Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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Returning Home


Inactive Member
UN repealed the moon-treaty and allows countries to colonize the moon. Some suspected underhand dealings from the Americans but no investigation took place.

China constructed a 100 ton space station in orbit (compared to the ISS’s 227 tons).

NASA sent 4 astronauts to the moon to establish a good location for a future base.

Both China and India sent a manned mission to the Moon.

NASA established a lunar outpost. It permanently houses astronauts in six-month shifts, similar to the crew rotation aboard the International Space Station.

NASA sent 3 astronauts to land on and explore a near Earth asteroid.

USA sent a manned mission to Mars.

China sent a manned mission to Mars.

The Moon is now populated by the masses. The Moon as become the international sin city.

The moon becomes its own country after peaceful negotiations between the inhabitants and the UN.

The Japanese lead the race to colonize Mars.

The Japanese set up a base on Mars.

The Japanese shoot down the colony ships from other countries. War is declared, earth and lunar Japanese surrender and claim no knowledge of the Japanese mars colony's actions.

The Earth and Moon colonies send out ships to fight the Japanese rebels. All ships destroyed. Fear of the Japanese increases and earth & lunar descended Japanese are killed in a massive genocide.

July, 2082
Massive warships appear to leave mars heading for earth orbit with Japanese transponders. Massive panic ensues. Colony ships are built rapidly and hastily causing many not able to even lift off. Some of the ones that do have major malfunctions and the overcrowded ship either drifts in space uncontrollably or it explodes from decompression. However a few were sound and good and they headed out of system to escape what they knew would cause the end of earth.

September, 2082
The ships blockade earth and the moon. This was what the last colony ships saw before they were out of range of passive sensors.

Several generations pass that never left the colony ships.

Approximately 1223 S.T.(Secundum Terra or After Earth) or 3305 A.D.
The colony ships have now all landed on distant planets and have all colonized their new homes. However only one off shoot of humanity developed the Hyperplane Wave Flux Generator. The colonists, known as the Secundi, have uncovered the location of Sol. Now with their Hyperplane Wave Flux Generators(also known as the Ripple drive) they can breach the dimensional rift and move at speeds well over 500c. Their first destination is old earth, to find out what happened.

The Ship that will take them there is the SSN(Secundum Stellar Navy) Kol, experimental in both design and implementation. The ship is a full 15 klicks long, and bristling with advance "Kinetic Lance Beam" cannons, Anti-matter warhead missile luanchers, and also regular gunpowder operated auto-cannons. A fight is expected and they are ready for it.
She entered a small room chained her head was covered and she was unable to move. She heard them saying.."Ah..we take her to the huge ship"
"Yea. and we leave her for um...entertainment"So she wanted to rebel but she was shot with sleepy stuff..she did not know what it was..tho she was a good pilot /combat warrior but she was weak now..She slowly doze off....
OOC: This is my first post ever, I hope you don't mind.

"This is bloody ridiculous." A rather tall man said.

Martin Waller was a strange sight: a man who was almost entirely British when it came to family history and even after so many years away from his homeland. He held a cigarette between his lips with a dull gold guard of sorts to prevent a mouthful of tar, clenched between his teeth. With two pale fingers he pulled the cigarette, which was really mostly a burning stub now, and tossed it to the ground at his feet where he promptly stamped it out under his shoes. Moments later, a tiny cleaning droid emerged from what looked almost like a ventilation shaft emerged and sucked up the ash and paper remains before disappearing once more. Then an identical cigarette was pulled from his jacket and he lit up with an unmarked silver lighter.

Before him was one of the ship's many docking bays, bustling with people moving around between the stacked up supplies and equipment while far above them on a catwalk, Martin watched silently. This truly was 'bloody ridiculous' when a person really thought about it. They were well away from whatever was left of Old Earth, they didn't have anything that could possibly be following them...and they were going back?! One ship against only God knew how many. Admittedly the ship they were taking a ship that probably had enough resources to make a small artifical planet...but that was part of what made it so ridiculous.

