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RP: YSS Resurgence Resurgence of Yamatai - Mission 4: The Hand That Feeds

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YSS Resurgence

Attention Resurgence Crew," the cook's voice came over the shipwide intercom. "This is your cook Rossa speaking. Welcome back from your mission! I will be serving dinner in approximately 15 minutes in the ship's wardroom, which consists of fried catfish, popcorn shrimp, okra, yellow squash casserole, seasoned waffle fries, and pecan-crusted sweet potato souffle and a lovefruit cobbler."
YSS Resurgence - Shuttle Bay

Delmira will loop her arm around Kinie's and purr softly. "Never a dull moment. Come one lets grab our stuff and go enjoy some cold pizza." Delmira's ear will perk up when the intercom sounds and she smirks at Kinie. "Or would you rather have some nice warm catfish and all kinds of other goodies."

Delmira was quite happy to be back on ship with bags of goodies and pizza. She wasnt able to complete her mission to get a gift for Kinie in the form of a electronic piano that could fold up but she could get one later for her. Plus she got the cute neko some dresses so there was that. She would carry as many of the bags as she could carry and would head to her room with Kinie in tow.
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Da Waaaaaaaghrdrhoooom Orkz Orkz Orkz

Koyama, always seemed to be working. A pad in hand. A volumetric display in front of her face. The Neko was in constant motion. Being a First Officer had its perks. But also the workload increased. Dealing with crew complaints, morale, the other department heads. And being one of those department heads. Thankfully their resident Science Officer had solved her Kodian technician problem. And now the fuzzy bear could properly use tools and no longer deal with heckling.

Ever since returning to the ship, she had been going over what the sensors, Cassie's armor, and the others had reported. It had piqued her curiosity. Firstly due to never having met a Senti, second the fashion in which the ship had been left. Not a soul alive. The woman had pulled forth a plastic evidence baggie and a glove. Placing the burial steel knife inside of it then sealing it tight. She would hail the nearest Senti ship if she could find one. And simply hope that her having taken the blade to return to those living would be no sign of insult or injury. But more a kindly gesture of respect.

One did not leave a sword abandoned on the battlefield, at the very least that had been her teaching. Some considered the sword their soul, their being. Some Samurai believed this and to a degree, she did as well. For the time being Koyama had secured the blade allowing the medical and science staff to analyze whatever blood was on the gloves she had worn. Perhaps they would give a clue.

A mutter of exasperation escaped her as she filed the report. The volumetric window in front of her as she walked closed in on itself. A thin line then disappeared from existence.

The wardroom had yet to swell with crew affording a few moments of blessed, blissful silence save for the slight click of her boots on the marble floor. Picking a place at random, Koyama seated herself all the while wishing she could just lay her head on the dark red grain of the wooden tabletop. But that would be unseemly and the newbie XO wanted to appear professional. Or at the very least project that just a little.

With a sigh and a little yawn, she sat with another screen this time. Opaque to anyone but herself had they tried to glance from the other side. Except for this time, it was not work she was dealing with. It was something more personal.
Zanven exited the shuttle bay at the tail end of the excursion and immediately made his way to the medical bay, the intercom rang out informing the incoming crew about dinner. Fried catfish dinner, a hearty meal for sure. However he had one important thing to do first, and that was to be completely checked out and set up his profile with medical so that he could participate on missions like what they just went through.

At the Medical Bay...

He waited to be seen so that he could upload and be on his way, he knew it was a short process because he had administered his own share when he was a medical officer on another ship a few years back. It was a simple task and once done he would report to dinner, his stomach was empty and he needed to get some grub before bedding down for the night...this was quite an eventful first day on the job.
YSS Resurgence - Shuttle Bay

For this mission, Thad had decided to take up the rear. He did not want to admit it but he was still recovering from the night with the Neko. Though he was still impressed he could hold his breath as long as he did. He still played his part by grabbing up the person who had passed away. He was curious just what all happen on the ship that left it in the current condition.

