Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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Implemented Revised RP Requirements for Setting Submissions


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This idea is to revise the requirements of RP based on two factors: usefulness to the community, and effort required by staff to evaluate a submission.

Currently all submissions require a nebulously defined use/appearance in RP to be submitted to become canon. This has caused some frustration among submitters.

I propose we define the amount of effort expected. I think we should make it little to no RP for basic, quick approval items, one post for general stuff like places and items, and more RP to introduce huge things like factions and species (e.g. have a plot about them).
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I think this is honestly a great move, as it lets less impactful stuff get handled more quickly but makes sure that we spend plenty of time "getting to know" a new faction or a new species so any kinks can be ironed out before approval. It also lowers the bar to entry for things like growing corporations or factions establishing new towns and such.
When we were talking about it we had something similar to this as a rough outline of sorting things into tiers of how much RP is required to make a thing truly canon. Also it doesn't have to all be at once, things can show up in RP over time and across plots. You can announce a starship class's existence with a press release or sync message or something, but then you still owe it popping up in plots now and again for some period of time.

  1. Factions
  2. Species, Starships, Subfactions, Major Corporations, Star Systems
  3. Small Craft, Weapons, Androids, Power Armor, Small Corporations, Nonsapient Species
  4. Random setting fluff

Also purely administrative things like the internal arrangement of a player-run corp you've always been able to organize that. Kai doesn't need an approval process to rename a division of Origin or create or remove one or change its mission and never has, for example, or Alex for OHI or Whisper for Noval, etc. You're also welcome to put an application for it, and it probably goes into that fluff category for the bar.
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This seems like a step in the right direction.

As for what to do for what I think it should be on a kind of scale.
If its for a faction like Nep, Yam, all the others thats already leaning towards RP but not quite there yet. If its something major like a Ship, major technology (think what is clearly some new or clearly important new tech), maybe important stuff to a faction that is used a lot like PA, etc. Should require at most a news article you might see in the present day every time a military or government unveils something so players can see that and be aware of it and look at it without needing to pay attention to the submission forum.

New planets/systems should obviously require RP. Even if its an SP or a JP, and also if applicable also some news or announcement since imo thats a big deal to discover a new place and would be on the news for your faction telling all about it and its discovery. But anything short of major releases like systems, planets, starships, and etc. Shouldnt really require RP unless on request by a submitter if they feel it is important enough to warrant it.

Indipendent leaning groups, small factions, NPC stuff like for instance whoever builds the new mega-enemy(unless you want to do news stuff about sightings of myseterious so and so before they launch); I dont think should weigh the same concern. For instance if Origin makes a ship yeah you might get a new news advertisement for it, but if a small corp like Danas new Davy Boone or Shastacorp, or pretty much nobodies I dont think you need a new SP or JP or news article every five seconds for their product list being filled unless they want to for every new gun, armor, bomb, etc. Unless its in that important categories and should be up to the review to decide.
Some kind of language about the tier list saying it isn't exhaustive and the closest one applies
Can we clarify what makes a *thread* for the class B stuff. Because its one thing to make a news post about it but unlike some people I at least would find it hard to justify a full thread about a starship which is what it makes it sound like and would imply it is a full thread with other players.

I already mentioned my preference about maybe news posts for things like starships or PA and the like (just a preference, I dont make anything enough anymore to make demands) though I will say that minor things in the last category should not really be needing RP. Its a strange nonsequitur when a character will just mention or reminisce about something completely unrelated to whats going on and is almost like an intrusive advertisement that shouldn't be in a plot imo because its intrusive and breaks RP and immersion.

Oh, also should we make it a requirement for after submission? Some things do get denied in the NTSE and some things never finish. Make it a requirement that it gets approved on like 9/10 categories but the last condition is to make that news post/RP about it? You do that then link it in the submission thread and it gets moved to approved?
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check out the origin jp @Kai and I did for the Jinkan 2, Spade Drone, and Minimoto, Origin's METL division. And DURANDEMONIUM

For a thread I mean an RP thread with multiple posts and preferably multiple participants. The idea is to generate RP.

Doing the RP first before submitting is intentional.