Star Army

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RP: YSS Resurgence Resurgence of Yamatai - Mission 11: Fog of War

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RP Date
YE 46.1
RP Location
Concordia Sector
YE 46.1

YSS Resurgence

The YSS Resurgence raced through space towards the secret location of the wormhole the ship has transited before, headed back to the Concordia Sector, as it was being called until someone a better name for it. As the minutes counted down to their arrival at the huge space station on the other side, there was a tension in the air as the crew prepared for battle.

"NMX Forces have returned to the station in an attempt to take it back from the Star Army and the resident AI. This time they sent a pretty substantial fleet," Captain Aoba announced over the ship's intercom system. "The First Fleet has been tasked with responding and keeping them from capturing or destroying the station. We'll be there in about 20 minutes, so prepare the ship for combat and load up your power armor and away team supplies. There will be two main teams, a ship defense quick response force that will stay on the ship in case the Mishhu attempt to board us, and an away team for sending strikes out to enemy ships."

Power Armor Bay

Yayoi was silent as she began suiting up in her Power Armor, ready to bring pain and destruction to the NMX Forces. Silently, she recalled information about them, how they were also Mishuu, and how the NMX were changed manufactured Nekovalkyrja, or atleast some were Nekovalkyrja. Even so, she didnt think anything of it, as she suited up, and armed her power armor with as much fire arms as it can handle, like her batch sister, Kiyo prefered.

Sanda suited up silently and quickly. She was shaping up to be an all out fight with little opportunity for stealth. So the recently married Nep was packing some heavy guns. Lastly, she drew her Straight Silver blade with the dragon engraving on it and kissed it. "Préstame tu fuerza, mi amor." She whispered to the blade, as if it was a communicator to her husband.

Cassie tucked her tail into its spot and lowered herself into her armor in a smooth, well-practiced motion. "Looks like we'll have a target-rich environment," she said. "Watch the balance of blue versus red, if you have too many of them around you they'll target you and the entire group will hit you at once. It's like the NMX uses MMO strategies. No other gamers here? Anyone?"

"Yo." Erika said, turning her attention away from donning her suit. "If you're feeling overwhelmed I have an oversized teleporter with... cooldown cheese? I think that makes sense. I can pull you out unless you're deep in tentacle trouble." The P4003 teleporter attached to her back and a capacitor on her shoulder allowed her to make two teleports in rapid succession. The suit sealed around her with a click.

Yayoi silently, checked her hidden blades, including retracted them, to test how they came out in her mindy's gauntlet. "MMO? ah, gaming, You'd be better asking Yuri about that.. I.. allowed her to play those games, when she was a kid." Yayoi commented to Cassie, while thinking of the strategy she mentioned. Being attacked by a whole group was a familiar one to her, as a stretegy that she'd tried to employ in the past while stuck on Hanako's world.

"VRMMOs are great." Erika said, collecting an Aether Carbine and loading up a few butt packs with grenades and explosives. "PANTHEON does its best, but it either gets things to hard or too easy. There's nothing like fighting a flesh and blood oponent, Even if it is their digital representation. They do weird things that keep you on your toes."

Chiheisen had just finished getting into her Mindy power armor, the Elysian was a little uncomfortable, mainly due to her wings.. But she’d get used to it soon enough. She’d equipped a shiny new Ke-W5-1A LATR, for all her sniping needs, and after some training in the simulator, the birb had chosen to heed Erika’s advice. Drones are love, drones are life: and thus, she had a complement of NSBs ready to fight. She glanced towards the rest of the combatants getting ready, standing by for orders.

Norita, the ship's armorer, came around with a cart full of Type 41 Mini-Missiles and helped load them into armor missile pods for whoever needed some. "Shield piercing, armor piercing, subspace detonator..." she offered various types of munitions.

Yuri stood at the entrance of the Power Armor bay, she took in a deep breath, then silently sent a message to Yayoi, and to Sanda. "Stay safe out there, mom, Aunt Sanda, i know she has your back, and you have hers, but stay safe too!" She said, before she stepped back, looked at the others before hurrying back to the Medical Bay.

Sanda was all suited up save for her helmet. She had already tied and retied her ponytail twice, something she did before a fight. To keep herself from doing it again, she moved around the bay and checked on her teammates. Noticeing the new girl, the birb, Sanda moved over. "You good to go?" She asked.

The Elysian looked over at Sanda from inside her armor, before giving her a firm nod, her wings twitching a little as she gripped onto her LATR. This was after all, her first real combat mission. As realistic and exhilarating as the VR rooms and training was, the looming knowledge that it was faked ruined the vibes. It was pretty fair to say that the birb was very much on edge.

Sanda eyed the new girl. A head nod wasn't going to do it for her. "You sure? Not nervous are you?" It was a little test. If the girl said she wasn't nervous then Sanda knew she was lying and should probably stay back to guard the ship.

"I am ready, just awaiting orders." The Elysian simply responded, before glancing to the view of space provided to them by the exit of the power armor bay. She knew she'd be lying if she said she wasn't nervous, but she didnt really want to admit it either.. "On edge, first time"

Sanda smiled her lightning bolt tattoo across her eye almost seemed to flash. Una Buena respuesta. "I'd be more worried if you wern't a little on edge. The Mishhu arn't pushovers. You'll be fine. Remember your training and stay with the group and you may come out of this alive with a couple of shiny new metals for your baptism of fire."

Sanda would get a simple "Understood" and a small nod from the rather reserved Elysian. She kept watching space fly by, standing by. Not a very social birb this one huh?

Yoshiro was in the armor bay prepping his armor.after he heard that the enemy, the Mishhu had come back to take the station "Not this time." Yoshiro said as he armed his Power armor. He had lost his father to the bastards but he would not let the Mishhu hurt anyone else.

"Who's on defense QRF and who's on offense?" Erika asked after her helmet locked around her head.

Colby Wando and some of the new infantry people were gathering in one part of the armor bay. "I figure we'd watch the ship, unless the senior folks want it the other way," Colby told Erika. "I heard you guys stole an aether generator out of a Mishhuvurthyar ship once, so it sounds like you have that boarding action thing covered."

Colby was soon answered by the First Officer in the affirmative. They would be the reaction force. Appropriate arms were slated for release by the Resurgence's armorer.

"Alright, we'll try and only let a few through to keep you getting bored." Erika replied, smiling under her helmet.

Yayoi glanced to the doors of the Power Armor Bay, before turning her attention to the conversation happening inside.

Yoshiro got in to his armor and started to calibrate his targeting and sensor systems. He stretched his arms and brought his sword he got from the salvage and was sharpening it, getting ready for battle. After sharpening his sword he took a practice swing. Smiling evilly, he put his sword in its sheath and prepared to launch. "I ask for the chance for blood, to slay my enemy and watch his life drain from his eyes!" He said to himself.

"Away Team?" Koyama's voice filtering into their commnet, "What's your status?"

"Raven, ready and wating for co-ordinates." Erika answered. "Feel free to send it."

"Blade Ready for Deployment" Yayoi said tersely as she stepped from her bay now clad in armor.

"Thunder here. Ready to strike." Sanda said as she tied her hair up one last time and donned her helmet.

"Ready to deploy." Chiheisen simply confirmed, awaiting the time to deploy.

"Poet ready to read our enemies the rites of death" Yoshiro said

"The Taisa's come out swinging and is wanting you to deploy. I'm sending you your coordinates and mind the fire. Resurgence is going full tilt with her weaponry. Battle Pod swarms are running pretty thick out there."

"Copy That:" Yayoi said as she prepared to jump out into battle.

- - -


As the ship approached the wormhole, on the bridge navigator Gabriela Lively lined the ship up on the optimal course and sent the ship through the swirling, glowing maw, making the stars outside streak and blur into lines of white and sending the ship floating through an endless ocean of energy. Then they shot out the other side like a cannon and the battle was on. Thousands of ships from the Star Army's First Fleet, their brothers and sisters of battle, were here and engaged in a massive space battle with plentiful NMX ships of all sorts and sizes. Some of the Mishhu ships were familiar models from the Second Mishhuvurthyar War, and others were new models, with reddish hulls covered in spikes and flesh-like material. Quickly the Resurgence's main cannon began to blaze with fury, getting ready to strike. From behind, the YSS Renaissance followed as a wingman ship.

Aboard the Resurgence, alarms sounded briefly as the ship went to full alert, and the various parts of the ship were sealed off with pressurized isolation doors. Inside the medical lab, Poppy sat in a chair on the wall of the medical lab, strapped in and waiting for the first casualties or to be summoned. She was wearing one of the new explorer suits that could almost pass for a Star Army Type 42 jumpsuit. Down in engineering, Pidole was similarly dressed and strapped in, monitoring the ship's systems as the little spikes of energy from the shield system started to appear. Her blue beetle buddy looked at her face with concern and gave a reassuring wing flutter.

"I've tasked Norita to release the appropriate small-arms and other necessities to the QRF personnel." Koyama said to Aoba looking up to the Taisa from her station. "Other stations are reporting ready." She paused then spoke up again, "I'm starting to pickup reports from the station itself and the forces we have down there."

"Excellent, let's find some juicy targets. Any escort ship that's targeting the station or moving towards the station will do. How about that one?" Aoba said, bracketing the target with his telepathic interface. The target info was relayed to the their sister ship, too.

"Firing, captain," Kalena said, training the turrets on it and unleashing the ship's fury.

As the ship drew closer to the enemy the massive swarms of battle pods filled the surrounding space, attempting to get close to any Star Army ship they could and drop torpedoes or pepper the ships with aether fire and missiles.

"Let's get some armor soldiers out there," Aoba said to Koyama, noticing the AA guns struggling to keep up with the sheer volume of targets that needed zapping. It was like a laser lightshow out there as the point defense systems did their thing.

Koyama nodded, "I've got the away team on the line as we speak, Taisa. They're reporting ready. I'll give them the go ahead." Checking her console again she hastened to add, "Renaissance is deploying support out there as well sir. I don't think they want us to take all the glory."

"Lets try this bad boy out." Trowa said to himself. He was aboard the prototype mech he had received from the last chance salvage. He had spend a good deal of time with Norita and some other armors fitting it out and making it combat ready. The suit was fast for its size. It honestly handled more like a Mindy than the huge mech it actually was. It was armed with a long sword for close combat. All it's other weapons were for long and medium range. It was packing a wide range of micro missles and heavy guns.

