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Approved Submission Rifle, Mark IX 2A "Lee"


Well-Known Member
Submission Type: Heavy Anti-Armor Combat Rifle
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=royal_defense_initiative:standard_infantry_rifle_lee

FM Approval: Yes
Faction Art Requirement: No

For Reviewers:
Unapproved Sub-Articles: Yes

* 5mm Anti-Armor Ball Bearing Ammo
* Meta-Polymer "Bolham" Armor Material

Contains New art: No
Previously Submitted: No


There are two other unapproved sub-articles which I do not wish reviewed at the time - that's the faction itself, and one of its companies. Fortunately, that doesn't affect the tech article itself. To sum it up, this weapon is meant to be a heavy rifle on-par with the HPAR in terms of performance, minus the bottomless magazine and with a faster rate of fire in exchange for some stopping power. Despite that, it's also meant to be more prizeworthy in the sense that it's lighter weight, a bit shorter and has artesian quality artistic detailing on the body.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I suggest you read the Damage Rating page, and base your numbers on those. The maximum a personnel weapon can do is PDR 5 (ADR 1).
ADR 4 might be a bit to high, considering the DR system lists it as 'big missiles', so perhaps dropping it down to ADR 3 should work. Because, to me, an anti-armor based weapon should never be ADR 1 but at least ADR 3 (or higher)
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Hold your horses guys - I think there's a misunderstanding. This rifle is meant to be used by Hardsuits, their equivalent to PA. Plus, in that scale, I feel the Armor Damage Rating of 4 is justified considering what it shoots, and how fast. The projectiles are traveling at such a high velocity that they transmute into plasma as they come into contact and penetrate, rather than stay as a solid object.
Ah ok, so its designed for Hardssuits; then the damage is fine.
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