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Request: A corporation partner.


Inactive Member
Would anyone be willing to make a new corporation with me, develop some new characters for it, and the like?

I would like a corporate entity to produce my ideas through, but I am a new player and don't want to place the entirety of the burden on myself, for I may do things wrong.

So yeah, would anyone want to make a corporation for me? You can decide on the nation that it's based in, of course.
Well, I've been running Origin Industries for a while now, and don't mind having partners if they aren't too crazy. Perhaps you could come and help with my company rather than having to start your own? Also, the user Gallant has a company, but I think it's a subsidiary of KFY, so I dunno.
What would your corporation be making? I hope it's not warships and guns like every other corporation around here.
I'm alright with joining Origin. Should I make a character or something that will merge with the company?
Wes, my corporation would focus on three major things, all very different.

1: Medicinal Drugs/Stimulants
2: Civilian Firearms/Armored Vehicles (For Police Forces)
3: Long range anti-ship/space station nuclear weaponry, or something with an effect as large as a nuclear reaction.
Ooh. Have it make clothing, too, because they wouldn't let me when I started Origin.

You could make a character who is maybe the head of a small company that wants to join with Origin to be better capable of getting their products out to the world at large, perhaps?
You might want to consider NAM. They have less legal issues as they don't fall under Yamatai rule, and Nepleslia has a strong player base so nothing stops you from having your character involved in plots and designing gear on the side.
Uso said:
You might want to consider NAM. Less legal issues as they don't fall under Yamatai rule and Nepleslia has a strong player base so nothing stops you from having your character involved in plots and designing gear on the side.

While the company itself does operate is some Yamatai space, it also has dealings outside the Empire. Not to mention I'd hardly call Origin's players either Yam or Nep aligned exclusively. They are involved in a myriad number of plots in both factions and outside ones like the Astral Vanguard. In addition they take part in designing gear on the side, not only for Origin, but for other factions at well.

I don't know what StarArmy.com you're a part of, Uso, but the one I'm in has no exclusivity on players concerning factions, plot, or tech submissions. Promote NAM all you want, but please don't misrepresent this site as one where players cannot interact freely amongst each other as they please.
I like Origin because they seem to be far more active in the current product market then NAM. I've seen at least 2...maybe 3...tech submissions from Origin in the two weeks I've been on this site, but I have yet to see a single NAM one...or at least remember one.

So...I think my allegiance goes to Origin, unless anyone else wants to try and convince me :D

It's strange, I actually feel like a valued commodity at the moment. I think I'll go with Origin though, in all seriousness. Plus, Kai is involved in my Nepleslian plot and I like him...he's helpful xD Nothing against you Uso, I just haven't seen anything from you but Tech Sub. arguments.
What was wrong was promoting a division between in-character factions as an out-of-character division. The playerbase of Nepleslia and the playerbase of Yamatai are not mutually exclusive. Insinuating that the player would not have freedom to be "involved in plots or design gear on the side" if he made one choice or another was where you were incorrect.
The problem with NAM is that it's a government corporation, like KFY, and isn't supposed to sell most of its technologies outside of the SMODION.

Origin is only loosesly affiliated with Yamatai because the placement on the Planet Tami, as well as certain benefits of tech types. Origin is, however, an independent corporation and does whatever the heck it wants so long as it doesn't piss everyone off.

What Revolver is trying to say is, in the end it doesn't matter which company is affiliated with which faction, because characters are still capable of interacting with other factions, buying things from other factions, and influencing other factions, regardless of where they are.
Alright, well my mind is set on Origin now anyways.

Kai, PM me or something tonight and we'll talk about getting a miniature merger going?
Thank you, Echo. I've replied myself, if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask me. I know as much about this setting as many of the Admins, so any help on a character's background can be bounced off me, and I know who to go to for anything I don't already know.