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SYNC Requesting a 3 day pass.


🎖️ Game Master
RP Date
To: Taisa Aoba
CO, YSS Resurgence

From: Shosa Trowa Yamamato,
Starship Operator, YSS Resurgence
Itto Heisho Sanda Hoshi,
Ranger, YSS Resurgence

Captain Aoba, Sanda and myself would like to request a three day during the Holidays. Our clan all gets together in Nepleslia to celebrate and this year we are able to celebrate the return of my cousin Thomas Canterbury, who was commanding the Wakaba. In addition, Sanda really has a desire to spend some time with her fiancé whom she hasn't seen in months.

We understand that the Resurgence might be completed at any time and duty would call us away at any moment. That is part of the responsibility of serving in the Star Army. However if no such mission comes up we would like to spend the Holidays with our loved ones. Sanda and I would travel there and back together as Battle buddies.

Thank you for considering our request.

Shosa Trowa Yamamato,
Starship Operator, YSS Resurgence
Itto Heisho Sanda Hoshi,
Ranger, YSS Resurgence

To: Taisa Aoba
CO, YSS Resurgence

From: Shosa Trowa Yamamato,
Starship Operator, YSS Resurgence
Itto Heisho Sanda Hoshi,
Ranger, YSS Resurgence

Captain Aoba, Sanda and myself would like to request a three day during the Holidays. Our clan all gets together in Nepleslia to celebrate and this year we are able to celebrate the return of my cousin Thomas Canterbury, who was commanding the Wakaba. In addition, Sanda really has a desire to spend some time with her fiancé whom she hasn't seen in months.

We understand that the Resurgence might be completed at any time and duty would call us away at any moment. That is part of the responsibility of serving in the Star Army. However if no such mission comes up we would like to spend the Holidays with our loved ones. Sanda and I would travel there and back together as Battle buddies.

Thank you for considering our request.

Shosa Trowa Yamamato,
Starship Operator, YSS Resurgence
Itto Heisho Sanda Hoshi,
Ranger, YSS Resurgence

From: Taisa Aoba
CO, YSS Resurgence

To: Shosa Trowa Yamamato
Starship Operator, YSS Resurgence
Itto Heisho Sanda Hoshi,
Ranger, YSS Resurgence

Subject: Requesting a 3 day pass

Dear Shosa Trowa Yamamato and Itto Heisho Sanda Hoshi,

Thank you for submitting your request for a three-day pass during the Holidays. I understand the importance of spending time with family and loved ones, especially during this festive season.

While we cannot guarantee that there won't be any missions or duties that may require your immediate presence, I will grant your request, should the circumstances allow. I will take into consideration the completion status of the YSS Resurgence and the current mission priorities.

Please make sure to keep me informed about any developments or changes that may impact your availability. If there are no pressing matters, I will authorize your three-day pass.

Thank you for your understanding and commitment to your duties.


Taisa Aoba
CO, YSS Resurgence