"Cowboy here. Launching to provide cover." Trowa reported to the Resurgence.

Yoshiro decided to recite his poetry as he launched from the armor bay "Once more unto the breach dear friends, Let us spill the dragon's blood and win the war. I am heavy with rage and the enemy will pay for what they took." Yoshiro said. "Poet launching and engaging the enemy."

The furball of the battle was a sight to behold, with millions of Mishhuvurthyar battle pods, endless shrapnel, Mindy armors, missiles exploding everywhere, mighty Star Army ships and their evil counterparts trading blows and suffering damage. The NMX had charged the First Fleet, and mixed their formation into the Star Army's ranks to make it far more difficult to use area-effect weapons, so this was a real "knife fight" as the starship jockeys called it.

Erika stood in awe of the battle for a moment, the vairous blips of her Mindy bringing her back to reality. "Absolute chaos." She mouthed

Yoshiro scanned the area for the enemy and engaged the nearest enemy with his sword and aether submachine guns.

"I swear if he keeps reciting poetry I'm going to mute his coms." Sanda grumbled to herself at Yoshiro's constant poetry. Space was mess. Sanda hadn't seem fight on this scale since Glimmergold. She'd been a green Santo Hei then. The veterian Itto Heisho got to work.

"Launching, ready to engage" Chiheisen was one of the later launches, due to being both more of a long range combatant and it being her first time. She hesitated momentarily, the Elysian a bit blown away by the sheer scale of the battle going on in front of them, before scouting for an unfortunate enemy contact, for an appetizer!

Yayoi felt the pull of gravity, as she shot out into the field of chaos. Her mind now in a sort of focused battle trance, that was ingrained in her batch, as she prepared to attack.

A small tan battle pod with oversized aether guns and a rack full of missiles immediately tried to get the drop on Erika, performing the Itano Circus missile massacre and sending 40 irregularly-flying mini-missles at her. Two more joined in one of those launched four missiles at Yoshiro and four at Chiheisen, while the other one tried to tag Yayoi with its quad aether cannons.

Erika's HUD blared with lock warnings as the missiles bared down on her. She instinctively teleported out of the way beside the pod. She grabbed hold of her attacker, watching to see if the steaking missiles would come around or if they lost lock.

It seemed like the Elysians appetizer had found her first. Chiheisen's heart made a little jump as her Mindy alerted her of incoming missiles! The Elysian went into reverse, deploying NSB's to shoot down those missiles before they got to her. Chichi aimed her LATR at the battlepod which was targetting her, laying down fire at it to get it off her tail.. err, wings? Also of course, making sure she didnt bump into anything. That'd be funny but not optimal.

"Oh no you don't!" Yoshiro shouted and fired at the pod firing at Yayoi. "You will not harm anyone that I consider my friend." He continued firing at where the pod was until he was sure the target was down.

Yayoi's Mindy warned her about the incoming attack, before Yoshiro came to her aid. She was touched by his bravery.

"Yayoi, it's Poet. You okay?" Yoshiro asked over comms. He was concerned but knew that Yayoi could take of herself.

Yayoi gave an approving gesture with her hands, before she shot off, back into the batttle. Her focus didn't allow her to speak as she fired at a pod with her Aetheric Pulse Cannons.

Yoshiro was blasting Mishhu pods with his aether SMG and cutting others down with his sword laughing maniacally as he did.

The missiles that had been tracking streaked off harmlessly in random directions, having lost their targets. After a moment they self-detonated. The pod slammed itself into the Resurgence's shields and melted, trying to take Erika with it.

Erika had a plan to place some explosives on the pod, but it seemed its kamikaze attack preempted it. Collision alearts blared and she teleported away again, letting the pod slam into the shields. She'd have to wait a few seconds before her teleporter recharged to try something like that again.

"Thunder to Resurgence. Stay alert. We know the mishhu can go through shields. There's so many out here it's hard to keep track of them all." Sanda said as she blasted with her two 50 cal gauss cannons from her shoulders.

"Roger, Thunder." Came the answer from the Resurgence.

In front of the YSS Resurgence, the Escort it had been hitting lost its shields and took a direct hit to the nose from the Resurgence's focused attack of its main cannon, which caved in the enemy ship's hull and went through the ship and out its back end. The ship tore open like a sub sandwich with a firework instead of salami.

As the rest of the First Fleet began to arrive from the Kikyo Sector, the balance of the battle was noticeably starting to shift and there gradually began to be more blue symbols on the HUD than red ones. The Mishhu began to bug out, flickering into hyperspace in shimmers of orange light, leaving a large number of their pods simply abandoned to become impromptu kamikaze drones.

The second NMX ship the Resurgence attacked wasn't lucky enough to escape. As it turned to leave, the Resurgence hit it in the aft engine cluster with a direct salvo and it stumbled towards a nearby planet, leaving a trail of debris and smoke.

Yayoi flew around, and began to perform a recreated maneuver that her old resistance buddies called the Jack in the Box. Where in she caught the attention of her enemies and as they came at her at full speed, she'd suddenly teleport behind them, allowing gravity to force them to slam into either, asteroids, the star, or other ships.

Yoshiro scanned for enemies as the fight continued and took out targets of opportunity as he was continuing the fight. He was enjoying his fights with the enemy and continued to fight the enemies that were close enough to reach.

When her capacitors had recharged Erika preformed a similar maneuver against another pod vectored to strike the Res. This time however she had a shaped charge stuffed with explosives in her hands. She appeared beside the pod and attached the device to its surface before kicking off and blowing it.

"Secure the area," Aoba ordered the away team, as the Mishhuvurthyar abandoned the attack on the station.

"I've got the Renaissance's XO on comms, Taisa. They've started to run sweeps of the area. Their armor team's reporting some of the pods are trying to play possum out there in the debris field." Aoba's First Officer reported, "They're saying they will be poking around the immediate area to try and make sure whatever's out there'll stay dead."

"All seems a bit easy doesn't it?" Erika commented as she continued to fire.

"Dont say that. Never say that" Chiheisen responded as she nestled up in an imaginary space nest as she began to take advantage of her LATR's lovely range, picking off as many kamikaze battle pods as she could to ensure none of them even had the chance to attempt to ram into the Resurgence, or other ships surrounding the vicinity. She continually moved positions to avoid incoming fire.

Sanda flew over towards Trowa's mech. The mech had taken out a number of battle pods with seemingly ease. "Pretty sweet mech there Trowa."

Trowa smiled. "Yep this thing sure packs a punch. I'm not sure about the heavy weaponry and the sword together though. I think I'll need to fine tune it a bit with Norita after this is over. Maybe have two loadouts. One for just pure destructive power and one for speed and close quarders."

Cassie charged after the overgunned Mishhu pods, feeling no remorse for their enslaved brains that acted as their pilots. It was better to put them out of their misery. She barely dodged a spray of aether from one. "Shit," she accidentally cursed on comms. "Okay, tag one," she said, finally hitting her target in one of its glowing orange eyes.

Yayoi appeared close by Cassie, as she came to her aid. She noted the Pods still attacking her, and began to divert their attention if possible with another few shots of her Aetheric Pulse Cannon.

"Time to die squiddies!" Yoshiro shouted as he stabbed a Mishhu in the head and shot it at the same time. "mwahahahahahaha! I will destroy you all!!!" He shot another one in the face and shouted "Squid's back on the menu, boys and girls! Yum yum, get you some!"

As things wound down, Aoba recalled everyone to the ship and they began to chase after the damaged Mishhuvurthyar vessel, heading towards the planet it had fallen on. Perhaps it had some clues...

= = =
OOC: JP by Wes, Cowboy, Charaa, Sunny D, Yoshiro, Soresu, Liza
YSS Resurgence - Bridge

"That was a mess," Aoba commented. "YSS Battle of Nataria, this is YSS Resurgence, Taisho Irim, I am requesting permission to pursue and investigate a damaged NMX ship that just crashed on a nearby planet. Possibly time sensitive. Over."

The Fleet Admiral, Taisho Kessaku Irim, replied, "Proceed, Aoba-Taisa. Permission granted to resume independent operations. COM1SF Out."

Aoba gave a nod to Gabriela, who maintained course towards the nearby planet. He then called up to Euikoshi in the science area. "Dr. Euikoshi, see if you can get some good scans of that planet and put out a probe to tell us more about the conditions there."

"Yes captain," Euikoshi responded, getting to work.

"Set condition 2," Aoba ordered.

Kalena's voice came over the ship's intercom. "REDCON 2, blast shutters open, you are free to move about the ship," she simply said. "Away team recover and prepare for away mission."

YSS Resurgence - Armor Bay

After the ship went to condition 2, Poppy entered the armor bay with a medical kit. "Did anyone get hit? Everyone check each other for injuries," she reminded them.
YSS Resurgence - Armor Bay

Yayoi, with her striking red and yellow heterochromia eyes, emerged from her Power Armor, giving a quick once-over to herself. Finding no apparent injuries, she turned her attention to her fellow crewmates. The dim lighting in the Armor Bay reflected off the metallic surfaces, creating an atmosphere of urgency. As crew members began to react to Poppy;s presence or something, Yayoi approached Poppy, her expression a mix of concern and readiness. "I seem to be fine," she reported, her voice steady. "Do you need any assistance here, Pink-Chui?"
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YSS Resurgence
Power Armor Bay

Chiheisen exhaled loudly as she removed her MINDY's helmet, staring at it momentarily before placing it next to her where she sat. She was sweating a bit, not from warmth but from the adrenaline she had been experiencing during the fight. It had gone pretty well for the Elysian for a first time fighting on an away mission, a couple of real Mishuu kills on her belt, and no injuries received! (for now...). Granted, the combat had been a bit of a wash, and the Mishuu hightailed it out of there way too quickly.. unfortunate, but nothing to really complain about. Chichi looked up at Poppy as the medic entered the room, shaking her head as a response to her query. "No injuries here", she stated, the Elysian still in her power armor. She didnt know if she should take it off, considering they were about to redeploy.
Armor Bay

Yoshiro was making some repairs on his armor and putting kill marks on his sword sheath as he watched footage of the battle. He laughed at some of his kills and cringed at others. He was having a bit of downtime before the next mission. "live by the blade, die by aether artillery fire." He said as he watched the footage that he recorded and laughed.
Power Armor Bay

Sanda removed her helmet and shook out her hair. It didn't matter how tight she tide it or if she was out for a short fight or drawn out battle, her hair was always unruly when she took her helmet off. It seemed to have a mind of its own. As she retied it she send a message to Rossa. "Hey chief, can you bring some sandwiches and water to the PA Bay? We have no idea when we might get a chance to eat again."

