestled a Tröll-queen wrestling champion at the Giretsu graduation ceremony. When I won, I took her sept's name." Emiko idly rumbled out the trivia as she was swung from. She didn't shake or quiver, or even bend. With Mineko's weight, such that it was, it was if Emiko were made of iron. And it's not far from the truth, with her bones of durandium and nanomachine-tended muscles that didn't build lactic acid. "I got no name from defeating the Abwehran."

Mineko clasped around Emiko's torso with her legs and hooked her feet together as she let go with her hands. Her Type 30C's skirt flipped down with gravity momentarily while she moved excitedly about. Her upper body fell backwards so that it rested against Emiko's leg as she rested her hands against the floor as she pushed her legs away from the Lily-type's engaged abdomen. Mineko's boot-clad feet landed back on the ground as she twisted her torso to follow.

With a rush, the black-panel apologized, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have tried that."

That thigh was broad enough for Mineko to rest her entire back on, and when Emiko flexed, the split in her quadriceps was deep enough to cradle the back of Mineko's head. "Ha! I am like playground equipment!" With an earthquake of a laugh, Emiko reached down and made her second shake disappear, and didn't bother to retrieve her chair, instead standing while she unwrapped and then finished off the final burger in a mere two bites this time. "It is easy to see the numbers in the manual about my caloric requirements. It is another thing to see them being eaten, no?" She put the straw to her lips and in a long draw, slowly, smoothly drained the kvass.

"Now that I want to do again! You, me, the Resurgence dojo tonight!" With a hearty laugh echoing Emiko's own zeal, Mineko took a long pull of her shake. She didn't drain it like Emiko had done hers, but she certainly looked to be enjoying it. "For real, I would have expected four meals a day, not four servings in each meal! It's insane what you can put down!"

Zanven ate as Emiko brought back the food to the table, the pair seemed to be perfectly happy with talking amongst themselves and at ease even with him there. He grinned as he ate his food in the quiet, the response he gave when Mineko said she trusted him out in the field was a simple nod as he just took in the vision of vibrant life around them until he finished his meal.

He was sipping on his bottle of water as they were talking about food servings and he chimed in. "The cooks on the Resurgence are some of the best that I have got to work with anywhere I have been stationed, be sure to tell them hi when you arrive as they will enjoy hearing you can eat a lot. Also you two in the dojo...don't mind if I join in do you, I have been needing a good spar since I am having to fill in on infantry." He replied before pulling out the datapad, noticing a notification that informed them the shuttle was refueled he let them continue for a while longer as it reminded him of people he had not seen in a few years...

"You hear that?" Mineko said with a giggle, "Lots to eat there, too. And lots to do, we'll have fun hitting up the dojo, definitely Mr. Brax!" She caught the look in Zanven's eye as he looked at his data pad and picked up her duffel while she asked, "Time to head out?"

"You finish fries first, Hei!" Emiko laughed again as she put her field jacket back on and shouldered her bags once more. She gathered up all of the refuse and empties and stacked the trays, once more crossing to the matter collection receptacles in far fewer steps than your typical-length legs would need over the same distance, and returning without exceeding the one-way trip. "But yes. Early is late. I hear the Captain values that sort of thing."

Hearing the two of them in agreement and then allowing him in on their dojo spar he gave a nod before he stood up. Emiko gathered up the trash and watched as she crossed to dump the tray he had to admit she was...well they were both attractive and he shook his head as he dismissed the thoughts.

"Yes it is time to head out, and yes Captain Aoba values being early, because if you are on time, then there are lives at stake." He said as he checked in on the datapad and started to make the preparations to leave. "Well let us get going then, the Tanuki is waiting on us. He would say as he would lead them to the dock for the shuttle and upon arrival he would input the clearance code and open the door for them. "Ladies first."

"I've been called many things, but that might be a first," Emiko ducked as she entered, reflexively, even if she didn't need to. She found, to her pleasant surprise, that Zanven had been correct about the legroom and headroom provided by the Tanuki's passenger seating. "Very nice. I just hope they got my request for an extra-long bunk in time."

"Thanks for this!" Mineko chirped as she followed suit. Though she had been wary of taking up too much time before boarding, the snack break had eased some of her anxieties. There was a lightness to her step that she hadn't entered the port terminal with.

He gave a smirk as he watched Emiko and Mineko enter the shuttle and take their seats. He was happy that he had a little time away doing something leisurely instead of having to be ready to fight all the time. After they were in, he locked the door and put the datapad into the wall holder and looked at his two passengers.

"Alright then, buckle up, and we will be home in less than three hours if all my calculations are right, and if things get bumpy or weird...well, at least I have two gunner seats for you two. Enjoy the ride as I am one of the best pilots on the ship. Callsign is Solo, remember it."

He would say before going to the cockpit and starting the ship up to go through preflight and soon they would be gone.


OOC JP By: Yuuki, Ame, Zanven
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