Lookin down at a gold watch on one of his wrists, Martin leaned back against a nearby wall and simply waited for the call. As the ship's overall damage control officer, he would probably get at least a dozen calls for possible problems...for each mile or so.
Lieutenant Elliot O'Maley was inside his starfighter. Checking if everything is okay. He checked all systems. He wanted to have everything fine before they leave.
Returning Home. Bah what a joke. His home his here and he was not interested in some ball of mud we lost thousand years ago. Just what we hope to find there? Only problems. It is like poking into the nest of Anaraxian spiders. You know they are probably there but that won't stop you poke you finger into and BAM, they start crawling all over your hand a drilling into you meat killing oyu from inside. He heard about five people diyng this way. It was like "Hey there is a pile of dirt, let's check it out for spiders!"
Sad true, curiosity killed the cat and now who knows what we can stir up there at old Earth. Other fact was that hewas the man of service. He vowed and he had his honor so when he got his orders to board the Kol he and his squadron didn't really have any choice but to do it.
Well maybe there will be at least more than pirate fighting. He couldn't wait to take his beloved fighter for a spin. He named it Shiva, same as he named his gun when he was still part of Marine corps. Now he is part of the Navy. A pilot prepared to do his duty. So as far as he cared puny earthlinks could come with anything. As long as he could blast it into oblivion with missiles and laser fire of his Shiva he was okay.
Jenna Fenix had been selected from all of the Secundi captains to lead the Kol and the people on board back to Earth. Captain Fenix is what many would call a spacer. She was born and raised on ships traversing the black in between the Secundi's many moons. She had also been the captain who had tested out the Ripple drive before it was commissioned to be used on the Kol project.

The Admiralty had chose her because of her past accomplishments. However nothing in her vast experience prepared her for Juni, The Kol's Synthetic Intelligence. Juni is the first of her kind. The Secundi had had artificial intelligences before but since they could not feel emotions they tended to go rogue easier. The hope was that Juni would be able to keep the Kol on course and the crew in line. She was also needed for the intricate calculations that a Hyperwave Fold required.

It was her that greeted each person as they entered the ship and directed them to their bunks. Meanwhile Captain Fenix paced the bridge. It is only be 2 hours until the massive ship leaves the orbital docks above Seca. She readied herself for the job.
2 horus till the jump? Hmm with the size fo the ship Eliiot should start ehading back to his bunk. If he still remembers the way. He hoped for it, he didn't want to ask that creepy AI to show him the way. He was pretty surprised by it when he boarded the ship.
He shutt his fighter off and put in safety lock codes. You never know, plus the codes are the same for whole sqaudron. He left his fighter and went to the lift. Travel to his bunk took him half an hour, but know he know the way perfectly so he can be in dock in five minutes using the right corridors and lifts.
At least being an navy lieutenant he had to share his room with only one other person. He didn't even know who that person is yet.
So he has still an hour or so till the leaving. He lied on his bed and took datapad with map of this section of the ship. What a soldier he would be not knowing his own ship.
Martin took a drag on his cigarette as he walked through the various halls of the ship. Up and down elevators, up and down various flights of stairs, and through several sets of doors later: he emerged on the bridge. He looked different from all the other members of the bridge. The other people on the bridge all walked with stoic military fashion and probably had no idea how to even spell the word 'civilian' if it was written right in front of them. Martin walked with a relaxed step and toss his fourth cigarette of the day to the ground where, like clockwork, a cleaning droid emerged and took it away.

How many years had it been now? Two or three at the most. Two or three years since he had joined the Navy and graduated from Officer Academy. Now here he was on some ship that was going on a crazy mission to a planet that might not even exist still. For all they could know, the sun went Super-Nova on the bloody gits! Walking up to the ship captain, Martin snapped to attention.