Having send her request to get something to eat, Sanda went around the bay, checking on her teammates to see that no one had gotten too beat up and that everything was in good working order. She nodded to Yayoi, knowing her fellow Ranger was always good to go. She paused when she saw Yoshiro. The man was laughing almost manically. Sanda just shook her head and moved on.

The tattooed Nepleslian came to the newbie, Chiheisen. "So you survived." Sanda commented. "You've been baptized in battle now. How do you feel?"

Aboard support shuttle

Trowa shut down the mech suit. It had preformed better than expected in it's maiden voyage. He crawled out of the suit into the shuttle and grabbed some water. He looked over the tactical display and saw that the Resurgence was going after one of the ships that had crashed onto the nearby planet. He could provide some heavy backup if needed. "Cowboy to Resurgence. Looks like my mech isn't too badly damaged. I'll rearm and provided heavy backup in case the away team gets in a tough spot."
YSS Resurgence
Power Armor Bay

The birb glanced up to Sasha as she approached, perhaps internally rolling her eyes at the dramatics from Sasha. She opened her mouth to say something, before being interrupted by an errant laugh coming from the rather insane Yamataian poet, still cackling at his own footage. She visually rolled her eyes at the insane-sounding man, before focusing back on Sasha and continuing. "Clearly. I am fine and ready to re-deploy", came Chiheisens rather simple statement, shooting a glance right back at Sasha and standing up, merely an inch taller than the Nepleslian. (Though also taller with her armor equipped, but shh)...
Power armor bay

Sanda's eyes narrowed slightly at the newbie. All attempts to be welcoming and development a good working relationship with the bird seemed to be getting no where. Fine, new kid wanted to be left alone, Sanda would leave her alone.

However, as an Itto Heisho who took her responsibility very seriously, part of Sanda's job was to make sure everyone on her team was good to go. That meant not only good to go with their equipment and physically, but mentally as well.

"Part of my job as a Heisho is to make sure my team is good to go. You're new, so I don't know what signs I should be looking for to know how your doing mentally. That's why the questions. I don't care if we become best friends or not, what I care about is my team and making sure everyone is good to go for the next mission. Is that understood, Santo Hei?"
Power Armor Bay

"That's a relief," Poppy sighed. "I wonder what the Mishhuvurthyar are up to. Remember the last big battle they all wanted to fight to the death. This time they left so fast that you got back to the ship unscathed. It's weird," the pink-haired doctor observed.

"You're not disappointed are you?" Cassie asked. "At least I didn't get hit in the ass like the mission to Hanako's world."

Poppy laughed. She needed that. "Your hips are so big," she shrugged.

"I don't think they actually feel fear," Cassie said. "To them, fighting the Star Army is something that's just what they do. It's been hardwired in since they were corrupted by aliens and turned into what they are now. So if they left they're just being choosy about their battles, trying to distract us, to harass us, or to trick us into doing something."

"Well, be safe out there. I'll send Yuri down there with you as team medic. If you need help, I'll come down there too." She patted Sanda on the shoulder comfortingly. "Stay frosty," she said.

Just then, Julix the Phod showed up with a cooler full of chef Rossa's finest Italian-style sandwiches full of salami, capicola, and pepperoni, with toppings of lettuce, tomatoes, banana peppers, red onion, black olives, oil, and vinegar and sprinkled with spices, on rolls Julix had baked this morning. They smelled amazing. An Em-J2 "Emma" maid robot followed behind with cold green cans of Splooj lime soda and pink cans of Dr. Poppy, a sweet and fruity new drink somehow named after their pink-haired Doctor.

Poppy grabbed one of the pink cans and pretended to model it in a commercial before heading back to the medical lab with it in hand.
YSS Resurgence
Power Armor Bay

Chiheisen blinked as the Nepleslian finished speaking, expecting an answer from the Elysian likely. She seemed a bit confused at the explanation given to her, hesitating before replying with a simple... "..Understood, Itto Heisho. I will reiterate, I am doing fine, ready to re-deploy once orders are issued." The Elysians focus was then driven away from the... shorter Nepleslian, to the assorted cooler of snacks and drinks that had been brought to the Power Armor bay by Julix and the maid robot. She offered Sanda a short nod before walking over to obtain a drink, likely using it as an excuse to get away from the Nepleslian and further.. 'not required' social interaction. Stubborn lil elysians... Chiheisen opted for a 'Splooj' lime soda for the time being, the birb being careful not to crush it considering she was still wearing her Mindy- she didnt want to go through the hassle of taking it off if until she knew if they were going to need it for the pending away mission.
Power armor bay

Sanda watched Chiheisen move away and get herself a sandwich. She had mixed feelings about the newbie. On the one hand, it was refreshing to have a new recruit who wasn't bragging or talking a lot of smack or acting like an idiot instead of a competent soldier. On the other hand, to much silence and aloofness wasn't any good either, especially when it came to bonding a team together so that it operated effectively. Sanda wasn't sure about the new girl yet, she'd have to keep an eye on her during this next mission.

Sanda grabbed herself a sandwich and a bottle of water. She didn't like drinking carbonated beverages before a fight so just stuck with water. She ate quickly, wolfing down the sandwich. Combat was calling so she didn't bother to saver the sandwich.

Finished, she pulled up what data was available on the planet they were heading to.
YSS Resurgence

The Resurgence, now on its own, raced towards a nearby planet covered in greenish oceans an rocky gray mountains peeking through heavy cloud cover. The blue and white gunship followed the course of the NMX escort cruiser they had blasted earlier, scanning for its crash site, and found it. Amidst rockey beaches covered in primordial muck and algae, and surrounded by a charred black spot with flickering remnants of fire, was the Mishhuvurthyar ship, at the end of a deep gouge in the earth and laying askew in a pool of its own blood with the lower sections of the ship caved in. Wisps of smoke rose from its engines, co-mingling with a dense fog in the area.


Kalena brought the ship's cameras on the wreck and sent a simulcast of the video feed to the crew for a few moments so they could all see it.

“Matsushita-Taii,” Mineko said and with a rigid back she bowed to Kalena, who was seated near her, as the starship operator sent the footage of the wreck. It had been more than a year since Koyama had told Mineko this is where she would be stationed. On the second level of the bridge right smack dab in the middle. But it still felt like she had served more time inside of a Mindy than inside of the bridge and the analyst was happy to change that.

“Captain wants me to coordinate with the away teams from mission operations,” Mineko said astutely, but not necessarily to Kalena. She was wearing a dark field jacket over her bodysuit which clung to her thin frame that was damp with sweat. Her amethyst-like hair was dark at the roots, but she seemed more invigorated after the sortie out of the ship than tired as her eyes were alight with an intense energy that sparkled as she looked at her console. Her fingers began working even as her SPINE interface worked through her Type 35 chair to pull up information from the sensor probes, the class of NMX ship, and any data ever uncovered about the planet it had been headed for.

Kalena nodded. "I'm on weapons and sensors," she told Mineko, "Mission ops is all yours." She locked on to the wreck looking for any turrets or weapons that were trying to tag the Resurgence but there was no sign of activity. Still, she kept the Resurgence's gun batteries ready in case it "woke up" and tried to attack.

"You got it," Mineko said. "If there's anything worth checking out from sensors, hit me up."

Power Armor Bay

Sanda had been keeping an eye on the ship's progress. When it entered the planet's atmosphere she turned to the away team. "Finish eating and get suited up. Looks like we're about to be called up." She drank the last of her water then retied her hair for the who knows what time. Setting her helmet on her head she picked up her rifle and waited for the word to be given.

"This sandwich is so good," Cassie exclaimed between bites. "Hey, did Rossa fix up that Emma robot's hair? She looks fancy. Hey, look a crashed ship!"

Erika was sitting along the benches, a box of liquid breakfast dangling from her hand while her helmet was at her side. Sanda's call drew her gaze, before she sucked on the straw and quickly drained the box of its contents. She then jumped to her feet and made her way over at a brisk jog, her helmet under her elbow.

Yayoi was quick to finish eating before she returned to her power Armor, while wiping her hands. She knew it wouldn't do to touch her Power Armor with dirty hands she thought it was disrespectful. She was silent as she got suited up, and made sure her weapons were added.

Chiheisen properly disposed of her drink after chugging what was left of it, walking back to the seat she had left her helmet on. She was still in her Power Armor, having not taken it off after returning from the space calamari buffet they had participated prior to arriving at the planet. Once all systems were properly re-initialized, the Elysian headed back towards the view of the planet below, examining the area they were about to drop into visually.

"I say we do the ol' orbital drop," Cassie suggested. "You guys remember the training right? Just watch your speed and such. With antigrav, no parachute required!" the catgirl anthro grinned, finishing her sub and giving a big goofy thumbs up.

Yoshiro had finished marking his kills on his sword sheath and got ready for the mission. "Time to shed blood and fight to the death against our enemies" He said to himself. Feeling every bit the warrior that he was he brought his sword and weapons with him.

"I say we discuss the objective." Erika responded. "Are we trying to secure it, or do we just want intel? I for one would be quite happy getting in, getting out, then watching a fireworks show as a job well done."

Yayoi thought of Cassie's words, though she knew off hand how many would enjoy a orbital drop. Her mind focused on the mission though.

"Let's see what kind of intel Mineko thinks would be good?" Cassie shrugged.

“Away team," through the power armor bay's comms, Mineko spoke from the bridge. "Suit up and prepare to disembark on your mark. Target destination is the enemy spacecraft being relayed to you now. Aoba-taisa has gotten special permission to conduct independent operations in investigating the vessel.”

Sanda looked around at the others before responding to Mineko. "So... what does that mean?"