Back on the shuttle he helped the medical team with the body he was carrying. As he looked around he seen the team was in fairly high spirits which was great to see. Though he did take notice of how friendly Delmira was being around Kinie. At first he just thought this was just her being her, which might just be the case, none the less he was curious where this might lead too. He'd do his part to assist when he could with them getting together.

Once Thad had completed his tasks, he decided to swing by the chow hall and get something to eat. He had also wanted to meet up with Rossa who he had not formally met. He felt it was good to get to know the cook and heard the rumors that she was wicked good at her job. This also peaked his interest to see a person performing at a task they love to perform. Maybe she would even know a food one could eat to recover quicker. One must always be ready to drop since anything can happen at anytime.
Medical Lab

In the Medical Lab Poppy had just moved their Senti passenger into one of the containment cells to recover in a warm environment. She tossed a bloody gauze in a red waste storage bin and slid her gloves off her fingers and hands and tossed them in afterward. "Finally made it, hmm?" the pink-haired medic warmly smiled at Zanven. "Here for your space physical?" she asked, going to a UV-light hand-washing station and scrubbing her hands. "I'm going to take a DNA sample and a scan of you. If your respawn preference is to be respawned if you become space dust, I can also take a download of your mind so we can restore you from the backup if needed. How are you feeling?"


Rossa was bent over the serving line putting out the food on a buffet. She had a black apron on that said KISS THE COOK on it in in white embroidery. The air smelled heavy with the scent of the fish and fried food. She placed a basket of freshly-cooked golden-brown buttermilk biscuits next to the serving line that had a cloth over them to keep them nice and warm. She softly grinned in satisfaction and glanced over the shoulder at the crew.

Pidole came in behind Thad and unzipped the front of her uniform jacket a little to let out the sweat from being stuck in her spacesuit. Her blue beetle was riding on her shoulder. She gave Koyama a respectful nod and shuffled over the serving line to grab a plate of food.
Delmira's Cabin

Delmira set the bags of goods down when she entered the cabin she was bunked in and set the box of now cold pizza on the desk in the room and opened it. She turned and smiled at Kinie. "You didn't answer my question. But i have a new proposition for you. Do you want to stay here finish our pizza and snuggle in the neko nest or shall we join the others." She said her tail swaying behind her showing her excitement either way.
Delmira's Cabin

"Well if you are sure." Kinie replied. "Nepleslians make the best pizza...and the biggest. Thank you," she said after taking a big bite of it and licking the sauce off her chops. Kinie nodded once and smiled as she ate. "You are right. We already spoiled our dinner and so we wouldn't be hungry. You know I would not miss the opportunity of hanging out with you." Kinie said after wiping her mouth. "I feel like there's a lot to learn about you even though you're new to the real universe like me. Maybe out simulated pasts have some things in common. Doing our job is the easy part, but navigating life still feels new. I know I keep asking thing but I still wonder what I've got that keeps you interested. What are we going to be to each other? Best friends? More than friends? Lovers? Family? We don't need to rush or to answer that right away. Maybe we should just take it slow and see what happens," Kinie suggested. She wiped her hands, stripped down to her T-shirt and headed to the nest and found a spot among the pillows. "So...do you want to watch a film?"
Delmira's Cabin

Delmira smiled and purred happily as she grabbed a slice of pizza and ate it. She did enjoy the pizza a lot it was probably her first pizza outside of a simulated one. Kinie's question threw Delmira off guard and she stopped purring and her tail stopped swaying happily. "Huh that's a good question on all three accounts." She will strip down as well and join Kinie in the nest bringing the pizza box with her and living it on the lip for easy access. "Well as for what I find interesting about you is that you are adorable, a cute girl whos kind and nice." She turned a bit to face Kinie not snuggling into her side as she would like to. "I think what is that you are the first true friend I ever had, well as far as friendships go that we have in our relatively short life. As for what it will be, well I love you be it sisterly or romantic I'm not sure. But then again be it something from our creation or something else I am friendly with everyone." She gave Kinie smile "I don't fully understand how we are created but I'm just a grunt anyway." Delmira thought for a quick moment. "But yes lets take it slow and see what happens and if i do something you don't like you can always let me know. As for a movie lets see what we got."

