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*Calls for Doshii*
I gave you a formatting assist, dawg.

Any idea how often the rails need to be replaced? How many rounds can be shot before they wear out?

This gun essentially fires 40 mm grenade rounds at speeds no conventional cartridge can come close to.

I'm cool with that, but man is this gun powerful.

The sniper canister doesn't suggest ADR4 — Zanarium's a weak metal. Is there more to the round than that?
Doshii Jun said:
I gave you a formatting assist, dawg.

Supah-sweet, thanks. I always have those walls of text...

Any idea how often the rails need to be replaced? How many rounds can be shot before they wear out?

Hmm, I hadn't thought of this. Assume longevity is extended by ~3x normal for a comparable weapon, probably slightly more (say 3.2x) because of the alternation system.

The rails have to last at least 400 rounds, so I'll say each set of rails can tolerate about 200 shells before maintenance is required, putting us in a nice safe zone of ~600 shells for the whole weapon. And let's say replacment is required at 300 uses (~900 shells total). So this means the rails have to be replaced after full two deployments at worst, with maintenance required after every deployment.

This sounds appropriate for a heavy support weapon, yes?

retcon assumptions said:
This puts the AIR FMD-01a at a 62-round maintenance and 93-round replacement cycle.

This gun essentially fires 40 mm grenade rounds at speeds no conventional cartridge can come close to.

I'm cool with that, but man is this gun powerful.

The sniper canister doesn't suggest ADR4 — Zanarium's a weak metal. Is there more to the round than that?

I should have looked that up, but I took most of my queues from the AIR Forearm Mass Driver (Heavy Damage), I'll ask Fian if there's anything to it.

EDIT: All it says is that "Zanarium is a 'stealth armor'."
Its just coated in Zanarium, just like any other thing that uses that stealth metal. Inside is a regular WHITE.
The Zanarium coating likely will need relatively fresh rails to function — beat-up rails could scratch the coating and ruin the effect.

I think the weapon's good to go with the rail replacement stuff in place, as well as the Zanarium bit.