"It means general fact finding. Seeing if we can't salvage some intel from the ship. Even something as simple as navigational charts would give us a bit of insight into the fog of war." Erika said to the Ranger before looking up, speaking over the team com. "I say we start with the bridge, then make our way to the computer core and maybe the 'captain's' quarters if we can identify it, and download what ever we can. How does that sound Mineko? Or have you identified better targets?"

"The Star Army needs to locate where the NMX is based out of," Taisa Aoba added. "If this ship has that information it, could save the Star Army months of searching."

Mineko chuckled lightheartedly at Sanda’s question. Taking on this new task would be harder than she thought if she was already getting questions like that, but Erika had translated for her so the analyst knew that Aoba had said enough to answer Sanda.

Yoshiro was listening to the away team and their discussion about what the mission would entail. He was itching for a fight but not at the expense of his crewmates. He remained silent as they discussed their plans. He loaded his Aether SMGs and boarded his armor.

"Do we have any scans of the ship? Is there power on it? Signs of life?" Sanda asked.

"There may still be some systems online," Kalena said. "Life signs positive, but impossible to tell what that means because it's a Mishhuvurthyar ship and they're full of living materials."

"Good enough targets. Remember this ship was just in battle with us and the crew that didn't die in the crash landing will be ready and waiting for more of the same. Be on high alert and stay grouped." Mineko said.

"Another thing, you have a callsign while you're the eye in the sky Mineko?" Erika asked.

"How about cherub?" Mineko said, audibly laughing as she did. "It's like a SAINT, right? And they fly in the sky?"

The only Elysian aboard finally piped in over the comms, asking a question of her own. "Has Resurgence been able to identify any intelligent movement or perhaps transmissions coming from the downed ship? Or any indication of any enemy outside the vessel itself?" Chiheisen didn't really know if the Resurgence could detect those kinds of minute details, but it didn't hurt to ask.

Yayoi said nothing further at the chatter around her.

Mineko looked to Kalena to answer Chiheisen's question, knowing the starship operator was on sensors and would know better than her at the moment.

"None thus far, but it's hard to see with the fog so use caution," Kalena said, peering at the readouts. The Resurgence had very good cameras that kept a steady eye on the enemy vessel so she was able to keep watching it.

"Are we ready to go? I am ready to kill some squids and do some damage to them!" Yoshiro said impatiently.

Erika tapped the freshly filled explosives bag and pouch of grenades before donning her helmet. It clicked around her neck and hissed as her suit pressurised. "Good to go Tanaka-Heisho." She said, giving him a thumbs up.

"Question and answer time can only last so long. As I said, on your mark, team. Stay together and don't go off exploring without the full team. Everyone is your battle buddy this mission." Mineko said, her tone more serious than it had been before.

"They could be zero-izing their data banks as we speak," Cassie nodded.

"Right, you heard the lady. Time we earned our pay. Blade and me will take point on our way down." Sanda moved to the hangar bay. The bay doors opened giving the away team their first look at the planet with their own eyes. With a nod and a thumbs up to Yayoi, Sanda hit her thrusters and flew into the Res's slipstream. As soon as she was in it, Sanda began blasting rock and roll music in her suit. Her comms were muted so no one else could hear though.

Yoshiro got into his armor, slinging his sword on his back after Mineko said her piece."whoa look at that." Yoshiro said about the view. "That is amazing!" He jumped out toward the planet. "Time to drop like a rock!" He said with a laugh as he dropped like a rock toward the surface.

Yayoi nodded to Sanda's words then proceeded to follow Sanda, before she jumped out. Her mind distractedly a moment went to Kiyo who likely would have squealed with glee as she jumped out. But Yayoi focused.

Chiheisen exhaled loudly- to herself of course, having disabled her comms. No one likes to hear that muffled huffing of someone breathing into their mic... The Elysian stepped up to the opening leading out into the drop point, before jumping out with the rest of the group, the thrusters on her MINDY coming to life to regulate her fall.

Cassie jogged to the exit and did a back-flip out of the Resurgence's open door. As she fell she adjusted her body's shape to avoid spinning and let herself ride the air down, mindful of the numbers on her HUD. She loved this stuff.

Erika was next, springing off the edge of the bay like it was a diving board. She brought her hands together ahead of herself to cut through the air faster, only bringing them back up to slow her descent once she had caught up.

Sanda led the way down. Her suit was constantly scanning for targets and for updates from the Res. So far things looked quiet, but that could change at any moment. As they closed there looked to be an opening near the bridge so Sanda directed the team towards that spot.

"Seeing an opening in the wreckage near the bow of the ship," Mineko said to the team, pinpointing it on their HUD. "Aoba's also saying if anyone has a Yamataian flag they can plant it on the planet for rights."

"I did not actually say that," Aoba laughed.

Erika shifted her vector to the hole Mineko had mentioned and maneuvered her body so she was falling feet first. Her hands found the Aether Carbine attached to her back and she pointed it down at the opening as her ICS began to slow her decent. Her NSB's ejected from their housing on her thigh and follower her down until about 100 meters from the ground, giving her a better birds eye view of the landing area. She landed softly in a shallow pool of the ship's blood.

Yoshiro was watching as they dropped for enemies as they landed on the surface. He wanted to be a help and not a hindrance this time.

As they approached the ground Cassie activated her thrusters briefly and used them with her anti-grav to slow down to a gentle float down to the surface, which was covered in boulders of gray rock and green algae. There were no complex plants on the planet, but there was some basic life, and the atmosphere was reasonably breathable according the the Mindy AIES. Everything was wet, and a thick fog hung in the area. It was lightly raining and there was still some smoke and dust from the crash in the air. Cassie took cover behind one of the larger rocks, then peeked out at the hulking hull of the enemy ship. Thankfully its turrets were not moving. One of them could really ruin a Mindy's day.

Yayoi blinked at the other chatter from comms, and landed hard on the surface, before she glanced around, ready to fire her weapons at the moment's notice of enemy forces.

Chiheisen began to slow down with her Power Armor's thrusters as she approached the ground. Her wings- covered by the Elysian modified Mindy, extended out from behind and gave one strong flap to attempt to slow her down further- not intentionally but out of instinct. She landed pretty hard, having equipped her LATR moments before hitting the ground. It wasn't a perfect landing, but hey its her first time, give her a break. The Elysians wings folded as she searched for some cover, just in case, ducking down nearby Cassie. She cringed, having missed activating those thrusters by just a bit.

Sanda headed for the ground like a streak of lightning but touched down without a sound. Her rifle was up and sweeping the area immediately. "Clear." She reported quietly, as if she wasn't wearing sophisticated power armor with its own built in comms.

"Yo, is that...blood?" Cassie blinked.

"They do make their ships living." Erika answerd, coming up beside Cassie with her weapon drawn. A light on the side of her helmet activated and shone upon the ships surface.

Yayoi blinked at the liquid's color as she and Chiheisen landed hard on the ground. She really didn't want to activate her power armor's scanners to scan the liquid for confirmation,

"So...I take it we don't want to just, like ring the doorbell, right?" Cassie said, followed by raising her aether saber-rifle and saying in a funny voice "Stealth is optional for this mission."

"Would be polite to ring the door bell, or knock" Yayoi replied to Cassie as she looked at the target of their next attack,

"Stealth is never optional." Sanda said crossly. She liked to remain unseen for as long as possible.

"Sanda is right. We should try and stay as quiet as possible." Yoshiro said as he followed Sanda

"Sounds like ranger shit," Cassie chuckled. She was a basic soldier, not some sort of sneaky infantry. Her strategy was "to defeat the enemy, shoot them until they die."

"Entering through the wreckage's openings may be ideal," Mineko said in their comms from her cushy place on the bridge. Despite the safety of her position, she gripped the arm rests of her chair tightly, wishing she could do more.

Erika advanced towards the opening slowly, her NSBs taking point. They closed in around the opening in a circle ahead of the group, attempting to see as much as they could from the outside. "Mishhu definition of 'polite' is turning you into breeding stock rather than eating you alive." She said to Yayoi "If we're going to ring the bell, I brought my own." The operative tapped her grenade pouch.

Chiheisen advanced behind Erika as the Nekovalkyrja moved towards the opening, peering into the augmented scope of her LATR. She looked out for anything attempting a sudden flank, as unlikely as it was, kind of mimicking the training they had partaken in together before. Better safe than sorry...

Yoshiro continued to scan for enemies as they advanced and tried to not get sick looking at the bioorganic ship, imagining the ship as a moving, living creature instead of a ship. "Ugggh, that is so nasty looking..." He said to himself.

The Mishhuvurthyar ship had a horrific texture and look to its hull, like it was made out of a flesh-like substance make of the fused bodies of thousands of creatures, a mishmash of giant-scale organs, tubes, and even stretched out screaming faces. On the crushed underside of the ship, parts had been ripped off leaving deep gouges where the ship was scraped along the rocky surface. There were holes along some of these parts...gaps in the thick armor leading into spaces inside the ship where as secondary pressure hull was visible. There were some maintenance hatches that were small in size, allowing only one person to enter at a time.

"Lets not alert the whole ship as to the point we're entering if we can help it." Sanda said still scanning the area. There looked to be several points they could potentially enter without the need for explosives. Some looked more promising than others.

Yayoi nodded her head to Sanda's words, as she tried not to react to the disturbing appearance of the ship. "Yeah worse than Rixxikor bases," Yayoi muttered.

"That is nasty, really nasty..." Yoshiro said as he tried not to be sick.

"Keep your wits," Mineko said in their ears. "We can't learn anything from studying the hull for a half hour."

"Movement," Cassie said, looking down. The area of the ship was beginning to be flooded with millions of small insect-like creatures that looked a lot like miniature Mishhuvurthyar parasites with legs. "Creepy crawlies," she said, trying to hover above any that got near.

"Sanda, what do we do? we got a problem here!" Yoshiro said to Sanda. "We got a lot of bugs here!"

"Do you want to go in through one of these maintenance hatches or through the big launch bay in the back? Keep in mind there may be active battlepods left in there," Cassie asked.

Eres el Heisho mayor aquí. ¿Por qué me estás preguntando? Sanda thought as she continued searching for a way in. "Entry point." Sanda indicated an opening about 30 feet up in the air. She hovered up towards it, keeping her rifle trained on it. It looked like it was large enough for them to squeeze through. Sanda shown her light in it and ran a few scans with her suits enhanced systems. She didn't see any hostiles. Taking a deep breath she said, "I've got point." and entered the ship.

