Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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Relations with the UOC


Inactive Member
To:Sky Marshall Davis
From: Crowned Prince Motoyoshi Tio

The Assembly has deliberated and the United Outer Colonies accepts the support and aid from Nepleslia. We will welcome your ships into our space as honor guard to stand along side of our own. It is our request however that the ships sent only commit to defensive operations, we do not want any offensives being launched from our space.

In return for your gracious offer, we were wondering if you would be opposed to us returning the favor by aiding you in providing humanitarian assistance to Kennewes. The humanitarian convoy would consist a carrier with a squadron of patrol ships and a large number of cargo haulers.

We look forwards to future exchanges and invite you to send an Ambassador to work with us on an official treaty agreement with the United Outer Colonies. We like-wise are willing to send an ambassador to Nepleslia.

Crowned Prince Motoyoshi Tio

"Our offer to assist the UOC has been accepted, it seems. What say you senators regarding their counteroffer?"
Regnier leaned backward in his chair slightly, his yellowish eyes standing out prominently in the poorly lit room that he sat in.

"It's a nice gesture, sure, but what's to stop the Reds from attacking them? They aren't exactly known for being rational and if their 'humanitarian efforts' are attacked or destroyed, it could strain relations and be a complete waste of time and resources."

Drake brushed a rouge strand of hair away from his eye. "I'm not saying we should refuse them, but either A. Limit where they can go and such, or B. Make them wait until we have a better foothold in the region."

He sighed slightly. "Other than that small potential problem, I see no other reason to refuse them." He tapped the claws of his armored glove on the metal armrest idly.
"There is currently no way to find out when Kennewes will be secure. However I also see the wisdom in limiting where they go. Perhaps all cities that have already been secured should be focused on? I also suggest that the proposed convoy should either provide their own protection, or get it from us. If it is offering to give humanitarian aid on an unsecure planet, they should realize the danger of their efforts."

Ambassador Garza sat back in his seat, taking a long sip from a cool glass of whiskey.

"At any rate, perhaps we should send a mixture of ships from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd assault fleets? None of our best, of course, since they're needed to guard our positions. Maybe have a couple of less-needed E3s or C1s dressed nicely?"
"Let me ask you all this, before we continue discussing the 'How'..." Senator Vanderhuge said, crossing his massive hands together as he leaned back into his seat.

"Do we even need the UOC's help with Kennewes? You all know my stance with the UOC is skeptical, at best, but regardless of that it just isn't in the cards to implicate them if we don't need to. Their offer to repay our exceptionally generous offer of protection is touching..." Ed spoke, his voice laced with venom accentuating his description of Nepleslia's offer. "...I still say any reason to keep them on their side of the fence is a good reason."
The Sky Marshall opened up a private connection with the senators. He did not want any other parties hearing this information.
"We engage in relations with the UOC because it drives an advantageous wedge between the opposing Yamataian factions. If the UOC comes to like us, it gives us a strategic ally should any problems arise concerning Yamatai. We can also use this for advantageous status regarding exports. Getting our foot in the door can allow us to move Nepleslian goods and labor into the UOC, furthering our galactic influence."

"Anyway, I will make sure that the UOC is well aware of the dangers their peacekeeping forces will be under once they come to Kennewes. We can spare a few resources for their protection, as well. Are there any further points of discussion before we move to vote?"
Regnier chuckled slightly at the message. "Always the opportunists, aren't we? Us Nepleslians." 'Didn't know you had a diplomatic mindset to go with your tactical one, Mr. Roberts...'

He glanced at a couple files on another screen for a moment before returning to the discussion, "I suppose when you put it that way, why not? A means to an end, after all." He leaned back slightly. "Shall we vote then?"
And what if this UOC is an enormous farce? A faction of Yamataian separatists are still Yamataian...possibly even the worst sort, and here we are handing them our ships and voting to allow them into our territory. Am I the only one who sees this? Edward gruffed a sigh, placing his massive hand across his equally enormous brow.

"Senator Vanderhuge votes NO to the UOC's proposal. While generous, there are better things they can do for us than assist with Kennewes. We don't need help cleaning up that place...the work is already done. If the UOC is going to owe us a favor, I myself would prefer to call upon it in a time we actually need it."
"And what if you're just paranoid? There is no love between the UOC and Yamatai, as is evident to anyone who's payed any attention to recent events. Besides which they're under our surveillance if they come, so there is very little they could do if they bore us ill will." Drake gave a sort of quiet laugh. He did enjoy his job sometimes.

