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[Report] Operation Silencer - File 01


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Background Information on Kenji and Kohana's Death

The official news report:
SANDRA said:
Horizon City, Fenyar (Yamatai Star Empire)

Today marks a terrible loss of one of the Imperial Family's youngest and most beloved children, Ketsurui-Kyoshi Kohana. Kohana, the daughter of Ketsurui-Kyoshi Ayame, the Empress-to-be, was found dead earlier today by her sister in a small apartment in Horizon City. Horizon City, while still mostly vacant, contains a number of personnel working for the startup armaments company, NovaCorp.

Records indicated that Kenji, after kidnapping Kohana from the Empress' Palace by decieving the girl, disguised himself as "Kyoshiro" and fled to Nepleslia, where he boarded a NovaCorp ship and changed his appearance through DNA alteration on the way. While not on the NovaCorp payroll, NovaCorp was probably unknowingly offering employment to the fugitive and his captive. NovaCorp sources were unavailable for comment.

Looking for her younger sister, SAINT agent Kikyo was met with the gruesome site of the girl's mostly-naked body tied to a bed, shot in the forehead. "My sister was wearing a pair of pink mesh panties, that were pulled down to around her thighs," Kikyo said. Crime scene investigation revealed the presence of Kenji's semen inside Kohana's ravaged vagina. Kenji's will, found on him after his death, said, "I am ashamed for spoiling her beauty with my lust."

Kenji then attempted to ambush her with a GP-13 pistol but was shot in the heart before he could pull the trigger, thanks to Kikyo's neko reflexes. He died before she could question him. Kenji was seen by some as a man with a kind exterior, but a dangerously unstable heart.

"I thought he was a good man, he seemed to be rather kind, caring and attentive to Kohana and I liked him for the positive attention he once bestowed upon my sister," Kikyo said of him before the kidnapping, "I hate the man for what he did to my family, and especially my poor sister. She did nothing to deserve the treatment she received from him. I am glad the ordeal is over."

Mistress Governor Ayame was similarly astonished at the man's terrible deeds: "I'm still uncertain as to why Kenji acted the way he did," she told us, also remarking that when she'd first met Kenji, the man had shown romantic interest in not only her, but both of her daughters as well. Empress Yui expressed her concern that there he may have been "taking advantage of Kohana's innocence," for some time before the kidnapping.

"I loved Kohana dearly," Kikyo told us in a broken voice, "I will miss her everyday for the rest of my life. She was a dear child, taken from us all far too soon." This sentiment was shared by billions throughout the Empire.

Here's what happened, from Kikyo's memory files:
Kikyô was waiting for them and as they exited she activated the hologram shedder and ran if over the man and then the woman.

Kohana stopped for a moment, "huh?" she said, then dropped the bag and covered herself embarrassedly. "Eeeeee!"

Kikyô appeared and turned off the shedder, "You can put them back up now dear..." She smiled at the two of them, "I'm glad I've found you, is there somewhere private we can go?"

The holo-shredder had no effect on Kyoshiro and didn't seem to pay it any heed until he heard her yelp and moved to block the view and ran into Kikyô. "Oh, excuse me ma'am." he said. "I don't really know. Sorry." he said.

"Sister!" Kohana's dress appeared as the shredder went offline. Her face was all rosy from the shock. Kohana ran to Kikyô with open arms and gave her a big hug. "I know you'd come!"

Kikyô hugged her sister, "I'm here now. I assume that is Kenji, though he doesn't seem to want to admit it."

"Yep, that's my daddy," Kohana proudly declared.

Kikyô smiled, "I'm happy to help both of you but we need to discuss this somewhere private, a public street isn't the place for this conversation."

Kyo perked a brow at that, getting the feeling of "oooooo sh**. But shrugged it off, "I don't really know of any other private places, it's a pretty packed city." he smiled slightly.

"Ooh," Kohana nodded, "Let's go home then. It's this way, sister!" she started briskly heading to the apartment."

"I'm coming honey..." She followed after Kohana, as they walked she glanced at Kenji, "Why are you being like this? I'm only trying to help you."

Kyo sighed and walked along with the two women; he had a bad feeling about all this but Kohana seemed happy and that was all he wanted to see really. "Because one Kikyô, I can probably safely assume you've spoken to Ayame and minister Uesu; as well as knowing you're good at cloak and dagger." He said in a tone that spoke only to Kikyô. "If you are, I ask you to just let me live here in peace with her. We're happy here like this." he added in a conspirator's whisper.

"I came to help you, mother was wrong this time. No matter how I look at it, I can see it no other way." Kikyô sighed, "Lets just go back to your place and try and plan for some sort of escape from the Empire."