"Okay," Cassie said, following Sanda. "Let's get in there and see what we can see. I'm just gonna pretend I didn't see those bugs swarming and hope they're all out there and not inside."

Erika sent her drones ahead, telling them to halt at just as they past the threshold. They began scanning the entrance as the operative took a position behind Sanda. "Let the NSB's go ahead Thunder, I'll control them and send you telemetry."

Sanda paused long enough for Erika's drones to move ahead of her but followed close not too far behind them.

Yoshiro followed Sanda in to the ship and heard the crunch of the organic material underfoot.

Chiheisen's NSB's had deployed the moment the Elysian saw the horde of bugs. She began to hover a bit over them to avoid any that got close, cringing inside her helmet. Ew

Yayoi hovered like the rest of her team as she aimed her weapons forward as she followed Sanda

The team entered the Mishhuvurthyar ship...

= = =
OOC: JP by Wes, Ame, Cowboy, Charaa, Sunny D, Yoshiro, Liza
YE 46.1
Mishhuvurthyar Ship Interior


Through the small holes and hatches the team found a way into the Mishhuvurthyar ship. They had to slowly wriggle in and it was taking forever because of the Mindy's wing-like boosters made them just bigger than person sized. By the time they were in, they were covered in ooze and insectoid creatures not that different than cockroaches, but substantially less squishy.

The opening led into a corridor aboard the Mishhuvurthyar ship, which was part starship passageway and part internal organ, as it was nearly completely overgrown with some sort of crimson growth. Pods covered in holes and pulsating bubbles were dispersed here and there, and thick tentacle-like veins were as common as wiring. There were vaguely Mishhuvurthyar-shaped formations of organic plant (?) mass visible in the thick green-yellow fog.

As soon as they were inside there was an intense buzzing sensation they felt, an unavoidable sense that something was trying to touch the back of their necks and get into their spines. After the squishes and constant dripping sounds there was faint, distant wails of pain and gutteral grunts and rattles. The whole place was like a hellscape. Ever so often the floor suddenly shifted under their feet, as if the damaged ship was breathing or trying to right itself.
Sanda had the point, just behind Erika's drones. To say the Mishhu ship was disgusting was an understatement. It was revolting. But Sanda shut it all out. She was on alert for any movement or contacts or nasty surprises. The buzzing chill down her neck was disquieting. Even Sanda, hardcore bad-ass Sanda, who never showed any emotion or unease in the field could feel herself getting jumpy. Her grip was just a little tighter than usual on her rifle. Her scans a little more jerky than the usually smooth and graceful form she usually had.

Not far behind from the bad-ass Nepleslian was an Elysian Mindy's unmistakable figure, with its wings folded as neatly as possible behind, to reduce just how big of a target they were. Fortunately, knowing the potential horrors Chiheisen knew she would eventually encounter during service as a Star Army infantry soldier, the Elysian had undergone extensive stomach training. She had forced herself to watch the most horrific gore content she could find on the database to train herself not to have gag reflexes upon inspecting rather unnerving visuals. She quietly moved along with the group, eyes trained through her rifles scope as they advanced.

Cheilith held the sword the Empress had given her out as they advanced along the corridors.

Cassie tugged herself into the enemy ship, leaving her aether wings outside. "Damn, it is just me or do these ships just get worse and worse over time?" she asked Sanda. "This looks like everything's spray-painted with 3D gore. And I haven't even blown anyone up yet...uh anyone else hear that shit?"

Erika came through next, her mind more focused on directing the NSBs ahead of the group rather than her own security. "When I came out of the Vat I was told I would be fighting Kuvexians. I feel a little cheated." She said in response to Cassie. She fell through into the corridor, stumbling slightly as the walls gave way. She quickly caught herself and joined the group, taking her hand off her weapon for a moment to grab a parasite crawling on her neck and throwing it on the ground. "Praise Ketsurui for Mindys." She said with a sigh.

Yayoi used her focus skill that she'd trained on Hanako's world as she followed her squad-mates through the ship now. Her annoyance on the chatter however grew, but before she could say anything, Sanda was quicker.

"Cut the chatter." Sanda hissed. Her rifle swinging around at something she thought she saw. Maldición she was jumpy. Her danger instincts were going crazy but she couldn't find a source for her worry. This was so unlike her. What had changed since the last time she was fighting aboard one of these ships?

Yoshiro watched what Sanda was looking at but saw nothing at the moment. "You ok, Sanda-heisho?" Yoshiro asked her. He thought had heard something but he wasn't sure what it was.

"I'm fine." Sanda replied shortly.

"Sorry to cut in team," Mineko added into their comms from her position aboard the ship. "But I want to remind everyone to keep their helmets on this mission. Last mission we were a bit more loose with that, but let's keep a seal this one."

"Hai, i agree" Yayoi said in response, as she followed the others, she definitely didn't want to take her helmet, let alone anything off. Her focus went towards Sanda, and she noted her behavior. "Focus Hermana, we can do this" she privately sent to Sanda.

"Proceed forward until you find some kind of terminal or interface system. Remember we're trying to find any data, like where the Mishhu are coming from or what to expect fighting them in the future." Mineko added.

"Roger that." Yoshiro said. "Keep your helmets on everyone until this mission is over."

Gracias capitán obvio. Sanda thought annoyingly. She took a deep breath after receiving the private message from Yayoi. She felt more centered and under control.

"This layout is not super straightforward," Cassie observed. "Maybe you guys can make a drone map or something," she said as she sloshed through the muck with her weapon high, flashlight shining into the shadowy spots as the lights flickered overhead.

"On it." Erika said. In the next moment, 4 of her 6 NSBs shot off in the direction she believed the bridge was on an automated search pattern. The two left behind kept watch infront and behind the group. She set them up in a fixed position ahead of her so she reduce the cognitive load as the forded through.

Cheilith tossed out her NSBs, shooting them off in a different direction than Erika's so they could cover more rooms. The tiny little drones didn't have a lot of battery life, but just enough to be useful.

Chiheisen commanded around 3 of her own NSB's, which had been floating around her after she had deployed them outside, to assist with the mapping of the ships interior. Like Cheilith had done, the Elysian had them head elsewhere to explore the downed vessels... stomach turning interior more efficiently. "Assisting"

Yoshiro was scanning for terminals or interface system anywhere since he forgot to bring NSBs with him. He kept an eye on his sensors to see where things were and what was what.

One of the NSBs ran into an NMX Nekovalkyrja, who was stumbling around injured from the crash. She was wearing a gray set of coveralls caked in blood and muck and rubber boots. There were some survivors after all!

"I don't see anything that looks like a computer interface unless you interface using your..." Cassie looked down, "...your tentacle." she nervously chuckled, looking at the weird organic objects around her.

Yoshiro threw up in his mouth a little at Cassie's description of "interfacing". "Geez Cassie, did you have to describe it that way? That will not be something I get out of my mind easily."

Erika had the NSB halt over the NMX Neko, keeping its weapon trained on her. "Got a Neko. Wounded about 50 meters up. I say we render aid and ask for directions." She said turning to Sanda "Or I could put her out of her misery."

Sanda thought a moment. She preferred to put the... thing... out of its misery. But by all reports that she had read NMX Neko's could be reasonable. "Scan and make sure it's alone, then two of us will approach and see if it will let us assist while the rest of the team covers us. If it tries to fight back or yells out..." Sanda left the thought unsaid in the air. There was no need to state the obvious.

"Sounds like a break, follow up," Mineko said to the team comms. "Stick together but don't crowd her, if possible."

"Roger. I'll go." Erika said "Who wants to back me up?"

"I'll go too," Cheilith said, checking to make sure she had a pair or two of the Flexicuffs for taking prisoners of war. She Moved purposefully towards the NMX neko.

"I will continue looking for a terminal of some sort." Yoshiro answered Erika. He continued scanning the area for a terminal or an....interface.

Chiheisen remained silent as everyone else piped up, keeping her eyes trained on the hallway in front, just in case...

Yayoi listened as she heard of the discovery of the other type of Neko. She remained with Sanda since she wasn't needed.

"No need for everyone." Sanda said. "Erika and Cheilith spoke up first. You guys...Miércoles!"

"Fuck, is that a bunch of Mindys?" the Nekovalkyrja stared down the corridor. "Shit..." She started ducking into a side passageway and closed the door behind her, causing a NSB to bonk into the door as it tried to follow her.

Chelith sighed "I take it that's a no to the easy way." She said, cranking her speed up to max and her sword lighting up with the show of aether.

Erika bounded down the hallway to the door the Neko just went through and posted up on the side.

"We're CLOSED!" The Nekovalkyrja shouted from the other side. "Go home, Yamatai-baka!"

"You're wounded. We're here to render assistance if we can." The operative replied from the other side of the door.

"I don't think you get what you're into here, this place is...well, you'll see..." the NMX technician said, limping away from the door with her toolbox dragging in the muck. She tried to continue her work to repair the ship's systems. If they could get the AA guns online...

Cheilith let Erika take the lead with talking to the Neko as she looked for a good way to get through the door quickly to subdue the Neko.

"My name is Erika." The operative said "What's yours?"

There was no answer this time.

"Team," While Erika spoke to the Neko, Mineko spoke into the rest of the team's comms. "Compile the drone data together so that we can have a good map of this place. You'll need to be within line of sight of one another for laser comms between your Mindy.

While Erika and Cheilith tried to talk the NMX Neko out, Sanda had the rest of the away team take up positions around them. The last thing they needed was to be ambushed while everyone's attention was on the door.

"Go ahead everyone and take your helmets off," Sanda's voice said. Everyone heard it but Sanda and those on the Resurgence. There wasn't any radio traffic.

Erika was about to open the door before looking down the corridor at Sanda. "Take our helmets off? What?"

Cheilith saw Erika's move towards the door and lashed out with two precise cuts and a kick that sent the door flying inwards with Cheilith and her Nodal support bits in close pursuit.

Erika shook off the issue with the helmets and pushed into the room, the NSB that had bopped following her in to help secure the room. "Come out, you're wounded. We have several ships in orbit ready to level this place once we complete or fail the mission."