Sanda had returned to the ship imminently changed out of her civvies and back into uniform. She then headed to the kitchen to apologies to Rossa for not being able to get to spices she had requested. She had also wanted to help cook since cooking was something she loved to do but it seemed that Rossa already had everything in hand. "I'll be around next time to help you cook, duty permitting." Sanda promised.

Sanda grabbed a plate of food piled high with popcorn shrimp. They reminded her of a family vacation to the beach. One of the few memories she had of her family before her and her sister had to flee to Nepleslia to Yamatai. She looked at the shrimp as the memory came up but quickly pushed it down. She wasn't really in the mood for the bag of emotions that would bring up. Instead she focused on her surroundings.

She noticed Koyama sitting at a table, alone and apparently working. Sanda sniffed and smirked. She grabbed a second plate of food, not anywhere near as much as her own, but enough she figured to feed a neko and walked over. "You want some food?" The Ranger asked, then smiled. "Or some company? I can always disappear into the shadows if you'd rather have some time to yourself."

When Yayoi had returned from the mission, she had found herself hungry, but she quickly went to her quarters and got dressed, while also placing her model kit, before she went to the Wardroom. On scanning the room and its inhabitants, she spotted Koyama, and Sanda so she grabbed a tray and had it filled with food before she moved to join her friends. β€œHello Ladies, it seemed we missed each other on the trip and our excursion in addition to the unexpected rescue mission. Sorry, I was a little late.” she apologized sincerely.
Medical Lab

Poppy soon came up after moving their passenger over to a containment cell, of course he looked at her up and down as she cleaned her hands, she was quite the catch if he could ever say so. When she called over quipping about him finally showing up. "Well, when I was not included in a mission I realize I need to make sure I am ready for anything so that way I can actually be utilized...so yeah, it was time I stopped dragging my feet." He replied as Poppy explained what she was about to do for his "space-physical" When brought up on the respawning topic, Zanven nodded and answered. "I would like to respawn back here if anything were to happen to me on the field." He said as he knew he would need to get his memory uploaded into the computer for that application. He would let it all happen.
YSS Resurgence: Wardroom

Below the wardroom, through the big observation window in the floor, they could see the blue and green world of Anisa below.

Koyama looked up from her 'work' to stare at the two women. From the plates one could only assume they wanted to join her. And so she nodded to them both and swept a hand at the seat. "By all means, sit if you want." to the extra plate in Sanda's hand, the XO smiled a little.

Cassie went and sat with the other infantry soldiers, namely following Yayoi, who she sat across from, putting a big pile of shrimp and fish down on the table. "I know it's probably not a big deal to anyone else but I got my first dress today," she told Yayoi. "Hopefully that's not too weird. I'm more excited about that than saving that random Senti guy."

Sanda returned the XO's smile and sat down beside her. She slid the extra plate of food to Koyama before tucking into her own. "Mmmm." Sanda said as she taisted the shrimp. "This could give my sister's shrimp a run for her money."

Koyama stared at the shrimp. They were like little prawns. Or so she told herself. Fried food had always made her stomach roil, but it was the thought of the act that made the gratified smile hold. And with a force of will made it seem as if she were looking it for the first time. Deciding it seemed she had made her choice to try it. Popping the little shrimp in her mouth and chewed.

With a small quirk of her lips she cleared her throat, "I would not know, that was my first one." her voice trailing off in thought of it.

Sanda glanced sideways at Koyama and shook her head. Then she suddenly remembered something she'd been meaning to ask the XO. "Ma'am," She began, becoming very formal. "I've been thinking a lot about Hanako's World. It has kinda irked me that we weren't able to finish the job, so to speak. I would like to request permission to..."

Koyama lifted an eyebrow, "Permission to?" she questioned while holding one of the shrimp almost contemptuously.

The captain's voice came over the intercom, "Attention crew, I will be discussing the details of the next mission in the wardroom so it won't cut into your break time. Attendance isn't mandatory but will help you be in the know," he said. "Plus I heard Rossa put on quite the dinner."