Kohana giddily skipped her way through the mostly-desert streets of the city back to door to the apartment.

Kyo was still wary but kept an eye on Kohana and opened the door to the place for the both of them. He wanted to believe Kikyô, he really did.

"Nice place you have." Kikyô said as she entered, "How long have you both been here?"

"Be right back," Kohana said. She dropped the Reina disguise but left her holo-clothes on, walking back into her room and set the bag of underwear on her bed.

"About a day now." Kyoshiro said from behind her standing in the door. "Please feel free to have a seat." he said graciously. It was now or never this chase would end. He felt his heart beating as a slight feeling of fear welled up in him.

"I'm going to go see what Kohana bought." She walked in and wrapped one arm around her sister's waist, "What did you buy dear?"

He walked behind them with a slight grin, hoping against the odds here.

Kohana jumped a little in surprise at Kikyô's touch, but quickly gave a smile. "Sister, I really missed you..." she said, giving Kikyô a hug. "I bought a nice silk slip and some mesh panties...That's a neat outfit you got on."

Kikyô smiled, "I'm glad you like it, it doesn't restrict my movement much." She hugged her, "So are you going to show me this slip and pair of panties?"

Kyo simply waited quietly leaning against the door keeping an eye on them.

"Sure!" Kohana said. "I can't wait to try them on myself." She started to fade off her hologram, but stopped, spotting her dad watching her. "Um?" she blushed.

Kyoshiro nodded and stepped around the corner into another room, not wanting to embarrass her that much.

Kohana grinned girlishly and got in the buff, then started stepping into her brand-new skivvies for Kikyô's inspection.

Kikyô smiled, and in a flicker of motion she drew her GP-3, aimed it at Kohana's head and pulled the trigger. As she pulled down on the trigger her other hand drew the second gun and pointed it at the door.

Kohana's blood splattered on the wall behind her and the young girl let out a whimper and tripped backwards over her half-on underwear and crashed to the floor.

Sighing slightly Kikyô exited the bedroom and pointed both of her guns at Kenji, "Well it looks like the end for you as well..."

Kyoshiro had a mental flash as the trigger was pulled and a horrible sadness welled up in his soul, he knew he couldn't trust Kikyô. He wanted to trust her like he did Ayame; but as a nice guy he would always finish last. "Kikyô answer my questions first please." he said in a broken voice. "Why'd you do it to her? You soiled your hands in the blood of the innocent. I also know you're going to kill me; but can I ask you one thing? Shoot me in the heart and finish it off, your mother broke it, you stole the last thing I truly cared about." Kyo said and turned to her. The young man had tears in his eyes. "At least let me hold her one last time."

"Drop all your weapons, and I'll think about it." The soft caring voice Kikyô had been using had vanished and was replaced with something cold and hard, much like the eyes that watched Kenji carefully. She was ready to pull the trigger at any time...

He pulled out the GP-13 and tossed it onto a table. "So a man cannot live in peace? Your mother ruined my life by ripping out my heart and eating it." He said with a sigh.

"Mother wouldn't have done it had you not made her miserable." She sighed, "Remembering your abilities Kenji and my lack of ADN I am sorry but I can not spare you for any long." Her fingers clenched against the trigger as she set herself to kill the man standing in front of her.

"I won't lash at you, you look at a broken man Kikyô. It's harder to live with a twice broken heart, by killing me you give me the release that doesn't do your empire justice. If you believe in killing me, let me live and rot inside for the rest of my life." He said with a sigh. "But I don't understand how I made her miserable to deserve the very first sight of her and Uesu together, all she had to do was tell me it wouldn't work and it'd have never come to this. I'm sure a smart woman like you can see that."

Kikyô had no wish to hear him anymore and pulled the trigger on her gun, shooting him in the heart as he requested. She put the guns away and carefully began to construct a scene in the bedroom that looked like Kenji had raped her sister and then killed her. She tied Kohana down to the bed and set the rest of the bedroom to her liking. She then made her way over to Kenji and noticed a data pad sticking out of his pocket, she picked it up and read the contents.
Full text is at ... .php?t=170
Kenji's motivation is rooted in the events that happened at the palace in this post (not required reading).

Report, as issued to the public:
Ketsurui Kikyo said:

Master Taisho Ketsurui Uesureyu,

1. I proceeded to Horizon City, and upon the time of my arrival I set out to locate Kohana and Kenji. This took me the better part of a day and I managed to track them to an apartment in the city.