"That does not seem like a wise idea, Hoshi-Heisho" Chiheisen piped into the comms, raising an eyebrow to the command- Spock style. She transmitted the data her NSB's had been compiling of their surroundings to the rest of the group as Mineko had advised, keeping an eye on the feed coming in for anything suspicious.

"Uh..." Cassie scratched her head. "Good luck with that," she said, preferring to keep the cockroaches out of her face.

"Something isn't right here." Yoshiro said to himself.

"What are you guys talking about?" Sanda replied testily while she covered the hallway which the NMX Neko had first come from.

"Seconding that," Mineko said, antsy from her position on the Resurgence and not with the team. "Erika, any luck finding anything out from the NMX Neko?"

With some hesitation, Chiheisen spoke again. "You.. just ordered us to take our helmets off, did you not?"

"no, i do not believe that it was her truly that spoke just then." Yayoi said to her squad-mates. "be advised, this ship has a way of messing with our minds, and until we get back to the ship, no one is to remove their helmets.'

"Why in the world would I... Contact!" Sanda yelled.

The door clanged on the floor with a splash of muck, revealing some sort of battery/electrical room. There was a large hole in the ceiling above the door. That's where the Ripper jumped down and tried to cut Cheilith's armor in half with a cleaving blow from its aether saber! She was thrust back through the door by the force of the impact, a burning orange line down the center of her suit. She barely had time to register anything before it started shooting.

Erika switched her Aether Carbine to Blade Mode and rushed forward, the pointy end aimed at the rippers center of mass as she attempted to give Cheilith a chance to evade. At the same time she had an NSB relay some co-ordinates for a quick teleport away.

"Shit!" Yoshiro said and drew his sword. "Time to die you cockroach looking pile of crap!" He attacked the Ripper as he radioed Sanda. "Sanda, we have enemy contact!" He contacted Sanda frantically as he fired with a aether smg with his free hand.

Yayoi lifted her Aetheric pulse cannon towards the Ripper.

Chiheisen's eyes widened under her helmet as Cheilith was absolutely sent into the door. The Elysian gripped her LATR tightly and squeezed its trigger, aiming directly at the sudden Ripper which surprised the group. The recoil from her rifle sent some blood that had accumulated on it flying off.

"Oof!" Cheilith said as she smashed back into the wall, the breath knocked out of heher by the sudden force.

The Ripper tried to rush out into the main corridor but it was just too bulky to get through the hole in the door because of its broad shoulders. Instead it had to just back up, slowly retreating back up into the hole in the ceiling as hits impacted its shields. It pointed at the away team with a menacing finger.

Cheilith's armor was badly damaged in some spots, and she could smell the air of the ship leaking through. It spelled like blood and swamp in here.

Erika backed off for a moment and called over comms "Mind where you're shooting!" She grunted as the rounds sailed behind her.

"Come on you son of a brainless roach looking Son of a bitch...Dance with me and die!" Yoshiro said to the Ripper and continued to fire his smg.

Yayoi growled lowly As she tried to fire at the Ripper, and lowered her cannons when it seemed to be gone.

"Less talk! More shooting!" Sanda ordered. "Watch your surroundings!" There was plenty of firepower on the Ripper. Sanda was watching for a surprise attack.

Cheilith nodded, trying to lift her sword back up, "my armors damaged." She reported calmly as she let others rush in ahead of her.

While everyone's attention was still mostly focused on the Ripper's sudden ambush, the liquids behind the team began to rapidly congeal and rise out of the muck, solidifying into the form of a large crimson-colored Mishhuvurthyar, knocking aside NSBs and grabbing Cassie by the ankles. "IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO GET REKT!" it laughed in a huge booming psionic voice.

Yoshiro saw Cassie in trouble and went in to help. He slashed at the tentacle holding Cassie and tried to get him to at least let go. "You're going to pay for hurting my friends, you stupid leet speaking cockroach looking freak!"

"Can you have your armor check your Psionic Signal Controller, Erika?" In the operative's comms, Mineko spoke. "I know you're busy, but you can focus on two tasks at once, right? Just that it's working or if it's getting overloaded or not."

Erika took a step back from Ripper. "I'm currently operating the NSBs, in a melee with a Ripper and dodging frinedly fire. Oh and talking to you." She sad before gritting her teeth and bayonet charging the ripper again, as it sung at her.

"More than two things, then," Mineko corrected herself.

"One moment" Erika said before vanishing, appearing closer to the main group with a boom. She checked the PSC which was flashing red and blaring warnings. "Overloaded."

"HELP ME OUT HERE, WOLOLO!! AYO!!!!" the Mishhuvurthyar called out, waving a tentacle out at the team like a magic wand.

Sanda had been watching for an ambush, but had been looking in the wrong direction. She had expected her teammates to be watching the other way. When they got out of this she'd have them running drills for a month! She swung around and began shooting at the Mishhu gabbing Cassie as she ran forward.

Yayoi turned as she heard something behind her, and groaned as she lifted her Aethetic Pulse Cannons once more.

Chiheisens attention was pulled behind the group as the booming voice of the Mishhuvurthyar made itself known. She gritted her teeth as she shifted her attention to the more immediate threat, her LATR lighting up and firing on the hulking beast. She commanded her NSBs to keep an eye on the fight now behind them, just in case she needed to pivot back again and assist. She wasn't much of a melee fighter, opting to provide cover fire for the team instead.

Cassie screamed/yelped as she was dragged towards the giant Mishhuvurthyar which slapped her around the corridor trying to make her drop her gun and also trying to use her as a body shield. What hits it couldn't block with Cassie it absorbed with a strong-armor-scale energy shield that flashed a fiery orange. "GET BEAT ON!" it gleefully shouted. "I LOVE THIS!"

Cheilith put her sword on her shoulder as shshe Joined the middle back of the group as they chased after the Mishhuvurthyar who had Cassie. It felt weird for the close combat specialist to be in the middle, but she hahad been hit hard by the ripper.

Yayoi charged after Cassie and the Mishuu, silently cursing her lack of focus, She prepared herself for a Yayoi style punishment when she got back to the ship.

"Oh you going down you glorified cockroach!!" Yoshiro said and aimed for a leg on the boss with his aether smg and pulled the trigger.

The Ripper from before, which had found another route around by now, came back with its two best friends and began dumping fire into the teams position in the corridor. Weirdly, they didn't attack Cheilith.

Cassie finally rolled free and shook herself off, taking a second to find her aether saber, "It's an ambush!" she said, "I guess that's obvious," she quietly added.

Sanda came up to Cassie, still firing at the mishhu that had grabbed her a few times then knelt beside her. "You hurt?" Sanda asked as the other Rippers came out Sanda yelled out. "Find cover and focus fire on those Rippers! Chiheisen! With me. Keep your eyes that passage way until we can secure Cassie!"

"Damn!" Yoshiro shouted and continued to fire his aether SMG and stabbed his sword at any of the other Rippers that came out.

"Yes, it is an ambush. " Cheilith said driving her Aethet Saber into the closest member of the away team and cutting them off from any retreat.

The Caelisolans eyes widened, letting out a screech of pain as the Aether saber cut right through one of her wings, and through into her back. The Elysian gritted her teeth as pain ringed through her entire body, trying to figure out what had just happened. She tried to do something atleast, using her non pierced wing in a futile attempt to hit whatever had stabbed through her, as the Mindy began to flood hemosynth into her wounds.

"YES," Cassie said, "I am hurt," she said. "Find cover?!" she desperately tried to find anything these corridors were garbage. She ended up finally finding a doorway to a sort of mess hall, and stumbled inside crashing through tables and stools and crawling over the bar in spite of her many broken bones. She peered over the edge looking back for Sanda. "Wait, NMX Nekos have booze?" she blinked. She sent the dining hall's location to her allies in case they wanted to regroup there.

YSS Resurgence - Bridge

"Sir," Mineko stood from her console and looked to the captain. "The away team is turning on each other and I believe they are being mentally coerced to do so by the Mishhuvurthyar.

"Kuso!" Aoba grunted. "Try to bring them back. Grab anything of use they can on the way out."

"Understood, sir," Mineko said dutifully as she began pinging Poppy to the armor bay.

NMX Escort

Things were chaotic, they had the Rippers to deal with, and now, one of their own was betraying them. This was seriously crazy, but Yayoi knew she had to focus. The whole team did.

Cheilith pulled the sword out of her Elysian friend and was already on the move again, charging at another member Of tthe away team in the ferocity and violence of action an elite close combat specialist could bring to bear.

"Oh hey, the bar has a cash register," Cassie said out loud. "OH GUYS IT'S A COMPUTER!! JUST FOUND A NETWORK TERMINAL!"

Yoshiro pointed his gun at Cheilith. "Stop or I will shoot!" He shouted at her and aimed his gun at her.

Cheilith didn't stop or even hesitate, chopping her sword at Yoshiro and his gun.

Sanda had followed Cassie towards the mess hall and had taken up position in the door way to cover the away team as they headed to regroup. When she saw Cheilith attack the Elysian, she didn't hesitate or say anything. She simply raised her rifle and fired at Cheilith.

"GET CRUSHED, WEAKLING!" the Giant Mishhuvurthyar said, kicking Yoshiro over with its fat pink tentacles. It sat on him repeatedly, bouncing its energy shield on his Mindy's, trying to pop it. "I HATE YOU! I OWN YOU! HUHUHUHU!"

Yayoi fired her canon at the giant mishhu attacking Yoshiro, then turned her attention to Cheilith. She knew with ST back ups Chelith could be respawned, so she added her fire to Sanda's against their compromised squadmate.

Chiheisen attempted to get herself together and at the very least try to return fire, but she couldn't focus enough to manage to get a clean shot at anything, therefore choosing not to fire. She clutched the punctured area on her Mindy where the aether beam had gone through, trying to simply remain conscious as she fell on her knees. She tried to say something, simply uttering a choked out "N-need a-assistance-" into the comms, some blood spilling out of her mouth. She was barely able to command her armor to teleport out.

To the away team, Mineko spoke out. "Mission compromised, we need all away team personnel to teleport back to the ship for decon. Grab anything of use that you can. Repeat, fall back to the ship!"

