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SACN [Request] Wakahisa Kichiro


Inactive Member
From: Cadet W. Kichiro
To: UOCPF Personnel Management

I'm no longer sure if I can serve my nation as I am, in the way a hundred others could do more effectively, and wish to have some time to understand myself and pursue some personal interests. This, of course, would be impossible while I serve as a Peacekeeper. That in mind, I humbly request to be allowed an honorable discharge from active duty in the United Outer Colonies Peacekeeper Forces, and understand everything that my request entails.
While I regret the departure of this pair, it is obvious that they belong together and would be happier in the civilian sector. I support their honorable discharge.

Commander Kogayane Yumiko
UCS Vanguard/UCS Asuka II

United Outer Colonies Peacekeeper Forces
Department of Personnel Management

Cadet Wakahisa Kichiroi,

I would like to thank you for your service to the United Outer Colonies and am sad to see you go, but you must do what is in your best interests. The Accounting department has just informed me that any sick or annual leave that you haven't used will be financially compensated to you, as well as, a balance to cover the cost of moving your family to wherever you might chose (just let them know where you are going so they give you the appropriate amount).

If in the future you might chose to return to active duty, we'd be glad to offer you your rank and position on another assignment in the fleet. Although the time you took off wouldn't count towards retirement, we'd be glad to pick up where you left off instead of restarting the time of service that would be counted towards your retirement.

May the road rise up to meet you and the wind always be at your back.

Sincerest Regards,

Commodore Katsura Rosalee
Personnel Management Officer
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