To: Uehashi Minato, Taisa
From: Hanabusa Miho, Chujo
Re: Hand Over
Good Morning Taisa,
I have sent you the coordinates to the island of Piran. Our people have been using it as a base of operations on the surface. We've informed both the Cemlae and the Mocaidins of the Rikugun's arrival. I have attached a brief summery of our interactions with both species. Since we destroyed Pearl and Engine, things have been relatively peaceful save for a few territorial issues with Mocaidin fisherman. It has been several months since any SMX or NMX activity in the system, a few sightings along the system perimeter. The Illionites appear to be a little more of a problem, but I will assemble a Task Force to the system before the Sapporo Expeditionary Strike Group departs for our next assignment. Feel free to contact me for anything.
Hanabusa, Miho
Chujo, Fifth Expeditionary Fleet
Sapporo Expeditionary Strike Group, YSS Sapporo(NF-X5-10)