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Request for assistance


Inactive Member
To: C3C M. Belmonte

I have been informed that the IPG has other plans for me than serving onboard the NSS Alliance. I am leaving ship shortly, awaiting transportation.

I have also been instructed to send requests to my 'friends', if they wish to join me. I need your assistance supervisor Belmonte, to identify those 'friends' and make a mailing list.

/ S3C Anima, A-2
To: S3C Anima, A-2

You poor dear! I would have hoped to have you stay a little while longer on the NSS Alliance... but if Veles wills it, you should go to where you'll be most useful. I, unfortunately, am unable to join you, as I will be staying on board the Alliance, to serve as an intelligence liaison on the ship.

As your friend, I would ask that we stay in touch, if only because I do worry about you. You're an excellent combat specialist and skilled sniper, but I do wonder about how you'll fare in our world of secrets and intrigue. Please, do remember to message me from time to time.

Mireille said:
I'm not quite sure if I know all your friends, but I do know that you've had good (though somewhat different) interactions with these 3 other people:

-Adrian Decane
-Gran Keats
-Uso Stelshen

Best wishes,
C3C Mireille Belmonte
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