"Senator Regnier votes Yes to the current proposal, if nothing else, to not cause strife with them and to make Yamatai think twice before trying anything foolish with either of us."
"Feh," Ed waved his hand nonchalantly in Drakes direction. "You assume far too much. My vote was based on the fact that their help at Kennewes isn't needed in the slightest. If they want to return our favor, that's just fine and dandy...but let's find a better use for it, instead of squandering it on things we don't need help with."
"Heh. We're just giving a couple soldiers something to do with their time. They want to waste their resources on this, then it's their problem, not ours. It's not like we're losing anything by this." Drake leaned back in his chair. "Unless of course, you have something else in mind that you would rather have them do?"
"Do not forget that their offer is a form of repayment for our help securing their borders with some of our military ships," Edward noted. "Bringing them out there and back, keeping them well-oiled and such still incurs a logistics cost. Having of couple of their Peacekeepers waltz out here, hand a few cans of second-rate sausage out to the bums on Kennewes and then call it even is hardly a fair deal."
"Even?" Drake laughed. "I did not think to call it even with this. They still have a ways to go to 'balance the scales' so to speak." The metal 'clack' of the pointed fingertips on his gauntlet repeated against the side of his chair. "Or... I suppose we don't have to send them any kind of protection. Let them deal with the risk of being blown to pieces. We really only need to keep an eye on them. And that costs less than providing escort."

He shrugged. "Whatever, I already voted. The UOC can try to kiss our ass if they want."
A display screen lit up, revealing the face of Haythem Quezzil, a middle-aged Nepleslian of tanned complexion and sharp, aquiline features. There was a certain lack of severity in his expression, and slight laugh lines distinguished him as the type of man to smile and laugh frequently. He nodded to the other senators and began.

"Evening gentlemen... I've been unfortunately preoccupied in negotiations with several mining companies trying to land exclusive rights to locations on Gold Harbor. A stipend was sent to me by an aide and I find myself in agreement with Mr Vanderhuge. Peace must be made on Kennewes before it can be kept, or any humanitarian mission be successful.

Acts of good faith are fine, but for any permanent change be made on the planet, they would need to re-establish and maintain civil and environmental infrastructure and quell the insurgents on the planet. As those duties fall under the responsibilities of our government, it makes it our problem. These are our people, and it is our duty to show our nation as one that can feed its own. Fortuna votes NO, however, advocates that the "Kennewes Issue" be discussed at a later time."
Ed Vanderhuge leaned back into seat and lifted both of his hands up into the air, a definite gesture of 'finally, somebody gets it'. Which was then confirmed when the ID-SOL senator put down his arms and confirmed his gesture with a simple, "Finally, somebody gets it."
Regnier's chilling laugh echoed from his comm. "I suppose we need to maintain our pride, hm?" He seemed to mock the word 'pride'. He turned to a small screen and tapped a key a couple of times. "Huh... Never a dull moment out here, is there..?" Without a word of explanation, Drake left his chair, as if completely forgetting about the entire meeting. His comm hung there for a moment longer before terminating.
"I vote yes to the issue. I feel that, regardless of how favors are repaid or how our pride is, we are both capable of helping our own and getting help from others."

"More importantly, however, this leaves the issue at a 2-2 tie. In light of this, I feel we need more votes from abstaining senators lest I be forced to execute my powers as Premiere."
Throughout the entire proceedings, Michael Kreisen waited and watched. He pondered this entire situation until his opinion was finally needed. A smirk appeared across his face as he said, "Many of the people that I've come here to represent lived on Kennewes at one time. Even if the world is not yet stable completely, there are many innocents living there that need help now! Should we choose to decline the UOC's offer, we would be sending many to their deaths. I'm sure that the UOC knew the risks when they made the offer. As of now.. I will say that Hope, to double the effort of restoring our past homeworld, will vote yes on this matter." The blonde-haired senator smiled keenly at his fellow comrades.
"While I feel somewhat insulted at the Senator from Hope's belief that not accepting a single piece of aid will lead to the demise of thousands, Rok'Veru still votes Yes on this issue. I'm somewhat surprised there was any question at all."

Ioannes smiled coolly when he finished speaking.