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RP: United Outer Colonies Rise of the Lion

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Well-Known Member
FluidJin: ON:Hotaru

Chujo Tomori Rina, commander of Hotaru Star Fortress, member of the Motoyoshi Clan stood in NECTAR, eyes on the central control table. NECTAR was a flurry of activity as usual, but today of all days it was even more so. She'd been informed she would be taking over command of the construction of Leo Star Fortress, and the Chujo was getting a jump on things. There was much, much to do. In addition to Leo, she also had to deploy recon groups along the new defensive line. She sighed as reports constantly came in, and with Hotaru sitting idly on her shoulder, chattering away. Where was Faye when she needed her?
krusemh: Faye rushed up to Rina with some coffee. "Sorry that I'm late, Sho- I mean, Chujo. Here's some coffee for you. How may I be of help now?" She smiled slightly, hoping that her lateness will be forgiven by the coffee.
FluidJin: Rina took the coffee gratefully, and nodded her thanks. "Black with three sugars. You remembered." She said, and smiled slightly. A new volumetric window popped up in front of her, adding to the minimized horde that plagued her. The Chujo swore lightly, and sipped at the steaming cup again. "Simply put Faye, we have a ton of work to do. I am overseeing construction of our new Scorpio-Class Star Fortress, Leo, and am in charge of deploying recon groups along our new defensive line. To start, I need the commanders of the Reincarnate, and Effeciency Repair and Salvage Groups on a comm-line now. And our current construction listings for another. And I will be needing the head of our mining operations in Siren soon."
krusemh: "I'll get all three for you as soon as I can," Faye replied with a respectful bow before walking over to a nearby terminal and getting to work. Effeciency Repair and Salvage Groups answered immediately, but Reincarnate didn't reply for some reason. With a frown, the aide spoke to Rina, "I have Effeciency Repair and Salvage on channel 4, but the Reincarnate isn't answering.. Pinging them again." She sent another hail, which connected this time on channel 4 as well. The Neko gave a sigh of relief and a nod in the Chujo's direction. Faye then went to work on getting the listings.
FluidJin: The Chujo then began speaking to the two group commanders.

"You called for us Chujo?" A young Yamataian man asked, his hair long, and pulled back into a ponytail. The other commander was a neko with short pink hair, and playful green eyes. Both looked attentive after bowing to the screen.

"Yes, you both are now assigned to the Leo Star Fortress construction project. Your vessels will need to depart to the specified coordinates now. Begin construction of modules for the initial construction, I will be sending Courier, and Deliverance Cargo and Personnel Transport Groups shortly. Once there, coordinate with them so we can begin. They will also be ferrying components, frame, and hull pieces, and other nessessary resources to you."
FluidJin: The two commanders listened as the Chujo continued. "In addition, I will be utilizing portions of the shipyards for construction of major frame work pieces. They'll be ferried out to you, and along with the personnel, we can begin putting it together. Am I understood?" She asked.