2. Upon arrival at the apartment, I entered and arrived just in time to hear a pistol go off, I ran in the bedroom to see a scene that was so horrible in nature I would rather not write it out in full detail. Needless to say Kohana was tied to the bed and barely dressed, he had raped her and then killed her.

3. Upon seeing this I took immediate action and ordered him to surrender, upon refusal of that order, he reached for his pistol once more and I shot him through the heart. On his body I found this last will and testament.

If you're readin' this then I'm dead. Well with that out of the way here's what I have to say. Please don't EVER inform my parents, sister nor brother of the events that lead to this or about what I did to Kohana. I am ashamed for spoiling her beauty with my lust... Please don't look down on them for the mistakes of one individual. I want my posessions that were left on the Celia returned to them.

Now for what I have to say to Ayame, Yui, Kikyo and Uesu:

Ayame: Thanks a whole f***ing lot you stupid bitch. I trusted you, cared about you and you go and do that to me you dirty slut whore. I took your daughter to repay you for ruining my life you stupid bitch, if I can't have you at least I can have her!! I hope you burn in the flames of eternal damnation for all time!
Yui: I don't really have much negative to say to you personally, but I know my words stated above to Ayame will hurt you as well. Perhaps in another time, another place, another situation; we could've been friends.

Kikyo: Simply put: you had your loyalties and I had mine. I don't blame you for what you had to do.

Uesu: I know you hate me, the feeling is mutual. Nothing else to say.

To be perfectly frank, I was disappointed with this empire and it's bloody matriarchal rule and ways. You're so **** weak it's sickening; you always take the easy way out someone does something wrong you MURDER them. Someone starving could steal bread to eat to live and if your system found out he'd be dead. You nekos are only ****, with attitude. I had hope that you were more human than that but as a human myself I was wrong.
4. I made myself known to the authorities on Horizon and we have secured both bodies for transport, Kenji's back to his family and Kohana's for return to Yamatai. I respectfully request permission to be allowed to accompany my sisters body back to Yamatai.


Ketsurui Kikyo
SAINT Special Services

Classified report only available to those involved:
Ketsurui Kikyo said:

Master Taisho Ketsurui Uesureyu,

1. I proceeded to Horizon City, and upon the time of my arrival I set out to locate Kohana and Kenji. I made my way to the shopping district and found them coming out of a lingerie store called "Yuuko's." I ascertained it was the two of them by using a hologram shedder on Kohana, my sister was happy to see me and we proceeded to their apartment.

2. Upon arrival at their apartment I proceeded in my mission and killed both Kohana and Kenji. On Kenji's person after he died I found this last will and testament which I have changed in the military report.
If you're readin' this then I'm dead. Well with that out of the way here's what I have to say. Please don't EVER inform my parents, sister nor brother of the events that lead to this. Please don't look down on them for the mistakes of one individual. I want my posessions that were left on the Celia returned to them.

Now for what I have to say to Ayame, Yui, Kikyo and Uesu:

Ayame: Thanks a whole f***ing lot you stupid bitch. I trusted you, cared about you and you go and do that to me you dirty slut whore. If I hadn't left with Kohana at my side I'd have had nothing left in this world; but I suppose you, as a god's damned neko wouldn't know or care about that. But you'd have ruined my life if I had simply left. I hope you burn in the flames of eternal damnation for all time!

Yui: I don't really have much negative to say to you personally, but I know my words stated above to Ayame will hurt you as well. Perhaps in another time, another place, another situation; we could've been friends.

Kikyo: Simply put: you had your loyalties and I had mine. I don't blame you for what you had to do.

Uesu: I know you hate me, the feeling is mutual. Nothing else to say.

To be perfectly frank, the only neko I really cared about after leaving was Kohana. I will always love her as my daughter, my little girl and nothing you say or do will never change that fact. I was disappointed with this empire as well and it's bloody matriarchal rule and ways. You're so f***ing weak it's sickening; you always take the easy way out someone does something wrong you MURDER them. Someone starving could steal bread to eat to live and if your system found out he'd be dead. You nekos (except for above stated exception: Kohana) are only f***toys with attitude. I had hope that you were more human than that but as a human myself I was wrong.
3. I continued in a coverup to make it appear Kenji had raped and killed Kohana prior to my arrival on the scene, all neccessary evidence was planted, indeed enough to convict someone in a court of law including DNA samples. I also conducted the neccessary cleanup of the apartment to remove all blood from the walls, carpeting etc...

4. It is my suggestion that you never tell my mother, about the true events that transpired. Sometimes a good lie is better than the truth.


Ketsurui Kikyo
SAINT Special Services