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[Resubmit] FGL-01a


Inactive Member
Submission Type: PA Grenade Launcher
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=nepleslia:fgl-1a

Faction: Nepleslia
FM Approved: Yes

Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles: No

- Added art
- Updated the DR values
- Added a DR to the EMP round, affects shields only
- Changed white phosphorous shells to WHITE
- Added 6th shell type, ORANGE, as AP. Reduced shield damage added so that there's a reason to choose the EMP/Scalar

Notes: Can't figure out the difference between scalar pulse and EMP. Could one of the tech mods enlighten me in the review?
To start:

Missing general topic sentence under the title header
Missing The in-character year of creation/manufacture.

Will continue review later today.
Sorry, actually had done my review, just got busy and didn't get to post.

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