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Resolved Request: Strikethrough tags?

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Thanks for the suggestion!

  • Center
  • Justify
  • Strikethrough
  • HR line
  • Spoiler Tags
  • Superscript

Stay awesome, SARP!
<3 <3 <3

Do we have a suggestions sub-forum somewhere?

I wanted to suggest we put all the communications networks in a subforum together - since on second thought, it seems weird to have them under places where roleplay happens when really they're places where messages are exchanged.
Actually that was already brought up in the forum reorg topic
OsakanOne said:
Do we have a suggestions sub-forum somewhere
Yep! I moved this topic to it.

OsakanOne said:
I wanted to suggest we put all the communications networks in a subforum together - since on second thought, it seems weird to have them under places where roleplay happens when really they're places where messages are exchanged.
My reasoning is that the messages are a form of in-character roleplay, and they're usually only relevant to the faction they're in, so that's why they're under each faction. Also to be honest I didn't like having them on the front page since they're not the most exciting forums.
I say that because when I finally conglomerate Lazarus into a proper plot (that is, the ball is rolling fast enough and we have a plotship) then it'd be weird to have both of them under the Independent thing.
Since this is the post that had it added, I'd like to make another note. The horizontal rule[sup](Which is by far the feature I've wanted most since joining)[/sup], is a regular blue that is almost invisible against the midnight blue background. Is there any way this could change to a white, maybe?

If this is not light colored you may need to refresh the page.
I also had to clear my cache to see it, but it also appears it changed the color of separators I hadn't seen before, like below the current time at the top of the forums. Thanks Wes!
Yep, you'll have to clear your page cache (control click the refresh button in chrome) to see the change, but it's definitely a welcome one.
Can the separators be removed?

As a result from the separator changes, those more subtle ones we had look kind of annoying now - contrasting brightly rather than being as subtle as they were before.
On a similar note, I think I've found what Osaka meant by 'Code blocks are broken.'

Try seeing what this does in Firebug or Google Chrome's dev tools, and see what you think. The normal post-body content looks fine.

In retrospect. 1.0em on the Code Block makes it a little too claustrophobic, and 1.1em or 1.2em can work fine too, according to my view.

Fred said:
Can the separators be removed?

As a result from the separator changes, those more subtle ones we had look kind of annoying now - contrasting brightly rather than being as subtle as they were before.
Perhaps setting the colour of the border to #222266 would be more subtle? You can still see it, but it doesn't leap out at you.


  • lineheight.webp
    32.9 KB · Views: 96
Can you put the example up somewhere for us to test in a few browsers?

Otherwise, I think it'll be golden. Where would we need to alter the CSS? If we gave you the style stuff for the forums (Wes has given me a copy of the styling of the forums in the past), could you change the file and hand it back to us when you're ready?
Okay, I've located the relevant line of CSS. It is called by a PHP script on line 627 (according to my text editor). It currently looks like this:
.codecontent {
	margin: 0px 5px 10px 5px;
	padding: 5px;
	border-color: #CCCCFF;
	border-width: 0px 1px 1px 1px;
	border-style: solid;
	font-weight: normal;
	color: #00DEBC;
	font-size: 0.85em;
	font-family: Monaco, 'Courier New', monospace;
	background-color: #002020;
Here's how my revision looks. The only thing added is the line-height property.
.codecontent {
	margin: 0px 5px 10px 5px;
	padding: 5px;
	border-color: #CCCCFF;
	border-width: 0px 1px 1px 1px;
	border-style: solid;
	font-weight: normal;
	color: #00DEBC;
	font-size: 0.85em;
	font-family: Monaco, 'Courier New', monospace;
	background-color: #002020;
I'll attempt to do some cross-browser compatibility ASAP to see if the line heights vary from browser to browser, mostly to see if how it handles overlapping segments, because there's a lot of overlap at 1.0em lineheight (say nothing of how packed it looks!) and a little at 1.1em.

I picked 1.25em because its a happy medium between being readable and being able to make computer interfaces using UTF-8 glyphs.
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