Cassie heard the order to teleport. She looked at the network jack, then pulled her Type 42 communicator out of her buttpack and placed it next to the network jack. A small line of teal light reached out from the glowing teal triangle and connected to the data port. "You talk to MEGAMI," she told it, and then teleported back to Resurgence, leaving it there connected.

Yoshiro's hand got cut pretty bad by Cheilith and he was bleeding badly. He grabbed his sword and tried to get up. "Somebody get this piece of shit cockroach off of me!" He shouted and pushed the Ripper off of him. "Damn it all, you got lucky and you got a win! I'll get you next time you puffy slimebucket!" Yoshiro retreated with the rest.

Erika teleported behind Cheilith, appearing with a shock wave. She dropped her Carbine and wrapped her arms around her waist, locking them tightly around her controlled comrade. "Res, I'm jumping back with a compromised individual. I need teleport coordinates and a security team on standby!"

"Prepare to detain!" Mineko responded to Erika, pushing back from her console high above on the Resurgence.

Sanda repeated the order to retreat. With her rifle held in one hand she drew her plasma revolver with the other and began firing. Her two 50 cal gause rifles on her shoulder attachments swung around and added to her fire power. She would cover everyone until they had teleported out. She already had her coordinates locked in and was ready to go as soon as everyone else was gone. She specifically targeted the Ripper pounding Yoshiro so he could get free.

Yayoi heard the order, and hoped their attack did what they intended. Light surrounded her as she began her teleportation. "Get back to the ship, damn it all!" Yayoi cursed rudely.

With everyone now safely teleported, Sanda fired a few more times for good measure before dropping a few explosives at her feet then disappeared in a flash of light.

YSS Resurgence - Armor Bay

Cassie appeared in a broken-looking pile in the armor bay, falling out of midair and crashing down on the smooth black floor with a scream of pain. She immediately started sobbing.

Poppy, alerted by Mineko, arrived in the armor bay immediately, and began slowly extracting Cassie's broken body from the Mindy armor and loading her onto a stretcher with splits and hemosynth injections.

Even as Erika grabbed Cheilith, she was reversing her sword and stabbing backward as the two flashed into existence on their home ship.

The operative didn't say anything as she wrestled with Cheilith, shifting as best she could out of the way of her comrade's strikes. The blade scratched at the side of her armor, taking off some of the Zesuaium coating. Erika still had better purchase though and pulled Cheilith into a bulkhead, pushing her up against the wall in an attempt to pin the arm wielding the sword.

Chiheisen materialized in the Power Armor bay, the badly injured Elysian dropping to the ground with a loud 'thunk!'. She had a clean hole through one of her wings and into her torso, gods know what that Aether blade had ended up cutting through internally. She let out a small shriek of pain, coughing from under her helmet as she tried to move from her pitiful position.

Sanda returned to the ship and was about to start chewing out people for the shoddy performance when she saw that Cheilith had been brought back to the ship as well and moved forward to aid Erika in subduing the traitor.

Yayoi blinked her eyes as the familiar Armor Bay then widened her eyes as Cheilith had appeared.

Now inside the shields of the Resurgence, Cheilith activated the teleporter in her own suit.

Erika fell forward as Cheilith vanished, falling into air.

"Bridge this is Yoshiro, we have an enemy agent on board. I am bringing security to your location" Yoshiro said, and headed to the bridge with security following him.

"Where the hell did she go?" Sanda asked just as she got a ping from the bridge. "Miércoles!" Her teleporter still needed to recharge so Sanda just took off at a dead sprint towards the bridge.

"fuck fuck fuck fuck it all!" Yayoi cursed rudely as she checked her teleport charge level as she too took off after Sanda, trusting Poppy had everything here.

Erika got her side arm and scrambled to her feet, following after the. She hissed as she noticed her teleporter was still in cooldown.

Yuri appeared in the Armor bay, having followed Poppy and eeped as Yayoi and Sanda, and Erika ran out.

YSS Resurgence - Bridge

"Do not bring any hostiles aboard the ship," Aoba ordered. Only a fool would...

Cheilith flashed into existence on the bridge. "Too late" she said, slicing a bridge bunny in half as she advanced on the captain.

Aoba ducked as best he could, knocked from his seat by the force of the teleporter flash, which sent a searing wash of heat and blinding light through the bridge. "Evacuate!" he ordered, pulling out his NSP and haphazardly firing a heavy stun shot at Cheilith's Mindy.

"Not this time," Mineko shouted, prepared to not experience what she had when the Mishhu had boarded. She pulled a special SiZi from under her console. She knew the anti-armor setting would destroy herself, but hopefully it would destroy the hostile personnel too. She could feel long strings of her body tearing away after she shot the heavy mode at Cheilith as she drew upon Aoba.

The heavy stun killed what remained of Cheilith's shields, leaving only the Heavy Zesu armor beneath. Mineko's shot didn't just hurt her, it successfully penetrated Cheilith's armor, knocking her a bit sideways. Blood spilled onto the bridge.

Colby Wando, Hayden Simril, and Davonte Lyons rushed into the bridge in Mindy armor, dragging Gabriela, the upper half of Kalena, and the captain to safety and taking some LASR rifle shots at Cheilith.

Yoshiro, Sanda, Yayoi, and the security detail arrived and targeted Cheilith. "Move again and I swear I will blow a hole in you as huge as Yamatai!" He said.

Mineko, shakily, had moved her off hand to hold the SiZi and point it at Cheilith from a crouched position. Burns boiled out from her shredded uniform and the muscles on her right arm were visible and charred. Even her face showed some of the same marks and half of her dark purple hair was singed off her forehead and above her ear. The dark red between the blue of her eyes glinted as she looked at the broken armor with a look that could kill.

Sanda shoved Yoshiro out of her way. She already had her plasma revolver drawn and had dropped her rifle in favor of her close quarters straight silver.

Yayoi pointed her Aetheric Pulse Canon at Cheilith,

Erika was last, her eyes focused on the charred body on the ground. She lingered on it for a second before looking at Cheilith

Something inside of Cheilith told her this was all for a logical, noble cause. It was the only thing that made sense. That the Mishhuvurthyar were the true rulers of the galaxy. But it wasn't Cheilith, it was the voice of that big Mishhuvurthyar down there on the planet.

Cheilith popped the shield booster on her armor, bringing her shields back up to full and disappeared in another flash.

Yayoi growled lowly as Cheilith teleported again

"Get me co-ords, I'll go after her." Erika said, getting out her aether blade.

YSS Resugence -- Engineering

There was a rush of air next to Aoba as Colby immediately teleported into Engineering, anticipating Cheilith's next move. Pidole was thrown into a generator with a shriek. As soon as he locked on Cheilith he shot the shit out of her with a plasma rifle and didn't stop until she wasn't moving. "ENGINEERING" he shouted on the all-crew channel.

Colby was completely correctly about where Cheilith was now hacking away at vital parts of The starship. Her burnt body leaving blood on the floor as she tried to cause a catastrophic explosion from their aether generator.

Erika appeared in the room, Aether blade in hand. There was a moment while she gathered her bearings. Spotting Cheilith she teleported once again in quick succession behind her, her blade aiming to strike the teleportation unit on the compromised crew members back.

Sanda also appeared in the Engineering room just in time to add her firepower to Colby's. But she suddenly realized the threat. Cheilith's Mindy could self destruct and damage if not destroy the generators. Without pausing. Sanda boosted herself forward and made to grab Cheilith. She would teleport them both outside the ship to prevent the detonation.

Erika stopped herself just in time to avoid hitting Sanda as she passed.

Yayoi appeared behind Sanda, and fired her Aetheric Pulse Cannon at Cheilith, no longer hesitating. She stopped when Sanda made her move.

As aether weapons were fired in the space, stuff started to catch on fire from the huge energy, including crew members.

The life in what remained of Cheilith died as Sanda teleported her out of the ship. The self destruct activated, destroying her and her Mindy in a explosion that enveloped Sanda.
YSS Resurgence - Bridge

Taisa Aoba scrambled around, bleeding from a head wound, his normally-perfect command white uniform noticeably burned on one side, still struggling to see or hear after being in a closed room with a teleporter shockwave. Red alarm lights flashed around him. He crawled back towards the bridge, getting back into his captain's chair gripping his samurai sword firmly. He looked over to see Kalena's lower body in her seat, her guts glowing orange from the aether blade like charcoals on a grill. Through his wireless networking with the MEGAMI he learned the NMX ship had now regained power and was rising back into space. But the ship wasn't ready to fight it. The main gun's power systems showed zero charge. He could only watch as it limped away and shimmered into hyperspace.


Clad in Explorer Uniforms and firefighting masks, Sakuko and Beryl entered the engineering space with firefighting hoses and began spraying everything down with hoses, rapidly extingushing the fire. Next they began transporting the heavily charred bodies to the medical lab, starting with the living ones. Pidole was only just barely hanging on, having fallen down at the beginning of the battle her entire back looked like it belonged at a pit barbeque. Others weren't even that lucky...Colby almost vomited in his Mindy helmet when he said what the aether weapon had done to poor, sweet Caihong. Her face had been entirely melted off, and she had choked on her own melted flesh. He started screaming in rage, wanting to blame someone for using aether weapons in the ship but in all the chaos he didn't know who. At least the main generators, with their super thick Zesuaium containment vessels, had manage to hold out long enough....
YSS Resurgence - Power Armor Bay

As people scrambled around the Power Armor Bay, Chiheisen's Mindy still laid on the ground motionless, groaning to herself. The Elysian's mind was racing, almost stimulated by her pain, as she was still tuning herself into what was happening onboard Resurgence. Oh how much she wished she wasn't a pile of dead Mindy weight laying pitifully on the ground... She followed along the events, sighing a bit as her power armor registered Cheilith finally outside of the vessel, with the telltale sign of a power armor explosion illuminating her display. Chichi refocused back on her HUD as something stood out to her, another contact falling from the general area of the previous explosion. Her eyes widened a little as she noticed just who it was, grunting. The Elysian's mind raced as adrenaline took over... maybe she wasn't completely dead meat just yet. She reasoned that if no one else acted due to their teleportation cooldowns, Sanda would likely plummet back down to the planet, and considering the fact she had just been blown up- the Nepleslian very likely wouldn't survive. With a sudden, likely unexpected flash to the others in the Power Armor Bay, the Elysian's Mindy disappeared, leaving a little pool of hemosynth behind.

