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Approved Character Richard Matthews

My friend, the NSS Melissa Kenni is a dead plot, been one for one year now, it actually never got started. The only two Nep plots that are actually open right now are the NSS Acadia, and the Cirrus Station.

I regret never starting it to tell the truth, but eh, what can I do?
For now best to put "Pending" for plot and placement until you get onto one of the plots. I know what you put is on the Nepleslian CCG.

Other issues
Is he actually 20? The history says he was cloned which usually produces an adult. So could you please clarify, its possible that his "Father" had him cloned to an infant or child please specificy.

Also there is nothing in his history that says why his left arm is cybernetic. Please put something in the history that says if it happened because of an accident, or did he <gasp> just decide to have the arm hacked off and replaced.

Typo in history
inable should be unable
handbasket should be hand basket or hand-basket

The skills are very bare, without much details especially on those gained during military training. Please use the template for skills acquired during training as this helps your fellow players and the GM to have a better understanding on what he can do Nepleslian Skills

Please format it like it is on the template. I can't determine which of the standard issues you selected.

Nepleslia does not use KS for currency. Their currency is DA and starting amount is 6000

That's all for this pass. Please make the requested changes/updates and then bump the forum.

This character is not approved for IC usage at this time.
Second pass, only a couple of minor items...

gone wrong, cause though should be gone wrong, because though


"specially designed tools" are you referring to these "including a hypodermic needle, an auto-bone saw"

This character is still pending approval.
Looks good except

Pay for your character weekly is this not 3000DA, that's a General's pay.

E-1 Private 3rd Class - P3C. 50 DA

Correct this and you will be good to go.
Oh, I think thats because Wes is fixing the Wiki at the moment.

Perhaps if the pay grade the only issue for this bio, approve it first and have the changes done later?
Well, it appears that this Wes of yours is complete, so I got that all repaired, also altering something to mention that Rich is left handed. Knew I forgot something.
Edits confirmed.

Please create your User Page, and then apply for orders here


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This character is approved for IC usage.
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