In her cabin, Delmira sighed and paused the movie. "Looks like we got to put pants on again." She said getting up and eating a slice of pizza before she went to get dressed for the briefing.

Kinie nodded to Delmira, tugging her uniform back on. "Right." She headed down to the wardroom as well.

Thaddeaus had been making small talk with Rossa when the call came over the comms. "Just when things started to get good we have to jump back into another mission." Thad rolled his eyes and looked back to Rossa. "Maybe this time I will skip and just hang in the kitchen with you all day." He let shine the Thad smile he was so famous for.

Rossa just flashed Thad a nice smile.

Sanda train of thought had been interrupted by the captains announcement. She stared at Koyama like she had no idea what was going on. Then her brain found traction again and she said, "I'd like to volunteer to be a part of force when Hanako's World is finally retaken. I realize that right now the big brass are probably taking their dear sweet time in coming up with a plan and all but when it finally happens I'd like to help free Hanako's World."

Koyama's eyebrow remained aloft even as the shrimp fell back on the plate. Using a napkin to wipe her fingers, they were soon interlaced with her chin resting on them. The woman leaned forward, eyes intent as she stared the Nepleslian right in the eyes. "And to whom are you asking?" her tone even as the look she wore.

Delmira followed behind Kinie to the wardroom dressed in her uniform and smoothed it out as she walked. She entered the wardroom and sniffed the air her tail swished behind her. "Man now I'm hungry again." She said and walked over to look at the food.

Thad noticed Del had enter the wardroom and lifted his big arm into the air to give her a wave. Was both a wave and a come here. Like an excited puppy that had just found a new toy to play with.

Sanda looked confused for a moment then her eyes widened as she realized the implications of Koyama's question. "I am asking my XO, Ma'am. As you would be the one to take my request to the Captain, as part of the chain of command."

Koyama continued to watch Sanda in silence for several seconds before speaking. "I could do this, and I will. However, you must be prepared if the Shosa decides to deny your request." came the warning, it wasn't stern but more mild.

"I will do what I can."

Meanwhile Euiksohi, Beryl, and Sakuko arrived and got their meals, taking a seat at Pidole's table. They all were interested in watching her blue beetle eat cobbler and some of them took photos, causing Pidole to grin and pose while making a V sign with her fingers.

Del looked over at Thad and smiled before looking back at Kinie "Im gonna go talk to Thad i will see you later maybe?"

Thad moved towards Del when he seen that she noticed him. "Heeey, glad you could make it down here. The food is awesome and with your pizza getting cold thought you might like a bite to eat." A grin crossing his face. "Or did you already get something to eat with your new friend?"

Sanda shrugged and nodded, not in the least discouraged. "Thank you Ma'am. All I can do is ask." She took another couple of bites of food then asked, "How's the guy we rescued doing?"

"She," Koyama began while picking at the food. Eating a little here or there. "Will be under observation for some time. Being alone as she was on an enemy-held world? But I believe she may recover from this. Scared maybe, I cannot say.. But pull through? Definitely."

The tattooed woman smiled and resumed eating with gusto. She was hungry and the food was good.

Koyama continued to pick. She missed Kyoto's food already. "We never did cover what it was you wanted in your motorcycle."

Sanda smiled. There was that motorcycle dangling in front of her again. "Honestly, all your suggestions sounded pretty sweet to me. About all I could think to add would be cosmedic stuff." She paused and glanced around the room before lowering her voice and adding, "An anti-Thad device?"

"Then make it a personal touch. If you can do the cosmetic work please, feel free to do so." Koyama offered, "There should be a variety of pigments to pick from for art and to just paint." but she stopped a moment to look Sanda in the face at her request.

"A bio-metric lock. Set only to you. You will of course have settings controls."

"Yeah we ate the pizza, it was really good." Delmira said and looked up at Thad. "What about you? Getting to know the cook i see." she said and smiled at him.

"You know it Del," Thad said in an excited voice. "Good to get to know the person making the meals around here. Plus never know when you need to put in a favor to get a little something extra."

"I know the kind of favors you like, it takes a pervert to know a pervert." Delmira said to Thad and looked around the room.

