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SYNC Request for Noval Heavy Industries' Orchestra Grav System


Inactive Member
RP Date
YE 44.6
From: Nito Hei Delmira Brunhilde Lulie, YSS Resurgence.

I wish to request the acquisition of some Noval Heavy Industries' Orchestra Grav Systems to test out on the Ryoko series. For the event where a ship has one Ryoko such as myself the need to carry more weapons and equipment might be needed and this system will those of us who are solo Ryoko operators on the ship to be able to quickly swap towed weapons when the situation arises.

Glory to Yamatai

Delmira Brunhilde Lulie
To: Nito Hei Delmira Brunhilde Lulie, YSS Resurgence.
From: Star Army Research Administration

1. Your request is denied because you do not have the authority to request items and equipment, and you are not a member of a SARA testing program, and because item requestions go to Star Army Logistics.
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