"Hai Chujo." Both commanders said in unison, bowed, and awaited further instructions. "I'll also have Genki Medical Response Group on standby should they be needed. Now, both of you get to work. Rina out." With that the window closed, and she sighed.
FluidJin: (Your vessels^ to replace, Your cargo vessels^)
krusemh: When Rina finished speaking with the two commanders, Faye was right there, handing her the construction listings. "I also have Siren on channel 2 for whenever you are ready," she said while awaiting further orders.
FluidJin: "Good, good. See that Reincarnate, and Effeciency groups have the appropriate personnel assigned to them, along with the nessessary resources until I can sort our cargo vessel situation out." Rina said as she took the listings. The Chujo then began to go through them, frowning as she did so.
krusemh: Faye bowed before getting to work again. She assigned various 'appropriate' personnel to be transferred and integrated into both crews. It took her about ten minutes of searching to find enough personnel skilled in the correct areas. Another 30 minutes were spent on piling up the information on these personnel just in case Rina wanted to see them.
FluidJin: Rina called Himitsu, and requested that they take over Hotaru's production cues, and also requested for additional Yuuko Gunboats to be built since more were needed for the needed recon groups. She also requested the activation of several Nozomi, and to have them crewed, and supplied. With that done she then moved onto the head of the Siren Mining Op.
krusemh: After her work was finished, Faye stretched and noticed that Rina's coffee cup was empty. She quickly snatched it and fetched some more for her. The aide waited quietly for her commander to finish and give out more orders.
FluidJin: "Now I know how Katsuko felt." Rina sighed, and stretched slightly. After informing the Siren Mining Operations as to the situation, and waxing a few words with them concerning the need of materials, she just took the renewed cup of coffee. Hotaru was a buzz with chatter still, the tiny avatar listing everything Rina needed to hear about the production bays off. "Hotaru, have production bays one through fifteen set to construction efforts for Leo, sixteen is still off limits." She told the avatar before sipping the coffee once more. Truth be told she hadn't slept in three days, running the star fortress, and helping to manage the fleet consumed most of her time. Hotaru giggled a little at Rina, and floated away, leaving the Chujo be for right now. The Chujo yawned loudly.
krusemh: Faye noticed the yawn and stated in a whisper, "You should rest, Chujo. If you work yourself too hard, you won't be of any use to anyone." There seemed to be genuine worry in her normally quiet voice.
FluidJin: "I still have so much work to do Faye, recon groups need to be assigned. Not to mention everything else. My head is pounding with incoming data, and outgoing."Rina shook her head yawned again, her hand covering her mouth. "Perhaps I'll go to my suite, and get into one of the hottubs, relax, and try to unwind."
krusemh: "You should do that.. I can handle things here for an hour or two." Faye replied with a slight smile. A hottub sounded nice at that moment, but those thoughts for her were best saved for after the work was done.
FluidJin: "No need." Rina tapped her head with a finger. "I'm still working. You could join me if you wish. I can have one of my subbordinates take over. " She offered, and briefly wondered if the girl had ever set foot into a suite.
krusemh: "...I am one of your subordinates, too," she said, scratching the back of her head before giving her answer, "That sounds nice, though. I suppose that I will take up your offer." She hadn't ever seen a Chujo's suite before... or any suite, for that matter except for in catelogs of sorts.
FluidJin: "You're my aide Faye, my confidante as well. And a friend. I do not see you as a subbordinate." Rina said before she yawned, stretched again, and left NECTAR, assigning a Taisa to take over. She waited outside however for Faye before continuing on.
krusemh: Faye was a bit shocked.. and flattered.. that the Chujo thought of her in such a way. She quickly followed after Rina while thinking ahead of how good that hottub will feel. She smiled lightly at her commander before stating informally, "Thank you.. Rina."
FluidJin: "You are quite welcome." Rina said as she led Faye to the door of her suite. The door opened for her, showing Faye the interior of the living area. A large hand woven carpet, a mosaic of colors, and patterns laid on the marble floor, couches, chairs were all nearby, with a low glass table in the center another carpet underneath. To put it simply, Rina's suite was plush. The lights remained dimmed at a comfortable setting, as was the temprature. The Chujo sighed as she came in, and took her boots off by the door. "Well, come in, come in." She said standing asside, allowing the girl access.
krusemh: Faye took her own boots off as she entered. The first thing that she noticed was its size. It outclassed her own quarters immensely! The neko looked around a bit as she waited for Rina to lead her along.
FluidJin: "Five floors, all to myself." Rina said with a gentle smile. The Chujo then led Faye towards her bathhouse, which took up three floors. She pointed out the immense steam room, shower, and bath chamber before she came to the room housing one of the hot tubs. "Your choice Faye, I have bathing suits on hand if you wish to be modest."
krusemh: Faye flushed slightly, "Modesty is a rare trait among Nekos... at least, that's what a lot people believe. I personally seem to prove them right, I suppose." She said with a slight laugh. "The hottub sounds wonderful right now."
FluidJin: "So bathing suit?" She asked.
krusemh: The aide shrugged, "Whichever you prefer, ma'am. I don't mind either way, really."
FluidJin: "Well, as the guest I am supposed to cater to you, so it is your choice." Rina said.
krusemh: Faye smiled slightly, "Well, swimsuits are kind of hard to get out of while wet... so I guess none will be fine."
FluidJin: "As you wish. There are changing rooms off to the side. I will get the water going, and if you'd be so kind as to grab some towels we will be good to go." Rina said as she activated the water, waiting for it to heat. The water also smelled faintly of cherries. She activated the jets, the water now bubbling merrily.
krusemh: Faye nodded and walked over to the changing rooms. She unzipped her uniform and slipped out of it. She then gathered a couple towels for the both of them and wrapped herself into one. She then came back in a matter of minutes.
FluidJin: "Well then, do you wish for anything to snack on, drink etc etc?" Rina asked.
FluidJin: PAUSE
Faye shook her head, "No, ma'am. I don't drink too much." She walked over and set the towels down in a dry and easily obtainable place before standing near Rina, waiting for her to enter the hot tub first.
Rina merely shrugged before shedding her own clothing. The Chujo set them aside, and climbed into the hot tub. She sighed slightly feeling the warm water wash over her before she settled in.
Faye took off the towel and entered the hot tub as well. The water smelled and felt wonderful in her nose and against her bare skin. A sigh escaped from her lips as well as she smiled contently.

A window from the Taisho popped up in front of Rina...

"Sorry to bother you, but the situation has escalated...Mishhuvurthyar have clashed with YSE forces in Freespacer territory, in an attempt to interrupt an operation up there. We haven't had trouble with them, but...I strongly recommend escalating Leo and the Class 2 Recon group construction and deployment.

I have assigned the original Bizankro assault force to protecting our borders, and have ordered mass production of the PANTHEON's Eye units at Himitsu to maintain vigil... more thing....Kiyoko-chan is dead. She rebelled along with half of the Mazu group, and no one really knows why. We're rebuilding the group at Himitsu."

