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Request Rendering issues on Android


Inactive Member
For a while now, I've had issues reading longer posts here on my phone. After a certain point, the site's background covers the text and it's unreadable. Here's a screenshot of the issue:

The problem still exists if the desktop site is requested, though you can see a bit further down the page. I finally got annoyed at it enough to look into the problem and tracked the issue down to this css style:

Specifically "backdrop-filter." Removing that style fixes the issue. The purpose of this style is to slightly blur the background underneath the text so that it is still readable, so just removing this style would have some adverse effect on the site as a whole. Fairly minor imo, but noticeable.

My question: How much control do we have over the style and could we modify it? The easiest solution would be to remove that backdrop-filter style. If that's not acceptable, I or someone else could try and come up with a more compatible method of creating the blur effect. I'd like to know if it's even possible to modify the style before diving down that route though lol.
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Have you tried other themes/styles that the site has? They can be found at the bottom left of the page by clicking on the name of them, which has a paint brush next to it. Currently we have four unique styles with varying backgrounds, etc. Each unique theme should have separate properties and I guess at least one of them doesn't have the fade that is becoming an issue for you. I am pretty sure Xenforo is not utilizing it and may be a best bet for readability.

My understanding is we don't have that much control over the themes, but @Wes has been known to pull a tech rabbit out of his magic hat here and there, so I wouldn't be surprised if it can be fixed or if we get what we get and slapping a background and banner on it is the extent of the customization we have access to.

Not completely sure on fixing it under the hood, but choosing a new style is a way I am very sure it can be fixed.
Just tested the other themes and the two Titan variants are the only ones with the issue, so using Tactical is a valid workaround.

I'm concerned though that since Titan is the site default, a new user might explore the site on their phone, encounter a broken post, and leave thinking the site is broken. If we can't fix it easily, maybe we could send a message to the style creator and see if they'll fix it.

Thanks for the workaround though, that'll at least get mobile working for me now! I completely forgot there were even alternative themes until you mentioned it (Titan still best theme tho imo )
Glad it worked! I'll label this resolved in a few days to make sure Wes checks it out because that is a great point. We'll see what Wes can do :]
Thanks for making us aware of this, I should be able to get a fix implemented by the end of the weekend.

We have very extensive control of our styles.
I have had a similar difficulty when browsing on android, but found Tactical fixed it too. Good to know it will be addressed though!
Note to self:

Added to extra.less:
    backdrop-filter: none;

@Aria Please let us know if that helped.
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