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[Resubmit] NAM Multiphase Rifle


Inactive Member
Submission Type: Military Hardware Update
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=ne ... hase_rifle
Faction: Nespleslia Military
FM Approved Yet: Yes

Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No

Previously Submitted: Yes? I assume by the original creator

- Damage Rating changed from old system to ADR 4

- One of my players is using it as his main weapon so I figured I may as well update it so that I don't have to guess what level of power intensity it has.
I know its not needed anymore, but anyway I can ask ya to get some artwork for this? It won't hold it up, just a request from me.
Sure. I'll get round to it this week as I work on the next resubmit project.

EDIT: Added
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