Thad tipped his head to one side giving Del a confused look. "What do you mean by this pervert you speak of. I have heard this but being from a back water little planet am not well read into what it means."

Delmira gave Thad a look of incredulous bullshit before looking over at the tables. "Do i need to talk to her?" Del said pointing at Beryl with her tail. "to see about getting my Gatling gun in serviceable order.

After a couple minutes, Captain Aoba made his way down to the wardroom and gave a polite nod and wave to he crew. His cool, calculating eyes looked them over and he waited for everyone's attention, although he didn't interrupt the actual eating.

Koyama got no further as the Shosa entered the wardroom. The Neko's ears angling backward just short of going flat to listen. As the man drew nearer her ears gradually returned to their usual state. Looking from Sanda, the first officer turned the chair she was in to face Aoba.

Sanda also turned her complete attention to the Captain so she could hear the details of their next mission. She really hoped they'd be going into combat again.

Del looked over at the captain. "Damn i was hoping to get my Gatling gun modified before the next mission." she turned her attention fully to the Shosa.

OOC: JP by Wes, Cowboy, Ajax, Soresu, Miko
Yayoi had remained silent as the conversation began. She had noticed Cassie following her, and she nodded her head at her before turning her attention back. β€œIn all honesty on the going back to Hanako's world is something I’d like to do myself. The beautiful world has a pest control problem, and I’d feel guilty and bad for Hanako-Sama herself if we didn’t take care of it. Now that the kids are safe off-world, I don’t think I have anything to worry about.” She replied to Koyama and Sanda on the Hanako’s world topic before her thoughts were interrupted and then later she saw the captain.

She placed her spoon down to turn her focus on him. She wondered what the next mission will be though. Like some she hoped for a combat mission, she didn’t mind doing another rescue mission.

Zanven walked in shortly after the captain arrived, he quietly slipped by...or at least he hoped he did in order to just find an extra seat to not draw so much attention, but the n again...maybe in doing so...he caught the most attention. He did not mean for the medical checkup and upload to take as much time as it did, but there is little to be done about that. The smell of the food was mouth watering and he honestly was hungry as all hell, he still had not eaten since his travels began, and his physical showed that...Still though, since everyone was waiting for the details of the next mission, he did not dare go grab a plate while it was happening.

Thad could not help but be more proud of Del at this very moment. Him hearing her embrace heavy firepower was music to his ears. He could almost hear the brrrt coming from the minigun. Which oddly enough was the same sound he'd hear most nights. Was never a dull moment on this ship that much was certain.

He was about to comment when he noticed Zanven trying to slip in unnoticed. Granted he looked like a neko out in the open stalking like it was hidden but who was he to judge. "Hey Zanven, glad of you to join us. That medical check up took awhile. Did you give the nurse a check up return or what." He pointed both his pointer fingers at him and made an "oh busted" face.
Medical Lab
5 minutes earlier

Poppy had given Zanven the works...getting blood samples, DNA samples, getting him to strip and make a few poses so that they'd have a 3D scan of his body in case they ever needed to make a new one. She also gave him a complete physical, recording his vital signs, shining her little light in his eyes and ears. She had misplaced her stethoscope and listened to his heart with her ear instead, giving him a chance to smell her fat ponytail of cotton candy pink hair. She looked at his teeth, his feet, and gave him the ol' lubricated finger. She seemed very satisfied with everything and gave him a thumbs up at the end.

Before he could get dressed, Mia walked in and got this big goofy smile on her face upon seeing this chiseled, deliciously masculine specimen of the Star Army. Poppy placed Zanven's uniform in his hands and then greeted Mia. "Hi Mia, what seems to be the issue?" she asked, absentmindedly sniffing the soiled latex glove once before removing it and throwing it away. "Well, I've been feeling kind of nauseated lately, mostly in the mornings...and it seems different than my normal hangovers."

"Hangovers? Did you disable some of the safety protocols for your Minkan body?" Poppy asked, raising her pink eyebrows.

"All of them," Mia grinned sheepishly.