The Skies Outside YSS Resurgence

The Elysian's move only took her a rather painful moment, the heavily injured Elysian popping in with a flash right next to the falling, critically injured Nepleslian. Chiheisen gritted her bloody teeth and fought back her pain, the Caelisolan's injured body screaming out to her as she wrapped her arms around Sanda, embracing her tightly up against her own damaged Mindy. The Elysian raced to plot a course straight back into the Resurgences Power Armor bay with the Heisho in tow, the Santo-hei using up her teleporters remaining charge. Both armors blipped out of existence from their free-fall...

YSS Resurgence - Power Armor Bay

It only took a moment for the Elysian's power armor to reappear in the bay, falling back down onto the cold, hard floor. This time, she had a Nepleslian in tow, with Sanda falling down right on top of Chiheisen. She'd done her little play succesfully, the only drawback being she was now swamped with excruciating pain as the adrenaline faded. The Caelisolan let out a pained scream as she was barely able to focus, letting the Heisho simply roll out of her arms as they went loose. She managed to yell out for a medic's attention, groaning from under her Mindy's helmet. "M-MEDIC!"
YSS Resurgence - Power Armor Bay to Medical Bay

Yuri rushed over to the fallen Chiheisen and Sanda, her medical kit in hand. The chaos in the Power Armor Bay didn't deter her focus as she knelt down beside the injured duo. The air was filled with urgency, the sounds of alarms and people rushing about, but Yuri was determined to provide aid. "Easy, easy," Yuri reassured Chiheisen as she began to assess the Elysian's injuries. "Let me take a look at you first." Yuri's hands moved quickly and efficiently, checking for any obvious wounds or signs of trauma. "What hurts the most? Can you tell me what happened?"

Meanwhile, another medic nearby likely Poppy attended to Sanda, assessing the extent of her injuries. The medical team had trained for scenarios like this, and they knew the importance of quick and accurate care in the midst of a crisis. Yuri worked swiftly to remove Chiheisen's power armor, revealing the extent of the injuries. The damaged wing was a concerning sight, but Yuri remained focused. She carefully examined the injury, assessing the severity and determining the best course of action.

"Chiheisen, we need to get you to the medical bay," Yuri said, her voice calm and determined. "I'll do my best to stabilize your injuries for now, but we need the proper facilities to address this properly."

With the help of nearby crew members, Yuri carefully placed Chiheisen on a stretcher, making sure to support the injured wing. Yuri and some assistants quickly moved the stretcher toward the medical bay, navigating through the bustling Power Armor Bay. Yuri continued to tend to Chiheisen's immediate needs, providing pain relief and ensuring that the wing was properly supported during the transit.

As they made their way to the medical bay, Yuri kept her focus on Chiheisen, monitoring her vital signs and offering words of reassurance. The urgency of the situation was palpable, but Yuri was determined to provide the best care possible for the injured Elysian. Her mother Jôtô Heisho Yayoi Asakura was somewhere, but Yuri knew her focus had to be on her patient. Yuri maintained her focus on Chiheisen, understanding the urgency of the situation. Despite the chaos around them, she remained committed to providing the best care for the injured Elysian. As they approached the medical bay, Yuri communicated with the team to prepare for Chiheisen's arrival.

"Prepare a Hemosynth infusion and clear a space for treatment!" Yuri called out to the medical staff in the bay.

Once inside, Yuri directed the team to place Chiheisen on a medical bed, and she quickly began connecting monitoring devices to assess the Elysian's vital signs. As the medical staff prepared for treatment, Yuri addressed Chiheisen with a calm yet determined demeanor.

"Chiheisen, we're going to do everything we can to help you. I'll need you to stay with me, okay? We'll start with stabilizing your injuries and then proceed with the necessary treatments. You're in good hands."
YSS Resurgence - Power Armor Bay

It was extremely apparent that the Elysian wasnt faring very well to the incoming medical team. The gaping, bleeding hole through her right wing's armour was only a prelude to the extent of her injury caused by Cheilith's Aether blade. As the rest of her heavily damaged Mindy was removed, the gaping hole going straight through the Caelisolans lower torso wasnt too hard to spot. When the compromised teammate plunged her blade into Chiheisen's back down during the away mission, it had carved a hole through her wing (which had been caught in the way), and had gone straight through and into her back, coming out through the front of the power armor. The wound had mostly been cauterized by the burning aether that had carved through her flesh, but she was still bleeding in some areas. Miraculously, the blade had missed the Elysian's lungs, and hadn't damaged too many important digestive organs, which was the only reason the birb was still alive. If the blade had gone even a bit higher, the Elysian would have likely been dead by now. Though, while she had been 'lucky', the damage was still pretty damn significant, and she had lost a lot of blood...

1705520020722.pngChichi had almost lost herself to pain as the adrenaline faded away from the mission, but thankfully, Yuri's inquiries brought her focus back to reality. As the Nekovalkyrjan medic removed the Mindy's helmet, the Elysian let out an involuntary gasp, feeling the cold air of the Power Armor Bay against her face. She didn't look so well, blood trailing down from her mouth and nose, with instinctive tears flowing down her cheeks thanks to the agony her current, extensive injuries were causing. She tried to speak and reply to Yuri's barrage of questions, but most of it was incoherent, and eventually interrupted by a bloody cough. From what the Elysian blabbered, the only recognizable words were 'Aether Saber' and 'Back'. Chiheisen's focus kept bouncing around as she was transported to the medical bay, slowly becoming more and more disoriented. The only thing keeping her somewhat conscious was whenever someone from the medical team attempted to snap her back into reality.
Out in space (prior to explosion)

Sanda teleported outside the Resurgence. Once out she moved to put as much distance between herself and the traitor Cheilith. Even so, Sanda was caught in the blast radius when the Mindy self-destructed. It felt like she had been run over by a truck. Then the truck back up over her, ran her over again. Warning alarms began to flash on her HUD but were suddenly cut off as a large crack split her visor. Then the truck backed up again and just stayed on top of her as her suit was compromised and the breath sucked out of her lungs. That's when Sanda lost conscious.

Power Armor Bay

Trowa had been out in his Mech on standby as the away team fought on the Mishhu ship. When they were suddenly recalled Trowa made his way to the Resurgence and latched his mech onto the ship before exiting and drifting up to the Power Armor bay. As he arrived there was a bright flash and two Mindy suits tumbled to the ground. One was instantly recognizable as an Elysian by the large wings. The other was harder to make out as it looked like it had been set on fire and charred black. The second officer moved to assist as Yuri came in and tended to the Elysian.

He checked the charged Mindy suit. Even from here Trowa could see that the suit had been compromised. Parts had been fused together melted. The helmet was cracked. "Poor bastard." Trowa shook his head. It didn't look good for the pilot inside. He carefully removed the helmet and received a punch in the gut. At least that's what it felt like. He couldn't breath. "Sanda?" Her face was blue and it wasn't her lightning bolt tattoo. Her eyes were wide and bloodshot. Her mangled hair was caked with flash frozen blood. "Sanda!" He reached for the quick release but nothing happened. Her suit was too damaged to remove. Trowa picked her up, Power Armor and all and set it on one of the gurneys that Yuri had brought down and rushed her to the med bay.

Med Bay

The med bay was chaos. Yuri was working quickly to get the Elysian stable. Poppy was no where to be seen. "Where's Dr. Pink?" Trowa inquired the MEGAM. He was quickly filled in as to what had taken place. Three wounded and one dead on the bridge. Several critically wounded in Engineering as well. The Medical team had their hands full. Trowa was not a medic. Not even close. But he had first aid training and knew how to work some of the scanners that would tell him the extent of Sanda's injuries. Poppy had shown him some of the equipment during some down time for if they ever wound up in a situation where there were multiple casualties and someone needed to do some pre-op. Looked like this was one of those times. Trowa took a hand scanner and attached two plugs to Sanda. The machine immediately began beeping. Trowa cursed. Both lungs collapsed, heart beating very erratically, brain in danger of suffering from oxygen loss. The rest were secondary. If the others weren't addressed right away, the other things wouldn't matter. "I need a medic here now or Heisho Hoshi won't make it."
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Medical Lab

Dr. Poppy burst into the medical lab at the head of a train of medical helpers including Chef Rossa, Chef Julix, The galley's Emma robot, Julia Meadows, and science officer Euikoshi. For situations like this, all of them had some basic first aid training. Each of them had a gravy-gurney carrying a wounded crew member. The medical lab quickly became crowded but Poppy kept things organized and relatively quiet. "Listen up, I need to concentrate, so anyone loud or disruptive, I'll shoot you with this or this," Poppy said, holding a hypospray of sedative in one hand and her NSP, set to stun, in the other. "There is no chaos, and no yelling, in the Resurgence medical lab." Next, Poppy began methodically triaging the casualties and giving instructions to her makeshift medical crew of pink, yellow, and green panels.

"Captain, I need more hemosynth tanks than I have," Poppy Discretely messaged the captain over private wireless.

Examinining Sanda, Dr. Poppy immediately thought of some of the new Advancer drugs she'd just got. "50 milligrams of Oxydexanil," she ordered Yuri. "Unbox that new OmniCardia Stasis Pump immediately and hook it up to breath for her, then get her on an IV of hemosynth set to human repair mode." Meanwhile Poppy administered a heavy painkiller and put a drainage tube down Sanda's throat to keep her from drowning. As she did this she turned to Trowa and said, "I think you need something to do right now, so go to Chiheisen and comfort her. I think she's too cooked to survive but try flooding her veins with hemosynth repair nanites. It's worth a shot. Rossa knows how to stick an IV so get her help."

YSS Resurgence - Bridge

"Set course for the First Fleet and dock with the YSS Battle of Yamatai. Request emergency medical aid with their ship's hospital," captain Aoba ordered. The ship's glowing teal engines flared to life and they were off for the short trip back to the assembled fleet near Concordia Station.

Concordia Sector Space - Near Concordia Station

The first visible First Fleet ships were the two massive Izanagi-class dreadnaughts, the fleet's immensely-sized, city-like mobile battle fortresses, each holding a crew of more than half a million soldiers. As the ship grew closer, it was pulled in by graviton beams from the YSS BATTLE OF YAMATAI and pulled into one of the four large aft docking bays.

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