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Response to Aggression


Ser Spit
Inactive Member
Communication Protocol: PubCast-v6.9-Unencrypted
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User ID: Empress Vishta
Subject: Response

Good evening. My people, and those watching. I am speaking tonight in both anger, and sorrow. Anger, and the lack of communication and disregard for life. Sorrow at the results of said poor communication. Perhaps that is my own fault, perhaps rather then being quiet, polite neighbors we should have been more interested in them...involved in aiding their people. However it does not matter.

She would breath in an look down. An hour ago I received word that military force has launched a sudden surprise attack on the Union world of Gamjie two. This world is populated by roughly 100,000 families, whose primary profession was agriculture. A peaceful quiet farming community, with minimal strategic value, and even less of a military presence. As of now we know little of what has transpired other than the ships in orbit of the world have been attacked destroyed, and the planet's space elevator has been destroyed, with alien soldiers actively occupying the world's few defenders.

This attack was unprovoked, even more unnecessary, and will not go with out a response. This is an act of war. The Gartagen Union formally issues a declaration of war on the Lorath Matriarchy. Fyuunen. T'urlista, Occhestian. We Gartagens will avenge the blood that has been shed.
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