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Spooky Seasons Greetings All!

This year has been a whirl wind of chaos. After much thinking, conversation with @Wes and personal re-calibration I have made a decision. I will be making a return, at a more manageable pace, to play one of my characters as discussed with a GM and see where things progress from there. That is, if y'all are open to me venturing out into this wonderful environment again.

Much love and chaos,

Welcome back, Ginger! It's great to hear that you're returning to Star Army! I missed you! I think taking things at a manageable pace is always a wise decision, and it's fantastic that you've had conversations with a GM to plan your character's comeback. I'm sure the Star Army community will be excited to see your character back in action and to continue creating stories together. Wishing you all the best! If you need anything let me know.
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