Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC Remembrance Division OOC "The Officers Mess"

I'm confused. Are we trying to vote if the plot should be abandoned simply because people are slow or go forward with whoever has got their captains finished? Not really sure what this is about.
I am beginning to think that the scope of the plot is two heavy and confusing to be done, both by players and by me. I basically have taken a shovel and attempted to eat chili with it.
Okay, I have hatched the goose egg of an idea.

FIRST! PROMOTIONS! Welcome to all Rear Admirals

SECOND! Each player is no longer controlling a ship, they control ~20 ships.

This retcon and rewrite is to distribute weight in the plot easier. It makes the plot give a smaller yet wider scale. Taking the captains out takes out the fluff and takes a lot of weight off the players. This also makes you all play a group on top of your admirals

More data on the way. Stay tuned.
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@Legix, @Gunhand4171, @raz, @Cordinarr,

Okay, now comes the explainy bit. The reason that all these changes came up suddenly is after me writing the draft more mission one, the opening conflict scene ended up really long, boring and, frankly, REALLY HARD TO UNDERSTAND. All that is going to be changed is your characters rank, and how many ships they have. I know what you are all probably thinking, 'Why do we have all these ships now?' The answer to that is that I can't manage all about eighty five warships in out fleet along with the enemy fleet as well.

I have two working fleet compositions that I can have you all use, one with Primus Dreadnoughts and one without.

With Dreadnoughts:
One Specter Escort Carrier
Two Primus Dreadnoughts
Four Orca Battlecruisers
Five Blackjack II Cruisers
Eight Atlas Destroyers

Without Dreadnoughts:
One Specter Escort Carrier
Two Orca Battlecruisers
Three Blackjack II Cruisers
Twelve Atlas Destroyers

I appreciate any feedback, once this gets nailed down I'm launching the plot.
Since it seems that everyone is either dropping out, splitting or not even here, I am canning this plot until I can safely get something together. After consulting the wiki, Nepleslia and it's Naval assets were never designed to be the main setting of a plot. While I have received praise for attempting such a feat of plotwork, I cannot write for so many ships. This is something for an experienced GM to work with, and requires a lot of pre-plotting and micro-managing to be done properly. This is something that I do not feel comfortable with doing right now.

So I am sorry for wasting time and thread over something that I should have realized was broken from the start, I tried to write this like a real navy. Writing this like a real navy eliminated the players partially from the plot, which was a mistake. This made the player characters actors for a group of people on ships. All of these changes did not help at all.

So in short, I am canning this plot because at this point in time I do not feel comfortable trying to start this plot with so few people. The idea was out there and it was my fault for trying to walk in all these changes into the players without really thinking of how it would work. Not to mention I felt that I was rushing the people who are writing antagonists for the Nepleslian faction as a whole.

Realizing that above in not short let me end it here, the plug has been pulled before the plot started as the plot cannot exist in its current state and the GM does not wish to try and write for a few hundred ships while the players are iffy about the whole idea to begin with.

Alright, thanks for the update.
Since Ham has decided to abandon this idea, I'll be trying to scrap together something to take its place. It will likely change the intent, but most/all of the characters who were open for this are likely to be useful for it. Figured I'd toss that in, since I'd mentioned to Ham that if this fell apart it'd be my intent to do things with the Nep Navy.

TLDR: It sucks that it fell apart, but I'll be trying to piece something together that can make it work and carry on the spirit.
Your green to do so, just don't use the same name. I may resurrect this later under a total rewrite but that is far from today.
Dang, I'm sorry to hear that, @HAMnJAM. Been working on my character/ship off-wiki, so he's ready if you ever want to bring the plot back. Totally understand what you mean about the NSN not really having been constructed in a way that makes plotting easy.