"Captain: Lieutenant Martin Waller, Damage Control, reporting for duty." He said, holding up a salute.
Most of the bridge crew had arrived earlier but it appeared that the pilot and damage control officers were still missing, so Jenna tapped on her earwig and sub-vocalized to Juni. Juni, could you tell me the whereabouts of Lieutenants Waller and Beroute?

Certainly Miss Fenix, Mr. Waller is currently on his way to the bridge while smoking, an infraction of SSN protocol, and Mr. Beroute is currently sick with the flu and will be unable to come aboard. May I select the new pilot? spoke Juni in a distinctly feminine voice.

Jenna let out a silent sigh and then continued. Yes Juni authorization given tell your selected pilot to report to the bridge immediately.

After the authorization had been given Juni's chosen image, a beautiful blonde with sparkling blue eyes, immediately appeared in Elliot's Datapad. "Lieutenant Elliot O'Maley? You have been selected as the best candidate for promotion to Helmsman, please report to the CIC. I have marked out the best path to follow on your map." said Juni through the loud speakers in his room. Her voice and image had no indication that she wasn't human, for all O'Maley knew it could be the communications officer on the bridge.

"Well well well, Lieutenant Waller , I think during your shore leave you have forgotten that smoking is not tolerated aboard SSN ships, especially my ships. If you are caught smoking again you will be demoted, and thrown into brig to await an official court marshal once we return to Seca." Jenna said in an icy tone after meeting his salute.

"At ease Lieutenant, Now since you are the Damage Control Officer you will be sitting at Operations 13." she then gestured towards an empty seat near the back of the CIC. "Please get acquainted with Juni, the ship's S.I. She will be your partner/second during this voyage. Understood?"
You are kidding right? though Elliot for himself. He quickly stood up and put on uniform, after he can't go to the bridge in jumpsuit.
He? Helmsman? Captain of this ship must be crazy. Og course he is part of the fleet for soem time, but the biggest ship he ever pilotted was Battle cruiser, not even dreadnought and they want him to pilot this monster? He tranfered to fighter squadron for a reason.
Well he is still only candidate, the best candidate but that doesn't mean he will be chosen. This a really big ship, meybe they will find better candidate in time.
When he had his uniform on, he took his datapad to check the map from time to time and hurried to the CIC. Damn he didn't want to leave his squadron. Well at least if he will be chosen as helmsman he would be on the bridge, where that cute blondie who just talked to him is. At least something good from it.
"I apalogize ma'am, it won't happen again." Martin said, dropping his salute.

"Until I can find a way to get past that d@mned AI's sensors." He thought sourly.

He then nodded at Captain Fenix's direction and walked off, his military posture from the salute having already dropped in the short time it took him to make his way to his assigned station on the bridge. Said station was inset in to the floor a little like most of the ones near the back of the bridge, and had a rather comfortable-looking leather chair...mainly a payment for the crew member that was stupid enough to get a job sitting in it for hourse and possibly days on end. As he sat down his system came to life and he was greeted with all sorts of readouts including a slowly scrolling list of all damage-control personnel aboard the ship and tiny blips that were meant to display their status.

He grabbed a nearby wireless headset from an undecorative metal 'counter' and placed it over his head: the plastic matching seemlessly with his night-black hair that was kept barely within regulations of the SSN. He adjusted the rather small microphone in front of his mouth, tapped a few keys, and was presented with various readings ranging from the ship's estimated hull status to the heat of the primary engines.

"Hello Juni, this is 1st Lieutenant Martin Waller of damage control: pleasure to be working with you." Martin spoke quickly, not taking his eyes from the screen.

Of course, if Juni chose to appear, he would then looked to the small spot where her image could be displayed if the AI so chose to do so...and she could do so with every single one of those display stations and screens throughout the once...while operating various other things across the ship ranging in difficulty from fixing a cleaning droid's vacuum system to managed the primary engines.