Earlier this week, Uso put out a request for any players that wanted to be a part of an NPC Mishhuvurthyar fleet.
This thread was put up as a result, but I'm sure that others could follow as this one seems to be reaching the climax of the battle. I was given the chance to make a fleet and since this was a rear based unit I chose to make a supply fleet. The following units I chose were such.
NMX Scouts
NMX Escort/Destroyers
NMX Battle Carriers
NMX Landing Transports
60x NMX Frighters - no specification have been made for this ship yet, but it is somewhat necessary for a supply fleet.
The Commander of this fleet is a Type III named Fukadennahed and basically he was in a position of Hurry up and wait.
The forces they ended up against were;
The NSS Wasp
The NSS Odessa and NSS Primorsky
As it stands now the forces destroyed are.
For the NMX
4x of the Carriers
Most of the Destroyers, and those that aren't destroyed are pretty heavily damaged
1x scout ship destroyed and 1x damaged.
3x NMX Freighters
For the Neps
The NSS Wasp
Now to the point of the thread, for those that have read the thread I want to get opinions of the tactics used by both sides. Obvioulsy the thread isn't quite finished, but I need to leave on a business trip this evening and so I'm considering allowing Uso to just finish the thread so that he can move on and let other people join in the fun. That way it doesn't stagnate for a couple weeks and let people loose interest in this plot thread.
Probably after what the NMX command might consider to be a poor performance, they might send this commander back for 'Disciplining.' Which of course would allow others to step up in his place. Which would be a good enough excuse IC for the commander disappearing for a while.
Anyways, please read the thread and state your honest opinion.