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Abandoned Character [REMADE]Zeexcros

Kashton1 (UKA)

Inactive Member
Zeexcros is a player character played by Kashton1 (UKA).

Species & Gender: Unknown, Is male. (Can be treated as a anthro for now. Humanoid x Bird)
Age: 27
Organization: None
Occupation: (none)...
Space Derbis Scavenger
Rank: None

Start of my part in RP: Be discovered by the 'Heart Breaker'? OR another exploration team?
Plot: Zeexcros is the last of his kind, along only with his brother... but he does not know that. He was just a 2 year old, and his brother 1 when a horrible event occurred that would, in turn, change their fate forever. No one saw what was heading their way. His planet was decimated by a meteor as large as the oceans themselves on the planet's surface. Luckily, he was not in the path, as he was on a vessel destine to search a near by asteroid field, for reason unknown. When the crew onboard thought they were safe catastrophe struck again. A few weeks later a horrid ill attacked the crew and only those genetically immune (Only Zeexcros and his brother) Survived. Other members of his race may have survived but it is highly unlikely. Any history about his race other than the existence of him himself, his brother, and his KFA T-44 BlackFalcon CargoShip had been completely erased. Reduced to less than ashes. Since he was 2 when this happened, his brother only 1, his crew and most of his family died he does not remember anything. His race is forgotten. This is why others who see him may consider him to be anthro. He is very anthro-like.

Now, 27 he drifts aimlessly around space, with his brother, ship functions lowered to 10%..... hoping to one day find a place where he can live out life. They are very curious about his history, but cannot learn about it. He managed to teach himself and his brother english and ship controls from manuals onboard. Rationing food and scavenging has lasted them this long. He has never seen another race and may be disturbed to learn there is more than just his race. Curiosity and fear will play a key role in his decisions. He hangs out with his brother, playing made-up games and enters cryo-sleep on and off hoping to see one of his kind one day. His brother follows his actions and listens to Zeexcros. He is very much like his older brother.

Physical Description
Height: 6ft,2in Like a bird crossed with a human. Strong and agile and he has wings, though has never flown. He has white plumage and a sizable orange beak. He has blue eyes. Bent knees. Spear like feathers colored blue and orange.

A very cautious person. Every decision means life or death. He is a bit mentally unstable... after being alone with his brother for so long. Very imaginative, when he is happy, loves to draw all over his ship's walls and bonds with his brother. Creative. Other than that a blank slate, He has lived alone almost for 27 years and has not had social interaction with (almost) anybody.

No history has survived.

Skills Learned
Zeexcros has the following notable skills:
  • Drawing
  • Cargo ship opperation
  • Eating French Fries while driving
Inventory & Finance
Zeexcros has the following:
  • Unkown race avian armor plating, blue, gray and orange theme
  • Bar of Soap
  • Bar of chocolate
  • English dictionary
  • Fork
  • Flashlight
  • Ship control uplink
currently has 0 KS.

Character Will
In the case I become inactive (gone for more than a month):
  • Can this character be used as an NPC by a GM or FM? YES
  • Can this character be adopted after I'm gone for a year or more? YES

Run into a sector with other life inhabiting it... learn that he is not an anthro rather a whole other undocumented race, explore,....... way on later discover another member of his race.

I want someone to discover me.......

Be discovered by the Heart Breaker?
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Tagging @Reynolds - the Heartbreaker's GM
Looking this over, it seems like you have not looked around Star Army very much and aren't too familiar with the site, setting and history. This seems like a character from another site or RP that you have just kinda dropped in here, and it doesn't quite work. Things like the aliens speaking English, for example. On top of that, you would need to do a lot of editing and cleaning up in general.

Another problem is, right now the Heartbreaker is right in the middle of a mission. It would likely be two months or so before we would be able to start a new mission that could include you.

However, the Heartbreaker does specialize somewhat in meeting new alien species and introducing them to Yamatai and the RP in general. Both @Edto Xar'Sivaree and @LittleWasp kinda got their start with us, and currently have representatives of their races on board the Heartbreaker. Before that, though, they did spend some time in Open RP nailing down how their characters/races worked, along with reading the wiki and writing articles about their characters and races. Then they moved on and spread out to other RPs and got firmly settled into the canon universe.

I would recommend the same course for you. Go to Open RP and get eased in to how things work here. Read the wiki a bunch. Write a page for your character and try to make sure all the information you give fits in the Star Army world. I think the actual basic idea for your character is fine, once you make it fit here a bit better, and know what you're getting into here.

If those two might want to help, maybe something could be set up in Open RP? I could probably assist as well, and we might be able to get a few other friendly faces in there that want to try out new characters in a more relaxed environment.
Yo, bird bruv, I'll have witch yuu. Drop me a PM and I'll see if I can help you with this here race thing. We'll get you sorted out.
I don't have any experience with making races but I will help in Open RP if that is what you decide on.
I agree with Reynolds in that it feels like an imported character rather than one created specifically for SARP. It can still work, obviously, but concessions have to be made.
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