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Approved Character Rika


Inactive Member
Character Name: Rika

Species: Nepleslian
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Creator/Parents: Deceased

Faction: Independent
Occupation: Mercenary
Rank: None
Current Assignment: Looking for Work

Build and Skin Color: Slim, toned, caucasion.
Eye Color: Green
Hair color and Style: Blonde with short spiky hair.
Distinguishing Features: None

A spunky stoic who loves the thrill of battle.

What is your character's favorite place to be? Why is that?
Bar, it's a great place to find jobs and get information.

How does she like to dress? Sexily? Casual? Stylish? Pajamas? Tactical gear? Why?
Casual and tactical, other clothing is just a hindrance, she's always ready.

What motivates her to do her best? Or, is she a slacker?
Mostly her honour to do a job well, she can't be bribed and always does her best to accomplish missions given to her.

Does your character pay particular attention to her physical appearance?
She does, mostly just to pass the time when she has nothing better to do.

Likes: Sports, fighting, money.
Dislikes: People who don't keep their words and people who can't take responsibilty for their own actions.
Goals: To make enough money to quit her job, or to do something really great.


Maintenance and Repair: While she may be able to operate a vehicle there's nothing worse than one breaking down, especially when you're after a bounty or the like.

Demolitions: This, while crude, was usually the most efficient method she found when she wanted to kill someone in the past.

Fighting and Physical: Nepleslia is a tough place and besides the fact that her job requires it she's learnt how to defend herself.

Information Technology: Sometimes to find people the best place to go was the computer.

Rogue: Just in case her target decided they should lock themselves in she made sure she knew how to get in by picking locks.

Survival and Military: (Finding water, land navigation, shelter construction, hunting, signaling, camouflage)
Rika's job required her to be good at land navigation and tracking to find ehr targets.

Vehicles: It was just foolish to chase someone on foot when you could ride after them.

Rika went into the mercenary life after her parents were killed by some thug, she got all her the money she could together and buying a weapon went out to find the thug. It took long enough and she had trouble at first but she soon found the person she was looking for and without a word shot him, it was as simple as that, there was no dialogue, she never announced her presence and asked why, she just shot him and it was over. After that she pretty much went into the business of hired killing since she had learnt quite a bit of tracking and the sort while looking to exact her revenge. She didn't stay in the field too long however and soon changed to a mercenary instead when she found it was a little more honourable than stabbing someone in the back.
Ever considered Privateers? They're much more intresting, and legal.

Basically they're Pirates which agree not to prey on ships of a certain nationality, in return for that nation not attacking them. Nominally they are patriotic, and raid only the enemies of the nation they supposedly work for, such as other Pirates.

So Privateers tend to be anti-Pirates, although they might also raid other nations vessels, if that nation was having unfreindly relationships anyway.
We don't even have nations with unfreindly relations that could afford that sort of conflict right now.

But if someone offers Jelan a job, I am sure he wouldn't turn down easy cash.
Then you pray on other pirates. A simple, and profitable situation. Pirates don't usualy expect to be attack by other pirates.

Especially when the privateers might have financial back from the YSE or Nepleslia, and thus have better equitment.
And ye the lord did descend upon from high. The angles flourished, the horns trumpeted, and the birds begat the skies on their gossamer wings. And so the third saint of Valaad did become bespoken of most holy edict, "Thou hast the holy orbs, and can do no wrong. So mote it be." and the trumpets did sound, the mountains did rumble, and the fields gave of their bounty. Ahmen.
Indeed. However I'm thinking gratuiitus mental scaring from such an upbringing on Nepleslia as a woman. Especially coupled with the uber-tough feel.

And as long as Nepleslian Women don't become common I think there be no problem.

But I do like psychological conditions, and therefore advocate them to everyone. Especially somone in such an abused minority as women on Nepleslia.
Now that's funny.

Although I think I'm going to call this character Babylon Jones.

I wonder how many people will understand that.
As long as there's no Jordan mixed in with said Babylon, and there is no talk of tampons. That was hilarious, but unnecessary.
Jordan is one of the best characters of all time. She is simply hillarious, and brilliant, and with a complex personality.

And I am talking about a Web comic character, not THE Jordan, whoe is not hillarious, brilliant, and the court is still out for her personality.
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