Poppy's eyes got big. "Um, I have a test I want you to take and I need to ask you some personal questions..." She shooed Zanven away. "This would be a good time for you to get some food," she told the pilot.
Medical Lab

...before Zanven left.

Poppy really was...thorough in her medical examination, that was for sure. Even when he was on medical staff on his last assignment he did his job of course, but he never went through as if it was starting a new chart with a new doctor. When she pressed her head against his chest and he caught her scent it was...hard to not say anything, though his thoughts wandered elsewhere and that was...well there was no way to exactly hide it, but at least he was healthy right? Then the remaining pieces of the examination; She checked his pearly whites, his feet, every...single...thing. She gave him a clean bill of health and soon his memory was uploaded and he could of course participate on missions now.

The pilot was not shy as he was handed back his uniform and he stretched as if he could run a mile, then as he held his clothes the door opened and Mia walked in, that goofy grin on her face made Zanven chuckle as he got dressed, knowing the protocol from when he again...was a serving as a doctor last. He did not listen in on their conversation, a good thing about his training was that he could at least divert his focus. As soon as he was dressed though Poppy was quick to rush him out, telling him it was time to go grab some food. So of course he did what came naturally after having a finger shoved up his ass and he looked at her and gave that old school sign to give him a call. Of course he was just screwing around here, but it was best to lighten a mood when things were about to happen that could have serious implications.


Hearing Thad call him out he sighed knowing that he would not make it away from this unscathed verbally and he instead moved to where Thad was as he was asked about his check up and of course he reached over and grabbed a piece of catfish from Thad's plate as if it were nothing, since the muscle-head saw fit to call him out. HE would not back down. "It's not every day I get the oil checked on this body, so why not enjoy it a little. I did the routine check up and now am good to fly, so next time you need to drop in like some action hero...let me know so I can fly you out. Oh, thanks for the fish by the way. I was starving." He said with that same smirk on his face. Since arriving and having met Thad before and then the way he acted while on shore leave...he was laid back at least for now.

Thaddeaus watched as Zanven grabbed food off his plate. He leaned slightly back shocked this was taking place. Did this guy just walk over here and steal food off his plate? As if they had been buddies and friends for ages and not just some random dude. This took some backbone to be this bold. Thad was just about to give him a second checkup by lodging his boot in his backside, but instead he was curious just how far this might just go.

"I knew there was something about you from the moment we met. Bold of you to walk over and snag food off off my plate. Hell, I like you. You can come over to my room and sleep with Del." Thad said as he rolled his head and looked directly at Del. He could hear the snickers so figured might as well take a swipe at the both of them. "I am going to keep that in mind fly boy. Never know when you need to drop into a hot LZ and save the day." He said, his head rolling to look back at Zanven.

"Our next mission," Captain Aoba began, "is, during the course of our post-war survey of the systems in the Kikyo Sector, to escort a pair of humanitarian relief ships to some independent star systems in Yamataian space. The food and comfort items will help raise morale and sentiment towards Yamatai among independent people there, who have probably been besieged by Kuvexian-allied pirate groups during the war. We will be bringing the ships from the Anisa system to the Black Moon at Halna and to Valaad in the An Rhy star system. Unfortunately the same pirate groups the Kuvexians brought with with them are desperate for supplies now that the Kuvexian invasion has left them with nothing, and will probably attempt to take the supplies we are escorting. The Star Army wants to sent us alone because sending a large escort will keep them from attacking. Rather, we are supposed to look relatively harmless and when we draw out these enemies we're to dispatch them to increase the safety of commercial shipping in the area."

"Um," Cassie raised her hand.

"Yes, Cassie?" Aoba asked.

"Aren't those places also filled with hardcore criminals and space pirates, too? Like, even before the Kuvexian Invasion?"

"That is a valid question," Aoba nodded, stroking his beard. "The fact of the matter is that we want to support some of the groups' ability to survive, and fight off other groups. Unofficially, of course."

"So..." Cassie asked, "Is this like a proxy war situation? Are we giving these guys just food or, like war stuff?"

"That is also a great question, but I'm afraid the contents of the transports are classified," Aoba answered. "Does anyone else have questions?"
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