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RP: YSS Resurgence Resurgence of Yamatai - Mission 10: Lost Souls

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Sanda thought back over her carrier. She still didn't understand why the Star Army removed the Ranger MOS, or the Giretsu. They had been brought back as qualifications but it wasn't quite the same. Sanda still referred to herself as a Ranger and always would. "You know, I think I was approached by SAINT at some point. They asked me if I ever concentered intel work." Sanda grinned mischievously. "I told them I appreciated the offer and that black panels looked amazing. But I wanted to be able to kill my enemy with a clear conscious." Sanda laughed. "Pretty sure that was early in my career, before I really understood what Intel Operators really do. You wouldn't believe what rumors there are out there of SAINT."

Sanda laughed. "You've obviously never tried my cooking. I could give Rossa a run for her money one on one. She'd destroy me in the long haul. That girl has a way wider range of dishes than me. I've helped in the the kitchen from time to time when I needed a break from soldiering. She is a daemon in the kitchen let me tell you." The Ranger stretched. "Speaking of food. I'm getting hungry. Maybe it's time to get out of the tub and get some food?"
YSS Resurgence - Onsen

"Food sounds good as long as it's not too heavy. Here, I'll get out too. Back to what you said, though, the fears of killing without a clear conscience weighed heavily on me at times before I was in the field. If only past Mineko had known that wouldn't be a problem, then I wouldn't have had as much to worry about."

"Though..." Mineko said then stopped short as she looked towards Erika, remembering the NMX Nekovalkyrja they had come up against on their mission to Muyomi. Knowing she couldn't describe that in any detail to Sanda was exactly what Mineko had meant when she said SAINT couldn't gloat about the heroics of missions—not even the challenges. She finished up getting her exercise clothes on from under her towel and wiped her face of water.

"Mmm, I don't know," Mineko jabbed, changing her tone to talk about Sanda instead. "I think you probably just knew if you were SAINT you could't gloat about your heroics and that's why you didn't join. I know how much you like shiny medals." That last statement she said cheekily right at Sanda in a sing-song tune and with a wide smile.
YSS Resurgence - Onsen
As Yayoi rose from the onsen waters, she nodded in agreement with Sanda's suggestion. "You're right, Sanda. A good meal sounds like a plan," Yayoi said, a small smile playing on her lips. The warm water droplets cascaded down her skin as she stepped out of the tub, wrapping herself in a nearby towel. “You know," she began, "I'd have to agree, with Sanda, about Saint, heh not surprised she and i are of the same mind." she said.
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