Saito was so distressed, that she didn't even seem to notice Rina's nudity...completely different a reaction from the last time they'd been in such a situation.
Rina was about to say something to Faye as she suddenly saw the window pop up in front of her. The Chujo remained quiet as she listened, her brow furrowing, a frown on her face before she swore.

"I shuffled most of the Yuuko Gunboat construction to Himitsu so we could use Hotaru to speed construction of Leo...but, as it stands we still have ship construction going on in six bays. I'll have them reconfigure for the rest of construction for the Recon groups. If it is alright with you Saito, I will be bringing some of the Nozomi at Himitsu out and crewed to speed along the process. As it stands the groups assigned to construct Leo are assembling, Siren has been notified, and has increased production." She said, all business now. Inwardly she heaved a sigh.

"All I can do is assign more personnel to lay down initial construction, as for the larger bits of frame work we'll likely need to use some shipyard facilities. However, I have assigned two of our Repair and Salvage groups to begin module construction, and two of our Cargo and Personnel Transport groups to run materials from Siren to Hotaru, and where Leo will be constructed."
"Very well...I will be atending a meeting with Tio-sama very shortly...I'll monitor the situation from there. Just do what you can. Thank you..."

The window vanished...
Faye waited until the window vanished before asking the Chujo, "Hm... that doesn't sound good at all, ma'am. Are you alright?" The aide looked into Rina's face to try to read her thoughts through her expression.
Rina wore a frown upon her face as she opened a volumetric display in front of herself.

"I am tired, I am under immense stress, and it would seem a member of my family has died." She replied, delegating more personnel to the Leo project. She also ordered the groups to assemble double time. Sighing heavily, Rina ordered Hotaru to also reconfigure what bays needed to begin starship production, six bays. The rest were left for Leo, and Bay Sixteen was ever off limits.

"Faye, should you ever rise to my rank, remember, there is no rest for the weary. We must remain ever vigilant, always ready to leap into action at a moment's notice. And we must make difficult decisions, decisions that may cost many, or a few lives, decisions that may make or break fleets. Being an admiral is a double edged sword."
"Hai... I understand," Faye said, nodding. "Is there anything that I can do for you to make you more comfortable then, Rina?" The aide wanted to be helpful, in any way, to make the Chujo's burden that much less.
"Unfortunately there is not. But your offer, and your concern are much appreciated my friend." The Chujo stretched, her muscles having relaxed significantly from the hot, and bubbling jets of water in the hot tub.

"From the looks of things, I will likely have to return to NECTAR." She mused. "With our Bizankro forces deployed, they will need monitoring. If only we did not have to construct more gunboats my job would be infinitely more easy. This may hamper Leo's construction somewhat until we get up to speed."
Faye smiled at Rina's first comment. She then said, "Alright, I'll get you some more coffee in the meantime." The young neko aide shyly got out of the hot tub. She had become slightly self-aware of her nudeness in the most recent moments. Plus... she was still a little sore since her recent amethyst piercing was located in... tender areas.
"What a lovely piercing you have..." Rina commented as she peered at the piercing in question. There was a slight look of hunger in her eyes before she brought her gaze slowly up to the rest of Faye and smiled, the look gone from her eyes.

"Could you please hand me a towel dear?"
Faye was too busy being embarrassed to notice the look. "Th-thank you, ma'am," she simply said with a nod and a heavy blush on her face as the aide hurried to retrieve the towels. A few moments later, she had returned wearing one and handing a dry towel to Rina.
Rina sighed silently as she saw Faye cover herself; taking the towel from her aide. The Chujo stepped out of the hot tub, unashamed of her nudity as she then wrapped the towel about herself.

"Well now, we need to get changed, and I need to get back to NECTAR soon I would think. Unless I feel like running that poor Taisa into the ground." She said before stooping over and collecting her clothing.
Faye smiled a little at what Rina had said. "What would you have me do?" she asked as she collected her own clothes. It would probably be a long and stressful rest of the day for both of them, but the aide hoped to at least help in any way that she can.
"Well, get yourself dressed before I think of other things we could be doing." Rina arched an eyebrow before she disappeared into a small dressing room.
A light blush formed onto Faye's cheeks, but she only nodded as she went into another changing room. After removing the towel, the aide looked at herself in the mirror. The small piercing seemed so unusual on her feminine figure. A finger traced over the still slightly tender area which caused a shiver to crawl up her spine. The Neko soon came to her senses and went about getting dressed.
Rina quickly got herself dressed, smoothing out whatever wrinkles were in her uniform. After a few minutes of checking everything was in order in the mirror she exited the changing room, and waited patiently.
Faye quickly dressed as well. She came out a couple seconds after Rina and smiled at her. "You weren't waiting long, were you, Rina-sama?" she asked with a look of embarrassment for a little while.
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